Date of Birth: January 18.1941
Place of Birth: Sarakhs, Iran
Professional Address:Immunogenetic Research Center , Department of Immunology,
Tehran University of Medical sciences, Poursina Av. Teheran Iran.
Phone: (98-21) 88094605 ; (98) 912 1398185
Present Academic Rank and Position:
Professor of Immunology,Chef of Immunogenetics, Teheran University of Medical
Sciences. Teheran, Iran
Primary and Secondary School: Mashhad Iran.
Medical School, University of Brussels, Belgium
M.D. Degree, Faculty of Medicine 1970
Fellow of Department of Immunology and Immunoheamatology at St. Pierre hospital
University of Brussels.1970-1971
Registered and followed the courses of Immunology, graduated as specialist in
Immunology.Teheran University Faculty of Medicine : 1973
Fellowship of W.H.O. for one year Jan.1973 to Feb.1974 a) Denmark: Arrhus Kommun hospital; HLA typing Laboratory, 2 months Jan,
Feb.1973. b) U.K.(London): Westminster Hospital, Department of Chemical Pathology,
( research assistant for A.S. project) Feb.1973 to Jan.1974.
During this period of time short term educational visit to: a) Netherland (Leiden) : Eurotransplant. b) France ( Paris): Francetransplant .
Assistant professor of Immunology , Teheran University, Faculty of Medicine,1976.
Associated professor of Immunology, Teheran University, Faculty of Medicine,1985.
Professor of Immunology: Teheran University of Medical Sciences, faculty of
Medicine. From 1990 to now.
Set up and running of Immunogenetics and Immunoheamatology Laboratories at
Iranian Blood Transfusion Center, Teheran University of Medical Sciences,
Shariati Hospital(Teheran),and also in other cities.
Teaching Immunology, Immunogenetics,and , and Immunoheamatology to students
Medicine, Pharmacy, and Dentistry.
Teaching Immunology, Immunogenetics, blood Transfusion, and advanced laboratory methods to M.S. PhD., and post doctoral students.
Member of Iranian Academy of Medicine.
Member of committee of the board for basic sciences at Ministry of health and
Medical education.
Member of board directors and chairman of Iranian Immunology and Allergy
Secretary and member of national council of kidney transplantation.
Member of academic committee of states Medical Diagnosis Laboratory.
Member of board examiners and testing of Immunology .
Member of Cancer Research Policies Committee.
Member of basic sciences group of Academy of Medical Sciences of Iran.
Member of International Society of Organ Transplantation.
Member of International Society of Immunology and Allergy.
Member of executive board and scientific advisor of the first Asia-Oceania
Histocompatibility workshop conferences ,Japan 1979.
Councilor of the third Asia-Oceania Histocompatibility congress Australia.
Councilor of the fourth Asia-Oceania Histocompatibility congress, Japan.
Chairman and guest speaker in national an international congresses.
Editorial board and reviewer of national and international journals.
1-Lymphocyte function in Ankylosing Spondylitis: Symposium on histocompatibility and rheumatic diseases. Heberdon society, Sep.,1974.
2- HLA antigens in Iran.
Sixth International histocompatibility workshop conference
Aarhus, Denmark, June 29,Jul.5, 1975 .
3- HLA antigens in rheumatic disease.
Third congress of seapal Singapore , 1976.
4- Diminished mixed lymphocyte reaction in Ankylosing Spondylitis
relatives an normal individuals with HLA-B27.
Third congress of seapal, Singapore, 1976.
5Diagnostic value of chemotaxis, leukocyte migration test and HLA typing
In rheumatoid arthritis .
Third congress of Seapal, Singapore, 1976.
6Histocompatibility antigens in rheumatic diseases
First congress of HLA and disease, Paris, June, 1976.
7HLA A9, B5 antigen in rheumatoid arthritis .
First congress of HLA and disease, Paris, June 1976.
8HLA and lymphoma .
First congress of HLA and disease , Paris. June. 1976.
9HLA antigens in esophageal carcinoma.
First congress of HLA and disease, Paris, June, 1976
10- 6 years activities of Iran transplant registry.
First congress of M.E.S.O.T., Istanbul, Istanbul , Turkey, 1985
11- The role of HLA matching in renal transplant in Iran.
. First congress of M.E.S.O.T., Istanbul, Turkey, 1985.
