Easter Seal SC NAVY EFMP RESPITE CARE In-Home Provider Agreement Roles and Responsibilities of the In-Home Respite Provider. Providers: 1. Provide a safe and appropriate environment at all times for the child(ren) in your care. Respite providers must adhere to safety regulations which ensure the safely of respite clients, parents, and their property. Providers must also use universal precautions when appropriate to protect the health of the client and themselves. 2. Report to your respite care appointments on time or notify parents/guardians and Easter Seals SC staff at least 24 hours in advance if they must cancel a respite appointment. You may be at risk of being designated as temporarily or permanently inactive as a Respite Provider if you are habitually late to respite appointments or cancel with less than 24 hours notice. 3. Confirm a scheduled respite appointment 24 hours in advance to ensure the parent’s plans have not changed. Notify Easter Seals SC staff when a parent is not at home or turns you away at the door for a scheduled respite visit. 4. Providers must be in agreement with parent on which children are under the provider’s supervision during respite care, keeping in mind that typical siblings who have aged out are not the responsibility of the respite provider. 5. Providers should not do housework or perform any tasks that are not related to the direct care and supervision of the child(ren) in care. If a parent is also a family child care provider, respite care may not be provided during hours of operation of that facility. 6. Providers may not provide more that forty (40) hours of respite care to a single family per month through this program. Please remember, there may be other providers working for the family in which case you may not be working the full 40 hours that the family is using. 7. Providers are required to report complete, legible, and accurate information on their attendance sheets, application, and all other documents related to Navy EFMP Respite Care. You are at risk of being designated as permanently inactive as a provider if you provide false information. 8. All providers are required to maintain mandatory certification and attend required trainings. Providers must attend two (2) designated professional developments trainings in their first year. Each subsequent year, providers are required to complete four (4) pre-approved trainings on topics related to special needs, disabilities, heath & safety, or child development. Providers must attend at least one training every six months. Andy violation of this policy will result in a provider being designated as temporarily inactive as a provider until training requirements are met. If a provider habitually is out of compliance with training requirements, they may be designated as permanently inactive. 9. Respite Care must be provided for a minimum of two (2) hours each appointment. 10. Respite Care cannot be scheduled more than once per day with the same family, i.e., no split shifts. 11. Respite Care may not take place in the home of the provider unless it is a licensed family child care home or center. 12. Providers must be instructed on the proper care required for each child before providing care. This includes the use of any adaptive apparatus or other necessary accommodations. Courtesy of YMCA Childcare Resource Service, San Diego, CA Page 1 of 3 Easter Seal SC NAVY EFMP RESPITE CARE In-Home Provider Agreement 13. Providers must obtain written instructions and permission from the parent before administering any medication. Parents complete the Authorization for Medication Administration form. Providers may not administer any medication that is not in its original container. Providers may only administer the medication to the child indicated on the label. Record all medication provided on the Medication Administration Log for that family and submit monthly to Easter Seals SC staff. 14. Providers must have the emergency information and medical release for each child being cared for AT ALL TIMES when providing respite services. 15. Providers may never transport children unless using public transportation. The only individuals authorized to transport children in personal vehicles are parent/guardians and individuals listed on the emergency release form. Any violation of this policy may result in provider being designated as permanently inactive as a respite care provider. 16. Providers are expected to maintain a professional demeanor and relationship with all members of the families with which they work, at all times. This includes maintaining appropriate boundaries, maintaining client confidentiality, remaining neutral in al family disputes, only providing care to the authorized children in the family (i.e., no older siblings, family friends, children of respite care provider, etc.). 17. Providers may not, under any circumstances, bring another person or pet with them to a respite care appointment. This includes children, relatives, friends, or other acquaintances. Any violation of this policy may result in a provider being designated as permanently inactive as a respite care provider. 18. Providers will only be referred out based on availability, experience, service area, etc. Providers are not permitted to request additional compensation from families during respite appointments. Navy EFMP Respite Care is designed to meet the needs of the families served. 19. Providers are prohibited from unauthorized possession of, use of, or misappropriation of property, equipment or funds of respite clients is strictly. This includes use of electronic devices such as family computers or cell phone during respite services. 20. Providers are prohibited from consumption, being under the influence or in possession of alcohol or drugs while providing respite care services. Any use of alcohol or drugs will result in a provider being designated as permanently inactive as a respite care provider. 21. Providers must understand that Easter Seals SC staff is required to monitor In-Home respite providers and conduct quality assurance observations during times that respite care is scheduled. Providers in their first year will be observed every other month. Provider in their subsequent years that remain in good standing will be seen on a quarterly basis. The purpose of the observation is to monitor the quality of care and provide technical assistance and resources. Observations will be unannounced to the provider. 22. Providers must return calls and emails from parents and Easter Seals SC staff within 24 hours. Providers must also sign and return all notification letters, forms and other documents by the date requested. 23. Providers must notify Easter Seals SC staff in advance of any periods of inactivity in providing care of more than 5 business days such as vacations or care for a family member. 24. Providers are required to notify Easter Seals SC staff and all authorized parents of all changes to address and/or contact information within 48 hours of the change occurring. Courtesy of YMCA Childcare Resource Service, San Diego, CA Page 2 of 3 Easter Seal SC NAVY EFMP RESPITE CARE In-Home Provider Agreement 25. Providers are encouraged to notify Easter Seals SC staff of any problems or concerns related to the respite care being provided. The undersigned shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Easter Seals SC, Child Care Aware® of America, the United States Navy, and the United States Government, from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, liabilities, and judgments, including attorneys fees and claims for bodily injury or death, arising from services rendered or for facilities provided with the operation of EFMP Respite Care. This list is not intended to be all-inclusive and does not prevent the Easter Seals SC from counseling or designating a provider as temporarily or permanently inactive for additional actions which violate agency standards for conduct. I have read and understand the roles and responsibilities of an In-Home Respite Provider and the reasons for removal from the program. I agree to comply with these regulations and policies and I have received a copy of this Provider Agreement. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Print Name of Respite Care Provider Signature Date Courtesy of YMCA Childcare Resource Service, San Diego, CA Page 3 of 3