- Education Queensland

Service Recognition for Employees
 25-Year Service Medallions
 Retirement Certificates
 Retirement with 30+ years
Guidelines for all employees of the Department of Education and
Training including:
Education portfolio
Training portfolio (including TAFE, Training
Queensland and Skilling Queensland)
Office of Early Childhood Education and Care
(Guidelines and Request Forms for Teacher Excellence Career Milestones - 5, 10
and 20 years - are available separately.)
Last major update – July 2010
TRIM 10/179511
INTRODUCTION··········································································· 2
For All Departmental Employees
For Teachers Only
Privacy Notice
DEFINITIONS··············································································· 4
POLICIES ··················································································· 4
SERVICE MEDALLIONS (25 YEARS) ··············································· 5
- General Eligibility of All Employees (6)
- For Regional Offices seeking to identify eligible employees (8)
- For Training Portfolio seeking to identify eligible employees (8)
How to request a 25 Year Service Medallion
- Additional information for Training Portfolio (10)
Presentation timing
Record Management
RETIREMENT WITH 30+ YEARS SERVICE ···································· 12
Eligibility Criteria
1. Retirement Certificates (12)
2. 30 year corporate gift (12)
How to apply
1. Retirement Certificates (13)
2. For DG letter and Corporate Gift (14)
Presentation timing
Record Management
RELATED DOCUMENTS ····························································· 17
CONTACT INFORMATION: ·························································· 17
The Queensland Department of Education and Training values the commitment and
achievements of all teaching and non-teaching employees.
The Department’s Reward and Recognition program recognises long and valued service and
comprises awards across three categories for all departmental employees and one category
for State school teachers.
For All Departmental Employees
The following are available to eligible employees on request, either by the employee or their
work unit (including schools, colleges, institutes, regions/districts, central office). All requests
must be submitted through the relevant Regional Office / Institute / Central Office division in
which the employee is based.
A 25 Year Service Medallion recognises teaching and non-teaching employees’
valuable contributions over a period of 25 years or more recognisable service1.
Employees who have attained a total of 25 years or more recognisable service with the
Queensland Government are eligible to receive a boxed service medallion pre-stamped
with “25 years” with their name engraved. These are available at any time once 25 years
recognisable service has been achieved.
Special recognition beyond 25 years is only made at retirement, when the total
recognisable service duration (in whole years) is recorded on a retirement certificate.
Where recognisable service has reached 30 years or more, a letter from the DirectorGeneral with a small corporate gift is available.
Retirement Certificates acknowledging an employee’s formal retirement - are available
on request (excludes Career Change program participants).
A retirement letter of appreciation and small corporate gift from the Director-General
is also available to departmental employees who retire having contributed 30 years or
more recognisable service (excludes Career Change program participants).
“Recognisable service” is service that is recognised towards entitlements such as long service leave also referred to as ‘continued’ … i.e. no break in service through resignation or severance of
employment for greater than 12 months has occurred, all leave without salary has been deducted, and
recognition of prior service has been approved where applicable. Periods of paid or unpaid leave are
not considered severance of employment as the officer is still classed as an employee during that period
of leave.
For Teachers only
Teacher Excellence Career Milestones recognise teaching service by full-time and parttime state school teachers at key milestones in their career. Awards are presented on or
near to World Teachers’ Day - the last Friday of October annually in Queensland - to
teachers who celebrate completing 5, 10 or 20 years of teaching service2 during the
current calendar year (i.e. the anniversary of the commencement date as a teacher). A
separate set of guidelines and request form are available for these awards – opening
following the return from the winter vacation period and closing 31 August annually.
(Please note: Once the closing date has passed these guidelines and request forms will
be removed from the website until the next year’s program.)
For full details, refer to the Reward and Recognition link located on our website at
http://education.qld.gov.au/staff/development/newprofessionalism/index.html .
DISCLAIMER: It should be noted that while it is acknowledged that employees should not
have to ask for recognition, current departmental TSS HR system capabilities do not provide
for reliable automatic notification. Until the TSS system is able to provide automatic alerts we
encourage employees to submit written request forms through regional offices or Central
Office to ensure they are not overlooked. Regional Offices do endeavour to identify eligible
officers but the “downloads” do not always reflect the records as accurately as required for
this program.
