
Mayor David Stahl, Administration, and Mr. Joseph Butrica, Recycling Coordinator, thanks you, our residents and
commercial entities of East Brunswick for your continued support and cooperation. We are pleased to report that East
Brunswick's combined residential and commercial rate of recycling is at 72%. Without your continued support we
would not have met the State Mandated Recycling Rate of 60%. Keep up the good work!
East Brunswick established a curbside collection program for recycling materials in the early 1980s. Over the years,
the program has undergone significant changes to keep pace with changing Federal, State, and County regulations.
We consistently demonstrate our commitment to the environmental issues including a strong curriculum in our
East Brunswick has an excellent curbside collection program for single family homes. Using the schedule shown with
the map below, single family homes must have recyclables placed at the curb before 7:00 am, but no more than 12
hours prior to collection.
Four types of recycling packages/containers may be set out for collection, including a co-mingling container,
newspapers (container or bundle), corrugated/cardboard bundle, and a junk mail high grade office paper bundle.
Multi-family residences have centralized recycling centers from which recyclables are collected once a week.