Resource discovery and sharing – glossary and useful links Acronym/ Name Abbreviation Information / definition / links Alternative format Also known as non-print material; usually a print item produced in a format such as audio, Braille etc Bee Aware National initiative to promote interlending of alternative format material for visually impaired people. The scheme began as a pilot in the North West and is now available nationally. For more information see the NWLIP website. BL British Library National Library of the UK which holds 150 million items with 3 million new items added each year. The collections include manuscripts, maps, magazines, prints and drawings, music scores and patents. The website contains a wealth of information for librarians and for the public. BLDSC British Library Document Supply Centre Based at Boston Spa the BLDSC offers a wide range of services to support interlending. The Directory of Library Codes and Customer Handbooks are available as free downloads. Customer Support is available by phone 01937 546060 email or from the website Libraries and information East Midlands, July 2012 1 Resource discovery and sharing – glossary and useful links BLDSS British Library British Library services supporting remote document supply, resources and information on the new system Document Supply Service BLIC British Library Integrated Catalogue BNB British National The British National Bibliography (BNB) records the publishing activity of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland and includes selective coverage of Bibliography printed and electronic publications published since 1950, as well as information on new titles up to 16 weeks ahead of their announced publication date CILIP Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals CILIP is the professional body for librarians, information specialists and knowledge managers. There are regional subgroups such as CILIP East Midlands and specialist groups such as: the Academic Libraries Research Group, the Health Libraries Group, Youth Libraries group and a Career Development Group. CILLA Co-operative of Indic Language CILLA is a subscription service which assists libraries to meet the needs of their Indic communities by providing book acquisition and cataloguing services for materials in Bengali, Gujerati, Punjabi, Tamil, Sanskrit, Hindi, and Urdu languages. CILLA’s bibliographic records are added to OCLC’s WorldCat The catalogue brings together a number of previously separate resources to list over twelve million items in the British Library’s outstanding collections. Libraries and information East Midlands, July 2012 2 Resource discovery and sharing – glossary and useful links Library Authorities online catalogue. Conarls Circle of Officers of National and Regional Library Systems The Conarls Working Group was formed on 1st April 2009 as part of the amalgamation of The Combined Regions with Conarls, a co-operative of national and regional library organisations. The Group continues the work of Conarls, in particular: maintaining the Inter-Regional Unit (IRU) Cost Scheme, sometimes known as the ‘Conarls rate’; providing guidance and information about the Joint Fiction Reserves (JFRs); maintaining a database of non-English language fiction collections; providing advocacy and guidance on resource discovery, sharing and delivery matters. On-line catalogue of major University and National Libraries in the UK and Ireland COPAC Culture Grid DX Culture Grid is an online service from the Collections Trust which joins and opens up UK collections information from museums, galleries, libraries and archives and has a growing range of images and other kinds of resources and many new ways to connect with them. Transport provider used by libraries for inter-library loans: Other transport providers used include: DHL; Royal Mail; TNT Libraries and information East Midlands, July 2012 3 Resource discovery and sharing – glossary and useful links EDI EThOS Electronic data Electronic data interchange (EDI) is the structured transmission of data interchange between organizations by electronic means. It is used to transfer electronic documents or business data from one computer system to another computer system, i.e. from one trading partner to another trading partner without human intervention. Encore Catalogue of performance sets in UK libraries: Electronic theses online The British Library online electronic theses (e-theses) service EThOS provides searching access to over 250,000 theses, with many available for download immediately. A personal registration is required the first time the site is used FABLibraries provides access to more than 149 UK public library catalogues in a single search. It links to the library’s own website, shows availability and shows library locations on a map and the distance. FABLibraries FIL Forum For Interlending and Information Delivery Organisation for interlending and document supply personnel. Established to enable library and information workers to exchange ideas and views and also to raise the profile of interlending and document supply nationally and internationally. Libraries and information East Midlands, July 2012 4 Resource discovery and sharing – glossary and useful links Findit! A web-site for searching library collections throughout England, created by INSPIRE. “Whether you are pursuing a hobby, studying or doing research, findit! will lead you to the right library and the right information in your region and beyond” IAML IFLA International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres Promotes international co-operation across 22 countries. Membership includes major music collections, music and audio-visual librarians, music archivists and documentation specialists, musicologists, music publishers and dealers. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions IFLA is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession, with 1700 members in 150 countries. Inter library loan ILL INSPIRE Information Sharing Partners In Resources for Inspire aims to facilitate improved public access to resources in academic, national, specialist and public libraries across the UK. Its objectives are to increase opportunities for adult learners to access learning resources in libraries, and to develop the skills of library staff by raising awareness of Libraries and information East Midlands, July 2012 5 Resource discovery and sharing – glossary and useful links Education regional and national access agreements and library collections. IRU Inter-Regional Unit Inter-Regional Unit cost scheme, sometimes known as the ‘Conarls rate’ for inter-library loans. ISO-ILL JFR An international standard for interlibrary loans. ISO ILL 10160/10161 is the technical definition of messages as well as a set of rules on how to use those messages between ISO ILL compliant systems Joint Fiction Reserve The Joint Fiction Reserves exist to preserve and make available for public library borrowers out-of-print works of fiction. Three exist in the UK and Ireland: the Regional JFR, the London and South Eastern Regional Joint Fiction Reserve (LASER JFR), and the Irish JFR. A similar but distinct Scottish Fiction Reserve is also in operation. LibrariesWest LibrariesWest is a consortium of five library services - Bath & North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset, Somerset, and South Gloucestershire. LIEM Libraries and Information Libraries and Information East Midlands is a membership organisation, providing a strategic voice for library and information services across the East Midlands. It has a long tradition of promoting partnership and co-operation Libraries and information East Midlands, July 2012 6 Resource discovery and sharing – glossary and useful links East Midlands across the library and information domain in the region; with partners in museums and archives; nationally, with other library development agencies and strategic bodies. LISN Lincolnshire Information Services Network A group of Lincolnshire-based information providers/libraries who meet to share staff expertise and resources between its members enabling access to a more comprehensive and wide reaching network of information for the people of Lincolnshire. LISU Library and Information Statistics Unit LISU publishes compilations of statistical information about and for libraries and information services; reporting on the results of its statistical surveys and research projects. LISU is based at Loughborough University LMS Library Management System London Requests M25 Consortium NAG A working arrangement including Bromley, Bexley, Lewisham and Croydon as a sub-regional partnership for interlending. A consortium of Higher Education Libraries within the M25 area National NAG aims to create and encourage dialogue and improvements for all involved Libraries and information East Midlands, July 2012 7 Resource discovery and sharing – glossary and useful links Acquisitions Group in the acquisition process. Its members include organisations in publishing, bookselling and library systems as well as librarians in academic, public, national, special and government institutions. Newsplan is a major national project to preserve, list and microfilm the historic runs of local newspapers held in the regions and in the national library collection. It is a co-operative programme involving public libraries, record offices and museums, the universities and newspaper publishers, along with the active support of the British Library Newspaper Library. You can search for a newspaper title, for newspapers connected with a particular town or county, or to find out what newspapers were published in a particular year in the East Midlands and East Anglia region through the LIEM website. Newsplan NELF Non-English Language Fiction database The Non-English language fiction collections database has been compiled to help library staff quickly identify sources of material available for inter-lending within and beyond their own regions. The database describes collections not individual titles held. The database includes almost 1800 entries for collections in 85 languages from Afrikaans to Yoruba. Libraries and information East Midlands, July 2012 8 Resource discovery and sharing – glossary and useful links NWLIP North West Libraries Interlending Partnership A service provided by Lancashire County Library and Information Service (LCLIS) in association with the Society of Chief Librarians (SCL) North West. The Partnership provides Inter Library Loan support services to libraries in the north west of England. Reading Partners Reading Partners is an initiative led by the Reading Agency, helping publishers to reach readers through libraries' 4,000 branches and 10,000 reading groups. This has led to author events, on-line reading groups and community reading promotions. There is a network of regional contacts, the East Midlands contact is Lynn Hodgkins. RFID Radiofrequency identification RFID is the use of an object (typically referred to as an RFID tag) applied to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the purpose of identification and tracking using radio waves. Some tags can be read from several meters away and beyond the line of sight of the reader. RFID comprises interrogators (also known as readers), and tags (also known as labels). RLUK Research Libraries UK A consortium of University and research Libraries, RLUK’s vision is that the UK should have the best research library support in the world. RNIB Royal National Institute of Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) is the UK’s leading charity Libraries and information East Midlands, July 2012 9 Resource discovery and sharing – glossary and useful links Blind people: offering information, support and advice to almost two million people with sight National loss. Their National Library service is the largest specialist library in the UK for Library service readers with sight loss. SED Secure Electronic Delivery SINTO Articles are delivered as encrypted Pdfs and are fully copyright compliant SINTO is a partnership of library and information services in the Yorkshire and north Derbyshire region with the goal of improving services to users through co-operation, training and planning. Membership is open to any organisation providing an information service or with an interest in librarianship and information management. SUNCAT Serials Union Catalogue for the UK Search tool across almost 50 UK libraries to help researchers and librarians locate serials. Libraries and information East Midlands, July 2012 10 Resource discovery and sharing – glossary and useful links SWRLS South Western SWRLS is a regional body which aims to promote co-operation between libraries in the South West and the Channel Islands: Regional Library System TCR The Combined The Combined Regions (TCR) is an organisation set up to enable co-operation Regions between libraries across the British Isles, at both a strategic and an operational level. For more than fifteen years, TCR has been working with its partners to develop a national network for resource-sharing between libraries across Britain and Ireland. TRA The Reading Agency An innovative public/private sector partnership bringing together libraries and the publishing industry. Partners include Bloomsbury, Faber, Mills and Boon, Harper Collins, Penguin, Random House, and Time Warner. UnityUK UnityUK is the web-based resource-sharing and interlibrary loan service provided by OCLC/PICA in partnership with The Combined Regions. It is the UK’s first and only national network that brings together the union catalogues to offer a single service. LIEM undertakes location searches using UUK on behalf of our member organizations. Libraries and information East Midlands, July 2012 11 Resource discovery and sharing – glossary and useful links WorldCat WorldCat is the world's largest network of library content and services on the Web, making it possible to search the collections of thousands of libraries around the world. Z39.50 An international standard for communication between computer systems which enables the development and delivery of inter-linked library systems. Libraries and information East Midlands, July 2012 12