Collections Purchase Cover Sheet Date of Application: 2/16/16 Checklist Proposal Narrative (500-1000 words). Name, Department, and Rank: Budget Justification Amount Requested: Letter of support from a library bibliographer if the collection is to be a library holding. Author/Editor/Compiler: A 2-page, recently updated curriculum vitae. Title of Requested Materials: Supporting materials. Publisher/Distributor: Review Taft website for full application guidelines Date of Publication: Edition: Format: Series: Price: ISBN/ISSN: OCLC# (if known): Place of Publication: Is this a joint application? If “Yes” complete the following section for all participating faculty Name Department Rank Award Percentage Taft Grants Received in the Last Five Years 1. Type and Dates: Amount: Project Title: Resulting Publications and Presentations: 2. Type and Dates: Amount: Project Title: Resulting Publications and Presentations: 3. Type and Dates: Amount: Project Title: Resulting Publications and Presentations: 4. Type and Dates: Amount: Project Title: Resulting Publications and Presentations: