Approval of Minutes

Caledon East Community School Association
Date | time 14 January 2015 7:00 PM | Meeting called to order by Judy Black
In Attendance
Judy Black, Patricia Ritchie, Indu Nandivada, Heather Denley, Natalie Fabro, Mary Smercina, Jennie Crowe, Sue
Hesjedahl, Sandra Peche, Marion Wood, Scott Smith, Karen Kowal, Jen Smith, Fiona Ross, James Pallister, Ching
Regrets: Sylvia Mellet, Donna Acton, Giselle Devon, Sarah Bince, Karen Goertzen, Christina Crowe, Karen MartinRobbins
Welcome and Introductions
Judy welcomes everyone and calls order at 7:40 pm.
Approval of Agenda
Jennie motioned to approve the agenda which was seconded by Sue.
Approval of Minutes
Jennie motioned to approve the November 19th meeting minutes which was seconded by Indu.
Business from Minutes
None discussed.
Treasurer’s Report
December revenue does not include Subway, Pizza, or Lunch Lady funds.
Balance is approximately $6000.
Regal provided $446 of revenue.
Motion to approve Treasurer’s November and December Reports – Indu and seconded by Ching.
The $446 check will arrive at the end of January. Good amount considering only 11 orders were placed.
We receive a 30% commission on each order.
The Website will be opened again for our spring fundraiser on March 1st and Spring Catalogues will be sent
Popcorn sales are a big success. At the first sale all product was sold out. The next sale after the holidays
was less due to holiday break forgetfulness.
Suggestion made for Popcorn sales to be added to the school calendar email blasts as reminders to parents.
Mary Smercina and Jen Smith offered to assist with sales in February to fill in for Karen Martin-Robbins.
Tin Foil
Marion Wood suggested a fundraiser selling Tin Foil. Marion will bring additional details regarding
program to February meeting for discussion.
Euchre Tournament
Patricia suggest resurrecting the Euchre tournament to be held in April or May.
Patricia to update group in February
Principal’s Report
New shelving donated to the Library is ready to be delivered. Awaiting the school work order to be
approved for the installation.
November Approved Funds – Update on purchases
$5500 for a 10 pack of IPads plus 2 Tub Carts – Items have arrived and should be in use week of January 19th
$3000 – for Library Social Studies curriculum books. – Social Studies curriculum books were purchased at a
cost of $1200 with 2014-15 publishing dates. Other new book possibilities are outdated. Natalie Fabro
suggests we wait a year or two for updated publications as no other teacher is requesting additional book
resources at this time.
January Staff Wish Lists
“Learning Commons” furniture request for Library
o In order to bring life back into the library, the school would like to restructure the old computer lab
area into a Learning Commons arrangement with conversation seating and technology counter.
o Library Services has been consulted and a temporary set up has been arranged. Two periods in the
morning have been opened to all grades to use the area. This Starbucks style grouping seems to be
successful with many teachers using the area with their classes.
o Both Sandra Peche and Karen Kowal offered to check their warehouse stock to see if they might
have furniture which could be donated.
Brock University Trip for Grade 7 and 8
o This is a 2 night, 3 day trip where students will stay in the dorm and have an opportunity to
participate in a variety of different programs conducted by the University.
o The cost is $330 per student based on 60 students attending. If CESCA assists with the cost of the
bus service and supply teacher ($1800) ; the per student cost can drop to $300.
o Judy will review previous grade 7/8 trip notes to clarify what amount was provided by CESCA in
the past.
Skating Days
o 2 Skating Days will be scheduled for the primary grades (1-8) to go to the Arena to ice skate. Cost
for ice rental and bussing can come to over $1200 which would be passed down to the parents to pay.
January Approved Funds
$3000 has been motioned by Indu for furniture and set up for the area which was seconded by Jennie. None
$1800 has been motioned by Sue to pay for the Bus and Supply Teacher needed for the Brock University trip.
The motion was seconded by Patricia with no one opposing.
$1300 has been motioned by Jennie to cover all costs for both Skating Days to eliminate all cost to parent for
the event whereby creating CESCA Skating Days for the kids. The motioned was approved by Indu.
Minutes - 14 January 2015 - Page 2
New Business
None discussed.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 18th, 2015 beginning at approximately 7:00 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Minutes - 14 January 2015 - Page 3