American Civics and Government


American Civics and Government

Review Numbers Game


1. The purpose of American government is to balance…:

2. The author of the Declaration of Independence is:

3. The US government has been set up to protect against the development of this type of government:

4. An example of a post 9/11 law that was intended to increase order in the United


5. The principal framers or author of the Constitution was:

6. The fifth and sixth amendments are structured to protect the rights of the:

7. Acting in a way that is beneficial for the community and the public good is called exercising:

8. Popular Sovereignty in American government means:

9. Natural Rights was a philosophy originally created by this British thinker:

10. The Social Contract in American government means:

11. The Supreme Court’s job is to create _____________________ in the law:

12. Our first form of government after the Revolution was:

13. You can’t be held in jail without a body of evidence against you – this is called:

14. When a person is arrested the 5 th amendment dictates that a series of things must take place, such as being made aware of their rights – this is called:

15. What made George Washington unique is that after winning the war and being appointed president he::

16. The president is actually elected by the:

17. What characteristics must one have to be president?

18. What characteristics must one have to be a member of the Senate?

19. What characteristics must one have to be a member of the House of


20. How many members are there in the House of Representatives? How is this number determined?

21. How many members are there in the Senate?

22. How many members are there on the Supreme Court?

23. How long do members of the Supreme Court serve and why?

24. What are 4 out of 6 responsibilities of the president?

25. The first amendment to the Constitution protects what 5 civil liberties?

26. The second amendment to the Constitution protects what civil liberty?

27. This Supreme Court decision legalized segregation in 1896?

28. The current Secretary of State is?

29. The bureaucratic organization to help the president is called the:?

30. The current Attorney General is?

31. The current Secretary of Defense is?

32. How is public education predominantly paid for?

33. Since September 11 which of the 6 goals of the constitution has been most expensive?

34. E pluribus Unum means:

35. The first amendment is intended to protect what kind of religions?

36. If the government wants to search your property without a warrant, what must it have?

37. The 19 th amendment allowed whom to vote in what year?

38. The 26 th amendment allowed whom to vote?

39. The 13 th amendment abolished?

40. What are the six goals of the Constitution?

41. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is?

42. What happens to presidential power during a war or national disaster?

43. Being read your rights is congruent with the name/word:?

44. This branch makes the laws?

45. This branch enforces the laws?

46. This branch decides whether the laws are constitutional or not?


Pennsylvania’s two senator’s are:

48. Three powers of congress are:

49. The person who resides over the Senate and only votes in the case of a tie is who?

50. The series of articles written by Madison, Hamilton, and Jay to persuade the public to support the constitution were called

51. A minority/non mainstream group who has a voice in America is called a:

52. What is the ACLU?

53. In the famous 1886 __________________ court case the Supreme Court determined that individual states had no power to regulate interstate commerce


Founded by Therence Powderly this was the first big union in America (“One Big


55. She founded the Hull House for poor immigrants new to America in Chicago

56. Anti-Foreignism was also in the chapter referred to as _____________ or

________________ (Must just get one)

57. The two most prominent African American leaders of this time were

______________ and _____________________

58. Name one important author mentioned in Ch. 26 and their work?

59. A Political Party of the west these people wanted to eliminate corruption and advocate for farmers and common laborers?

60. During this strike of 1892 Pinkerton Detectives were hired to defend Carnegies mills from angry workers – a gun battle resulted and left several dead:

61. This is a tax on imported goods:

62. Who wrote The Influence of Sea Power Upon History ?


Who was Hawaii’s overthrown Queen?

64. What ship’s destruction did the United States blame Spain for and use it as justification for attacking Spain?

65. What two locations were the Spanish American War fought?

66. Reporting news in an exaggerated distorted way in order to sell papers is called:

67. He led the rebels in the Philippines against U.S. control

68. John Hay, the Secretary of State, called the Spanish American War the:


Theodore Roosevelt’s cavalry regiment was called The:

70. Taking over a weaker territory for resources, markets, and powers is called:

American Civics and Government

Review Numbers Game


1. To balance freedom and order

2. Thomas Jefferson

3. Abuse of power, or an overly powerful government – a dictatorship

4. The Patriot Act

5. James Madison

6. The accused

7. Civic virtue

8. The people are the highest authority in the nation

9. John Locke

10. The government will protect the peoples’ rights as long as the people obey the government’s laws

11. Uniformity

12. The Articles of Confederation

13. Habeas Corpus

14. Due Process

15. Voluntarily gave up power

16. The Electoral College

17. 35 years old, a natural born citizen, have lived in the US for 14 consecutive years

18. 30 years old, a US citizen for 9 years, live in the state from which one is elected

19. 25 years old, a US citizen for 7 years, live in the state from which one is elected

20. 435, by the population of each state

21. 100

22. 9

23. For life, so that they are free from campaigning (trying to be popular)

24. Enforce laws, command the military, establish foreign policy, chief of state, indirect power in legislature and judicial branch

25. Freedom of speech/expression, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, the right to assemble peaceably

26. The right to bear arms or form a militia

27. Plessy v. Ferguson

28. Hillary Clinton

29. The Cabinet

30. Eric Holder

31. Robert Gates

32. By local taxes

33. Provide for the Common Defense

34. From many into one

35. Minority

36. Probable cause

37. Women and 1920

38. Citizens 18 or older

39. Slavery

40. Form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, secure the blessings of liberty

41. Chief Justice: John Roberts - Associate Justices: Sam Alito, Ruth Ginsburg,

Stephen Breyer, Antonin Scalia, Sonia Sotomayor, Clarence Thomas, Anthony M.

Kennedy, Elena Kagan

42. It increases

43. Miranda

44. Legislative

45. Executive

46. Judicial

47. Robert Casey, Pat Toomey

48. To make laws, declare war, establish the budget, impeach, approve presidential appointees, levy taxes

49. Vice President Joe Biden

50. The Federalist papers

51. A faction

52. American Civil Liberties Union

53. Irish and Chinese

54. Wabash Case

55. Andrew Carnegie

56. John Rockafeller

57. Sherman

58. Gibson

59. The Knights of Labor

60. Jane Addams

61. Nativism or Xenophobia

62. WEB Dubois and Booker T. Washington

63. Twain, Jack London, Henry James, Stephen Crane, Kate Chopin, Theodore Dreiser,

Frank Norris

64. The Populists

65. Homestead Strike

66. Tariff

67. Alfred Thayer Mahan

68. Liluokalani

69. The USS Maine

70. Cuba and The Philippines

71. Yellow Journalism

72. Emilio Aguinaldo

73. The Splendid Little War

74. Rough Riders

75. Imperialism