PRIVACY NOTICE: The Department of Education and Training collects personal information
of employees in order to process requests for service recognition. This information will only
be accessed and used by authorised employees within the department.
If the employee is in agreement with publicly releasing details of their being acknowledged
through the service recognition program e.g. to local media outlets, the Recipient’s
Endorsement section on the Request Form must be signed by the employee being
recognised. Without his/her express permission, details cannot be disclosed to any other
person or agency - unless DET is required to do so by law.
Personal information collected by the Department is handled in accordance with the
Information Privacy Act 2009.
In “completing” the 5th, 10th or 20th year of teaching service in the current calendar year - this aligns
with the anniversary of commencement of service as a teacher i.e. commenced employment in January
2005, completion of five years’ teaching service would be considered to be the anniversary of the
commencement date in January 2010.
References to:
employment “service” or “total service” in this document will mean “recognisable service”.
“Work Unit” will mean any School, Region, Institute, Central Office, Work Unit or the
requesting location within DET.
Aurion (Training) or TSS (other than Training) refer to the Human Resource Information
Systems used for recording establishment, personal and payroll information of
departmental employees.
Public Service Act 2008
Queensland Industrial Relations Act 1999
Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000
Ministerial Directive No. 2/03 – Recognition of Previous Service and Employment (pre 1 July
Ministerial Directive No. 10/10 – Recognition of Previous Service and Employment (post 1
July 2010)
Ministerial Directive No. 7/08 – Leave without Salary Credited as Service
HRM-PR-0009: Recognition of Prior Service - Teachers
HRM-PR-007: Leave Entitlements for Employees – Long Service Leave
The Twenty-five (25) Year Service Medallion can be awarded to employees who have
completed 25 years of recognisable service in the public sector. Recognition of length of
service aligns closely to eligibility for long service leave and is calculated in accordance with
the relevant Ministerial Directives which prescribe entitlements for recognition of previous
service and leave without pay credited as service which should be read in conjunction with
this document.
This award for recognition of length of service will be in the form of a boxed and engraved
The 25 year service medallions are commissioned through Workforce Futures (Human
Resources) for distribution through work units of eligible departmental employees.
1. Principles
1. DET acknowledges the valuable contribution made by employees to the public sector
and the department through the awarding of the Twenty-five (25) Year Service
2. The Twenty-five (25) Year Service Medallion can be awarded to employees who have
completed 25 years of recognisable service in the Queensland Government. It
should be noted that the awarding of this medallion is not mandatory and any
employee’s decision to not accept it is to be respected.
3. Recognition of length of service will be in accordance with the relevant Ministerial
Directives that prescribe entitlements for recognition of previous service and leave
without pay credited as service, which should be read in conjunction with these
4. Medallions are available through the Human Resources (Workforce Futures) and will
be posted to the requesting work unit.
5. Costs to engrave medallions and any further postage expenses will be borne by the
requesting work unit.
6. Any additional work unit activities that may be organised to celebrate 25 years service
recognition are the responsibility of the employee’s work unit or colleagues.
7. These guidelines apply to all current staff of the Department of Education and
Training; including the Education portfolio, the Training portfolio (which includes all
permanent and temporary employees in Training Queensland, TAFE Institutes and in
Skilling Queensland) and the Office of Early Childhood Education and Care. In some
instances casual employees may be eligible.
8. For the purposes of these guidelines, reference to Training or Institutes is considered
to refer to all work locations within the Training portfolio of DET.
Note: These guidelines supersede DET/DIR Human Resource Management Policy No.
19 and 25 Year Service Medal Version 1: 17 December 2001
2. Eligibility
1. General eligibility of all employees:
All permanent and temporary departmental employees are eligible for
medallion consideration.
Officers who participate in a Career Change program are eligible for service
medallions provided they meet the total service requirements but are NOT
eligible for a retirement certificate.
Officers who accept an offer of Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) are eligible
for a 25 year service medallion provided they meet the total service
requirements. They are also eligible for a retirement certificate provided they
meet the indicated age / ill health requirements.
Employees are eligible to receive only one service medallion once they have
reached (or passed) 25 years recognisable service.
Education employees previously presented with a 25 year certificate before the
existence of 25 year medallions are eligible to receive one medallion provided:
they are still in the employ of the department, OR
they did not cease employment with this department prior to 2004 (when
the medallions replaced the certificates).
Permanent or temporary service is counted for service medallion purposes.
For teacher aides who were initially employed on a long-term casual basis, this
period of casual service prior to the introduction of temporary service can be
counted towards total service, provided there has not been a break/leave
without pay of more than three months between engagements. (Refer
Ministerial Directive 07/08 - Leave Without Salary Credited as Service.)
Part-time employment should be recognised on a calendar year basis
irrespective of full-time equivalent service.
Supply teaching and other casual engagements from time to time will not be
counted as service for service medallion purposes unless otherwise indicated
in these guidelines.
Scholarship years (for teaching qualifications only) will be a consideration in
establishing total service within the Education sector under Directive 2/03
where the teaching scholarship was awarded prior to 1 July 2010.
Employment must have been in the Queensland Government or with
employers where the employee can successfully gain “recognition of
previous/prior service” with the other employer/s (e.g. the Endeavour
Foundation, local government, statutory authorities).
2. To ascertain eligibility or procedures required for Recognition of Prior Service refer to
Ministerial Directive 10/10 - Recognition of Previous Service and for teachers, refer
departmental policy HRM-PR-009: Recognition of Prior Service - Teachers.
3. Total recognisable service - and not “continuous” or “meritorious” service - is the
basis for determining service duration. Ministerial Directive 07/08 - Leave Without
Salary Credited as Service and Ministerial Directive 10/10 - Recognition of Prior
Service will be the main reference documents in determining service eligibility.
4. Applicants cannot be awarded a medallion if disciplinary action is pending or
unresolved – unless written approval from the Director, Ethical Standards or his/her
nominee is obtained.
5. Policy/reference documents in determining service eligibility:
Department of Employment and Industrial Relations:
Ministerial Directive 07/08 - Leave without Salary Credited as Service
Ministerial Directive 02/03 - Recognition of Prior Service (where scholarship
was issued prior to 1 July 2010)
Ministerial Directive 10/10 - Recognition of Prior Service (where scholarship
was issued on or after 1 July 2010)
Ministerial Directive 13/08: Long Service Leave
Queensland Industrial Relations Act 1999
Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000
Departmental policies:
HRM-PR-0009: Recognition of Prior Service - Teachers
HRM-PR-007: Leave Entitlements for Employees – Long Service Leave
6. For Regional Offices seeking to identify eligible employees:
Regional offices and some central office branches can identify employees
eligible for medallions / certificates by running a Service Award / Merit Sick
Leave Report (PAPR0004) in TSS/Crystal Enterprise. This report identifies
the service duration of employees in the current calendar year within
Queensland Government.
Calculations for 25 year service recognition should be based on the
commencement date with the Queensland government. It may be necessary to
check the employee’s personnel file to verify this date or to ascertain if any
recognition of prior service has been processed.
Identification of eligible employees may require TSS/Crystal Enterprise users to
contact BASS Unit if the PAPR0004 report proves insufficient. BASS can run
alternative SQL reports for all employees of a district using the daily EMEL0004
or 5 report.
Where an employee is not yet due the relevant recognition, the re-calculated
service date can be stored on the employee's personnel file with a note of “Not
Eligible for (Name of) Award Until dd/mm/yyyy”, and store the information on
the XZOSCR (teachers) or XB2SCR (general) or Staffing Comments Screen.
Employees participating in the Career Change or VER programs offered from
time to time are eligible for 25 year service medallions.
7. For Training portfolio seeking to identify eligible employees:
A report is available through Aurion that identifies employees deemed to have
or be approaching twenty-five (25) years recognisable service within the public
sector during the current calendar year.
Workforce Futures can provide details (available through Aurion) to Training
HR Managers identifying likely eligible staff within a work unit appearing on this
3. How to request a 25 Year Service Medallion
1. Employees unsure of their eligibility status should contact their work unit’s Human
Resource contact officer - in Regional Offices, Institutes and Central Office.
2. Employees who believe they are/may be eligible are encouraged to complete the
Request Form available online through the Reward and Recognition programs link at
- http://education.qld.gov.au/staff/development/scholarships/index.html or in. Use
either the REGIONAL form (TRIM 10/179518) if your work unit is located outside of
Central Office or the CENTRAL OFFICE form (TRIM 10/179574) if located in Central
3. The requesting officer’s Supervisor/Principal is encouraged to endorse the Request
Form (although this is not mandatory).
