RESOLUTION NO. 6976 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF LAWRENCE, KANSAS ANNOUNCING THE CITY’S INTENT TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF AN ORGANIZED COLLECTION SERVICE FOR RESIDENTIAL RECYCLING WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF LAWRENCE, KANSAS. WHEREAS, on February 28, 2012, the Lawrence City Commission received the final report from the Solid Waste Task Force; and WHEREAS, the Solid Waste Task Force recommended the goal of 50 percent recycling rate to be achieved by 2020. To achieve this goal, the Solid Waste Task Force recommended implementing a city-wide single-stream residential recycling program, if fiscally prudent and sustainable; and WHEREAS, the Solid Waste Task Force further recommended evaluating costs and opportunities by soliciting a Request for Proposals (RFP) for single-stream curbside recycling that would have two alternatives, to separately evaluate collection and processing components; and WHEREAS, the Organized Collection Service Act, K.S.A. 12-2036, sets forth procedures to allow a municipality to establish an organized collection service, including a system for collecting recyclables, by ordinance. Further, pursuant to the Organized Collection Service Act, certain procedures must be followed, including adoption of a Resolution of Intent, procedures related to the development of a plan, adoption of an ordinance establishing said service, and implementation of the service. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF LAWRENCE, KANSAS: Section 1. Declaration of intent. The City of Lawrence hereby declares its intent to consider adoption of an organized collection service for residential recyclables in the City of Lawrence. The statement of intent does not obligate the City to pursue a city-wide residential curbside recycling system, but it provides notification of consideration of such. Section 2. Purpose and goals. The City of Lawrence strives to increase waste diversion over time. Higher diversion and recycling rates are achieved in communities with curbside recycling programs. The Solid Waste Task Force recommended the goal of 50 percent recycling rate in 2020. To achieve this goal the task force recommended implementing a city-wide single-stream residential curbside recycling program, if fiscally prudent and sustainable. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, recycling conserves natural resources such as timber, water and minerals, reduces the need for landfilling, prevents pollution caused by manufacturing of products from virgin materials, saves energy, decreases emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute to global climate change, protects and expands US manufacturing jobs, and helps sustain the environment for future generations. Section 3. Franchise fees. The assessment of franchise fees for recycling collection service providers is not, at the time of passage of this Resolution of Intent, anticipated. Nothing in this Resolution of Intent shall preclude the City from assessing said fees, provided the City follows applicable laws and regulations concerning franchise fees. Section 4. Public participation in planning meetings. All interested persons, including licensees and other persons operating recycling collection services in the City of Lawrence, Kansas as of the June 12, 2012, are invited to participate in the planning and establishing of the proposed organized recyclables collection service. Notice of such meetings will be posted on the City’s website,, on the City’s online calendar. Section 5. Public hearing. The public hearing for the proposed plan will be held before the governing body of the City of Lawrence, on Tuesday, December 11, 2012, in the City Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, 6 East 6th Street, Lawrence, Kansas. Said hearing shall begin at 6:35 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the governing body’s schedule allows. ADOPTED by the Governing Body of the City of Lawrence, Kansas, this ____ day of ______, 2012. APPROVED: _______________________________ Robert J. Schumm Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ Jonathan M. Douglass City Clerk