1 Planning Statement Retention of the use of land as a tennis court for the private enjoyment of the occupiers of Cornerways [in the area hatched yellow] and for the keeping of up to 4 horses [in the area hatched brown] on the submitted plan no’s 291/13/11a&b. The retention of the existing stable building and the erection of a new stable building and cart lodge with use ancillary to the keeping of horses and maintenance of the land plan no 291/13/11c. Re-submission of Plan App No: 130764 Cornerways, East Road, East Mersea, Colchester CO5 8UW 1 Introduction 1.1 This the second planning application for this proposal, the first being withdrawn. The previous application was withdrawn due to misunderstanding of its nature, purpose and impacts. 1.2 Therefore, the purpose of this planning statement is to better describe the proposal and clarify in more detail the use and users involved and address the objections raised to the first application by neighbours and the East Mersea Parish Council. 1.3 The stables and cartlodge are for the existing users. There will be no additional traffic, plant and machinery. Lighting is only for rare use in an emergency when attendance of a vet is required for a sick horse in the hours of darkness. Essentially there is no change except for two additional structures associated with existing horses and the maintenance of the land 1.4 There has been a general misunderstanding of the scale and intentions behind proposal. It is not for commercial riding stables but to provide two structures for the stabling and care of four retired horses and an enclosure for the storage of existing machinery and plant for the maintenance of the land. There are no additional vehicles or movements or parking needs, just one private car 2x/day. The second owner walks to the site. 2 Background to existing: Summary - The pasture is registered with DEFRA and there have been stables and grazingon this land for over 10years + The stables are let on nominal rent to friends. Presently the two owners keep their horses on site. One is from East Mersea the other from West Mersea, letters App 1. These horses are ‘retired’ and therefore there is no equestrian activity just grazing There is a mains water supply in to the field but no electricity. The portable generator will rarely be used as it is only needed for emergency in case a vet is required to attend during hours of darkness, otherwise electricity/lighting is not required Due to age and physical condition all are retired Due to the poor winter last year it is desirable to be able to provide shelter for these horses all the year round. The 2 larger horses need the larger new stables Both owners local to Mersea Island [of which one is very local to the site]. No increase in vehicles as same two owners Horses are visited daily but only one vehicle is used as one is visited on foot The capacity of the pasture with proper management rotation of the grassland is six horses This is not a commercial operation nor could it expand in to a commercial livery and riding school as implied by the objectors. 2 3 Proposed structures The two proposed structures [stables and cart lodge] are manufactured to be moveable. They are light weight and constructed on a ‘skid’ base which allows them to ‘slide’ across the ground. They have no foundations. They are of a design that is frequently seen in the countryside and because of their ability to be moved around are not as such permanent structures. However, it is the Applicant’s intention to place and keep them in the location indicated in the planning application. Because of the nature of their purpose [manoeuvrability] they are not suitable to have a heavy construction able to support the weight of a pantile roof which would only be applicable to a permanent structure with foundations. 3 Traffic There is no additional traffic as there is no increase in the number of owners. It’s the same two owners having two horses each instead of one. They will make the same type and number of trips to the site as they do now, one on foot. As the horses are ‘retired’ there will be no large vehicles or horse boxes visiting the site to transport the horses elsewhere. Therefore, the arrangements for access and parking are as they are now. There is no change. 4 Objections raised on the following Grounds: Applicant’s Comments 1. Visual amenity There will be a low level of visual intrusion. The visually enclosing dominant features of hedge and tree lines will continue to dominate and define the spaces; the new and existing structures are set to one side against background of an existing field boundary of existing hedge and trees. The foreground remains open and visually perceived as grazing land. Overall the larger scale spaces will dominate these small scale buildings 2. Highway and Traffic Generation There will be no increase in traffic, no change in vehicle type and No’s and movements. One owner arrives by private car two times a day, the other walks. 3. Noise and disturbance The mobile generator is only for use in emergency to provde external lighting for a vet to attend the horses in an emergency. All the vehicles/plant are on site now and therefore there will be no additional noise and disturbance. 4. Effect on conservation area The two additional small scale traditional timber structures will have marginal impact in thelarge scale open landscape providing the context for this proposal. The site lies outside all the conservation sites identified by the LDF allocation maps by the Development Plan, see Plan . 