Photography Magnet Syllabus 2012-2013

Photography Magnet Syllabus 2012-2013
Emily Thomas, Photography Instructor
These are the requirements for the Photography Magnet. Both you and your child should read and understand
these guidelines. This agreement must be signed and returned no later than August 22, 2012.
Teacher Expectations:
RESPECT is the BEST rule to follow in the Photography Magnet:
 Respect your teacher in attitude, effort, and work ethic.
 Respect your peers’ work, opinions, and possessions by cleaning up and helping each other.
 Respect the facilities by caring for the equipment, not being destructive, and cleaning up.
 Respect yourself in demeanor, work ethic, attitude, and dress.
Students will be expected to exhibit exceptional behavior, maturity, and attendance, as well as give their full
cooperation to the instructor and the program. Students are expected to maintain this behavior inside and
outside of class on field trips, and required events. Inappropriate behavior or questionable dress will result in
a zero for a daily grade and an office visit.
BE PREPARED. Students are required to supply their own materials after the first few weeks of school.
When they run out, it is their responsibility to replace the materials they need for class. During the course
of the year, students will be required to purchase supplies for special assignments and special events.
Students may use materials from the Photography Department 3 different times during the school year. After
those three times they will receive a zero for not being prepared for class.
Course Requirements, Rules and Procedures:
Each student will be evaluated at the close of the year. A student must maintain a 2.5 GPA in
academics and a 3.0 GPA in the Photography Magnet to remain at BTW. Any student who is lacking
in his or her responsibility and attitude or who fails to maintain an acceptable grade will be released from
There is a $20.00 lab fee and a requested $5 donation required of each student per semester.
No food or drink in the classroom. All lunches and drinks must be in sealed containers.
BTW Demerit/Merit system is the discipline plan used in this classroom. If a student fails to comply with
classroom rules, class procedures or turn in assignments he or she will be assigned demerits in
accordance to the behavior. Students can earn merits by completing tasks or projects assigned by Mrs.
Thomas. For every 10 demerits a student receives, he or she complete 30 minutes of merit work. If a
student has demerits he or she is not permitted to attend fieldtrips until they have earned enough merits
to nullify their standing demerits.
Students will be required to spend time after school and on weekends as needed to work on class
projects, attend art shows, award ceremonies, and required events. They will be given as much advanced
notice as possible in class and/ or through email. If a student receives an award from a competition, they
are expected to attend the awards ceremony.
Students must dress appropriately for all performances, required events, and shows. Dress
appropriately = No jeans, tennis shoes, flip flops or clothing with holes.
Students and parents must understand that WORK (a job) is not an excuse for the failure to complete
assignments, attend open studio, and required events. If a student misses a BTW or Photography event
because of work it will be considered an unexcused absence and the student will receive a zero.
Due to art competitions limit on entries, themes, or levels there is no guarantee that each student will
have work featured or entered in every art exhibit or competition. All work will be selected by the
Artwork that is created in a BTW class or a BTW sponsored workshop may not be submitted to any
competition or exhibit under the name of any other school or organization.
Plagiarism is a serious offense. Any student who copies someone else's writing, artwork, or pictures
and does not cite the sources properly is subject to an office referral and a zero on the
assignment. Paraphrasing an author's work without giving them credit for their ideas is also considering
plagiarism. This also includes the internet.
Student may have access to the internet during class but for photography related research only. If a
student is viewing, non-related materials they will be suspended from the computer and receive demerits.
Computers in class are for instructional activity only.
Students are not permitted to use a cell phone in school, including this class. If a cell phone rings, beeps or
vibrates in class/school, it is considered in use. This includes school sponsored field trips.
Students are permitted to use iPods or MP3 player (not iPhones, or other Smartphones with music
applications) during lab time only. They must have a signed release form and must show Mrs. Thomas
the device.
