1 Matthew Soboloski The Current Status of Graduate and Undergraduate programs in Technology Education TED 502 Fall 2003 Introduction Over the past 20 years the shift from Industrial Arts to Technology Education has created a problem in defining the status of graduate and undergraduate programs. One problem that exists is the use of terms in defining Technology Education programs. It is valuable to the profession to understand these terms and conditions that define Technology Education programs. In defining the status, this study looks at; 1. The number, location, and graduates of schools that offer Technology Education according to the CTTE Guidelines; 2. Size and expertise of staff. 3. Curriculums , goals, courses, definitions, and nature of laboratories; 4. Trends and problems. This study will help future students in selecting an appropriate institution for the study of Technology Education and help those already in the profession determine the current status of Technology Education. History of undergraduate in IA/TE Throughout time people have been passing down trade and technical skills to their young. Through the use of apprentice and craftsman, master crafts man, and journeymen, students could learn skills they wanted in a more effective manor. Through the development of our society they needed a better way to teach, and produce more in a smaller amount of time. This led to the development of education in manual training, manual arts, practical arts, vocational education, and industrial arts, which is now called Technology Education. These skills were passed to next generation. (Seefeld, 1961). stated the first school to implement manual training in to its curriculum of teacher education was Oswego State Normal School, under the leadership of Edward A. Sheldon in 1861. By the end of the century other schools followed suit, such as the Norman school at Bridgewater, Massachusetts; Whitewater, Wisconsin; New Britain, Connecticut; San Jose, California; and Trenton, New Jersey. By the 1960’s and 70’s the profession was flourishing because of federal funding being placed into the programs. There was a higher need for teachers as schools expanded and mandatory education became a law. 2 History of graduate study in IA/TE The Teachers College of Columbia University in July 1896 was the first college to offer a graduate level course in Practical Arts or Industrial Arts. The course title was “Manual Training in Elementary and Secondary Schools” and was taught by Professor Charles A. Bennett. This course was offered in the field of education at Columbia and was not a major course of study. Through the help of students and staff, Columbia helped structure the graduate level instruction of Industrial Arts throughout the country. One of the first major universities to offer a masters degree program in Manual Arts was the University of Wisconsin (Buffer, 1979). As schools developed the need for more professional teachers increased. The problem was the profession needed to develop strategies for teaching and common objectives for programs in schools. In the attempt to bring the profession to a respected status, the demand for a post- bachelor education was needed for research of many of the problems. By the 1930’s the requirement for a masters degree was needed for teaching. There is no evidence that suggests that a masters degree is required to enter the profession although some state departments of education and local school systems require that a teacher earn a masters degree to obtain a permanent certification and tenure (Buffer, 1979). Number of Schools The current number of institutions that offer Technology Education as a major course of study in undergrad/graduate work, according to the Industrial Teacher Education Directory, is 114. This Directory only listed the institutions that were approved by; CTTE/ITEA Guidelines. The deciding factors that had convincing evidence of a major in Technology Education was the major course of study names, a variety of terms were used in the directory that lead to the assumption that the institution did in fact offer a major course of study in producing Technology Education teachers. The following terms were used as major course of study descriptors in producing Technology Education teachers; Technology Education, Industrial Education, Industrial Technology/Education, Industrial Arts Education, Industrial and technical Education, Industrial Arts, Industrial Arts Teacher Education. One major term that was avoided in the numbers of Technology Education institutions was industrial technology, unless it was included in a school of education that produces teachers and certifies in Technology Education. Schools that offer Industrial Technology as a major are not included in this research because their intent is not to become teachers, although the content is similar, the professional development of education is not included. 