Student Learning Map Name: Course/Subject:6th Grade Science Topic: Water in Earth’s Processes Unit Date: Team: School District: Key Learning: Recognize the significant role of water in Earth’s processes. What role does water play in Earth’s processes? Concept: Water Cycle Concept: Fresh Water Concept: Salt Water Concept: Currents, Waves and Tides Concept: Lesson Essential Questions: Lesson Essential Questions: Lesson Essential Questions: Lesson Essential Questions: What is the water cycle? What is an aquifer? What energy source powers the water cycle? What is a watershed? Lesson Essential Questions: How much of Earth’s surface is covered with water? What is evaporation? What is transpiration? What is condensation? What is runoff? What is percolation? What is precipitation? What causes precipitation? What is groundwater? What causes tides? What is an ebb tide? What is a well? What is a flood What are the tide? names of the major oceans? How many times a day do the tides Where are the change? major oceans located? What is a spring How much of Earth’s surface is covered with water? What are the oceans from largest to smallest? What are the three states of water? What is salinity? What are currents? Where does the salt in the ocean come from? What are surface currents? What is the water table? What is a spring? What is the How do rain, What is the distribution of salt water? What are tides? tide? What is a neap tide? What is the current Student Learning Map snow, sleet and hail form? distribution of fresh water? What is humidity? How does heat affect salinity? What is relative humidity? How does water movement affect salinity? What is dew point? What is a psychrometer? Vocabulary: Hydrosphere Water cycle Humidity Relative humidity Precipitation Evaporation Condensation Infiltration Percolation Transpiration Sublimation Dew point What is climate and how does it affect salinity? that is in the Atlantic Ocean? What are waves? What causes waves? What are the parts of a wave? What are the environments of the ocean? Vocabulary: Aquifer Watershed Groundwater Water table Spring Well Reservoir Glaciers Polar Ice Caps Vocabulary: Salinity Density Oceanographer Additional Information/Resources: Brainpop Videos Lab: Density/Temperature/Salinity QUIA vocab Diagrams: water cycle, wave animations Vocabulary: Surface current Deep ocean current Spring tide Neap tide Wave Crest Trough Amplitude Wave height Wave period Gulf Stream Gyres Vocabulary Student Learning Map Concept: Concept: Concept: Concept: Concept: Lesson Essential Questions: Lesson Essential Questions: Lesson Essential Questions: Lesson Essential Questions: Lesson Essential Questions: Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Vocabulary: