Confirmed Minutes of the Sexual Health Strategy Group Wednesday 13th May 2009 at 09.30am within The Beeches, Forth Park, Kirkcaldy Present: Dr Lorna Watson, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, (Chair) Ms Carrie Lindsay, Education Officer Ms Yvonne Kerr, Senior BBV & Sexual Health Improvement Officer Dr Malin Sullivan, Kinghorn Medical Practice Ms Elma Robertson, Dunfermline & West Fife CHP Ms Julia Trowell, Senior Nurse, CASH Mr John Taylor, Blood Borne Virus & Sexual Health Development Manager Ms Lorraine Ronalson, Lead Nurse, G&NEFife CHP Ms Ann Henderson, Addiction Services Dr Nil Banerjee, Consultant, GUM & Sexual Health Ms Bridget Barker, Team Leader, Fife Council Ms Vicky Long, Dialogue Youth, Fife Council Dr Karin Piegsa, Consultant, Contraception & Sexual Health Apologies: Ms Andrea Smith, Development Pharmacist, Community Pharmacy Ms Jackie Barbour, Public Health Practitioner Mr Ian Robertson, Social Worker, Fife Council Dr Stephen Monaghan, Consultant, Obstetrics & Gynaecology Dr Daksha Patel, FRAE Fife In attendance: Natalie Wilson, Secretary, (Minutes) Item Welcome & Apologies 1. LW welcomed everyone to the meeting. LW informed members that Dr Eddie Coyle, Director of Public Health officially started today. He will be NHS Executive lead for sexual health. LW will brief Dr Coyle on developments. LW stated Swine Flu had a significant impact on workloads. Apologies are noted as above. Minutes of Previous Meeting (25th February 2009) 2. Previous minutes recorded as accurate. Actions from previous meeting 3. 5.2. Communication Strategy – pending. LW has drafted documents and changes will be made and circulated for the next meeting. NW to email CL date of next communication strategy meeting. 6. HIV Plan – complete. 7. CEL (2008) 41 Domestic Violence – pending. JTrow will attend future meetings. NW to email JTrow date of next meeting. 8. Monitoring Teenage Pregnancy Statistics – on agenda. 9. Drop-in services within Anstruther, Cupar and St Andrews had previously been stopped due to attendance and funding. 14. Engagement with young people – LW emailed Joe Fitzpatrick, awaiting reply. 15. Confidentiality – CL will be attending a meeting on Thursday with the Principal Teacher/Guidance Teacher. CL will feedback at next meeting. 17. Update from Jackie Barbour – JB still off sick at present. D:\612886117.doc Action NW NW CL 1 Confirmed 18. 4. 5. 5.1 5.2 Key Clinical Indicators – LW stated KCI’s & high female sterilisation rates in Fife was discussed at the recent management group. KP has emailed Stephen Monaghan, awaiting a reply. KP will liaise with Les Bisset for an update. It was noted that there has been a Service Manager appointed to oversee GUM/CASH. Government Update LW has received a positive letter which was circulated. Public Campaigns will be launched in June 2009 regarding safer sex and longer acting contraception. JTay advised that there is also a campaign being launched targeting men who have sex with men. Progress to Date Respect & Responsibility Fife Progress Report May 2009 The above was previously circulated. Sexual Health Strategy Action Plan 2006/2009 – Update May 09 The above was previously circulated. LW suggested the action plan be updated after the Summer alongside the Respect & Responsibility outcomes paper. LW will circulate the Key Clinical Indicator Report for Primary Care once received. 5.3 Mapping Drop-in Services No further work completed to date. LW to email Lead Nurses to pursue issue of school nurses taking on enhanced role. JTay also suggested Elmwood College in Cupar was a possible venue for services. 5.4 Network Event Update There will be a one day event held. Morning event will look at issues for young people and the afternoon will look at the strategic issues and updating the action plan. The event will take place in the autumn. ACTION1: LW/YK to arrange a date. Funding HIF Funding LW confirmed the Sexual Health Development Officer post has been banded as grade 5 and will be advertised in the next few weeks with the closing date being end of May. Interviews will take place mid June. ACTION2: ER/LR to liaise and agree appropriate rep for interviews. 6. 6.1 LW/YK ER/LR LW stated that there will be slippage from the HIF fund of £3K. It was agreed that Andrea Smith will receive the funding to support the continuation of the Chlamydia testing in community pharmacies for this financial year. 6.2 Government funding for websites/information CL stated that sections are with copy writer. CL meeting with Karen Kelly to discuss progress on the website. CL will update at the next meeting. Kirkcaldy & Levenmouth Specialist Sexual Health – Ms Dobbie awaiting introduction from LW. LW will be emailing Mary Porter regarding the D:\612886117.doc 2 Confirmed 7. 8. 8.1 8.2 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. contents page. SIGN 109: Management of Genital Chlamydia Trachomatis Infection The above was previously circulated. NB is lead for NHS Fife. The above is not recommending opportunistic screening for Chlamydia testing rather very targeted testing. NB setting up a meeting to take forward, in progress. Community Pharmacy Emergency Hormonal Contraception Deferred to next meeting. Chlamydia Deferred to next meeting. Sex and Relationships Education Update CL informed members that all secondary schools have now been trained. Support centres – 2 out of 3 have been trained and all have gone well. To date 110 teachers are trained in SHARE. There is also a large number of people outwith trained as it is a multi-agency training scheme. A ½ day event is being scheduled to look at the next steps of SHARE. YK/CL meeting to