3 Table 1 shows the breakdown of terms used and number of institutions using that term to specify their major course. This information was extracted from The Industrial Teacher Education Directory (2001-02 40th Edition) and put in to spreadsheet form. .Table 1 Major degree terms # of schools using term Technology Education Industrial & Technical Education Industrial Arts Education Industrial Arts Industrial Technology Teaching Industrial Technology Education Industrial Education Industrial Arts Teacher Education Technology & Industry Education Total 73 3 5 6 1 14 10 1 1 114 In the last twenty years, Industrial Arts has shifted to Technology Education. This is why there are so many definitions that define a Technology Education program with the term industry in them. One true way that would define a Technology Education program is through current curriculum, which should be aligned with the Jackson’s Mill project (Snyder, J. & Hales 1981), A Conceptual Model for Technology Education (Savage, E. & Sterry, L. 1990), and Technology for all Americans project (1996 ITEA). Technology Education Course Approval For a program to be recognized by ITEA/CTTE, they must meet their rigorous program standards they approved in 1987 and revised in 1992, and 1997. Institutions must submit a program review document with three sections, not to exceed one hundred and forty pages. The three sections include cover sheet, which provides general information; name of institution, address, chief compiler; date; date of visit; phone number, name of programs to be reviewed, classification, and a checklist of materials included. Matrix of program standards, institutions must provide evidence of program standards met and their ability to deliver the material. 4 Appendix of supporting documentation such as syllabi, course descriptions, and unique information as listed on the matrix. After the program document is reviewed a follow up visit takes place. Program approval guide lines component areas include; philosophy, mission and goals, nature of program, content of technology, developing, managing and evaluating a technology education program, and methods of curriculum development. Visit http://www.ncate.org/standard/new%20program%20standards/itea%202001.pdf for a complete list of program standards. CTTE Brochure 1 states advantages for getting the program approval. Assures the public that technology education programs have met rigorous standards. Links curriculum to national standards. Encourages quality assurance in education. Establishes common professional standards Assures accountability for quality technology education teaching. Gains recognition among collages and university. Professional respect form out side the field Increases in resource allocation Advertising and marketing tool Image tool Improved job placement for graduates in programs Number of Graduates In 2001-02 of the 114 schools offering a major course of study in Technology Education they graduated 716, undergraduates with a bachelors of science or arts in education. Sixty-eight of these schools also offer a masters degree of MA or MS or Med, which totaled 203, and doctorates in Technology Education which totaled 13. Table 2 Shows a list of Institutions by name, and alphabetizes by State to show location and number of graduates with a masters and bachelors in 2000-01. 5 State/University Arizona Northern Arizona University Arkansas University of Arkansas University of Arkansas at Pine Buff California Fresno State California State University Humboldt State San Francisco State San Jose State Colorado Colorado State Connecticut Central Connecticut State Florida Florida International University of South Florida Georgia Georgia Southern University of Georgia Hawaii University of Hawaii Idaho University of Idaho Illinois Chicago State University Eastern Illinois University Illinois State University University of Illinois Western Illinois Indiana Ball State Indiana State Purdue Iowa Iowa State University of Northern Iowa Kansas Fort Hays State McPherson Collage Pittsburg State University Kentucky Berea Collage Eastern Kentucky Morehead State Murray State Northern Kentucky Grambling State Louisiana Northwestern State # of Masters BS-8 BS-3 BS-0 BA-2 BA-2 BS-2 BA-5, BA MA-0 MA-11 BS-5 Med BS MS MS BS-5 BSEd- 5 BS-7 MEd-4 MEd-6, EdD-0 Bed-7 MEd-1, EdD-0 BS-4 MS-5, MEd-16 BS BS-4 BS- 17 BS-0 BS-2 MS BS-11 BS-6 BS-9 MA-5 MS-0, Phd-0 MS-3, Phd-0 BS-63 BA-20 MS-2, Phd-1 BS-2 BS BS-6 BS-1 BS-8 BS-2 BS-0 BS BS BS-0 MEd-0, PhD-2 MS-5 MS-3 MS-0 6 University of Louisiana de Lafayette Maine University of Southern Maine Maryland University of Maryland Eastern Shore Massachusetts Fitchburg State Michigan Andrews University Central Michigan Eastern Michigan Northern Michigan Western Michigan Minnesota Bemidji State St. Cloud University University of Minnesota Mississippi Jackson State Mississippi State Missouri Central Missouri State College of the Ozarks Southeast Missouri State Southwest Missouri State University of Missouri Montana Montana State Montana State University Northern Western Montana Collage Nebraska Peru State College University of Nebraska Wayne State College New Hampshire Keene State New Jersey Kean State Montclair State College of New Jersey New Mexico New Mexico Highlands New York New York City Technical College New York University Washington Square State University College at Buffalo State University of New York College at Oswego North Carolina Appalachian State BS-0 BS-1 BS-0 BSEd- 1 MEd-7 BS-0 BS-2 BS-6 BS BS MA-2 MS-3 MA MA BS-9 BS-13 BS-4 MS-4 MS-0 MEd-4, PhD-0 BS-0 BS-0 MSEd-3 BS-3 BS-1 MS-2 BSEd BS-0 BS-9 BS-0 BS BS BS BS-10 BS-4 BSEd-4 MSEd ME-0, PhD-3 MS-3 MA MS-3 BS BA BS-7 BS-20 MA-8 MEd-0 BA MA BSEd-6 BS MSEd-0 MA, PhD- BS-10 BS-71 MS-3 MS-17 BS-6 MS-22 7 Elizabeth City State North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State North Carolina State North Dakota University of North Dakota Valley City State Ohio Bowling Green Kent State The Ohio State University The University of Akron Oklahoma Northeastern State Northwestern Oklahoma Southwestern Oklahoma Oregon Oregon State Pennsylvania California University of Pennsylvania Millersville University Rhode Island Rhode Island College South Carolina Clemson University South Carolina State South Dakota Black Hills Tennessee East Tennessee Middle Tennessee University of Tennessee Texas Abilene State Sam Huston State Southwest Texas State Texas A&M Utah Brigham Young Southern Utah Utah State Virginia James Madison Norfolk State Old Dominion Virginia Tech. Virginia State Washington Central Washington Eastern Washington Walla Walla College BS BS-3 MS-6 BS-36 MEd-3, EdD-0 BS-3 BS-1 BS-6 BS-4 BS-14 BS MA-8 MA-3, MEd-2, PhD-2 MS, PhD-0 BS-1 BS BSEd-4 MS MSEd-0 BS EdM BS-42 MEd-0 BSEd-35 MEd-4 BS-8 MEd-4 BS-3 BS-9 MEd-0 AS-10, BS-12,BSE-5 BS BS-2 BS-2 MS MST-0 MS-2 BSEd-1 BS-3 BS-0 BS-0 MA-2 MEd-0,MST-8 MS-0, EdD-0 BS-17 BS-9, BA-2 BS-7 BS-1 BS-2 BS-8 BS-11 BS-0 BS-6 BS BS-0 MS-4 MS-4 MS-5 MS-2, PhD-0 MEd 8 Western Washington West Virginia Fairmont State West Virginia University Wisconsin University of Wisconsin-Platteville University of Wisconsin-Stout Total 114 BS-4 MEd-0 BA MA-13 EdD-4 BS-2 BS-21 716 MS,MA,MEd-203, PhD,EdD-13 Size and expertise of staff Staff listed in the schools above range from Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and Instructor. The degrees held by the staff in these institutions range from EdD, PhD, MS, MA, DIT, BVE. The average size of staff of each department is 11.32 (Industrial Teacher education directory 01, 02) The institution with the largest size staff is Central Missouri State University, with 53 in the Department of Technology. Henak, R. (1991) Showed the model structure for a undergraduate major in Technology Education is 48 semester hours of general education, 54 semester hours of technical competences, and 29 for the professional education structure. The strength of a program can be analyzed from three components. The strength of these components would be a good place to start when deciding if a program at an institution was of top quality. These components include philosophy, technical competencies courses, and professional education. The first component of a strong program relies on philosophy. Philosophy of programs state why Technology Education is taught and the importance of it. It guides the choice of objectives taught. Philosophy holds the programs together and is the focal point in which every educational decision is made. An institution with a strong rational or philosophy statement would also reflect a strong program in Technology Education. Philosophy is the driving force behind a program. Good rational or mission of programs focus on preparing capabilities of teachers in Technology Education. It is important that the technology programs be responsive to the demands of changing technology and its impact on society. Philosophy should reflect the goal of producing top quality teachers and making sure that they are technologically literate. Technical competence is the second component of a strong program. The problem of developing a structure for technical subject matter is a difficult one as technological subject matter is very diverse and complex. A lasting structure must rely on under guiding principles and elements rather than on the point of practice. Most programs require 48 credit hours of instruction in technical competencies. 9 Henak, R. (1991) described a visionary profile of the technical content that should be included in teacher preparation. He noted that "the thrust of the content and activities [of the technical component] is on helping students understand impacts, processes, and outputs of present-day technical subsystems used in contemporary industry" (p. 11). Henak identified a 48 credit-hour technical component for industrial/technology education teachers. He grouped these technical competencies into biotechnology, communication, construction, manufacturing, and transportation. Courses range from 100 level which are general to 400 levels which are specific. Programs should offer 18 semester hours of 100 level technical competence courses which include: Introduction to technology, design processes, communication, construction, manufacturing, and transportation. The should also offer 21 semester hours of 200 and 300 level courses which include, names such as material processing systems, production systems, graphic communications, electronics communications, designing and engineering structures, construction of structures, energy processing systems, and transportation systems. Nine semester hours of 400 level courses should include, courses such as designing transportation systems, manufacturing enterprises, community planning, mass communication, controlling technological systems, future technologies systems, intergraded systems, and interdisciplinary systems. These courses should offer problem solving related activities that relate to real life situations. The students should be put in to real life problems that are related to technologies, to understand the social concept for when problems present themselves. The third component is, professional education, which is the science of teaching. Professional education helps students of Technology Education programs to become better teachers. The needs of future generations are different. They require higher levels of education to be competitive in the future. Henak, R. (1991) states the professional education component should have these goals for future teachers, Develop an understanding for the nature of teaching, develop a philosophy of teaching, instructional strategy, use of instructional technology, abilities to solve educational problems, contribute to professional organizations, develop future orientation, and develop a habit of life long learning, which helps to develop a positive self concept. To achieve these goals students are recommended to take 29 credit hours of professional educational courses. Courses should include child growth and development, educational psychology, foundations of education, lab 10 management strategies, and methods of Technology Education, student teaching, and a verity of curriculum courses. Curriculum courses should include, selecting and the organization of content, what is important for the student to learn, structure of knowledge, professionalism, and assessment courses. Curriculum As this research brings up the topic of curriculum, there are many course titles, goals, and definitions in programs of Technology Education throughout the United States. First we must define curriculum. Curriculum is a large topic and is hard to define in one definition. Some would say it is the process of structuring content for the purpose of teaching. Others say it is the arrangement of subject matter for a discipline. Curriculum courses in Technology Education structures the content for teaching the subject matter. Courses should be offered in the department to refine the structure taught by professionals in the field. The top four definitions used by institutions to define what curriculum is (K. Zuga, 1991) The process of arranging content for the purpose of teaching. A course of study involving arrangement of subject matter, All of the activities of the school in which students are engaged, Analysis of community needs, subject matter, and the environment. Curriculum goals in programs are numerous. Goals echo the philosophy of the institutions, and many institutions have different philosophies. The curriculums should prepare students for teaching Technology Education in the classrooms. Most goals reflect the definitions in some way. Technology Education curriculum goals should involve activity development in writing objectives, creating innovative teaching strategies, methods, developing courses, developing philosophy, understanding student learning styles, and develop curriculum changes from IA to Technology Education. Zuga's (1989) seminal research on relating the goals of technology education with curriculum planning identified major curriculum design categories: “Curriculum design and development in technology education has centered around these five categories: (a) technical performance or processes; (b) academic focus on the specific body of knowledge relating to industry and technology; (c) intellectual processes that concentrate on critical thinking and problem solving; (d) social reconstruction through realistic or real world situations; and (e) personal, learner-centered focus on individual needs and interests” Curriculum courses in Technology Education should focus on how to deliver technical competencies to students. Some courses especially those with an orientation toward the delivery of content, focus on educational 11 practices, linking theory and practice to working and learning environments. A wide verity of course names are offered in the area of curriculum for technology education. Most institutions require that students take between three to nine credit hours of curriculum courses in Technology Education. Zuga (1991) examined only curriculum related courses required in industrial/technology teacher education programs. She noted that 56% of the programs required only one course in curriculum development, while 31% offered two curriculum courses. Her research also indicated that 44% of the professional courses were not offered exclusively to industrial/technology education majors, but were taught to a combination of vocational education students including agriculture education, trade and industrial education, family and consumer science, business education, and marketing education. Course names reflect the goals and definitions stated earlier. Courses’ names include, but are not limited to: Introduction to Technology Education, Teaching Methods Technology, Curriculum Methods and Assessment for Technology Education, Technology for Elementary School Children, Implementing Technology Education, Planning Technical/Vocational Laboratories, Middle School Technology Education, Field Experience, Activities in Technology/Vocational Education, Curriculum Technology/Vocational Education, Evaluation in Technology, Course Construction, Advanced Curriculum, Methods and Assessment for Technology, Curriculum Development for Technology. Nature of Laboratories All of the programs in Technology Education researched had some sort of technology laboratory required in the program. This was not surprising due to the nature of the field. Most of the laboratory courses were offered at the undergraduate level. Due to the large content area of the field laboratories had a wide variety of options through the programs. Polette (1991), when discussing how to compose a curriculum plan, noted that traditionally the technical content of industrial/technology teacher education was composed of woodworking, metalworking, electricity/electronics, automotive mechanics, graphics, and mechanical drafting. He concluded that although contemporary program content should include these technical skills, the contemporary focus should shift to include knowledge and skills used in communications, construction, manufacturing, and transportation. 12 The nature of the laboratories mirror the technical courses taught in them. The nature of laboratories is shown in Table 3. The research was conducted through technical courses offered by institutions that offered a major in Technology Education from the Industrial Teacher Education Directory 01-02 edition. Due to the nature of the courses it is assumed that they would be taught in a laboratory type setting which would show the make-up of the laboratories. Table 3 Trends & Problems Nature of Laboratory # of lab types Manufacturing 75 Mechanical Drafting 68 Electricity /Electronics 64 Construction 49 Transportation 48 Communications 42 CAD 38 Power & Energy 36 Graphics 29 Computer Applications 25 Materials Processing 20 Design 20 Woodworking 19 Robotics 17 Plastics 16 Metalworking 10 Hydraulics /Pneumatics 6 13 Historical trends from 1970-1990 in enrollments have shown a decline in Technology Education as a major. Volk, K (1993) reported number of schools offering a major degree in TE/IA in 1970 was 203, number of students receiving a bachelors degree in IA/TE was 6,368, and number receiving a masters degree was 1767, and number of students receiving a doctors was 83. He also reported that in 1990, the number of schools offering a major in IA/TE was 174, number of students receiving a bachelor’s degree in IA/TE was 1,790, number of students receiving master’s degree was 650, and numbers for a doctor’s degree was 50. My study reports that in 2001-02 there are 114 schools offering a program in IA/TE there were 1312 bachelors degrees received, and 203 masters degrees received and 13 doctors’ degrees. There are many factors that contribute to the decline of Technology educators. One major factor is the shift from Industrial Arts to Technology Education. Miller R (1989) stated: Needless to say, by now, everyone realizes that the changing of a name means there are some problems. The recruiting of young men and women into the teaching profession is difficult enough these days, but the changing of the name into something else makes it even harder to recruit when you have to tell the prospective professional that the name of the