U.S. Constitution Scavenger Hunt Worksheet

Name: _____________________________________Hr______
Directions – Use The Constitution matrix in your textbook to answer the following questions.
1) How old does a Representative have to be? ____________ How many years are in one term? ____________
2) How old does a Senator have to be? ____________ How many years are in one term? ____________
3) Who breaks a tie in Senate votes? ________________________________________________________________
4) How many representatives does each state have in Congress (House of Representatives and Senate)?
5) Where do bills concerning taxes (“revenue”) originate? _______________________________________________
6) What fraction of Congressional members is needed to override a presidential veto? ________________________
7) What are the three key qualifications for being President?
8) What would a President have to do in order to get impeached and removed from office?
9) How long is the term in office of a Supreme Court justice or a federal judge? ______________________________
10) In what kind of cases does the Supreme Court have original jurisdiction?
11) What sort of action is considered treason? What proof is needed to convict a person of treason?
12) What does this article mean? ____________________________________________________________________
13) How many states are needed to amend the Constitution? _____________________________________________
14) What is “the supreme law of the land?” ___________________________________________________________
BILL OF RIGHTS (Amendments 1 – 10)
15) What are the five freedoms listed in the first amendment?
A) _______________________________________
D) _______________________________________
B) _______________________________________
E) _______________________________________
C) _______________________________________
Name: ____________________________________Hr_____
16) If no candidate receives a majority of votes in the Electoral College, then who chooses the President?
17) What did Congress make illegal in Amendment 18? When was this Amendment repealed?
18) What amendment gave women the right to vote? When did this amendment pass?
19) According to the 22nd Amendment, how many terms can a president serve? ______________________________
20) What amendment lowered the voting age to 18? When did this amendment pass?
21) The Constitution was last amended in 1992. What does the most recent amendment state?
P – Preamble
A – Articles
B – Bill of Rights
AM – Amendments
22) _______ A 35-year old women from Idaho is running for a seat in the House of Representatives. She immigrated
to the United States fifteen years ago and became a U.S. citizen six years later.
23) _______ We live in a country that assures justice for all and freedom for ourselves and future Americans.
24) _______ Congress can’t ask a citizen of Oregon to pay more federal taxes than his cousin does who lives in Texas.
25) _______ In this country, the police must have a search warrant to search your home.
26) _______ A 40-year old man, who was born in the United States, announces his decision to run for President.
27) _______ A senator did not like a ruling made by one of the Supreme Court justices. This senator cannot write a
bill that would reduce the judge’s salary or remove him or her from office.
28) _______ It is the job of the executive branch of the U.S. government to make sure citizens obey the law.
29) _______ If a person breaks the law in Florida and escapes to Alabama, Alabama is required to send the criminal
back to Florida. States must work together and respect each others laws.
30) _______ You can speak out against any political issue with which you disagree without fear of punishment.
31) _______ If you did something two years ago that is now against the law but wasn’t then, you cannot be charged
or sentenced for this past action.
32) _______ Slavery will never again be allowed in the United States.
33) _______ If the president becomes ill, he can temporarily give his powers to the vice-president until he is better.
34) _______ The power of the government is divided into three branches.
35) _______ Your newspaper can print whatever is important to people, without government censorship.
Directions – Use Section the Constitution in your book to answer the following questions.
1) How old does a Representative have to be? ____25______ How many years are in one term? ____2______
2) How old does a Senator have to be? ____30________ How many years are in one term? ____6________
3) Who breaks a tie in Senate votes? ____Vice President________________________________________________
4) How many representatives does each state have in Congress (House of Representatives and Senate)?
_______# of Representatives based on population and 2 Senators_______________________________________
5) Where do bills concerning taxes (“revenue”) originate? ______Congress__________________________________
6) What fraction of Congressional members is needed to override a presidential veto? ___two-thirds____________
7) What are the three key qualifications for being President?
at least 35 years old, natural-born citizen of the U.S., and lived in U.S. for at least 14 years prior to taking office__
8) What would a President have to do in order to get impeached and removed from office?
commit treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors________________________________________
9) How long is the term in office of a Supreme Court justice or a federal judge? ___life________________________
10) In what kind of cases does the Supreme Court have original jurisdiction?
11) What sort of action is considered treason? What proof is needed to convict a person of treason?
A) levying war against the U.S. or giving aid and comfort to enemies of the U.S.
B) testimony of two witnesses to the same act or confession in open court
12) What does this article mean? states must recognize laws, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state
13) How many states are needed to amend the Constitution? _____three-fourths_____________________________
14) What is “the supreme law of the land?” ____the Constitution__________________________________________
BILL OF RIGHTS (Amendments 1 – 10)
15) What are the five freedoms listed in the first amendment?
F) freedom of speech
freedom of assembly
G) freedom of religion
freedom to petition the government
H) freedom of the press
16) If no candidate receives a majority of votes in the Electoral College, then who chooses the President?
17) What did Congress make illegal in Amendment 18? When was this Amendment repealed?
18) What amendment gave women the right to vote? When did this amendment pass?
19) According to the 22nd Amendment, how many terms can a president serve? ______________________________
20) What amendment lowered the voting age to 18? When did this amendment pass?
21) The Constitution was last amended in 1992. What does the most recent amendment state?
P – Preamble
A – Articles
B – Bill of Rights
AM – Amendments
22) __A__ A 35-year old women from Idaho is running for a seat in the House of Representatives. She immigrated to the
United States fifteen years ago and became a U.S. citizen six years later. (Article I, Section 2)
23) __P__ We live in a country that assures justice for all and freedom for ourselves and future Americans.
24) __A__ Congress can’t ask a citizen of Oregon to pay more federal taxes than his cousin does who lives in Texas.
(Article I, Section 8)
25) __B__ In this country, the police must have a search warrant to search your home. (Amendment 4)
26) __A__ A 40-year old man, who was born in the U.S., announces his decision to run for President. (Article II, Section 1)
27) __A__ A senator did not like a ruling made by one of the Supreme Court justices. This senator cannot write a bill that
would reduce the judge’s salary or remove him or her from office.
28) __A__ It is the job of the executive branch of the U.S. gov’t to make sure citizens obey the law. (Article II)
29) __A__ If a person breaks the law in Florida and escapes to Alabama, Alabama is required to send the criminal back to
Florida. States must work together and respect each others laws. (Article IV, Section 2)
30) __B__ You can speak out against any political issue with which you disagree w/o fear of punishment. (Amendment 1)
31) __A__ If you did something two years ago that is now against the law but wasn’t then, you cannot be charged or
sentenced for this past action.
32) __AM__ Slavery will never again be allowed in the United States. (Amendment 13)
33) __AM__ If the president becomes ill, he can temporarily give his powers to the VP until he is better. (Amendment 25)
34) __A__ The power of the government is divided into three branches. (Articles I, II, and III)
35) __B__ Your newspaper can print whatever is important to people, w/o government censorship. (Amendment I)