discuss rolling out a pilot in primary schools. LW asked about user/pupil evaluation. CL stated this wouldn’t be feasible through Health Promoting Schools. CL stated that Curriculum for Excellence is where SHARE training links into. Schools require to choose their own focus areas delivering this. Supporting parents to engage with sexual health issues VL met with Ross Martin regarding ‘Speakeasy’ a Family Planning Association Courses for Parents. VL is costing the project in principle and will liaise with Kirsten Boyle. VL stated that in terms of community education Speakeasy fits in with Adult Basic education, Youth Work and lifelong learning and potentially is very interesting in terms of CLD targets. CL suggested VL also link with Shirley Fraser/Dona Milne. ACTION3: LW to liaise with Mary Ferris/Garry Crosbie regarding parenting strategy group. LGBT Youth Needs Assessment The above was previously circulated. Concerns were raised in relation to who oversees recommendations as a group had not met for some time. YK meeting with Ross Martin in early June to progress on how to move this forward. It was suggested that some actions be incorporated into the Sexual Health Strategy Group Action Plan when revised. LW encouraged sexual health services to consider the LGBT charter accreditation. Engagement with Young People ER sent out a draft D&WFife CHP report. LW liaising with public health scientists to progress. One questionnaire had been given out in error in Glenrothes, this has been rectified. LW will distribute once available. JTrow stated a group has been set up for the Equally Well project. It was noted Wendy McCartney is a rep on the group looking at reducing health inequalities in Templehall, Kirkcaldy. Voluntary Sector Representative on Group ACTION4: LW will contact CVS Fife to representation or ways of better communication. D:\612886117.doc LW LW 3 Confirmed 14. Updates NaSH IT System – pending – will be under remit of new Manager. Re-design of GUM/CASH – ongoing Sessional Workers – 5 candidates have been appointed to help with running projects. Family Health Projects – Pauline McQueen is lead person. Health & Wellbeing Alliance – Equally Well, 5 strands funded by Fairer Scotland, Belinda Morgan is Chair teenage parents. Youth Sexual Health Week – VL stated that the week is structured on resilience (mental health). It was thought there may still be merit in linking sexual health to this. VL to update at next meeting. JTaylor’s job is now focusing on development of Hep C Action Plan, HIV and Hep B. JTay stated that the next version of the National HIV Action Plan is still a concern, there is no clear indication of what the final version will say. It has been suggested 75% funding goes towards Fife’s African population and men who have sex with men. Any directive that dictates a reallocation of funding will have a significant impact on Fife’s sexual health programme. JTay stated that the updated action plan is intended to be out at the end of May. ACTION5: BBV Action Plan will be an item on the agenda for next meeting. Hep C – Prevention Network is established with Terms of Reference. Communication Strategy document is in its first draft. ACTION6: Before the August meeting these documents and the BBV Prevention Action Plan will be circulated to SHSG members. JTay JTay Postcards – S1 pupils targeted. It was agreed CL will distribute the postcards to S1 pupils at the beginning of next term. CL will inform guidance teachers. Children’s Services Plan monitoring – still to be finalised, Maxine Moy liaising with LW in relation to teenage pregnancy figures. Actual numbers for each Area Committee would not be available. LR stated that the drop-in centres in North East Fife is becoming an outreach model. Fairer Scotland Funding – there is a 1 year pilot which will take place in the Levenmouth area. A worker will work along side young girls to assist them into support services. LR stated this may be replicated in Glenrothes. KP raised concern in relation to the Condom Policy being approved. KP is liaising with Isobel Easson. ACTION7: LW to write to Isobel Easson to find out reason for delay. LW LW was recently contacted in relation to bus advertising. LR to investigate information on buses being made available through Fife Constabulary for North East Fife and surrounding areas incorporating sexual health. D:\612886117.doc 4 Confirmed MS meeting with a pharmaceutical representative to discuss information on promoting audits of service provision on LARC and what could be done locally. KP stated that the faculty have teamed up with Orgonon regarding training on Implanon which KP is doing at present. 19. Dates of Next Meeting Wednesday 26th August 2009 at 09.30am within The Seminar Room, Forth Park Wednesday 25th November 2009 at 09.30am within The Seminar Room, Forth Park Abbreviations BBV/MCN CASH CHP CLD EHC GPASS GUMSH HPS HMIe ISD IUD KCI LARC LGBT NaSH NES PGD QIS SIGN – – – – – – – – – – Blood Borne Virus/Managed Clinical Network Contraception and Sexual Health Community Health Partnership Community Learning Development Emergency Hormonal Contraception General Practice Administration System for Scotland Genito-urinary Medicine Sexual Health Health Protection Scotland Her Majesties Inspectorate of Education Information Services Division of NHS National Services Scotland Intra-uterine Device Key Clinical Indicators Long Acting Reversible Contraception Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender National Sexual Health IT System NHS Education Scotland Patient Group Directive NHS Quality Improvement Scotland Scottish Intercolligate Guidelines Network D:\612886117.doc 5