membership guidelines - Australian College of Veterinary Scientists

These Membership Guidelines should be read in conjunction with the Red Book: Advice
to Membership Candidates
Refer to the Red Book: Advice to Membership Candidates
To demonstrate that the candidate has sufficient knowledge of and experience in
Veterinary Radiology, to be able to give sound advice in this field to veterinary
1. Radiation physics as it applies to veterinary diagnostic imaging
The candidate should have a basic* knowledge of:
1.1 Electromagnetic spectrum
1.1.1 elementary general physics as it pertains to diagnostic imaging;
1.1.2 the electro-magnetic spectrum: definition, wave and particle theories
1.2 Generation of x-ray photons
1.2.1 the components of the x-ray tube, types of anodes: rotation and stationary,
1.2.2 thermionic emission, line focus principle, heel effect, heat dissipation;
structure of the atom, binding forces;
1.2.3 basic generator circuits, rectification, transformers, capacitor discharge
1.3 Production of the x-ray photon
1.3.1 interactions at the anode: general radiation / Bremsstrahlung and
characteristic radiation;
Knowledge levels:
Detailed knowledge - candidates must have an in-depth understanding of the topic, including differing
points of view and the published literature. The highest level of knowledge.
Sound knowledge – candidate must know the principles and some of the finer detail of the topic,
including differing points of view and the core literature. A middle level of knowledge.
Basic knowledge – candidate must know the principles of the topic and the core literature.
1.3.2 The effect of kV, mA and time on x-ray photon production;
1.4 The interaction of x-ray photons with matter:
1.4.1 coherent scatter, the photoelectric effect, Compton and the relative
frequencies of these interactions;
1.4.2 factors affecting attenuation/ the inverse square law;
1.4.3 scatter radiation – factors affecting the production of and methods to
reduce the;
1.4.4 effects of scatter - grids (types, cut-off), air gap techniques, beam
1.5 Formation of the radiographic image for film-screen radiography:
1.5.1 formation of an image due to differential absorption;
1.5.2 film construction, types and speeds;
1.5.3 photographic density and contrast;
1.5.4 intensifying screens, phosphors, construction, rare earth Vs Ca tungstate,
1.5.5 cassettes;
1.6 The principles and practice of film processing:
1.6.1 development, wash, fixation, wash, dry;
1.6.2 darkroom design and requirements;
1.6.3 film identification;
1.7 Factors affecting image quality:
1.7.1 density, contrast, sharpness;
1.7.2 the origin and control of scatter – grids/collimators;
1.7.3 film and screen speed;
1.7.4 unsharpness – geometric (magnification, distortion, penumbra effect) and
2. The practise of veterinary radiography
The candidate should have a basic knowledge of:
2.1. Practical radiography:
2.1.1. exposure assessment;
2.1.2. factors influencing the choice of kV, mA, time, films and grids;
2.1.3. formation of a technique chart;
2.1.4. patient positioning and problems in veterinary practice/limitations;
2.1.5. the need for restraint and suitable methods/advantages and disadvantages
of anaesthesia;
2.2. Radiographic faults and artefacts (film-screen radiography)
2.2.1. the identification and explanation of radiographic faults / artefacts;
2.2.2. recognition of faults due to inadequate radiographic procedure;
2.2.3. the identification of darkroom artefacts;
2.2.4. the identification of processing artefacts;
3. Radiation safety
The candidate should have a sound knowledge of:
3.1. the radiation monitoring and safety equipment and regulations, and should be able
to convey this information in a coherent matter to other veterinarians;
3.2. the relevant Australian or New Zealand laws and Codes of Practice as they apply
to the use of ionising radiation;
3.3. the principles of radiation protection: risks involved in the use of radiographic
procedures/methods to minimise this risk;
3.4. basic radiation protection rules for a small and large animal practice;
3.5. stochastic and non-stochastic effects;
3.6. MPD, ALARA;
3.7. somatic and genetic effects;
3.8. units: Gray, Sievert.
4. Other imaging
4.1. The candidate will have a basic knowledge of computed tomography (CT),
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and nuclear medicine and its application to
veterinary practice.
4.2. Digital Radiography
The candidate should have a basic knowledge of
4.2.1. differences between film-screen and digital images;
4.2.2. advantages and disadvantages of digital radiography;
4.2.3. principles of computed radiography vs direct digital radiography, digital
imaging and communication in medicine (DICOM), picture archiving and
communications systems (PACS);
4.2.4. common artefacts associated with digital radiography.
4.3. Diagnostic ultrasound:
The candidate should have a basic knowledge of
4.3.1. principles of ultrasound image formation including frequency, acoustic
impedance, resolution, artifacts and transducers;
4.3.2. the indications for use of diagnostic ultrasound in practice
5. Contrast agents and radiographic contrast procedures (contrast studies)
The candidate will be able to†
Skill levels:
Detailed expertise – the candidate must be able to perform the technique with a high degree of skill, and
have extensive experience in its application. The highest level of proficiency.
5.1. perform common radiographic contrast procedures in dogs and cats of the
gastrointestinal system with sound expertise
5.2. perform common radiographic contrast procedures on dogs and cats of the urinary
system: excretory urogram, retrograde cystogram ( positive, negative, double
contrast), retrograde urethrogram and vaginourethrogram with sound expertise
The candidate should have a sound knowledge of
5.3. Barium sulphate in its different formulations
5.4. Iodinated contrast agents and its formations including the difference between
ionic and non-ionic formations
The candidate should have a basic knowledge of
5.5. the pharmacology of radiographic contrast agents including: mechanism of action,
indications, contraindication, common side effects and dose rates;
5.6. the use of myelography in the investigation of spinal disease in dogs and cats
6. Radiological interpretation of dogs, cats and horses
6.1. The candidate should have a sound knowledge of the radiographic appearance of
the normal structure and function of the various organ systems commonly
investigated in small animal and equine practice
6.2. The candidate will be able to
6.2.1. recognise, describe and list differential diagnoses for the changes in
structure and function of the various body systems as related to disease
which occurs in dogs, cats and horses with sound expertise
6.2.2. select and interpret an appropriate imaging modality with sound
7. Radiographic features of disease in dogs and cats.
7.1. Skeleton:
7.1.1. The candidate will have a sound knowledge of the reaction of bone to
7.1.2. The candidate will have a sound knowledge of the radiographic anatomy of the appendicular and axial
skeleton of both dogs and cats. the radiographic projections of the different regions of the axial
and appendicular skeleton the radiographic features that differentiate bony neoplasia from
infection. the classification of fractures, including descriptors of the
fracture type (e.g. spiral, transverse, incomplete/complete etc),
location, Salter-Harris types, comminution, delayed unions
(including mal-unions).
Sound expertise – the candidate must be able to perform the technique with a moderate degree of skill,
and have moderate experience in its application. A middle level of proficiency.
Basic expertise – the candidate must be able to perform the technique competently in uncomplicated
4 the radiographic signs of bone healing. the radiographic signs of septic and degenerative arthritis.
7.1.3. The candidate will be able to
position patients to obtain the views with sound expertise;
categorise lysis (e.g. geographic, moth-eaten, permeative) and
periosteal new bone reaction (solid vs. interrupted categories) with
sound expertise;
classify bony lesions in the spectrum of benign or aggressive with
sound expertise;
recognize changes in the soft tissues adjacent to bony lesions; for
example the signs of joint effusion or a soft tissue mass in a bony
neoplasm with sound expertise.
7.1.4. Hip dysplasia
The candidate will have a basic knowledge of the hip dysplasia
schemes available in Australia/New Zealand;
The candidate will be able to obtain diagnostic studies of the coxofemoral joints for
submission to the AVA hip grading scheme with sound
expertise.; describe the method of obtaining studies for each scheme, and
the advantages and disadvantages of each scheme with sound
7.1.5. Osteoarthritis:
The candidate will have a sound knowledge of the radiographic
signs of osteoarthritis, in all joints, but in particular, the shoulder,
elbow, carpus, coxofemoral, stifle and hock joints.
