UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA HOSPITALS CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA 27514 Diabetes Hospital Patient Self-Management Daily Flow Sheet “Patient Log” for MULTIPLE DAILY INSULIN INJECTIONS Page 1 of 1– MIM # 871 (revised 2/10) DATE: ___________________________ Diabetes self-management orders reviewed daily with patient & when changes to orders are made. Using hospital glucose meter Using own glucose meter Patient Instructions: 1. Complete this form daily. 2. Forms are from 12 midnight to 12 midnight. 3. Keep your entries to the form up-to-date. 4. Show your nurse your form; other staff may want to see it also. 5. Forms will be picked up every morning. 6. Keep your copy, and give your nurse the chart copy. 7. If you need insulin, syringes, alcohol wipes or lancets, tell your nurse*. 8. If you cannot self-manage, tell your nurse. 9. If you are not able to self-manage, nursing will take over your diabetes care & your medical team will be notified. *Regulatory requirements do not allow insulin or syringes at the bedside. Registered Nurse to record on first log, then verify daily: Brand of patient glucose meter: ________________________________ Strip Lot #:____________________ Strips Expiration date:______________ Strip/Chip Code #:__________________ (If applicable) Call your nurse if your blood glucose is less than: ______ or greater than: ______mg/dL Date & Time: RN Signature: Intermediate-acting, long-acting, peakless or premixed insulin by subcutaneous injection [Examples: Insulin glargine (Lantus®), NPH, Insulin 70/30 (NPH/Regular)] Time: Time: Time: Type of insulin: Type of insulin: Type of insulin: Dose (units): Dose (units): Dose (units): Mealtime and correction dose insulin Enter time, blood glucose results, carbohydrates counted as grams or servings, and insulin dose in units. Time_____ Time______ Time______ Time______ Time______ Time______ Time______ Time______ Time______ Blood Glucose Check method used to count carbohydrates Check type of insulin Units of Insulin grams servings grams servings grams servings grams servings grams servings aspart aspart aspart aspart aspart aspart aspartNovolog Novolog Novolog Novolog Novolog Novolog Novolog aspartNovolog aspartNovolog Regular Regular Regular Regular grams grams servings servings Regular Regular grams servings Regular grams servings Regular Regular _____units _____units _____units _____units _____units _____units _____units _____units _____units Daily Total Insulin (Total the number of units before turning in form every morning) __________ units Enter 24-hour daily total insulin injected. Add units of all insulin types injected. HD 7034 Lawson # 050298 2/10 White copy-medical record Pink copy-patient Chart location-MAR