4. Submit Regional forms to the relevant Regional/District Office/Institute for further
5. Submit Central Office forms to the work unit’s director in Central Office for further
6. Regional Offices/Institutes and Workforce Futures will confirm details of eligibility for
Regional / Central Office requests - check spelling, seek confirmation of the length of
service and ascertain that disciplinary action is not pending or unresolved.
7. Once all checks are completed and the Service Record Verification section is signed,
arrange for the MANDATORY signatures on the form/s endorsing eligibility and
supply of recognition. Unsigned forms will be returned and presentations could be
delayed. (For Central Office applications, Workforce Futures will arrange the relevant
“checks” through Ethical Standards, Human Resources.)
8. Some employees have indicated they do not wish to receive a medallion or that they
wish to wait until their retirement to receive their 25 year service medallion. Where an
employee is not completing his/her own Request Form it is highly recommended that
those nominating them check that the employee is happy to accept the medallion at
this time.
9. Request forms now have a section where the recipient should indicate consent - or
not - for the release of their details for promotional purposes. This includes releasing
details to the media from time to time. Employee details WILL NOT be released
externally without the approval of the recipient and WILL NOT be used for purposes
other than the recognition of their service as indicated.
10. Signed forms should be faxed to Workforce Futures on 3237 0842, TRIMmed to
Project Officer 04 WF WM&F or emailed to
RewardandRecognition.HUMANRES@deta.qld.gov.au with at least four weeks for
processing and despatch through Australia Post to the nominated address (usually
the requesting location), allowing sufficient time for the medallion to be engraved prior
to presentation.
11. Medallions will not be forwarded directly to the recipient – they must be forwarded
through the Region/Institute or work unit where engraving is to be arranged.
Additional information for Training portfolio:
12. Using the list obtained from Workforce Futures, HR/Managers are required to confirm
staff details when ordering medallions from Workforce Futures.
13. If a staff member or their manager believes the staff member has reached or is due to
reach twenty-five (25) years recognisable service in the Queensland Government,
and they are not included on the list of eligible employees, appropriate action may
need to be taken to have previous service recognised.
14. Where Recognition of previous service for leave purposes and Recognition of
previous employment may apply, the employee should contact their local Human
Resources (HR) Manager to discuss required procedures to make application.
15. Where access to previous employment records with other government entities is not
possible, the employee may submit a Recognition of previous employment statutory
declaration. Where this may apply, please discuss required procedure with your HR
16. Service may only be recognised following the completion and processing of these
forms through the Acquisition, Accounting and Payroll Services for eligibility to be
determined and for the Aurion system to be updated accordingly.
4. Engraving
1. The requesting location (Region/District/Institute/Work Unit) is responsible for
arranging and funding the engraving of the recipient’s name on the medallion.
The metal in the medallions can withstand a number of engraving options:
hand engraving;
laser engraving; or
spindle engraving with paint filling (provides the best results but is more
5. Presentation timing
1. It is recommended that medal presentations are made by the employee’s current
work unit manager.
2. Where possible, presentation of service medallions is encouraged to (but not limited
to) coincide as near as practical to or on the 25 year service milestone, or with other
special events such as:
Non-teaching employees (other than teachers and teacher aides) - during
Administrative Professionals’ Week, celebrated in the last full week of April
annually (http://www.iaap-hq.org/APW/apwindex.htm) or during State
Education Week (May/June).
Teacher Aides - first Friday in September annually to align with Teacher Aides’
Day celebrations.
Teachers - World Teachers’ Day – celebrated on the last Friday in October
annually in Queensland.
3. Flexibility is provided for presentations at other times during the year for special
occasions such as end of term, school/institute celebrations, transfer, resignation or
retirement of an eligible recipient etc.
6. Record Management
1. Workforce Futures maintains a database of medallion recipients and timing.
2. Regions are required to update the HR Payroll system (TSS) via the XB2SCR
(general employees) or XZ0SCR (for teachers) screens to reflect that an employee
has been issued a service medallion.
3. Where Aurion is the HR system in use, it is recommended that a note be made in an
appropriate location in that system to indicate when a medallion has been issued.
