File - Jewish Genealogical Society of North Jersey

File Cabinet Resources of the
Jewish Genealogical Society of North Jersey
Adoptions (File Folder)
•Newsletter from organization
Ancestry (DVD)
•A DVD introduction to Ancestry
Beginners Workshop (File Folder)
Cemeteries (File Folder)
•NJ; NY; Reading tombstones
Census (File Folder)
•Forms, Blank forms for each year
Computers/Technology (File Folder)
•General articles
Courts (File Folder)
•Types of court records
Ellis Island (File Folder)
Family History Library (File Folder)
•Mormon library
Family Reunions (File Folder)
•Better Homes & Gardens Booklet _•Pamphlet from the Glass family reunion
Family Search (CD)
•The 1880 U.S. census & National Index from LDS
Forms for Record Keeping (File Folder)
•Pedigree charts_•Family group sheets_•Research log_•Correspondance log,_•Personal
Goal Worksheet
Holocaust (File Folder)
How to Trace Your Jewish Roots: A Journey with Arthur Kurzweil (Video)
1 videocassette of 1 (VHS) (ca. 33 min.)
Hungary (File Folder)
Interviews (File Folder)
Jewish Records in the Family History Library (CD)
Revised 2/16/16
File Cabinet Resources of the
Jewish Genealogical Society of North Jersey
Jewish sightseeing (File Folder)
Landsmanshaften (File Folder)
•Chyrower Society
LDS - see Family History Library (File Folder)
Libraries (File Folder)
Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia (File Folder)
Magazines (File Folder)
Maps (File Folder)
•Tishavits, Austria/Hungary, Volhynia, Pale of Settlement, Eastern Europe, Ukraine,
Germany, Poland, Galicia, Austria/Hungary/Serbia 1920/Maajan, Switzerland
Medical (File Folder)
Military (File Folder)
•Revolutionary War Sources 1775-1783
Military/Veterans (File Folder)
Names (File Folder)
National Archives (File Folder)
New York, Philadelphia
Nechama’s List (CD)
•Nechama's List is an update of the original database compiled by Nancy Hilton and
entitled Jewish Records in the Family History Library Catalog.
Netherlands (File Folder)
New Jersey (File Folder)
New Jersey Archives (File Folder)
New York (File Folder)
Ottoman Empire (File Folder)
Passenger Manifests Information (File Folder)
Revised 2/16/16
File Cabinet Resources of the
Jewish Genealogical Society of North Jersey
•Hamburg Passenger List 1850-1934 _•List of Passengers on Ms. Pilsudski _•Blank Ship
Manifest 1890’s
Passports (File Folder)
•Emergency application/sample _•Index to Jews applying 1915-1926
Photography (File Folder)
Preservation, publishers
Poland (File Folder)
•Polish Jewish Cemeteries _•Polish Genealogical Letter Writing Guide
RAGAS (File Folder)
Russian-American Genealogical Archival Service - forms
Recognizing Type 1 Gaucher Disease: Patient Perspectives (CD)
•Gaucher Disease Educational Video
Remember: Yizkor Books & What They Mean to Us Today (CD)
•Talk by Samuel Kassow; National Yiddish Book Center
Remember: Yizkor books and what they mean (CD)
•Talk by Samuel Kassow at the National Yiddish Book Center
Research travel (File Folder)
Mirian Weiner
Russia (File Folder)
Avotaynu article from 1988
Sephardic research (File Folder)
Telephone Directories of Poland 1936-37 (Microfilm)
Not Warsaw
Tracing Your Family Roots (Video)
Arline Sachs & Sallyann Sack, JGS of Greater Washington
Tracing Your Family Roots (Video)
Seminar shows
Translation Guides (File Folder)
•Polish translations _•Cyrillic Alphabet _•Chief Foreign Alphabets: Danish, Norwegian,
Swiss, German, Austrian, genealogical terms
Utah (File Folder)
Revised 2/16/16
File Cabinet Resources of the
Jewish Genealogical Society of North Jersey
List of names
Witness to the Holocaust (Audio cassettes)
•Miles Lerman Narrator. Published by Holocaust Memorial Museum
Yichus Newsletters (File Folder)
Yizkor Books (File Folder)
•Pamphlet from NY Public Library & National Yiddish Book Center _•Exerpts copied
from Wolkowysk Yizkor Book _•1992 Index of Yizkor books
Revised 2/16/16