Predictive toxicology and drug safety testing

Finnish Society of Toxicology
34th Annual Symposium13-14.5.2013
Orion Pharma, Espoo, Finland
Scientific program
Day 1, Monday 13 May 2013
8:30-9:30 Registration & poster hanging
9:30 Opening: Reijo Salonen, Orion Pharma
Kirsi Vähäkangas, UEF, President of FST
9:45-11 Predictive toxicology, Chair: Kirsi Vähäkangas
 Keynote lecture 45 min
Olavi Pelkonen
Predictive toxicology - from simple to complex by integration
 Marja-Leena Toivonen, Orion Pharma
Current challenges in drug safety testing
11-12:30 Cardiac safety in vivo and in vitro, Chair Kaisa Unkila
 Risto Kerkelä, University of Oulu
Preclinical strategies for identifying mechanisms of cardiotoxicity
 Ari Koivisto, Orion Pharma
Emerging technologies: inducible pluripotent stem cells
 Tarja Lehtimäki, Orion Pharma
In vivo cardiac safety
12:30-13:15 Lunch
13:15-14:15 Genotox and Reactive metabolites, Chair Markku Pasanen
 Risto Juvonen, University of Eastern Finland
Steps to understand and predict bioactivation of drugs
 Teija Oinonen, Orion Pharma
Testing for genotoxicity – metabolic considerations
14:15-14:30 Coffee break
14:30-15:30 Product related issues - Case examples, Chair Kaisa Unkila
 Leena Sopanen, Orion Pharma
Nonclinical safety of COMT inhibitors
 Pertti Pellinen, Santen
Nonclinical safety testing of ocular drugs- case Tafluprost
15:30 - Wine & snacks + Annual meeting of STY
18 Symposium Dinner at Restaurant Sevilla, Tapiola Garden Hotel
(at the participant’s own expenses, ca. 30€ for Tapas buffet)
Day 2, Tuesday 14 May 2013
9:00-9:45 Keynote lecture, Chair Kai Savolainen
 Bengt Fadeel, Karolinska Institutet
Understanding the synthetic and biological identities of nanomaterials - implications for
9:45-10:45 Biomarkers for toxicity, Chair Risto Juvonen
 Markku Pasanen, University of Eastern Finland
Biomarkers from regulatory point of view
 Kristiina Haasio, Orion Pharma
Kidney and liver biomarkers in drug development
10:45-12:30 Poster viewing and Lunch
12:30-13:30 Toxicological modeling, Chair Hannu Raunio
 Antti Poso University of Eastern Finland
Modeling as a tool in toxicology
 Julius Sipilä Orion Pharma
Use of structural alerts in early drug discovery
13:30 – 14:00 Two 10 min oral presentations on posters (selected based on abstracts)
Poster award
14:00-14:15 Coffee break
14:15-15:15 Preclinical safety evaluation for novel therapies, Chair Katri Talvioja
 Tiina Palomäki, FIMEA
Preclinical safety testing of biologicals
 Sari Pesonen, Oncos Therapeutics
Safety assessment of oncolytic viruses
15:15-15:30 Closing: Kirsi Vähäkangas
Sponsors & collaborators
Orion Corporation Orion Pharma
Practical issues
The official language of presentations and all written material is English
Congress venue: Head quarter of Orion Corporation, Orionintie 1, Espoo
Lunch and coffee/tea are provided by courtesy of Orion Pharma
If you have any questions, please contact Organizing committee:, or
Abstracts and Posters:
Abstract (max. 300 words, names and organization information excluded) should be sent by an e-mail to:, the deadline for abstract submission is 12.4. 2013!
Poster size is preferably ca. 70 x 100 cm). If you wish to present a larger poster, this should be
mentioned when submitting the abstract. Limited space is available.
Based on abstracts FST board will invite two presentations to be given orally.
Best poster will be awarded by the FST.
Registration fees:
o 50 € for members of FST
o 100 € non-members
o Doctoral students, please check sponsoring with your graduate school.
o Master’s-students are welcome to attend symposium free of charge. Also students need to register!
o Registration payments: to the bank account of FST, IBAN FI8780001201716678. Payment should be
transferred before registration, by 12 April 2013. Please, indicate the name of the participant in the
o All participants need to register by 12.4.2013, by sending e-mail to the address:
o Please, include the following information:
 confirmation of your payment (receipt)
 member/non-member/ student (and the name of the study program and university)
 speaker / poster-presenter / other
 need for special diets
 for the dinner table reservation, please indicate if you participate the social event (at your own
expenses, ca. 30 € for Tapas buffet)
1) Booth at the symposium venue and advertisement in the program leaflet: 300 €
2) Advertisement in the program leaflet 100 €
Social event:
o Symposium Dinner at restaurant Sevilla, Sokos Hotel Tapiola Garden in the evening of 13 May 2013 (at
participant’s expenses)
o Participants are kindly asked to make reservations by themselves. Organizers have made preliminary
reservations for Hotel Tapiola Garden (booked till 15 April 2013).
o Reservations:
Sokos Hotels Myyntipalvelu
Puhelin: 020–1234 600 / yksittäiset huonevaraukset
Reservation code: ”Toksikologi”
o Prices per night: 110 € single-room.
o Check availability of other hotels in Helsinki or Espoo via the internet (e.g.,
Access to the symposium venue: Orion Corporation’s Headquarter, Orionintie 1, 02210 Espoo
o Check:
o Public transportation from Helsinki or Tapiola: Orion can be reached e.g. by regional buses No. 107 and
109 departing from Helsinki Kamppi bus terminal. The journey takes around 25 minutes. Check your
connections and timetable with using the street address (Orionintie 1) as the final
o Access from Espoo railway station or Helsinki-Vantaa airport: public transportation options are limited
(check for details).
o Private car: Parking is free of charge on Orion’s parking areas
o Registration desk is located at the main entrance