UPDATE OF THE STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN FOR SOUTH AUSTRALIA SUBMISSION OF PRIORITY INFRASTRUCTURE INITIATIVE PROPOSALS The South Australian Government welcomes proposals for possible inclusion in the new Strategic Infrastructure Plan for South Australia. It is interested in considering a full range of possible solutions to existing or potential future problems. The solutions can be: Infrastructure solutions that involve upgrade and redevelopment of existing infrastructure, or investment in new infrastructure, or Non-infrastructure solutions, such as changes in regulations or policy, demand management initiatives, or other options that result in better use of existing infrastructure. Initiatives will be considered if they are submitted using the form below. Complete the following form and email to DTEI.SAInfrastructurePlan@sa.gov.au by 31 December 2010 or post to: Government Relations and Reform Office Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure GPO Box 1533 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Initiative Proponent: Name / Title: Organisation: Address: Telephone: Email: Initiative Title: Initiative Location: Timing: Year of commencement: Year of completion: The Problem: Provide a concise description of the problem the initiative is addressing – use bullet points where possible. Initiative Description: (word limit 750 words) Provide a concise description of the initiative (preferred solution), i.e. what will the money be spent on - use bullet points where possible. Contribution to South Australia’s Strategic Plan (SASP) Targets: Explain how the initiative will contribute to the achievement of particular SASP targets. 4312724 Alignment with the South Australian Planning Strategy: Demonstrate how the initiative is consistent with policies and targets for the relevant volume of the South Australian Planning Strategy. Alignment with the Strategic Infrastructure Plan for SA Strategic Priorities: Demonstrate how the initiative addresses particular strategic priorities in the Strategic Infrastructure Plan for SA 2010 Discussion Paper. Links to related infrastructure and land-use development initiatives: Advise of any important inter-relationships and consistency with other existing or planned infrastructure projects and land-use developments, and of any sequencing issues related to the proposed initiative. Business Case: Has a business case been prepared? If so, what is the estimated benefit:cost ratio? What are the potential funding options? Estimated Cost: Total Capital $………………... Operating/year $…………… Indicate whether the capital and operating cost estimates for the proposed initiative are in real or nominal (inflated) dollars. If real, state the year in which the real dollars are expressed. Cash Flow: Complete the cash flow table below. State whether the cash flow is in real or nominal (inflated) dollars. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Total Capital Operating Total State assumptions used, including: % contingency, and inflation rate used to convert from real to nominal dollars. If possible, indicate sources of funds and add extra rows to table if needed. Links South Australia’s Strategic Plan: http://www.stateplan.sa.gov.au/current-plan 30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide: http://www.dplg.sa.gov.au/plan4adelaide/index.cfm Regional volumes of the South Australian Planning Strategy: http://www.planning.sa.gov.au/index.cfm?objectid=AE5F47E6-F203-0D46-AF7A8CEB4AD10B0A Strategic Infrastructure Plan for SA, 2005/6 - 2014/15: http://www.infrastructure.sa.gov.au/strategic_infrastructure_plan/sa_strategic_infrastructure_plan 4312724