SAC Minutes May 2014 - Le Marchant St Thomas School

School Advisory Council (SAC) Minutes, May8/14
LeMarchant St. Thomas School Library
Members present:
Jeanne Boudreau
Anne Ring
Caitlin Wilson
Shannon Black
Kelly Irving
Vice Principal
Parent, Chair
Community Rep
Special Guests :
John Tenwolde Photography (John)
Members Absent:
Rebecca Hastings; Nikki Burge- Com Reps
Bonnie Whyte
Judy Obersi
Adele Beaton
Derek Honig
Parent, Secretary
Parent Chair desig
Review and approval of minutes: Shannon motioned to approve the minutes (seconded
by Judy) with an amendment (parent dream session should be June 2nd)
Presentation by potential school photographer John Tenwolde made the final
presentation. The members reviewed all the company offers and decided to chose John
Tenwolde. Shannon motioned (seconded by Bonnie) to invite John Tenwolde to be the
school photographer for 3 years.
Admin. Report by Anne
-Heritage Fair-140 , 9 advanced to Regionals ,6 trophies and 4 going to Provincials.
-String Night happening this evening. Children were bussed today to rehearsal.
-Internet Safety for parents LMST May 12th with babysitting provided 40 RSVPs
-Volunteer Tea cancelled due to lack of interest. A thank you token will be sent home.
-Music Night at LMST this Thursday including band, choir and strings.
-School based PD- Continuous School Improvement (CSI) scheduled for May 16th.
-Boy’s Honor Choir-May 21st; Girl’s Honor Choir May 22nd
-Comfy Cozy Clothes day @ School, May 23rd. An attempt to expand on PJ day.
-Primary Parent’s Information meeting- May 29 @ 6:30, Library
-Primary Orientation- 1:15-2:15pm. Annex, May 30
-Class Trips beginning to happen. Ongoing issue with parents’ paperwork.
-Music Teacher retiring; we are getting a 100% music teacher. Suggested having 1 large
Holiday concert at Spatz Theatre. It would require a small charge to finance. Thinking of
3rd week of Dec.
New School update- site selection exercise being initiated. The consultant has been
hired. 2 parent reps are to be included and 1 community member- 6-7 meeting process
taking 60-90 days.
New Business Shannon advises positive momentum for Dream Big session on June
02/14. A decision was taken to have the dinner out meeting for the June SAC meeting,
Café Istanbul, June 12th. Shannon will send out an email.
Adjournment: Bonnie motioned to end meeting, which was seconded by Caitlin.