Chapter 7 Classroom Climate: CAFIAS One of the earliest and most popular interaction analysis systems was that developed by Flanders (1960) and called Flanders Interaction Analysis System (FIAS). It was originally designed to describe verbal interaction patterns between teachers and students and became a measure of classroom climate. In 1974 Cheffers, Amidon, and Rogers (1974) adapted FIAS to physical education by adding a nonverbal component. Cheffers adaptation of FIAS, known as CAFIAS, has been widely used in physical education by both the researcher and the practising teacher. It is presented here as an example of one of the simplest interaction analysis tools used to describe the climate of the gymnasium. The reader is encouraged to consult the full manual for more elaborate information. Purpose The purpose of this instrument is to describe the climate of the gymnasium. Category Definitions The category definitions for CAFIAS are presented in the box below. The Categories of CAFIAS Coding Symbols Teacher Environment (E) Student (S) Categories 2–12 Verbal 2 Praises, commends, jokes, encourages Relevant Behaviours Face: Posture 3–13 3 Accepts, clarifies, uses, and develops suggestion and feelings by the learner Face: Posture: 4–13 4 Asks questions requiring student answer Face: Posture: Nonverbal 12 Smiles, nods with smile, (energetic) winks, laughs. Claps hands, pats on shoulder, places hand on head of student, wrings student's hand, embraces joyfully, laughs to encourage, spots in gymnastics, helps child over obstacles. 13 Nods without smiling, tilts head in empathetic reflection, sighs empathetically. Shakes hands, embraces sympathetically, places hand on shoulder, puts arm around shoulder or waist, catches an implement thrown by student, accepts facilities. 14 Wrinkles brow, opens mouth, turns head with quizzical look. Places hands in air, waves finger to and fro anticipating answer, stares awaiting answer, scratches head, cups hand to ear, stands still half turned towards person, awaits answer. 5–15 6–16 5 Gives facts, opinions, expresses ideas, or asks rhetorical questions 6 Gives directions or orders Face: Posture: Face: Posture: 7–19 7 Criticises, expresses anger or distrust, sarcastic or extreme self-reference Face: Posture: 8–18 8 Student response that is entirely predictable, such as obedience to orders, and responses not requiring thinking beyond the comprehension phase or knowledge (after Bloom) eine (8\) & einteen (18\) EINE (8\) Predictable student responses requiring some measure of evaluation and synthesis from the student, but must remain within the province of predictability. The initial behaviour was in response to teacher initiation 9–19 9 Pupil-initiated talk that is purely the result of their own initiative and that could not be predicted 10–20 10 Stands for confusion, chaos, disorder, noise, much noise Face: Posture: Face: Posture: Face: Posture Face: 15 Whispers words inaudibly, sings or whistles. Gesticulates, draws, writes, demonstrates activities, points. 16 Points with head, beckons with head, yells at. Points finger, blows whistle, holds body erect while barking commands, pushes child through a movement, pushes a child in a given direction. 17 Grimaces, growls, frowns, drops head, throws head back in derisive laughter, roll eyes, bites, spits, butts with head, shakes head. Hits, pushes away, pinches, grapples with, pushes hands at student, drops hands in disgust, bangs table, damages equipment, throws things down. 18 Poker face response, nod, shake, gives small grunts, quick smile. Moves mechanically to questions or directions, responds to any action with minimal nervous activity, robot like. EINETEEN (19\) A ‘What's more, sir’ look, eyes sparking. Adds movements to those given or expected, tries to show some arrangement requiring additional thinking, e.g. works on gymnastic routine, dribbles basketball, all game playing. 19 Interrupting sounds, gasps, sighs. Puts hands up to ask questions, gets up and walks around without provocation, begins creative movement education, makes up own games, makes up own movements, shows initiative in supportive movement, introduces new movements into games not predictable in the rules of the games. 20 Silence, children sitting doing nothing, noiselessly awaiting teacher just prior to teacher entry etc. Recording Procedures CAFIAS uses continuous coding or a 3 second interval. Every time behaviour changes categories, it is coded. If behaviour does not change categories in 3 seconds, the same category is recorded. Data from CAFIAS can be analysed in many different ways. One of the most fruitful analyses is to look at the frequency of behaviour chains, which are small sequences of behaviour (e.g., 4-8-1-3 or 5-5-5-6-8). When chains of two behaviours are coupled together, they can be put on a matrix so that clusters of patterns can be identified. The recorded sequence of 5-6-8 would go on the matrix as pairs of 5-6 and 6-8. (The first and last recorded categories go on the matrix coupled with a category 1 so that the pairs can be matched.) Teachers will also want to keep track of when students are in an activity and when they are not by placing an additional code at the start and end of activity. This will also help the recorder understand the setting in which the behaviour is taking place. Interpreting Data Information from CAFIAS can describe the direct or indirect influence of the teacher (categories 5-7 are direct and categories 2-4 are indirect) and the type of student responses teachers are getting as a result of those behaviours. Whether teacher influence should be direct or indirect is a value judgement. As stated in the research literature, physical education tends to be a highly teacher-directed process. In other teaching settings, effective climates are basically neutral and slightly more warm in their climate. Criticism (category 7) is to be avoided. Patterns of teacher talk and the use of questioning are largely situation-specific ideas as long as they do not reduce practice time to unwanted levels.