CSD Freshwater Caucus[1] Proposed Amendments to Chair`s

CSD Freshwater Caucus1 Proposed Amendments to Chair’s Negotiating Text on
Agriculture and Rural Development
Working Group I
Pp8 - Also emphasizing that addressing the cross-cutting issues [including water and – Freshwater Caucus]
[in particular the means of implementation – G77] and interlinkages as defined by the
Commission on Sustainable Development at its eleventh session is vital in achieving sustainable
[Recognizing that the thematic issues under discussion at CSD have significant impacts on water
quantity and quality – Freshwater Caucus]
[1. ……. [It is therefore important to rethink the use of soil in agriculture since the availability of land
and the actual scarcity of arable land for food production is again becoming strategically important. –
[It is also critical to rethink the way that water is used and managed in the context of agriculture, in
response to increasing water demand and declining water availability in many regions, exacerbated by
climate change.-Freshwater Caucus]
Such a green revolution [needs to be/should be based on national priorities and also –G77] [farm
enterprises of all scales – US] adapted to [local agroecosystems/ specific agroecosystems – US] and climate
[in the context of integrated land and water management plans – Freshwater Caucus], [and appropriate
products – US]
(a) Enhance agricultural [production, - G77] productivity and Sustainability
(ii bis – Promote water-saving technologies and irrigation techniques, water treatment, water
conservation, recycled and new sources of water –
[Develop systems of water rights that allow for prior allocation of water to guarantee minimum
requirements of environmental flows, building ecosystem and climate resilience for sustainable
agriculture and livelihoods. Prioritise the requirements of environmental flows and basic social needs,
recognizing this as a critical response measure to climate change impacts – Freshwater Caucus].
The Freshwater Caucus is a group of NGOs, Major Groups and other stakeholders all working on freshwater issues. It includes the
Global Public Policy Network on Water Management, who conducted global consultation with stakeholder on water as a crosscutting issue for CSD17.
[Utilise water footprint and virtual water analyses to determine the suitability of crops in certain
regions and locations – Freshwater Caucus]
[(iv) bis – Recognize the significant contribution and support to the role of forest to sustainable
livelihoods and the eradication of hunger and poverty and the direct linkage of forestry with
agriculture, energy and water – EU]
[Evaluate the goods and services provided to agriculture by ecosystems, including freshwater, and
introduce mechanisms for reflecting their true value in agricultural management plans – Freshwater
[(viii) quat – Adopt a comprehensive approach to the management of agricultural landscapes [and an
integrated approach to land and water management – Freshwater Caucus] that will ensure that
ecological processes that make agricultural production possible are maintained – Canada]
(a) Build social capital and [ecosystem –Freshwater Caucus] resilience in rural communities. In that context:
(iii) Provide [access to credit and other – Canada] mechanisms [and resources – G77] to [farmers/ smallscale farm-based activities- G77] [especially small-scale farmers and women farmers – US] [, including
women, - Canada] in developing countries to better manage the various risks they face, including price,
weather, climate and natural disasters, including by providing humanitarian aid [as a short-term response –
US] and promoting the development of agricultural insurance markets [as the longer-term strategy – US][
and by providing incentives for investment in sustainable land management and the rehabilitation of
degraded land – Canada][and optimal management of natural resources – Mexico];
[Ensure that domestic subsidies and ODA do not promote inefficient or unsustainable water use and
provide incentives for protection of ecosystems and integrated approaches to land and water
management – Freshwater Caucus]
[(vi quat) Foster and strengthen capacities of rural communities for selforganization for building social
capital, in accordance with national
legislation; – G77]
[Build capacity for effective and transparent governance arrangements in rural communities that
enable the integrated management of land and water resources – Freshwater Caucus]
(c) Invest in essential infrastructure and services for rural communities. In that context:
(iii) Enhance [and invest new resources to facilitate – G77] access [of rural populations – G77] to safe
and [adequate/clean – G77] water and sanitation services, [recognizing the right of human populations and
ecosystems to quality water – Freshwater Caucus];