Grade 11 AP US History & Govt.

AP US History & Government
------ Faragher, J.M., Czitrom, D., Buble, M. J., & Armitage, S.H. Out of
Many: A History of the American People, Ap Ed., PRENTICE HALL SCHOOL GROUP.
RAZI SCHOOL THAT MEANS, STUDENTS MUST purchase their own textbooks
because it is NOT offered to everyone only selected students who can manage College
level studies and critical analysis that goes beyond the Honors Class.
TO THE PARENT: Salaam. Please ensure that your child comes to class prepared with
the necessary materials, & textbook. An Atlas is COMPULSORY for Grades 8, 9, 10
and 11 students of the Social Studies Dep't. NOTE: if you are registered in the
HONORS class, you do not have to get TWO of the same items listed below for both
1. At least 3 erasers (for 2 Semesters or academic year).
2. A pack of pencils and Pens.
3. A Journal Note book-as mentioned above is required by the New York State
Department of Education-NYSDE (please refer to their website). While the NYSDE does
not require a grading of the Journal; in my class the Journals get graded at 10 pts per
journal per month. If students DO NOT follow the guidelines for the Journals, they will
lose points.
4. At least 3 Highlighters (for 2 semesters or the academic year) to highlight notes,
worksheets, and to work through past Exam papers and on projects.
5. A notebook for notes in class or a binder with sufficient binder pages, lecture notes
and any required hints for exams (for two semesters so I would suggest a couple of
STUDENTS WILL BE GRADED ON TAKING NOTES: 5% or 30 points given to the
TEST areas and/or PROJECTS NOT homework or Journals for Grades 8, 9, 10, 11,
and 12. Those doing AP Courses are to keep separate notes too but both Honors/AP
notes will be counted as ONE set of notes for 30 pts.
6. Access to a Computer Http:// at home or access to the public library
computer as required: this is Razi School’s Classroom Website. PARENTS: Please
monitor students when they are online.
7. At least 2 Oak Tags (Poster boards) (Suggestion: half size per required 2 oak tags or
1 large oak tag which can be cut two equal parts) for projects: Moslem Day project in
October for all GRADES 8 to 12; United Nations Day Project (UN DAY) on 24th of
October (only GRADE 9 will be doing this project); International Day or Heritage Day
Project in March 6th 2015 for Grades 8 to 12 or individual projects in class such as
Model UN Project, Moots, in class Projects, Morning Assembly Projects, or activities
during the academic year 2014-2015.
8. Two packs of reinforcers (if students are using a binder) if not, a strong notebook for
notes and hints for exams (yr.).
9. A PACK OF INDEX CARDS for debates/Class and Morning Assembly Presentationsdebates will be in the Honors Class and Moots due to the size of the average AP
(Advanced Placement) Class.
Thank you for your cooperation.
High School Social Studies Teacher