
Microinvert and algae quiz (Monday)
There are five questions on this quiz. You must answer all of them correctly to gain full points.
1) What is periphyton? Where is it found? (4 points total)
Sessile organisms, such as algae and small crustaceans, that live attached to
surfaces projecting from the bottom of a freshwater aquatic environment.
Periphyton are found primarily in the littoral zone.
2) Give the common name for the following four algae taxa:
a) Rhodophyta (1 point)
Red algae
b) Chrysophyceae (1 point)
Golden algae
c) Cyanophyta (1 point)
Blue-green algae
d) Chlorophyta (1 point)
Green algae
3) You see this organism under the microscope:
What is it? (Class [2 points] and Order [2 points])
Bilaterally-symmetrical diatom (Class Bacillariophyceae, Order Pennales)
4. Under the microscope, you see an organim characterized by a corona of ciliated hairs that the
organism uses for drawing in prey organisms. What is that organism? (4 points)
Rotifer (Phylum rotifera)
5. Draw the four lentic zones. Label them A, B, C, D
on your diagram.
A) Profundal zone (1 point)
B) Limnetic/pelagic zone (1 point)
C) Photic zone (1 point)
D) Benthic zone (1 point)
Microinvert and algae quiz (Thursday)
There are five questions on this quiz. You must answer all of them correctly to gain full points.
1) What is phytoplankton? Where is it found? (4 points total)
Phytoplankton are microscopic plants and some types of bacteria which obtain
their energy via photosynthesis.
Phytoplankton are primarily found in the limnetic/pelagic zone or photic zone.
2) Provide the phylum to which each of the following taxa belong:
a) Copepoda (1 point)
b) Acari (1 point)
c) Centrales (1 point)
d) Cladocera (1 point)
3) You see this organism under the microscope:
What is it? (Subphylum [2 points] and Suborder [2 points])
Water Flea (Subphylum Crustacea, Suborder Cladocera)
4. Under the microscope, you see an single-celled organism characterized by two flagella of
differing lengths. It has chlorophyll, but in the absence of light consumes other microbes. What is
it? (4 points)
Dinoflagellate (Phylum Pyrrhophyta). (½ pts for Euglena (Phylum Euglenophyta))
5. What sorts of chlorophyll do members of Phylum rhodophyta possess? (2 points) What
evolutionary advantage does this combination of chlorophyll allow? (2 points)
Phylum rhodophyta possesses chlorophyll A and D.
Chlorophyll D absorbs light from a wide range of shorter-than-red wavelength
light, allowing it to survive in deeper and/or ”low-light” environments.
Microinvert and algae quiz (Friday)
There are five questions on this quiz. You must answer all of them correctly to gain full points.
1) What is phytoplankton? Where is it found? (4 points total)
Phytoplankton are microscopic plants and some types of bacteria which obtain
their energy via photosynthesis.
Phytoplankton are primarily found in the limnetic/pelagic zone or photic zone.
2) Give the common name for the following taxa of organisms:
a) Ectoprocta (Bryozoa) (1 point)
“Moss animals”/Bryozoans
b) Pheophyceae (1 point)
Brown algae
c) Rhodophyta (1 point)
Red algae
d) Acari (1 point)
Water mites
3) You see this organism under the microscope:
What is it? (Phylum [2 points] and Class [2 points])
Golden algae (Phylum Heterokntophyta, Class Chrysophyceae)
4. Under the microscope, you see an organism characterized by two egg pouches, large primary
antennae, and a single “eye spot”. What is it? (4 points)
Copepod (Phylum Arthropoda, Subphylum Crustacea, … Subclass Copepoda)
5. List four characteristics that you can use to identify the Bacillariopyceae (1 point each)
1. Single-celled
2. Contains chlorophyll
3. Has a frustule (either bilateral or radial symmetry)
4. Frustule has striae (Order Pennales) or punctae (Order Centrales)