Chapter 3 – Ocean Motion


Chapter 3 – Ocean Motion


Ocean Water

Origins of oceans – Earth’s surface had many different seismic activities occurring

volcanic eruptions – released water vapor, CO


, sulfur, etc into the atmosphere

vast amounts of meteorite impact o contained water crystals traveled from space

~ 4 billion ya

Cooled and condensed in clouds

Lots of rains occurred & formed oceans

Basins – low areas where water filled

Composition – 70% of Earth’s surface is ocean water

salts o Cl, S, Ca, Na, Mg, K o Come from dissolved elements from rocks & minerals o Carried to oceans by rivers

Salinity – most abundant elements in seawater


Na & Cl o Na

– rivers dissolving minerals o Cl

– from volcanic eruptions

Seawater evaporates

Na & Cl

form halite – salt to season food

Measures the amount of dissolved salts in seawater o g/kg of water o 1 kg of ocean water contains about 35g of dissolved salts

(~3.5%) o Equilibrium between salts dissolved

Element removal – new stuff added

element being removed

removed by becoming sediments & thru biological processes o sea animals & algae

 form bones & shells (Ca)

Desalination – removal of salt from seawater

three ways o evaporation (collect water vapor) o electric current (collect salts) o freeze (salt doesn’t freeze)


Ocean Currents

Surface currents – move horizontally

powered by wind

cause huge circular patterns

related to circulation of wind on Earth

upper few hundred feet of seawater

sailors & plants depend on currents

Antarctic Circumpolar current is the strongest current

Gulf Stream o Records help us identify currents (1800’s) o 100 km wide o Was used to travel from NA to England o 1600’s – William Dampier wrote about the stream in

“Discoveries on the Trade Winds” o 100 yrs later, Ben Franklin published a map (received from

Gst. Tim Folger – whaler)

other factors o Coriolis effect – rotation of Earth causes this wind

 Clockwise in N Hemisphere

 Counterclockwise in S Hemisphere

 Continents block this flow and create circular currents


can effect the climates of east & west coasts

West Coast East Coast

Cold current

Begins near poles

Cooler climate

Warm current

Begins near equator

Warmer climate

warmer waters release heat to the atmosphere – warms up- affects climate

water takes longer than land to heat up and cool down


– circulation in ocean that brings deep, cold water to surface

– Contains lots of nutrients from dead organisms

– Attracts fish to feed

– Places like Oregon, Washington, Peru, etc.

Typically off rocky coastlines

Density Currents

forms when more dense seawater sinks under less dense seawater

occurs deeper in the ocean

can increase or decrease in 2 ways: o salinity

o temperature

circulate slowly

Antarctica o Drop in temps freezes more water o Salinity increases o Water becomes more dense & sinks o Start spreading towards the equator o In Pacific – can take 1000 years to reach equator o In Atlantic – can take 275+ years

3.3 Ocean Waves & Tides

Waves – caused by winds, earthquakes, & gravitational force of sun &


a rhythmic movement that carries energy through matter & space

Wave movement

energy of wave moves forward but H


O particles stay in place

shallow places change shape of wave o more friction slows down wave o crest & trough come closer together o amplitude increases o less friction at top of wave than bottom allowing it to move faster o nothing underneath it so it collapses o called “breaker”

o gravity pulls H


O back to sea after it breaks

2 types of waves


- friction caused

- Increase wind, increase height

- Height depends on: speed of wind,

Distance over which it blows,

Length of time it blows


- Caused by a giant wave

- 1-2m high but

1000+ km long

- High/Low –

12hrs & 25min

- 2 High/2 Low –

24hrs & 50 min

Gravitational Effect of Moon

moon’s gravity exerts a pull



O responds to the pull

Bulge on opposite sides of Earth represents high tide

Earth rotates & bulges follow the moon o Different sections of the Earth goes through high & low tides

different places barely notice a change o ex. equator - H


O spread over a large area – can’t really tell difference in height of tide o smaller area would notice a greater change

Gravitational Effect of Sun

can increase or decrease the strength of the moon

alignment of the 3 bodies

Spring tides

higher high tides

lower low tides

Neap tides

high tides are lower

low tides are higher