profession he/she is interested in has changed its name and direction. (p. 14) Another factor for decline in enrollment is the influence on technology related non-teaching careers such as Industrial Technology, and engineering. Volk, K (1993) stated: The creation and expansion of non-teaching programs such as industrial technology has been recognized for its instrumental role in shaping the scope and emphasis of IA/TE teacher preparation programs. As discussed by Sinn (1989), the history and evolution of industrial technology programs was based on industrial arts education. The development of non-teaching IT options were due to faculty and administrative action at various institutions. Oaks and Loepp (1989) indicated this shift away from teacher preparation programs was a result of a desire by IA/TE-based departments to continue enrollments, while serving a new diversified population with different career goals. In this manner, students who did not enter the teaching profession after degrees in IA/TE were targeted in these new programs. Programs through out the nation have a variety of avenues for technology related students. Majors like Industrial Technology, Technology Management, Technology, Computer science, Engineering technologies, and many more take away numbers from Technology Education and the profession. Rudisill (1987) noted the chaos and conflict caused by the factionalism between IA/TE and IT programs. He indicated technology educators no longer control the technical content courses, 14 making the implementation of new recommended curriculum difficult. In this way, the IT spin-off from teacher education programs usurped the original program's mission and power. Outlook for the future Recent trends in Technology Education show a decline in enrolment. K, Volk (1995) said: As a result of this analysis, it was estimated that if the downward trend continued, the demise of the technology teacher preparation profession would occur near the year 2005. A strong need to be technology literate remains in today society. Therefore, a need for future technology educators will always remain. With the retirement of the baby boomers there will be plenty of job vacancies to be filled. The need for new recruiting strategies must not be over looked. K.Volk, (1995) Said: The likelihood that the demise of the technology teacher preparation programs will occur around the year 2005 is not without potential revision. First, economic incentives might encourage more young people to enter the technology education teaching profession, as public awareness responds to teacher shortages. Second, through political action via education departments, the importance of technology education being a required subject for all secondary students may develop. Already this has happened, with the state of Maryland leading the way. Finally, from students' experience derived through innovative technology education programs, a true desire to teach the subject for personal satisfaction, interest and motivation may develop. Technology is always changing and the ability to change philosophical beliefs has been shown in the history of the field. We should look back and examine why the field was flourishing in the 60’s and 70’s. Is it because of the change in content, nature of courses, or the change in name that made this trend so dangerous? One important element to consider is "What is being done right, in those few technology teacher preparation programs that are succeeding? (Volk, K 1995)” The field must stay in line with national standards and be ready to adapt to future standards when needed, while bringing back the traditional courses that spark student interest. With the increase of non-teaching fields in technology, schools may have an obligation to rethink the direction of their programs K. Volk (1995) University faculty housed in many programs will more likely shift their research and publication focus to non-teaching industrial technology areas; a reflection of their increased interests and responsibilities. Conclusion 15 The status of undergraduate and graduate programs in Technology Education is at a low when compared to the Industrial Arts era. Still the Industrial Arts programs are declining and the shift seems to be to non-teaching fields in technology. The lack of funds to higher education and need of funds to support these IA/TE programs results in the closing of programs. The need to incorporate Technology Education into general education is an important issue. Technology Education, if looked upon as a general education course in schools, the mandatory existence would be beneficial. If the need of teachers in the field remains then the influx of students into programs will increase raising the status of graduate and undergraduate Technology Education Programs. 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