addressed - Coalition to Preserve Retirement Security

Coalition to Preserve Retirement Security
The Arguments for Mandatory Coverage
• Universality --- “Everyone should participate.”
• Fairness --- “Most will collect a benefit from
other employment.”
• Solvency --- “Additional revenue will extend
the life of Social Security.”
• Employee Benefit --- “Social Security will
provide essential benefits for public workers.”
• Necessary Safety Net --- “The public sector DB
plans are at risk.”
Bowles-Simpson Deficit Reduction Report
…a small share of states and localities exclude their employees from Social
Security and instead maintain separate retirement systems. As states face a
double hardship of prolonged fiscal challenges and an aging workforce,
relying entirely on this pension model has become riskier for both
government sponsors and for program participants, and a potential
future bailout risk for the federal government. To mitigate this risk and to
plan for an orderly transition to comprehensive Social Security coverage, the
Commission proposes to mandate coverage for all state and local workers
newly hired after 2020.
The Impact of Mandatory Coverage
on State and Local Budgets
Center for Retirement Research at Boston College
• Equity – Social Security legacy costs
• Employee Benefits – Portability, disability and dependent
• “Trivial” Impact on State and Local Budgets
Government Pension Offset (GPO)
Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)
• GPO –
• WEP –
• Repeal Legislation –
– Unsuccessful attempts for nearly 30 years
– 128 Co-Sponsors (324 out of 435 Members in 2007)
• Reform Legislation – But what?
Coalition to Preserve Retirement Security
Questions or More Information:
Coalition to Preserve Retirement Security
c/o Lussier, Gregor, Vienna & Associates