All departmental employees are eligible to receive a retirement certificate acknowledging their
contribution to the provision of services to Queensland when formally “retiring” after reaching
the age of 55 provided they meet the eligibility criteria outlined below.
Further, officers who retire from the department having contributed service of 30 years or
more are eligible for a small corporate gift and retirement letter of appreciation from the
Director-General as well as a retirement certificate. A service medallion can be awarded at
the same time provided one has not previously been issued.
(Note: Retirement certificates include the total number of years’ recognisable service.
Retirement Certificates previously issued without the total number of years’ service shown will
not be re-issued using the new certificates.)
1. Eligibility Criteria:
1. Retirement Certificates
Retiring departmental employees must have attained a minimum of age 55
years - or be taking retirement earlier than 55 because of ill health.
Where early retirement is necessary in special circumstances, eligibility will be
considered on a case-by-case basis and must be declared on or attached to
the request form. (A “special” retirement certificate is available for use where
the recipient is retiring through ill health or where the certificate is being
awarded posthumously.)
Officers who cease employment with DET through participation in a Career
Change program are not considered to have “retired” and as such, are not
eligible for retirement certificates but are eligible for service medallions
provided they meet the total service requirements.
Officers who accept an offer of Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) are
considered to have retired from DET and are eligible for a 25 year service
medallion provided they meet the total service requirements. They are also
eligible for a letter from the Director-General and small corporate gift provided
they meet that criteria.
2. 30 year corporate gift
In addition to eligibility for a retirement certificate as outlined above, officers
who have completed 30 years or more recognisable service with the
Queensland Government are eligible for a small corporate gift and letter from
the Director-General of Education and Training.
For employees on the TSS system (Education portfolio), Payroll Services,
Human Resource Services Branch can generate a report (Crystal PAPR0004)
that identifies employees with service of 30 or more years. This report
identifies service undertaken in all Queensland government departments but
further verification may be required to account for periods of leave without pay
that may have occurred and that may have effected the total service duration.
For employees on the Aurion system (Training portfolio), please contact your
HR Manager to confirm if a retiring employee has service of 30 or more years.
Corporate gifts are not issued retrospectively (i.e. to employees who retired
prior to the introduction of this form of recognition). Retirements must have
occurred since November 2005 for Education employees, or since the
formation of the Department of Education and Training in September 2006 for
Training employees, to be eligible for the letter and gift.
2. How to apply:
1. Retirement Certificates
(a) Complete a Retirement Certificate Request Form (TRIM 10/151369) available in
from the Reward and Recognition website.
(b) Completed forms must be submitted to your Regional Office / Institute through
the School’s Principal or Institute/Director or through the relevant work unit’s
Director/ADG for Central Office requests.
(c) The form should indicate if the certificate required is for G or “general” retirement
or S, being for “special” certificates – recommended for ill health retirement or
posthumous recognition. Where no specific certificate type is indicated, the
“general” certificate will be supplied.
(d) Regional Offices/Institutes are required to complete a service verification process
- checking spelling of the name, confirm eligibility - age, total service duration,
status of any disciplinary action, that the Career Change program does not apply,
and if ill health eligibility applies. In confirming eligibility, the checking officer
needs to sign in the Service Verification section provided on the form.
(e) Consider the following principles when completing the service verification
Total recognisable service with the Queensland Government - and not
“continuous” or “meritorious” service - is the basis for determining service
duration. Ministerial Directive 07/08 - Leave without Salary Credited as
Service and Ministerial Directive 10/10 - recognition of Prior Service will be
the main reference documents in determining service eligibility.
Where an officer has resigned and then resumed employment within twelve
months of the resignation date, the period of absence is not counted towards
total service but the period of service prior to the resignation can be counted.
(f) Employment must be with the Queensland Government or inclusive of service
with other employers for which recognition of prior service has been granted.
(g) Scholarship years (for teaching qualification) will be considered in establishing 30
years of service provided they meet the criteria outlined in Directive 2/03.
(h) Permanent or temporary service is counted for total service calculations. Where
teacher aides were initially employed on a long-term casual basis, this period of
casual service prior to the introduction of temporary service can be counted
towards total service, provided there has not been a break/leave without pay of
more than three months between engagements. (Refer Ministerial Directive
07/08 - Leave without Salary Credited as Service.)
(i) Part-time employment should be recognised on a calendar year basis regardless
of what the full-time equivalent service might be.