7.1.6. Osteochondrosis:
The candidate will have a sound knowledge of the radiographic
signs of this disease.
A sound knowledge of the common locations of this disease
A basic knowledge of the pathophysiology of this disease,
including the breed incidence
7.1.7. Elbow dysplasia:
The candidate will have a detailed knowledge of the radiographic
projections for detecting elbow disease.
The candidate will have a sound knowledge of the types of elbow dysplasia in the dog (osteochondrosis, ununited anconeal process, fragmented medial coronoid process) and
the a detailed knowledge of the radiographic signs of these
diseases. the radiographic signs of osteoarthritis in the elbow.
The candidate will have a basic knowledge of
5 the pathophysiology of ED in the dog, including the breed
incidence and heritability. the application of other diagnostic tools (including CT
scanning, arthroscopy).
7.1.8. Juvenile bone disease.
The candidate will have a basic knowledge of the pathophysiology
of panosteitis, hypertrophic osteodystrophy (syn. Metaphyseal
The candidate will have a sound knowledge of the radiographic
signs of these diseases.
7.1.9. Vertebrae:
The candidate will have a sound knowledge of: the pathophysiology of intervertebral disc disease, the
radiographic signs of this disease; a sound knowledge of the
indications for advanced imaging (include myelography, CT or
MRI). the radiographic signs of discospondylitis and spondylosis
deformans, and the clinical significance of these two pathologies.
The candidate will have a basic knowledge of congenital anomalies, and appreciation of the breed incidence; the myelographic procedure.
7.2. Head:
7.2.1. The candidate will have a sound knowledge of the radiographic signs of:
nasal cavity disease, include neoplasia and rhinitis (fungal);
bony neoplasia of the head, including being able to list
otitis media;
7.2.2. The candidate will have a basic knowledge of the radiographic signs of:
periodontal disease;
temporomandibular joint disease;
hyperparathyroid disease.
7.2.3. The candidate will have a basic knowledge of the indications for
advanced imaging (include CT or MRI).
7.3. Thorax:
The candidate will be able to demonstrate a systematic approach
to interpretation of the thorax.
7.3.2. Heart and pulmonary vessels:
The candidate will have a sound knowledge of radiographic cardiac anatomy (for example, using cardiac
clock-face analogy), including the anatomy of the pulmonary
lobar vessels and differentiation of arteries and veins.
6 the radiographic signs of cardiomegaly, including means to
quantify these signs (e.g. the vertebral heart score, or other scoring
systems) the radiographic signs of left and right chamber enlargement
and right and left sided heart failure. the differentials for cardiomegaly, especially as they apply to
different species and breeds.
The candidate will have a basic knowledge of the pathophysiology
of heart failure.
7.3.3. Lungs:
The candidate will have a sound knowledge of radiographic
anatomy of the canine and feline lung
The candidate will have a sound knowledge of the radiographic classification of pulmonary disease via
traditional paradigms of lung pattern (alveolar, bronchial and
interstitial patterns) the radiographic differentials for pulmonary disease based on
the location of the disease (eg cranioventral, caudodorsal
locations, diffuse, focal or multifocal locations).
The candidate will be able to provide differentials for pulmonary
disease which are ranked in order based on the age, signalment and
clinical history of the patient.
7.3.4. Pleural space
The candidate will have a basic knowledge of the pathophysiology
of the conditions affecting the pleural space
The candidate will have a sound knowledge of the radiographic anatomy of the pleural space the radiographic signs of pleural space disease, including
differentials for this disease.
7.3.5. Mediastinum/body wall/diaphragm
The candidate will have a sound knowledge of the radiographic anatomy of the mediastinum, including the
organs located in each region (cranial, mid, caudal mediastinum). the radiographic signs of abnormalities of the mediastinum;
particularly diseases of the trachea, oesophagus, lymph nodes,
thymus. the indications for an oesophgram and the methods of
performing such a contrast study, including of the contrast agents. the radiographic anatomy of the body wall, and radiographic
signs of diseases of ribs. the radiographic features of conditions affecting the diaphragm
7.3.6. Abdomen:
The candidate will have a sound knowledge of the radiographic
anatomy of the abdomen.
