A. General Information Applicant Institution: Ministry of Energy and

A. General Information
Applicant Institution: Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs
Principal Contact: Mr. Randy Maurice
Address: Tower C, International Waterfront Centre, #1 Wrightson Road, Port-of-Spain
Telephone: (868) 623-6708 ext. 2793
Email: rmaurice@energy.gov.tt
Internet homepage: rmaurice@energy.gov.tt
B. Project Concept
Project Title: Toolkit for Development of Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for Renewable Energy Grid
Country of Implementation: Trinidad and Tobago (T&T)
Goals and Deliverables:
Trinidad and Tobago is seeking to effectively develop its renewable energy (RE) resources; however, one
of the main barriers is the lack of a supporting legal and regulatory framework for RE power generation.
Currently, a standard contract for renewable electricity generators does not exist and in this regard,
assistance is being sought for the design of a toolkit for the development of renewable energy power
purchase agreements and contracts.
Trinidad and Tobago has already developed a Renewable Energy Policy Framework, which is being
incorporated into the Draft Energy Policy Green Paper. In the Framework, wind energy has been
identified as one of the available RE Resources for power generation in Trinidad and Tobago. The
Government is expected to embark on a Wind Resource Assessment Programme (WRAP) to quantify the
wind resource potential for T&T and identify possible locations for the installation of wind farms.
Following the WRAP, the development of PPAs for wind generated electricity will be a fundamental step
not only for the planning and effective implementation of a successful wind project but also for other
prospective RE projects. In addition to developing a standard PPA for large generators, it is also
desirable to develop a standardized contract (or simplified PPA model) for small installations. As T&T
works to develop its renewable energy resources, having standard renewable energy power purchase
agreements and contracts available will help ensure effective contracts are created. The assistance of
the OAS in this regard will be of great value.
The Government of Trinidad and Tobago has identified three specific Goals as outlines below:
Goal A: Provide capacity building for local stakeholders in developing a supportive legislative
framework for RE in T&T
Goal B: To develop a model PPA and deliver an associated PPA training
Goal C: To provide training for the development of a monitoring and evaluation plan
Goal A includes review Trinidad and Tobago energy sector national Acts, regulations, decisions, orders,
including the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission Act and the Regulated Industries Commission
Act, as well as other key documents including the Renewable Energy Policy Framework incorporated in
the Draft Energy Policy Green Paper; compare them to best practices and options; review of legal
system of Trinidad and Tobago in terms at what level of government can act with statutes or regulations
to make legal changes for interconnection, renewable power and IPPs supply/sale of power. This goal
includes a training workshop on drafting legislation and regulations, with focus on drafting terms for
actual effective legislation, whether and how to use statutes, regulations, orders or protocols.
Goal B includes developing a framework or toolkit for power purchase agreements (PPAs) that ensure
effective contracts are created for renewable energy generators seeking long term and secures
investments. An associated training on the use of the PPA will assist in the construction of suitable
contract options under the Feed-in Tariff scheme that the country is exploring, for both large and small
renewable energy generators. The model PPAs will include technology specific suggestions as Annexes
for wind, solar PV, waste-to-energy, and bioenergy. This goal includes training with members of the
Feed-in Tariff Policy Committee and other key stakeholders on the application of the model PPAs. The
purpose of this training will be to review the key ingredients to a successful PPA and contract
negotiations, including interconnection agreements, shifting PPA risks, project tariffs, and PPA
alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.
Based on feedback from workshop, final standard model agreements/contracts for small RE Generators
and model PPA for large RE Generators will be developed.
Goal C in order to ensure that renewable energy growth and development is sustainable over time, the
PPAs will undergo occasional monitoring and evaluation. This training will assist in the following
 Assessing the effectiveness of PPAs;
 Ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions of the PPA over the contract period;
 Revising and making the necessary amendments to PPAs, taking into account changing
market conditions.
C. Development Impact
Overall Expected Result:
The development of PPAs will be a major impetus for the growth of the renewable energy industry in
Trinidad and Tobago. Investors and project developers both foreign and local will benefit from
established PPAs. Overcoming the legislative barrier and designing appropriate PPAs will be a catalyst
for future renewable energy projects particularly spearheaded by the Ministry of Energy and Energy
Affairs seeking to lead by example.
Additionally, the economy, society and the environment will all benefit from this crucial advancement.
The increase in renewable energy investment will contribute to the country’s sustainable development
by reducing its carbon emissions and addressing the issue of climate change.
Project Sustainability:
By creating an enabling environment, the project will achieve the goals set out in the Framework for Renewable
Energy by supporting the regulatory and legislative environment. Increasing access to the grid will increase
investment and the uptake of renewable energy technologies. It will assist T&T in achieving its target of 5% of
present peak demand (or 60MW) by 2020. Utilizing renewable energy will diversify the country’s energy mix and
increase energy security as currently almost 100% of its electricity is supplied by non-renewable natural gas
While the remit of power generation lies within the Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs, it is expected that the
Ministry of Public Utilities, the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission and the Regulated Industries
Commission will play major roles in the amendments of their respective legislation, negotiations of PPAs and the
development of electricity tariffs.
D. Partners
Partner Name: Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission
Principal Contact: Kelvin Ramsook
Email: cbrown@ttec.co.tt
Telephone: (868) 623-2611
Internet home page: https://ttec.co.tt/
Partner Name: Ministry of Public Utilities
Principal Contact: Jacinta Bailey-Sobers
Email: jbailey-sobers@mpu.gov.tt
Telephone: (868) 628-9202
Internet home page: http://www.mpu.gov.tt/home/
Partner Name: Regulated Industries Commission
Principal Contact: Glenn Khan Ag
Email: maraji@ric.org.tt
Telephone: (868) 625-5384
Internet home page: http://www.ric.org.tt/