Nepal Questions Typed

Name __Name ______________________________________________________
May 4, 2015
Period: _____
From this Web Site
Directions: Always do your best work. Proofread before
Possible earned points. Numbers (1-11) = 4 points each and (12 & 13) = 10 points each.
Vocabulary (1- 10): Write the best definition for each of the underlined words. Do not use any of
the underline words in your own definitions.
1. massive earthquake_________________________________________________________
2. magnitude tremor __________________________________________________________
3. impoverished country _______________________________________________________
4. congested city _______________________________________________________________
5. tectonic plates ______________________________________________________________
6. epicenter was 50km _________________________________________________________
7. massive avalanche __________________________________________________________
8. thrust faults
9. most severe tremors _______________________________________________________
10. Red Cross and countries ___________________________________________________
11. Devastating Earthquake Facts:
a. Date and time of earthquake.
b. Earthquake magnitude.
c. Name of damaged country.
d. Approximate number of people living in this country
e. Last time an earthquake this powerful occurred.
f. Approximate death toll number of people.
g. Approximate number of injured people.
h. Day of week earthquake occurred.
i. Amount of time this earthquake took to do damage.
j. Reason this country is prone to earthquakes. _________________________
Devastating Earthquake, page 2.
12. Provide Evidence In Your Writing --
What evidence did the earthquake and social scientists from around
the world have that this earthquake would occur?
Begin: The evidence we have …
13. The Present and Future
Choose only one Q to answer.
Each Q should have 5+ sentences. Your response should be meaningful, creative,
and scientifically-based. Use correct spelling and punctuation, too.
Q#1 From all reports, Kathmandu seems to be the worst-hit city at this time. If you
lived and worked in this particular city what would you do next? Would you remain
knowing your city was devastated or would you leave? If you stayed, how would you
survive? If you left, where would you go? How would you travel?
-orQ#2 Imagine you are the President of the Philippines. Who and where would you
turn to for help outside of your devastated country for the much needed assistance?
How would you cope with the incredible loss of lives and property? How would you
support the people you are responsible for? How would you take care of yourself?
Devastating Earthquake, page 3.
Q# __________