The candidate will be able to create differential lists for mass
effects, based on the displacement of normal anatomy.
7.3.7. Gastrointestinal tract:
The candidate will have a sound knowledge of radiographic signs
of hepatic disease, and differentials for these signs
The candidate will have a sound knowledge of the radiographic signs of the GIT, including GDV and small
intestinal obstruction. The candidate will have an appreciation for
the variable appearance of intestine, and understand the differing
location of small and large bowel. the indications for gastrointestinal contrast studies. the indications for abdominal ultrasound
The candidate will have a basic knowledge of the radiographic
signs of pancreatitis.
7.3.8. Urogenital tract and retroperitoneal space:
The candidate will have a sound knowledge of normal
size/anatomy for urogenital structures, and retroperitioneal anatomy,
including kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, urethra, prostate, testes,
ovaries, uterus, vagina.
The candidate will have a sound knowledge of the radiographic signs of urogenital disease, and differentials
for abnormalities. the indications/procedures for urogenital contrast studies.
The candidate will have a basic knowledge of the contraindications for urogenital contrast studies. the radiographic detection of pregnancy and the use of
ultrasound in pregnancy diagnosis
7.3.9. Peritoneal cavity, spleen
The candidate will have a sound knowledge of normal radiographic anatomy of the spleen, and variations
between the breeds and the effects of sedatives/anaesthetic agents. normal radiographic anatomy of the peritoneal and
retroperitoneal cavities. the radiographic signs of peritoneal disease, including
pneumoperitoneum and peritoneal effusion, and means of
detecting these diseases.
8. Radiographic features of disease in horses.
8.1. The candidate will have a sound knowledge of
8.1.1. the radiographic anatomy of the limb of the horse, from the elbow and
stifle distally.
8.1.2. the hanging protocols and labelling protocols for equine radiography,
according to the international conventions as displayed in the major equine
radiology texts (Thrall, Butler). Where there is not agreement on the
hanging protocol, the candidate may hang the studies according to their
8.2. The candidate will be able to determine which radiographic projection is
presented from the radiographic anatomy.
8.3. The candidate will have a basic knowledge of radiographic pathology, and
associated pathophysiology
8.4. The candidate is expected to have a basic knowledge of the radiographic features
of the following conditions:
8.4.1. Stifle:
Osteochondrosis, including the various morphologies
8.4.2. Tarsus:
Degenerative joint disease
8.4.3. Carpus:
Radiographic projections of a complete carpal study
Degenerative joint disease, including third carpal bone sclerosis
Carpal fracture disease, including typical locations of fractures.
8.4.4. Metacarpus, metatarsus, fetlock:
Fractures of these bones, typical causes and locations
Periostitis (splints)
Degenerative joint disease, including synovitis, of the fetlock
Fractures and inflammatory conditions of the proximal sesamoid
8.4.5. Phalanges:
Typical locations of fractures; descriptions for fractures
Radiographic signs of osteoarthritis
Radiographic signs of laminitis, pedal osteitis and infectious
osteitis, fracture of the third phalanx. A basic knowledge of the
pathophysiology of these diseases
Radiographic signs of navicular disease
For information on the both the standard and the format of the Written and Oral
examinations, candidates are referred to the Red Book: Advice to Membership
Written Paper 1:
This paper is designed to test the Candidate’s knowledge of the principles of Veterinary
Radiology as described in the Learning Outcomes. Answers may cite specific examples
where general principles apply, but should primarily address the theoretical bases
underlying each example.
Written Paper 1 will mainly cover the learning outcomes 1-5, however material from any
learning outcome may be examined.
Written Paper 2:
This paper is designed to (a) test the Candidate’s ability to apply the principles of
Veterinary Radiology to particular cases/problems or tasks and (b) test the Candidate’s
familiarity with the current practices and current issues that arise from activities within
the discipline of Veterinary Radiology in Australia and New Zealand
Written Paper 2 will mainly cover the learning outcomes 5-8, however material from any
learning outcome may be examined.