5. Density of building. Additional floor area is very marginal in scale to their context in this large scale space and landscape 6. Road access. The access remains the same as present. It is an existing situation not affected/changed by this proposal. There will be one private car 2x/day, with 2nd owner walking to site. 3 7. Local planning policies a. Village Development Plan - The site will retain its rural character. The proposal has low visual significance, is small scale, and set to one against a hedge and tree field boundary - this is not a provision of an additional leisure facility. It is the continued private grazing/stabling of 4 retired horses, more akin to a sanctuary. - there will be no additional vehicles, the proposal doesn’t change the existing situation. This proposal will not harm the safety of roads in East Mersea. - This proposal is not situated in or near to any of the conservation sites identified in the Development Plan, see Plan. b. Local Development Framework, There is no infilling an important gap. The structures have low visual significance in the scale of the space they are sited in and are set to one side against an existing hedge and tree line. The proposal is for the addition of two structures for continued maintenance of land and stabling of two additional horses This is not an employment or commercial use and only represents a marginal change to existing situation. It is the grazing and stabling of ‘retired’ horses, kept and looked after by owners There is no change of use or an intensification of use on the field. The 4 horses are grazing there now Other Comments: Applicant’s Comments Machinery and plant is there now and fully used to maintain the land. The cart lodge structure will provide some weather protection and enclosure The existing hedge and tennis curtail will restrict views from East Road of the proposed structures. The Applicant accepts there are points when they can be seen, but you have to look for them and when seen, will they appear out of place? Minimal structural enclosure in keeping with traditional timber structures for this purpose. Pantile roof would require more substantial and robust structure that would increase more its visual impact Additional planting on southern boundary is proposed to reestablish the original field boundary. There will be no change circumstances adjacent to a public footpath. There will be no external lighting except in emergency to enable a vet to attend sick horses The existing manure heap will be retained and the situation managed as now providing a source for local residents and farmer. There will be no additional leisure activity, just the grazing of four retired horses and their stabling The provision of the cart lodge will enable machinery to be kept tidily in one place These proposed structures have no foundation to damage tree routes and are sited away from canopies of trees The rural pantile roof theme would require permanent substantial structures and would appear more intrusive. No new accesses have been formed or are needed 5 Letters from the Owners [see Appendix 1] 1. 2. 3. Mrs Zandra Latham 62 Empress Avenue West Mersea C05 8BL Mr G Gurton The Golf House East Mersea Road East Mersea Colchester C058UW David Oliver Cornerways East Road East Mersea Colchester C05 8UW 4 Appendix 1: Letters [Originals attached] Zandra Latham 62 Empress Avenue West Mersea C05 8BL Dear Sir, 13/08/2013 Re: Mr David Oliver's Field East Mersea Road I am the owner of the two horses that graze on Mr Oliver's field. My two horses are Gypsy Vanners and their ages are 15 and 16 years old and stand approx. 15'2hh and 15'3hh high, so they are large in the horse world. They are both retired and one of them has COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and this is a lung disease in horse that closely resembles asthma in human beings, and the other one has a back injury so cannot be ridden. They do not work as their conditions does not allow this, so are my pets, whom I love dearly and will keep them until the time comes that they no longer have a quality of lifestyle. I do not own a horse box or trailer as I have no need for one; I have no intentions of getting one either. I visit my horses twice a day by car, a Citroen C3 where I drive up the public road to the field and park where others park. I do not cause any obstruction or disturbance to the people in the vicinity. The stables would be used for the horses, if one is ill and needs to be kept stabled and during bad weather conditions during the winter months, would be desirable. If the vet is needed he would benefit from having stable to care for the horse, which is quite common in the winter months for the COPD horse. We would be unable to stable one without the other as they are pair bonded and this would cause too much stress on the horses, therefore making the condition worse. The tack room would be used to store their feed bins, rugs for the winter and the equipment needed for grooming, fencing and general care of them. If you require any further information please contact me on the above address. Yours sincerely, Zandra Latham (Mrs) Mr G Gurton The Golf House East Mersea Road East Mersea Colchester C05 8UW 12 September 2013 To Whom it May Concern Re: Mr David Oliver's field, East Mersea Road I currently keep two horses on the above mentioned land. Heidi is an 18 year old mare retired from riding and Samantha is a 28 year old New Forest also retired from riding. I visit the horses daily to attend to their needs. My visit is on foot in view of the proximity to my own property and no vehicles are required. 5 Graham Gurton David Oliver Cornerways East Road East Mersea Colchester C05 8UW10 10 August 2013 Re: Planning Application - land at East Mersea Road, East Mersea Proposed Cart Lodge (Barn) Required for tractors and equipment to enable maintenance to be carried out on the land. - 2 x small Kubota tractors, 1 of which is kept as parts for the maintenance of the other 1 x international tractor 1970s as a restoration project 1 x Kubota 45hp tractor for mowing, ditching etc 1 x Flail mower 1 x 6ft topper 1 x 8ft set of harrows 1 x ditching attachment 1 x dumper used for hedging and manure collection Various other small items of equipment - Required for storage of hay Hay for horses - Proposed [new] Stables and Tack Room For the use by the two large horses kept by Mrs Latham. - Stables The proposed buildings are sectional buildings and therefore will have no permanent footings. Neither the existing or proposed buildings are intended for commercial use and there will be no increase in the number of horses kept on the site. David F Oliver