Grading Policies:
Major Grade: Projects/ Tests = 65% (at least 4 per nine weeks)
Minor Grade: Daily Grades-Duties / Contact sheets/ Quizzes = 20% (at least 9 per nine weeks)
Contact Sheets and Sketchbook = 10%
Homework = 5%
Make-up and Late Work:
Students who have an excused absence from the office will be allowed three days to make-up or turn in
missed assignments. The three day extension begins on the day the student returns. For example, If a
student returns to class on a Tuesday, their make-up work is due by the end of class on Thursday. It is the
student’s responsibility, not the instructor’s, to ensure they make-up all work missed. Students must ask
classmates for the work and notes they missed while they were gone. Make-up work in the lab must be
completed during open studio time or as class time permits.
All assignments must be turned in on the due date. Projects, contact sheets, homework, and other
assignments must be turned in before homeroom or during class on the day that it is due. For each day an
assignment is late, 10 points will be deducted from the grade. Failure to turn work after three days will
result in a grade of Zero. No student will receive a grade higher than "D" for unfinished work. If a
student chooses not to turn in an assignment, then they must turn in a standardized form (provided by the
Photography Magnet) explaining the reason why they are choosing not to turn in the work.
Performance Credit:
In addition to supporting their own magnet, students are required to support their fellow BTW students by
attending plays, performances, and concerts. Performances are announced in class and posted throughout the
school campus.
o One performance 1st and 3rd nine week grading period for one 100 pt major grade.
o Two performances 2nd and 4th nine week grading period for two 50 pt major grades.
Each student is required to return a performance slip to a BTW teacher before leaving the performance in order to
receive credit.
Students are required to dress appropriately and behavior according to BTW Handbook. If a student is reported
for talking or misbehaving during a performance, you will be asked to leave, not receive credit, given an office
referral and required to apologize, in person, to the performers.
Lab Duties:
In order to keep our lab in working order, each student is assigned a weekly Lab Duty. Students are responsible
for checking the chart and completing their assigned duty each week. Duties are part of daily grade.
Open Studio:
Open Studio hours:
o Every Morning from 7:30 – 8:15
o Wednesday 3:15 – 4:15
If you intend to stay after school, you must sign the Open Studio log posted in the classroom. If no one
signs the log, Mrs. Thomas will not stay and darkroom will be broken down
Required Events / Calendar:
Photography students are required to attend specific events throughout the year and follow the Dress Code
appropriate for performances and events. DRESS NICELY. (No jeans, tennis shoes, flip flops or clothing with
o Required Events for Photography Students
 Kentuck Festival of the Arts, Northport, AL October 19-21 (Level 2-4 only)
 Visual Art & Photography Showcase – April 25, 2010 4:30-7:00 pm.
 Mayfest – May 11, 2012 9:00-2:00 pm.
Students are required to purchase materials on the supply list and must replace them if they are lost or run out.
Remember to put your name on all your supplies and lock them in your locker.
In class, students will have access to bottle openers, spray paint, pliers, box cutters and X-Acto knives to
complete class projects. Outside of this classroom, these materials are considered weapons or restricted
materials on school campus. If a student removes ANY of these materials from the Photography class, they will
receive an office referral and face expulsion from BTW or criminal charges.
Sensitive Issues:
Students may under NO circumstance take or process nude images of themselves or anyone else on BTWMHS
time, machinery, equipment, or property. Students who engage in such activities may forfeit their place at BTW.
Female students: If you become pregnant during the school year, please let Mrs. Thomas know.
Photographic chemicals can be harmful to babies.
Sales Commission:
BTW Photography students are given the opportunity to sell their artwork at arts festivals and showcase.
Like an art gallery, the Photography magnet receives 20% commission from each work sold.
Student Contact: I often contact my students through email and text about events,
projects, and technical troubleshooting. If you give me permission to contact you
child through email and text, please sign below.
________________________________________________________ (Parent signature)
Student’s Name: ________________________________________________________________
Student’s Signature: _____________________________________________________________
Student’s Email Address: _________________________________________________________
Student’s cell #: _________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Number: (home) _____________________ (cell) _______________________
Parent/Guardian Email Address: ___________________________________________________
Parent’s preferred method of contact: (please circle)