FAR AND AWAY - Madison County Schools

Assignment #5
Far and Away
Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman
We have studied the following topics in chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10: Immigration, poverty,
and other reasons that caused immigrants to lose their homelands. We discussed how they
were treated by Americans (nativists), the political bosses and their domination over the
immigrants, the working conditions of the adults as well as the children, and the horrible living
conditions in the cities. We discussed reasons people left the cities to move west, the
Homestead Act, the frontier, etc.
As you are watching the movie be sure to take note of all of these things in your mind. This is
a great review and visual representation of everything we’ve learned.
1. What type of family was Joseph (Tom Cruise) from? _____________________________
2. What did the landowners in Ireland do to the farmer/sharecropper’s house and land?
3. Who was Joseph upset with and where did he go?_______________________________
4. What type of family was Shannon (Nicole Kidman) from?_________________________
5. What type of music did Shannon play on the piano?
6. What type of flier did Shannon have from America? What was America giving away for
free? __________________________________________________________________
7. What “job” was Shannon willing to give Joseph to come with her? _________________
8. How did they come to America?_____________________________________________
9. What kind of person gave them a “room” in Boston? ____________________________
10. What kind of factory was their first job in? ____________________________________
11. What “job” does Joseph end up getting and making a lot of money in, to allow him to
be well-liked by the political boss?____________________________________________
12.What happens to get them in bad graces with the political boss and what does he force
them to do? ____________________________________________________________
13.What new industry does Joseph end up working for?_____________________________
14.Where do Joseph and Shannon see each other again?____________________________
15. What are Joseph and Shannon each out West to do?_____________________________
Did you like the movie? If not, why not?