(j) Supply teaching, other casual engagements from time to time or voluntary
services will not be counted as service for service medallion purposes unless
otherwise indicated in these guidelines.
(k) Approval is required by, at minimum, the RD/Director/Institute Director or ADG on
the form. Incomplete forms will be returned for completion and may result in
delaying presentation.
(l) Fax signed Retirement Certificate request forms to Workforce Futures on 3237
0842, send via TRIM to Project Officer 04 WF WM&F or email to
RewardandRecgnition.HUMANRES@deta.qld.gov.au .
2. For DG letter and Corporate Gift:
(a) Where the service verification process has confirmed the officer has completed
30 years’ or more recognisable service, the requesting location will be
responsible for preparation of:
a Request for Retirement Certificate (sent directly to Workforce Futures as
outlined above)
drafting a retirement letter of appreciation (see sample letter TRIM 06/56648),
to be personally signed by the Director-General, and
iii. local arrangements for presentation of the award.
(b) The sample “letter of appreciation” at TRIM 06/56648 provides the DirectorGeneral’s preferred wording in opening and closing paragraphs. The body of the
letter is to be written by the requesting unit to personalise the letter in relation to
the officer’s service history - sourced from personnel files, reflections from
supervisors and colleagues etc. The letter should also include acknowledgement
of the total number of years the officer has contributed to the Queensland
(c) Where access to TRIM is available, the draft letter must be saved in TRIM, using
the following naming description for the document - Retirement Letter - Firstname
SURNAME - employee no. XXXXXXX – request for retirement letter and gift.
(d) Where access to TRIM is not available, email draft letters to
rewardandrecognition.HUMANRES@deta.qld.gov.au for further processing
through TRIM.
(e) All letters for the signature of the Director-General must be submitted - with a
Request for Retirement Certificate form that verifies that the service duration and
disciplinary action checks have been completed - using TRIM via the Project
Officer 04 WF WM&F in central office. Once all required components have been
received and eligibility checks confirmed, the document will be forwarded through
the required communication channels for the letter to be checked that it meets
departmental and specific writing requirements of the Director-General, printed
onto the Director-General’s letterhead paper and given to the Director-General for
(e) The TRIM NOTES must include:
Confirmation that the service and disciplinary action checks have been
completed and are clear, and
the location to which the letter and gift are to be sent from the DirectorGeneral’s office after signature.
In some cases despatch will be directly to the recipient, while in others it will be
through the work unit at which a presentation ceremony may be being arranged.
(f) A minimum of four weeks is required from sending the draft letter to the
Project Officer 04 WF WM&F (the Senior Project Officer, Reward and
Recognition within Workforce Futures) to allow for proofing, printing and signing
by the Director-General. (This timeframe acknowledges the Director-General’s
schedule and is not flexible or negotiable.)
(g) Once signed, the letter and gift will be despatched in accordance with the
address nominated in the TRIM notes. This may vary from the address on the
3. Presentation timing
(a) Retirement certificates can be presented at retirement, often at a celebration
function at, or organised by, the recipient’s work location.
(b) If sufficient time has been allowed for the corporate gift and retirement letter of
appreciation to arrive, these can also be presented at local celebrations if they
have not been sent directly to the employee’s home address.
(c) The recipient’s work location may wish to mount the retirement certificate in a
frame prior to presentation.
4. Record Management
(a) TRIM notes will be updated at the point of despatch to reflect completion.
(b) Regions are responsible for updating the TSS HR Payroll system via the
XB2SCR (general employees) or XZ0SCR (teachers) screens to reflect that an
employee has been issued a retirement certificate, retirement letter of
appreciation and a gift.
(c) Institutes are required to make appropriate notes in the Aurion system where
(d) Workforce Futures maintains Central Office records.
25 year service medallion request form - regions
TRIM 10/179518
25 year service medallion request form - Central Office
TRIM 10/179574
Retirement certificate request form
TRIM 10/151369
Sample letter of appreciation from DG
TRIM 06/56648
Senior Project Officer (Reward & Recognition)
Workforce Futures Unit
Human Resources
Department of Education and Training
PO Box 10533
Brisbane City East
(07) 3237 0698
(07) 3237 0842
Email: rewardandrecognition.HUMANRES@deta.qld.gov.au