Rajiv Jobseeker 12xxx W. Elmwood Ave. Burbank, CA 91502 Permanent Resident 818/845-xxxx rajjob@csun.edu OBJECTIVE Honors Co-op: Manufacturing Engineering EDUCATION B.S. Degree Candidate – May 2007 Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management California State University, Northridge HONORS GPA: 3.6 Dean's List - Four Semesters SME Scholarship - Two Semesters RELEVANT COURSES Motion and Time Study / Design and Measurement of Work Facilities Planning/Design Decision/Risk Analysis CAD/CAM Systems Production Planning/Control Engineering Economics Cost/Value Engineering Engineering Management Plant Engineering Manufacturing Materials/Processes Probabilities and Statistics SPECIAL PROJECTS Analyzed the manufacturing operation of a sewing contractor and recommended improvements based on time/motion study, engineering economics, ergonomics and flow of materials. COMPUTER SKILLS CADKEY SDRC I-DEAS FORTRAN and Pascal TECHNICAL EXPERIENCE Engineering Assistant 11/05 to present ASA Management Engineering Consultants, Los Angeles, CA - Perform work-sampling and time study on nursing operations. - Analyze data, report findings and make recommendations. LOTUS 123, WORKS Graphics, MACDRAW MS Office Calibration Technician 7/04 to 10/05 Trans-Cal Industries, Burbank, CA - Calibrated, inspected, troubleshot and assembled electronic encoders. ACTIVITIES Student Association of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineers: - Vice President - Inter-Club Counsel Representative Society of Manufacturing Engineers