Sunday of All Saints May 31, 2015 Welcome to St. Stephen! Glory to Jesus Christ! Our Bishop, clergy, religious and faithful welcome you to St. Stephen Cathedral. We are delighted that you have joined us for our Divine Liturgy (Mass). Our Church follows the teachings of Jesus Christ as found in the Gospel and passed on to us through the teachings of the Apostles and Tradition. If you are looking for a spiritual home, try our Cathedral parish. If you have questions, feel free to ask any of our clergy and religious. Join us again real soon! God bless you! Sun 5/31 Sat: 5:00 PM Sun: 8:00AM 10:00 AM This Week's Liturgical Schedule Sunday of All Saints p 211 For our Parishioners, Benefactors and Friends (Father Joe) +Wayne Maas by GCU Lodge 999 (Father David) +Mary Valencia Williams by the Kardos Family (Father Wes) Mon. 6/1 The Holy Martyr Justin & His Companions No Divine Liturgy Today Tues. 6/2 8:00 AM Our Venerable Father Nicephor the Confessor Special Intention (Bishop Gerald) Wed. 6/3 8:00 AM The Holy Martyr Lucillian & His Companions Special Intention (Bishop Gerald) Thurs 6/4 8:30 AM 5:00 PM Holy Myrrh-bearers Martha and Mary Divine Praises of the Third Hour Thanksgiving: Bishop Gerald 50th Anniversary Fri. 6/5 8:00 AM Holy Martyr Dorotheus, Bishop of Tyre Divine Praises of the Third Hour Sat. 6/6 Venerable Father Bessarion the Wonder-worker No Divine Liturgy this morning Sun 6/7 Sat: 5:00 PM Sun: 8:00AM 10:00 AM nd 2 Sunday After Pentecost Tone 1—p 125 For our Parishioners, Benefactors and Friends (Father Wes) +Shirley Lyden by GCU Lodge 999 (Father Wes) +Olga Uram by Diane Papke (Father Joe) Prayer Request May the Lord rest His healing hands on his servants and hear their requests: Marlene (Karen Hanafin’s Mother), Mary Beth Foster, Ann Wolf, Rev. Marcus Gomori, Rt. Rev. Francis Vivona, Subdeacon Paul Kilroy, Sister Kathy Izer, SSND (Fr Wes’ sister), Bob Dugan, Cathy Milko, Mary Lou Clark, Special Intentions: Erwin Armada, Barbara Dugan, Joanie Mahar, Helen Furka, Vincent Rice, James McGill, the McCarthy Family, Gemma Hillman, James Hrovat, Michael Olexa, David & Betty Iwinski, Cathy Simpson, Ann Peterson, Marti Lopez, Alice Wiskirchen, (Kay’s mother), Kathleen Linkowsky, Betty Geletey, Richard Gable, Robert King, Jon Hrovat, Larrie Ann Thets, Margaret Kunak, Jamie Daniels, and Ann Ryan. Apostles Fast Begins on Monday The traditional Apostles Fast in preparation for the celebration of the Feasts of SS. Peter and Paul on June 29 th begins tomorrow, Monday June 1st and ends on the evening of June28th. The fast consists of keeping the Friday abstinence from meat and on Wednesdays it is high recommended that we observe abstinence from meet Welcome to Deacon Michael Bezruchka Today, we welcome recently ordained Deacon Michael Bezruchka whom Bishop Gerald has assigned to St. Stephen Cathedral. Deacon Michael is from St John Chrysostom Byzantine Catholic Church in Seattle. [Pictures of his ordination can be found in today’s Light of the West.] While here, Deacon Michael will be learning how to administer a parish besides contributing to the pastoral ministry here at St. Stephen. Deacon Michael, welcome to St. Stephen! God grant you many years! Eparchy of Phoenix Clergy Conference Our Eparchial Clergy Conference will take place here at St. Stephen beginning tomorrow evening and ending next Friday. Pastors, deacons and subdeacons will be present. The week will be spent in reviewing and updating themselves in various aspects of our pastoral, financial and evangelical ministries so that they can better serve their parishes. Parishioners are invited for the Divine Liturgies celebrated on Tuesday and Wednesday morning at 8:00 AM and for the Divine Praises on Thursday at 8:30 AM and on Friday at 8:00 AM. This is a great opportunity to join our clergy for prayer and a brief moment afterwards to greet them. Bishop Gerald’s 50 Anniversary Celebration on Thursday! On Thursday at 5:00 PM, Bishop Gerald will observe his 50 th anniversary of priestly ordination with a concelebrated Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral. All are invited to the Divine Liturgy, but the reception is restricted to those who have phoned in a reservation. We thank almighty God for Bishop’s service to our Eparchies as a priest and as our Bishop. May God grant him many blessed years! Our Weekly Gift to the Lord--May the Lord bless your kindness and generosity to His House! Saturday: 5 PM: 20 Sunday: 8 AM: 39 10 AM: 79 Tithes: $1,348.00 Youth Tithes: $.00 Donations: $316.00 Candles: $58.00 Pentecost: $515.00 Ascension: $100.00 Coffee Social: $10.00 Bakery: $23.00 WE MADE OUR GOAL—GOD BLESS ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED! Many thanks to all who participated and generously supported our Bishop and our Eparchy. We need to collect money from those who have not completed their pledges. If you can complete payment on your pledge by next Sunday, it will be greatly appreciated. We need to submit our final report to the Eparchy by Wednesday, June 10th. Goal: $22,400 Bishop's Appeal Update—It Ends TODAY! Pledged: $22,630 OVER: $230 Families: 112 Participating Families: 75 or 67% Bishops' Appeal Honor Roll Jennifer Ball Carol D’Alesio Marsha & Joseph Dudik Gerald & Janice Mundall Deacon Michael Melnick Tom & Betty Petrus Joan Wolfe God Bless You! Cleaning the House of the Lord This Week: Fred & Suzanne Milton Candle Intentions This Week Eternal Light: For our Parishioners, Benefactors and Friends Pentecost Icon: Success of the Clergy Conference Resurrection Icon: Evelyn Sopiak by Linda and Don Sopiak Sunday of All Saints Glory to Jesus Christ! May 31, 2015 Glory forever! Alive in Christ Retreat Camp for Boys and their Fathers—Deadline June 29th What could be better than a long weekend of prayer, sports, spiritual talks, games and skits in the beautiful Palomar Mountain Range! The Alive in Christ ascetical boot camp will be held this year from July 30 th to August 2nd at the Palomar Christian Conference Center northeast of San Diego, CA. Boys and young men 7-17 will join Bishop Gerald in this decade long tradition and return enlivened and enlightened. (Boys 7-10 are required to have a male guardian with them.) See Father Wes for applications. Application deadline is June 29 th. Myrrh-Bearers Retreat--Mark Your Calendars Now—DEADLINE TODAY "Women, be heralds of the Good News!" is the call to all women of this parish to participate in this year's Myrrh-bearers Retreat at the Franciscan Renewal Center in Scottsdale, AZ from Friday, June 26th to Sunday, June 28th. The theme is Myrrh-bearers--Women of Faith with a focus on Heart to Heart Evangelization! Parish Information Holy Mysteries of Christian Initiation: Baptism-Chrismation--Divine Eucharist: Arrangements must be made with a priest at least three months in advance. Prior to Baptism, godparents must present a letter of good standing from their own pastor(s) in which he states they are practicing Catholics. Crowning in Marriage: This celebration requires membership in our Cathedral parish for at least one of the parties for six months prior to making arrangements for marriage. Marriage arrangements must be made at least six months before the marriage with one of the priests of our parish. Prudence dictates that Church arrangements be made before reception arrangements are made! Sick and Shut-Ins: It is the family's responsibility to notify the parish office when a parishioner is in the hospital or confined to home because of sickness or old age. Father will bring the confined person the Holy Mysteries on a regular basis. It is recommended that one receive the Anointing of the Sick before any major surgery. Please don't let the priest be last to know that someone is ill! Funeral Arrangements: Your parish priest must be notified immediately upon the death of a parishioner. No funeral arrangements should be made without first consulting your priest! Divine Liturgy Intentions: Envelopes are available in the back of the cathedral. Please PRINT clearly the requested information. Let Father know if you need a card sent. Place the envelope in the Sunday collection. Father will try to place your intention on the date requested. If you are requesting a Divine Liturgy for a Sunday, remember that Sundays fill up quickly. If your requested date is already taken, Father will place the intention on the closest available date. Please plan ahead! St. Stephen Byzantine Catholic Cathedral 8141 N. 16th St FRNT + Phoenix AZ 85020-3950 + 602-943-5379 + FAX 602-997-4093 Served By Most Reverend Gerald N. Dino, Byzantine Catholic Bishop of Phoenix Rt. Rev. Wesley Izer, Rector Deacon John Montalvo Deacon Michael Melnick Sister Christopher Malcovsky, OSBM Sunday Divine Liturgy: Saturday: 5:00 PM Very Rev Joseph Hutsko, Vice Rector Deacon James Danovich Deacon Michael Bezruchka Sister Jean Marie Cihota, OSBM Sunday: 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM Candle Intentions: Envelopes are available in the back of the cathedral for the different votive candles. Please PRINT clearly the requested information. The donation is $5 per candle. Please use one intention per envelope. Place your envelope in the Sunday collection. This Week’s Divine Liturgies: Tuesday & Wednesday at 8:00 AM, Thursday at 5:00 PM Volunteers are needed this week in the kitchen. If you can help, contact Deacon Michael Melnick! Divine Praises of the Third Hour: Thursday at 8:30 AM and Friday at 8:00 AM