Document failed delivery through Pubnet Dear Pubnet Partner, I am writing to inform you that the following Pubnet document(s) failed delivery. Please see below for an explanation of the error code. Date/Time (EST) Sender Receiver ISA Control# Error Code Please contact me if you have any questions. Error Code Description Error Code *01 *02 *03 *04 *05 *06 *07 R3 Duplicate File TF4 - Invalid Trading Relationship TF3 - Invalid Password TF2 - Invalid Recipient Command Error TF5 - Incomplete File IC1 - Header/Trailer Mismatch IC2 - Functional Group Header/Trailer pair mismatch IC3 - Number of Functional Groups doesn't match Interchange trailer IC4 - UNH/UNT, MHD/MTR or ST/SE pair mismatch IC5 - Message trailer count mismatch *26 *27 *28 *29 *30 *31 *32 No mailbox entries found Invalid scope value No report generated, no entries in list Out-of-sequence error, no entries to list Out-of-sequence error; EAP *SIGNON expected Unexpected EAP command received Out-of-sequence error; unexpected EAP command *33 Out-of-sequence error; unexpected finish string *34 Invalid EDI scanning value Interchange Header - Recipient differs from EAP *SEND Interchange Header - File ref differs from EAP *SEND *08 *09 *10 *11 *35 *36 Description *12 *13 *14 *15 *16 *17 *18 *19 *20 *21 *22 *23 *24 *25 IC6 - Expected number of segments not received IC7 - RSG segment error TF8 - Multi-user session TF - Unexpected Interchange Header Failure Awaiting delivery to remote service Unknown sender (OTX Only) EDI Interchange Header not found for *SEND command More than one EDI interchange following *SEND command Invalid line separator value Invalid Transport Protocol value Invalid EDI scanning value Invalid SNRF value Invalid maximum value Unknown sender specified *37 *38 *89 Interchange Header - APRF differs from EAP *SEND Interchange Header - Sender differs from EAP *SIGNON EAP integer value expected *90 *91 *92 Unrecognized EAP constant value Required value for EAP keyword not found EAP keyword/constant mismatch *93 Duplicate EAP keyword *94 *95 *96 *97 *98 *99 Required EAP keyword not found EAP command/keyword mismatch Unrecognized EAP keyword Recoverable EAP syntax error Unrecoverable EAP syntax error Unrecognized EAP command