12- Pathergy test (TT) sensitivity and selectivity in 544 patients with Behcet,s disease
and in 174 controls.
The 6 th
. Seapal congress of rheumatology, Tokyo, Japan, 1988.
13- Immunogenetic basis of resistance to ocular involvement in Behcet,s disease
The 6 th
. Seapal congress of rheumatology, Tokyo, Japan, 1988.
14-HLA B5 cluster in the ocular form of Behcet,s disease.
The 6 th
. Seapal congress of rheumatology, Tokyo, Japan, 1988.
15-HLA B5 in Behcet,s , relationship to symptoms, analysis of 543 cases.
The 6 th . Seapal congress of rheumatology, Tokyo, Japan, 1988.
16- HLA B5 cluster in non ocular type of Behcet,s disease.
The 6 th
. Seapal congress of rheumatology, Tokyo, Japan, 1988
17-The effect of palsmaphoresis and Immunosupressive in patients with pre-transplant antibodies.
First international congress of M.E.S.O.T. ,Ankara, Turkey, 1988.
18- Pathergy test (TT) sensitivity and selectivity in 544 patients with Behcet,s disease
and in 174 controls.
The 6 th
. Seapal congress of rheumatology, Tokyo, Japan, 1988.
19- Immunogenetic basis of resistance to ocular involvement in Behcet,s disease
The 6 th . Seapal congress of rheumatology, Tokyo, Japan, 1988.
20-Results of 63 renal transplantation.
Second International congress of M.E.S.O.T. , Kuwait, 1990.
21-Results of 319 consecutive renal transplant from living related and unrelated
Donors. Second International congress of M.E.S.O.T. , Kuwait, 1990.
22-The rate of sensitization in end stage disease patients in Iran.
Third international congress of M.E.S.O.T., Tunisia, 1992.
23- Exfoliative urine cytology in kidney transplantation.
The 6 th . Congress of European society for organ transplantation.
Rodos, Greece, 1993.
24- Monitoring of serum beta 2-Microglobuline level in early diagnosis of renal allograft
. international congress of the M.E.S.O.T., Isfahan, Iran, 1994,
25- Bone marrow transplantation for 77 patients in Iran.
4 th . International congress of the M.E.S.O.T., Isfahan, Iran 1994.
26- Bone marrow transplantation for 25, thalassemia patients in Iran.
4 th
. International congress of the M.E.S.O.T., Isfahan, Iran 1994.
27- 788 living related and living unrelated kidney transplantation in one center (1985-94)
4 th
. International congress of the M.E.S.O.T., Isfahan, Iran 1994.
28- HLA class I and II antigens in Turkman population in Iran.
12 th
, international histocompatibility workshop conference .Paris, France, 1996.
29- HLA and HTLV-1 workshop report.
12 th
, international histocompatibility workshop conference .
Paris, France, 1996.
30-The distribution of class I and II HLA antigens in Iranian population using third
A.O.H.W.C antisera.
III Asia-Oceania histocompatibility workshop conference.Japan, June-Jul., 1996
31-HLA-ABC and DR antigens in graves disease in Iran
III Asia-Oceania histocompatibility workshop conference.Japan, June-Jul., 1996.
32-HLA family study in congenital adrenal hyperplasia in Iran.
III Asia-Oceania histocompatibility workshop conference.Japan, June-Jul., 1996
33- HLA-ABC and DR antigens in rheumatoid arthritis in Iran.
III Asia-Oceania histocompatibility workshop conference.Japan, June-Jul., 1996
34- How to evaluate C.M.V. disease in renal transplantation.
5 th
, International congress of M.E.S.O.T. Cyprus ,1997.
35- Immunogenetic study of lipoid nephrosis in Iranian children.
11 th
, congress of international pediatric nephrology association.
London, U.K., 1998.
36- Study of class II HLA in Iranian patients with Ulcerative Colitis.
5 th
, Iranian congress of Immunology and allergy Teheran, May, 2000.
37- Detection of HLA-A2 subtypes by nested PCR-SSP method.
5 th , Iranian congress of Immunology and allergy Teheran, May, 2000.
38- HLA typing in patients with recurrent Aphtose Stomatitis.
5 th,
, Iranian congress of Immunology and allergy Teheran, May, 2000.
39- Correlation analysis between serum B2 microglobulin and kidney function
parameter, W.B.C. , and ischemia in renal transplantation.
5 th
, Iranian congress of Immunology and allergy Teheran, May, 2000.
40- Peripheral blood microchimerism in female renal recipient with male allograft.
5 th , Iranian congress of Immunology and allergy Teheran, May, 2000.
41- HLA typing for class I antigens with P.C.R.-SSP.
5 th
, Iranian congress of Immunology and allergy Teheran, May, 2000.
42- Detection of serum Immunoglobulin and CIC. In children with nephrosis.
5 th
, Iranian congress of Immunology and allergy Teheran, May, 2000.
43- Peripheral blood microchimerism in female recipient with male allograft.
7 th
, international congress of M.E.S.O.T., Beirut, Lebanon, June,2000.
44- Outcome of 18 cases of simultaneous kidney and donor specific bone marrow
7 th
, international congress of M.E.S.O.T., Beirut, Lebanon, June,2000.
45- Study of HLA class II antigens in Iranian patients with ulcerative colitis.
11 th
, international congress of Immunology, Stockholm, Sweden, 2001.
46- Polymerase chain reaction-sequence specific (PCR-SSP) versus serology in
typing of HLA A.B.C. in Iranian population.
11 th , international congress of Immunology, Stockholm, Sweden, 2001.
47- Detection of HLA A2 subtype using Nested PCR method
11 th
, international congress of Immunology, Stockholm, Sweden, 2001.
48- Peripheral blood microchimerism in female kidney recipients with male allograft.
11 th
, international congress of Immunology, Stockholm, Sweden, 2001.
49- Optic neuritis and HLA association in Iranian patients.
XIII International congress of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics.
Seattle, U.S.A., 2002.
50- HLA class I and class II in Iranian myeloid leukemia patients.
XIII International congress of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics.
Seattle, U.S.A., 2002.
51- Assessment of association between HLA-B27 and Ankylosing Spodylitis in
Iranian population.
XIII International congress of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics.
Seattle, U.S.A., 2002.
52- Microchimerism and HLA-DR matching in renal allograft survival.
XIII International congress of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics.
Seattle, U.S.A., 2002.
53- Flowcytometric evaluation of lymphocytes subpopulation in 100 normal healthy
Iranian children aged 2-8 years.
XIII International congress of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics.
Seattle, U.S.A., 2002.
54- Comparison of validity of Microlymphocytotoxicity and Flowcytometry method
with PCR method in detection of HLA B27 in patients with Ankylosing
XIII International congress of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics.
Seattle, U.S.A., 2002.
55- A preliminary study of HLA class I &class II association in Iranian patients with
acute lymphoblastic leukemia .
XIII International congress of Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics.
Seattle, U.S.A., 2002.
56- Is there a higher chance of finding HLA identical unrelated heamatopoietic stem cells
donors among thalasemia families for transplantation of thalasemia patients.
29 th
, annual meeting of the European group for blood and marrow transplantation
Istanbul, Turkey, 2003.
57- Human leukocyte antigens class I & II , in Iranian patients with common variable
7 th
, Asia-Oceania Histocompatibility workshop & conference.
Karuizawa, Japan, 2003.
58- Human leukocyte antigens class I(A.B. and C) DNA based typing alleles and
haplotypes frequencies in Iranian population.
7 th , Asia-Oceania Histocompatibility workshop & conference.
Karuizawa, Japan, 2003.
59- Association of HLA-DRB, DQA1 and DQB1 alleles and haplotypes frequencies with
pulmonary tuberculosis in Iranian patients.
7 th
, Asia-Oceania Histocompatibility workshop & conference.
Karuizawa, Japan, 2003.
60- Human leukocyte antigens classII (DRB, DQA1,and DQB1) alleles frequencies and
haplotype association in Iranian normal population.
7 th
, Asia-Oceania Histocompatibility workshop & conference.
Karuizawa, Japan, 2003.
61- Measurement of binding anti interferon-beta in Iranian multiple sclerosis patients.
1th, congress on multiple sclerosis . Tehran, Iran. 2004.
62- Ethics of tissue and stem cell transplantation.
International congress of bioethics .Tehran, Iran, 2005.
63- Mesenchymal stem cell transplantation.
10 th
, congress of M.E.S.O.T. Kuwait, Nov. 2006.
64- Advances in tissue typing an cross matching .
10 th
, congress of M.E.S.O.T. Kuwait, Nov. 2006.
65- Relevance of IFN-,TNF-, IL2 and IL-6 gene polymorphism in kidney transplantation
10 th
, congress of M.E.S.O.T. Kuwait, Nov. 2006.
66- Pepsinogen I and II and Gastrin I: Markers of different type and grads of gastritis.
Gut 2006; 55 (suppl. V) ; Ab.86; 2006.
1- Nikbin.B. Brewerton. al.
Lymphocyte function in ankylosing spondylitis
Annals of Rheumatic disease: 34 supl. P:49, 1975.
2- Nikbin.B., Nikaein.A. , et al.
Histocompatibility antigens in Iran;.
Histocompatibility testing 1975 edited by Kissmyer Neilsen, 1975.
3- Yamamura. M., Nikbin.B., and Hobbs, JR.
Standardization of the mixed lymphocyte reaction.
Journal of Immunological methods, vol.10, 367-376, 1976.
4- Nikbin.B. Brewerton.DA., et al.
Diminished mixed lymphocyte reaction in ankylosin spondylitis, relatives
and normal individuals all with HLA B27.
Annals of Rheumatic disease. 35-37,
5- Nikbin.B.,Davatchi.F., et al.
HLA A9,B5 haplotype in rheumatoid arthritis.
The journal of rheumatology, supl. 3. 1977Davatchi,F., Nikbin.B., et al.
Histocompatibility antigens(HLA) in rheumatic disease in Iran.
The journal of rheumatology. Supl., 3., 36-38, 1977.
6- Davatchi,F., Nikbin.B., et al.
Histocompatibility antigens(HLA) in rheumatic disease in Iran.
The journal of rheumatology. Supl., 3., 36-38, 1977.
Kirk.R.L., Blake., …….Nikbin.B.
Gene and people in the Caspian littoral, a population genetic study in
Northern Iran .
American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Vol.46, No, 3, 1977.
8Lotfi.J., Nikbin.B., et al.
Histocompatibility antigens(HLA) in multiple sclerosis in Iran.
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Psychiatrey, 41, 699-701, 1978.
9Nikbin .B. et al.
HLA- Aww19-B12 in immunoproliferative small intestinal disease(IPSID)
Gut. Vol, 20, 1979.
10Massoud .A., Nikbin.B., et al.
A study of cell mediated immunity and histocompatibility antigens in
Leprosy patients in Iran.
International journal of leprosy. Vol. 46, 149-153, 1979.
11Mahboubi.E., Arrfa.F., Aramesh.B., Nikbin.B.
Esophageal cancer studies in the Caspian littoral of Iran. Results of
Population studies. Aprodrome 12.
Journal of national cancer institute. Vol. 59, No.4 , 1127-1138, 1977.
12- Nikbin.B., Hassiri.G.R. , et al.
Evidence for two separate genes controlling the mixed lymphocyte
Culture (M.L.C.).
Proceeding of the first Asia-Oceania histocompatibility workshop
Conference. 1980.
13- Nikbin.B.,Shamszad.M., et al.
Histocompatibility antigens (HLA) in HBs.Ag. and cirrhosis in Iran.
Proceeding of the first Asia-Oceania histocompatibility workshop
Conference. 1980.
14- Derakhshan.I.,Massoud.A.,Forouzanfar.N.,Nikbin.B.
Sub acute sclerosing panencephalitis : clinical and immunological
Study of 23 patients.
Neurology, Feb.1981, 177-179, 1981.
15- Khosravi.F., Shekarabi.M.,Davatchi.F., Nikbin.B.
HLA-ABC and DR antigens in rheumatoid arthritis in Iran.
Proceeding of the third A.O.H.W.C. 700-702, 1987.
16- Nikbin.B. ,et al.
The distribution of HLA- ABC and DR antigens in Iran using the third
A.O.H.W.C. antisera.
Proceeding of the third A.O.H.W.C. 552-555, 1987.
17- Fatouretchi.V., Eliassian.E., Kamgouyan.M., Nikbin.B.
HLA- ABC and DR antigens in graves disease in Iran.
Proceeding of the third A.O.H.W.C. , 722-725, 1987.
18- Kamgouyan.M., Keyhani.Z., Nikbin.B.
HLA family study in congenital adrenal hyperplasia (C.A.H.) in Iran.
Proceeding of the third A.O.H.W.C. , 730-733, 1987.
19- Nikbin.B. et al.
The role of HLA matching in renal transplantation in Iran.
Acta medica iranica, Vol. 29. No. 3-4, 1-13, 1988.
20- Farid.R., Baradaran.M.,Nikbin.B.
Distribution of class I HLA antigens in Khorasan northern part of Iran.
Medical Journal of I.R.I. , Vol.3, No. 1-2, 1989
21- Nikbin.B. et al.
The possible role of plasmaphoresis in preventing the antibody mediated
Acta medica iranica; Vol. 31, No.1-2, 1-5, 1991.
22- Ghods.A.J., Fazel.I., Nikbin.B.,
Results of 319 consecutive renal transplantation from living related and
living unrelated donors.
Organ transplantation 1990.Kluwer Academic Publisher.
Netherlands ., P. 247-252, 1991.
23- Gharamani.N., Ghods.A,J., Nikbin.B.
Carpal tunnel syndrome among long-term hemodialysis patients.
Iranian journal of medical science., Vol.16., 62-68, 1991.
24- Farid.R., Etemadi.N., Nikbin.B…
Sero-epidemiology and virology of HTLV1 in Mashhad , northern Iran.
Serodiagnostic and immunotherapeutic in infectious disease.
Vol.5, 251-252., 1993.
25- Ghorbani.Gh., Maryousef.P., Ghods.A.J., Nikbin.B.
Detection of Myeloma casts by Evans blue in kidney biopsy specimens
and urinary sediment.
Nephron 1995:69:177. 1995.
26-Dabirahrafi.H., Mohammad.K., Nikbin.B..
Histocompatibility leukocyte antigens in Rokitansky-Kustner-Hauser
American journal of obstetric and gynecology. Vol.172.
No.5 , 1504-1505. 1995.
27-Ghorbani.G., Argani.H., Maryousef.A., Ghods.A.J., and Nikbin.B.
Do IgA positive casts show tubuloiterstitial changes by
Immunofluorescence .
Nephron, 72.3.96, P:496, 1996.
28-Niknam.H.M., Mansouri.P., Nikbin.B.
HLA class I in Iranian psoriatic patients.
Medical journal of Islamic republic of Iran. Vol.10. No.1 ,37-41, 1996.
29-Foroutan.H., Nikbin.B., et al.
HLA typing of ulcerative colitis in Iran.
Acta mdica iranica: Vol. 34 No.1-2. 52-54 , 1996.
30-Sonoda.S., Manns.,A.,Jacobson.S.,Nikbin.B.,.....
HLA and HTLV1.
Proceeding of the 12 th
, HLA workshop and conference . 1996.
31-Mansouri.D., Takbiri.I., Nikbin.B.
Evaluation of B and T lymphocytes with subpopulation in new ,chronic
And multiple drug resistant tuberculosis.
Iranian journal of medical sciences.Vol. 22. No., 1-2, June 1997.
32-Ota.M., Katsuyama.Y., ….Nikbin.B…
Trinucleotide repeat polymorphism within exon 5 of the MICA gene
(MHC class I chain related gene A): Allele frequencies data in the
nine population group: Japanese, Northern Han, Hiii, Uygur, Kazakis-
tan, Iranian, Saoudi Arabia, Greek and Italian.
Tissue antigens 49: 448-454, 1997.
33-Hashemi.E., Broumand.B., Ganji.I.,….and Nikbin.B.
How to evaluate C.M.V. disease in renal transplantation.
Transplantation proceeding, 29, 3056-3057
34- Farid.R., Shirdel.A., Etemadi.M.,….Nikbin.B…..
Phylogenetic of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type1 in Iranian
born in Mashhad.
Arch Iranian Med. Vol.2, No.1 , 1-3, Jan. 1999.
35- Mirahmadian.M, Rezaei.A., Nikbin.B.
A study of serum B2 microglobulin (s B2M) in hemodialysis
patients with cellulosis membrane.
The journal of Faculty of Med. No.2. 66-70, 2000.
36-Tajik. N., Singal.D., Pourmand.G.,…and Nikbin.B.
Prospective study of microchimerism in renal allograft recipients:
Association between HLA-DR matching, microchimerim and acute
Clinical Transplantation., 15(3): 192-8 , June 2001.
37-Hakemi.M., Najafi.I., Ganji.MR.,……Nikbin.B.
Peripheral blood microchimerism in female renal recipients from
male donors.
Transplantation proceeding. 33(5): 2852-3, Aug. 2001.
38-Wells.RS., Yudashava.N., Ruzibakiev.R.,….Nikbin.B……
The Euroasian heartland: a continental perspective on Y chromosome
Proceeding Nat. Acad. Scie. U.S.A. 98(18): 10244-9, Aug. 2001.
39-Misuki.N., Ota.M., Katsuyama.Y.,….Nikbin.B…….
HLA class I genotyping including HLA-B*51 allele typing in Iranian
Patients with Behcet,s disease.
Tissue antigen. 57(5): 457-62, May 2001.
40-Mizuki.N., Yabuki.K., Ota.M.,…….Nikbin.B……
Analysis of microsatellite polymorphism around the HLA B locus in
Iranian patients with Behcet,s disease.
Tissue antigens. 60(5): 396-9, Nov.2002.
41-Naroueinejad.M., khosravi.F, Danesh.A.,and Nikbin.B.
Polymarase chaine reaction-sequence specific primer (PCR) versus
Serology in typing of HLA A.B. and C in Iranian patients.
Arch Iranian Med. 6(1): 23-28, 2003.
42-Niknam.M.H., Jamshidi.A.R.,……Nikbin.B.
Comparison of validity of microlymphotoxicity and flowcytometry
methods with PCR for HLA B27 typing.
Med. Jour. Of the Islamic Rep. of Iran: Vol. 17, No. 1: 75-79, 2003.
43-Sahebjamei.M, Nikbin.B., Razavi Armaghanni.N.
A comparison of HBs.Ag. and HBsAb. Prevalence in patients with
Down syndrome and other mentally retarded patients living in
retarded children institution in Teheran.
Jour. of Dentistry. The Univ.Med.Sci.,Vol.17,No.1:75-79,2003.
44-Ebrahimi-Rad.M., Nikbin.B.,Mehrsai.A.,Pourmand.G.
Outcome of 18 cases of simultaneous kidney and donor specific
Bone marrow transplantation.
45-Tahamzadeh.D., Massoud.A., Samar.G., and Nikbin.B.
Assessment of lymphocyte subgroup in chronic brucellosis before
and after immunotherapy.
Acta Medica Iranica, Vol.42,No.2 , 97-101, 2004.
46-Amirzargar.A.A., Danesh.A.A., Khosravi.F......Nikbin.B.
Cytokine gene polymorphism in iranian patients with pulmonary
Ira.Jour. of Immunology, Vol. 21, No.4: 271-275, 2004.
47-Niknam.M.H., Torkashvand.A., Ghods.A.J.,……Nikbin.B.
Evaluation of anti HLA class I antibody in chronic rejection of
kidney transplantation.
Ira.Jour. of all. Asth. And Immunology.Vol.1,No.2: 65-70, 2004.
48-Amirzargar.A.A., Bagheri.M.Ghavamzadeh.A.,…..Nikbin.B.
Th1 and Th2 cytokine gene polymorphism in Iranian patients with
chronic myelogenous leukemia.
Iran. Jour.of Immunology,Vol.1,No.1: 26-33, 2004.
49-Rezaeipour.R., Ekramian.N., Salehi.M., Nikbin.B.
Effect of addiction in humoral immunity.
Jour. of Med. Coun.of Isla.Repu.of Iran,Vol.21,No.4:271-275,2004
50-Mohyeddin. M., Alijanpoor.P., Alimoghadam.K.,…….Nikbin.B.
Is there any higher chance in finding HLA identical unrelated
hematopoietic stem cell donors among thalassemia families for
transplantation of thalassemia patients.
Inter.Jour. of Hem-Onc.& bone marrow trans.Vol.1,No.1, 2004.
51-Hooshmand.F., Jangouk.P., Vaezeafshar.R.,……Nikbin.b.
Study of binding antibody to interferon beta following treatment
In multiple sclerosis patients.
Int.Proc. of Immunology 2004: 273-274, 2004.
52-Khazaei.HA., Aghamohamadi.A rezaei.N.,……Nikbin.B.
Major histocompatibility complex class I and II antigens frequent
cies in Baloch ethnic group living in the southeast region of Iran.
Transplantation proceeding, 36(5): 1302-1304, 2004.
53-Nikbin.B., Tajik.N., Saraji.A.,et al.
Microchimerism and renal transplantation: Doubt still persist.
