Annotating Test Questions… Textbook annotation is part of a system of textbook marking that involves the reader in: 1. Writing brief summaries in the margins 2. Listing or numbering multiple ideas (causes, effects, reasons, characteristics) 3. Sketching pictures and charts to explain difficult processes/ concepts 4. Predicting & writing possible test questions 5. Noting puzzling or confusing ideas that need clarification 6. Underlining key ideas or concepts 7. Circle specific locations listed in text Let’s try it…TOGETHER… Objective 2.01 Logical Order Spatial Order Spatial Order text that's organized based on where things are found in space Describes the positioning of things, objects, scenes or people in a particular pattern Often seen in descriptive writing or non-fiction Spatial Order • Signal Words Around, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. below, center, beside, in front of, outside, surrounding, to the left, to the right, across, behind, beyond, and inside You try it…Use your signal words to describe this picture Think – Pair - Share Complete your written reflection. Share what you’ve written about the picture you saw with the person next to you. You have approximately 2 minutes… Independent Practice Using spatial order 1. As you walk around today, observe the things that are in your immediate space (things that are around you) 2. Describe these things using the signal words for spatial order. Summarize What I learned today… Guided Practice In our groups… Writing Workshop Research Group •Draft #2 •Find the answers for 20 ?’s Reading Workshop Student/Teacher Conference •Finish Reading Reflection #1 with Vocabulary Logs. •Select an article and create an inverted pyramid… •Venn Diagram •Story Impressions Chart •THEN….Go back and work in daybooks until I am able to meet with you.