Practical Examination
The practical examination will be 3 hours duration and will require written reports on the
radiographic films or digital images of ten cases. The cases will include dogs, cats and
horses. Each answer might include the following:
Patient signalment, views included, any techniques used (i.e. contrast studies)
Comment on radiographic technique/quality (positioning/exposure/collimation)
Radiographic description
Conclusions, differential diagnosis list, recommendation of further imaging
techniques if appropriate
The practical examination may not necessarily be limited to these types of questions.
Candidates may be expected to interpret radiographic film or digital images
Oral Examination
This examination further tests the candidate’s achievement of the above-mentioned
Learning Outcomes. It will be approximately one hour duration and will include further
film reading.
**Butler, JA, Colles, CM, Dyson, SJ, Kold, SE, Poullos, PW, (2000), “Clinical
Radiology of the Horse”, 2nd Ed. Blackwell Science, Malden, Mass. (3rd ed becoming
available in 2008)
**Bushberg, JT, Siebert, JA, Leidholdt, EM & Boone, JM, (2002), The Essential Physics
of Medical Imaging 2nd Ed Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia
**Curry III, TS, Dowdey, JE, Murry Jr RC, (1990), “Christensen’s Physics of Diagnostic
Radiology”, 4th Ed. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia.
Coulson, A and Lewis N, (2006), “An Atlas of Interpretative Radiographic Anatomy of
the Dog & Cat”, 2nd Ed, Blackwell Science, Oxford
Dik, KJ and Gunsser, I, (1988). “Atlas of Diagnostic Radiology of the Horse. Part 1:
Diseases of the front limb”, Wolfe Publishing Ltd. London.
Dik, KJ and Gunsser, I, (1989) “Atlas of Diagnostic Radiology of the Horse. Part 2:
Diseases of the hind limb”, Wolfe Publishing Ltd. London.
Dik, KJ and Gunsser, I, (1990) “Atlas of Diagnostic Radiology of the Horse. Part 3:
Head, neck and thorax”, Wolfe Publishing Ltd. London.
Han, CM and Hurd, CD, (2005), “Practical Diagnostic Imaging for the Veterinary
Technician”, 3rd Ed. Elsevier Mosby, St Louis.
Kealy, JK, and McAllister, H, (2004), “Diagnostic radiology and ultrasonography of the
dog and cat”, 4th Ed. WB Saunders, Philadelphia,
Lavin, LM, (2007), “Radiography in Veterinary Technology”, 4th Ed. Saunders Elsevier,
**Nyland, TG and Mattoon, JS, (2002), 2nd Ed. “Small Animal Diagnostic Ultrasound”,
Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia
O’Brien, T, (2005), O’Brien’s Radiology for the ambulatory equine practitioner, Teton,
New Media
Schebitz, H and Wilkens, H, (1988), “Atlas of Radiographic Anatomy of the horse”,
Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin.
Schebitz, H and Wilkens, H, (1988), “Atlas of Radiographic Anatomy of the Dog and
Cat”, Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin.
Stashak, TS, (1998), “Adam’s lameness in horses”, 5th Ed, Williams and Wilkins,
Suter, PF, (1984), “Thoracic Radiography. A text atlas of thoracic diseases of the dog and
cat”, Wettsweil, Switzerland.
**Thrall, DE (2007) “Textbook of Veterinary Radiology”, 5th Ed. Saunders Elsevier,
Wallack, ST, (2003), “The Handbook of Veterinary Contrast Radiography” San Diego
Imaging Inc. CA, USA
Digital imaging
Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound : V49 Issue 1supplement – digital radiography.
Mattoon JS. “Digital Radiography” Vet Comp Orthop Traumatol. 2006;19(3):123-32.
In addition, it is recommended that the candidate have access to “Veterinary Radiology
and Ultrasound” the journal of the American College of Veterinary Radiology.
For further information contact The Chief Examiner