Iran.Jour.of Immunology. Vol.1,No3. 162-168, 2004.
54-Amirzargar.A.A., Yalda.A., Hajabdolbaghi.M.,……..Nikbin.B.
The association of HLA-DRB,DQA1,QQB1 alleles and haplotype
frequencies in Iranian patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.
Int.Jour.of Tuberc. Lung Dis. 8 (8) : 1017-1021, 2004.
55-Kharadvar.A., Tabassi. AR., Nikbin.B.,........
Influence of HLA on progrssion of optic neuritis to multiple
sclerosis : Results of a four year follow up study.
Multiple sclerosis; 10 (5) : 526-531, 2004.
56-Amirzargar.A.A., Bagheri.M.,……….and Nikbin.B.
Cytokine gene polymorphism in Iranian patients with chronic
myelogenous leukemia.
International journal of Immunogenetics 32(3): , 167-171, 2005.
Value of pretransplantation cytokine profiles for predicting acute
Rejection in renal transplant patients.
Transplantation proceeding. 37 (7) : 2982-4, 2005.
58-Nikbin.B., Mohyeddin.M.B., Talebian.F.
Ethics of tissue and stem cell transplantation.
Iran. Jour.Immunology. Vol.2. No.4, 2005.
59-Amirzargar.A.A.,Tabassi.A., Kharadvar.A.,……Nikbin.B.
Optic neuritis, multiple sclerosis and human leukocyte antigens:
Results of a four year follow-up study.
Euro. Jour. of Neurology; 12(1) : 25-30, 2005.
60-Mohyeddin.,B.M., Alimoghaddam.K., Talebian.F.,……Nikbin.B.
In search of mesenchymal stem cell : Bone marrow, or peripheral
Int.Jour. of Hemat.-Onco. & bone marrow transplantation.
Vol.2, No. 4, 17-22., 2005.
61-Amirzargar.A.A., Lessan-pezeshki.M., Fathi.A.,.......Nikbin.B.
TH1/TH2 cytokine analysis in iranian renal transplant patients.
Transplant. Proceeding. 37(7) , 2085-7., 2005.
62-Bagheri.M., Amirzargar.A.A., Ghavamzadeh.A.,……..Nikbin.B.
Cytokine gene polymorphism in Iranian patients with Beta-
Thalassemia major.
Iran. Jour. of Immunology. Vol.2, No.1, 43-49. 2005.
63-Lessan-pezeshki.M.,Amirzargar.A.A., Gholabi.N.,……Nikbin.B.
Prediction of rejection in renal transplantation by Immune
Iran. Jour. of Immunology. Vol.2, No.2., 87-90, 2005.
64-Amirzargar.A.A., Khosravi.F.,Dianat.S.,.........and Nikbin.B.
Profil of cytokine gene polymorphism in iranian multiple
sclerosis patients.
Multiple sclerosis. 2006
65-Amirzargar.A.A., Rezaei.N., Jabari.H.,……..Nikbin.B.
Cytokine single nucleotide polymorphisms in Iranian patients
Eur. Cytokine Netw. , 17(2)., 84-89, 2006.
66-Davoudi. S., Amirzargar.A.A., Hajiabdolbaghi.M.,..........Nikbin.B.
Th-1 cytokine gene polymorphism in human brucellosis.
Int. Jour. of Immunogenetics.; 33(5) : 355-359, 2006.
67-Amirzargar.A.A., Sadeghi.M. Khosravi.F.,……….Nikbin.B.
Th1 and Th2 cytokine gene polymorphism in two indigenous
ethnic groups in Iran.
Int. Jour. of Immunogenetics. ; 33(6) : 429-437., 2006.
68-Mohyeddin Bonab.M., Alimoghadam.K.,………and Nikbin.B.
Aging of mesenchymal stem cell in vitro.
BMC Cell Biol. 2006 Mar. 10;7:14. 2006.
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70-Nikbin.B., Mohyeddin Bonab.M., Khosravi.F.,Talebian.F.
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Chapter 2 of Book: Neurobiology of multiple sclerosis : 13-41.
Edited by Elsewier publisher: June 2007
71-Nikbin.B.,Mohyeddin Bonab.M.,Talebian .,F.,.
Microchimerism and stem cell transplantation in Multiple
Chapter 8 of Book: Neurobiology of multiple sclerosis: 173-202
Edited by Elsewier publisher: June 2007