Failed document delivery - School House Teaching Supplies

Document failed delivery through Pubnet
Dear Pubnet Partner,
I am writing to inform you that the following Pubnet document(s) failed delivery. Please see below for an explanation of
the error code.
Date/Time (EST)
ISA Control#
Error Code
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Error Code
Error Code
R3 Duplicate File
TF4 - Invalid Trading Relationship
TF3 - Invalid Password
TF2 - Invalid Recipient
Command Error
TF5 - Incomplete File
IC1 - Header/Trailer Mismatch
IC2 - Functional Group
Header/Trailer pair mismatch
IC3 - Number of Functional Groups
doesn't match Interchange trailer
pair mismatch
IC5 - Message trailer count
No mailbox entries found
Invalid scope value
No report generated, no entries in list
Out-of-sequence error, no entries to list
Out-of-sequence error; EAP *SIGNON expected
Unexpected EAP command received
Out-of-sequence error; unexpected EAP command
Out-of-sequence error; unexpected finish string
Invalid EDI scanning value
Interchange Header - Recipient differs from EAP
Interchange Header - File ref differs from EAP
IC6 - Expected number of segments
not received
IC7 - RSG segment error
TF8 - Multi-user session
TF - Unexpected Interchange
Header Failure
Awaiting delivery to remote service
Unknown sender (OTX Only)
EDI Interchange Header not found
for *SEND command
More than one EDI interchange
following *SEND command
Invalid line separator value
Invalid Transport Protocol value
Invalid EDI scanning value
Invalid SNRF value
Invalid maximum value
Unknown sender specified
Interchange Header - APRF differs from EAP *SEND
Interchange Header - Sender differs from EAP
EAP integer value expected
Unrecognized EAP constant value
Required value for EAP keyword not found
EAP keyword/constant mismatch
Duplicate EAP keyword
Required EAP keyword not found
EAP command/keyword mismatch
Unrecognized EAP keyword
Recoverable EAP syntax error
Unrecoverable EAP syntax error
Unrecognized EAP command