Newsletter Friday 18th September 2015 Pupil Information You will have received a Data collection form today containing information about your child. It is very important that this is correct and we especially draw your attention to the mobile phone contact number and email address which should be updated every time you change either or both. Please check the entire form and make any changes if necessary. Once you are satisfied that the information is correct please sign the bottom of the form. Parents of children in nursery class will also have received other important forms before the summer break: Photo Consent ESafety information Home School Agreement Out of school visit consent - which covers the school and your child whilst on trips outside the school and we are unable to take your child on trips without this consent form. Please could all these forms be returned next week to enable us to update your child’s records and contact information. P.E. Lessons It is essential that all children have the right kit in school. All the children will need a white t-shirt, navy or black shorts, jogging bottoms and jumper (preferably navy) as if the weather is dry P.E. will still be held outside. It is very important that the children DO NOT wear their school polo shirts and sweatshirts for P.E. lessons for obvious hygiene reasons. (NB. Please could the girls also have a pair of white socks in their kit to change into when wearing tights). Royal Blue drawstring PE bags are available to buy from school at a cost of £3.00 each. Bottle and Jar Lids Mrs Lewis’s class will be taking part in an art recycling project in the spring term and they will need lots different types of lids from bottles and jars. Could she please request that you start saving them now and send them into school with your child? Thank you for your support. Road Safety PLEASE CAN PARENTS BE MINDFUL OF THE FOLLOWING AS THE CHILDRENS’ SAFETY IS PARAMOUNT: Please can parents not stop or park on the bend at the top of Albert Grove as children are unable to see properly to cross the road safely. Please could parents also avoid parking on the zigzags outside the schools gates and ensure that cars are parked legally and sensibly on the road or in the public car park at the top of Maes-y-Llan lane. Parents are urged NOT TO LET YOUR CHILD OUT OF THE CAR AND CROSS THE ROAD ALONE, we have had a couple of near misses with cars having to stop suddenly to avoid a child getting out of a vehicle on the other side of the road!!! Please also be mindful of the fact that our neighbours do need to access their driveways. Please can we remind everyone that the double gate access is for staff cars only, it is dangerous for pedestrians, especially young children leaving nursery who often run up the car access drive way. The Pedestrian access for the nursery building is via the single pedestrian gate on the junior yard and follow the fence alongside the school building, Thank you for your co-operation with this very important safety issue. Head Lice We have had reports this week that parents have found head lice in their child’s hair. May I respectfully remind parents to check hair regularly and treat if necessary. It is very important the treatment is repeated AGAIN seven days later. Your GP will prescribe the appropriate lotion free of charge or for further advice, contact our school nurse at the Clinic on 01978 821204. Open Week and Evening – Ysgol Rhiwabon Ysgol Rhiwabon are holding their Open Week between Monday 28th September and Friday 2nd October. You will need to telephone them for an appointment time on 01978 822392. They are also hosting an Open Evening on Wednesday 30th September from 6.00 p.m.-8.00 p.m. All children currently in Year 5 and 6 are invited to attend. For more information go to Photographs A reminder that Tempest Photography is coming into school on Thursday 1st October. They will take individual and family photos. Please return your form stating your preferences next week. If you have young children and want them to be included, please bring them to school at 08.30 a.m. on the day. In order to help the morning run more smoothly, we are implementing a ticket system this year and everyone will be issued with a number upon arrival. Book Fair and Celebrations A reminder that the Book Fair will be in school from Monday 5th-Thursday 8th October. It will be open between 3.00-3.45 p.m. and Class JL will also be holding a Coffee and Cake afternoon on Thursday 8th October from 2.30-3.00 p.m. On Friday 9th October there will be a dress up day and with lots of fun, book based activities going on throughout the day. Further detailed information to follow. Newsletter Friday 18th September 2015 Harvest Festival Our Harvest Festival is on Thursday 15th October at 1.30 p.m. in St Mary’s Church. All are welcome and the children will walk to and from the church with their class teacher. You are also invited to come back to school at the end of the service for tea or coffee. More details to follow re the charity we will be asking for donations towards this year. Violin Auditions Auditions are being held in school next week for any child in Year 4 or 5 who would like to learn to play the violin. If you would like your child to audition please fill in the pro-forma below and return it to school on Monday. Violin Auditions Name of child ………………………………………………. Class …………………. I would like my child to take part in the above auditions. Signed ………………………………………………………. (Parent/Guardian)