MA112Syllabus106 - University of South Alabama

Syllabus: Lab Enhanced Precalculus Algebra
MA 112 (Section 106) Fall 2010
Class Time: 10:10 am – 11:00 am MWF
Location: Instructional Laboratory Building ILB 0430
Instructor: Dr. Maria Byrne
Instructor Contact Info:
Phone: (251) 460-7162
E-mail: (E-mail is the best option.)
Office: ILB 452
Office Hours: 12:20 am – 1:10 pm daily, and by appointment.
Lab Time: 11:15 am – 12:05 am, Friday
Location: Instructional Laboratory Building ILB 0405
Lab Instructor: Adrienne Myers
Lab Instructor Contact Info:
Course webpage:
Course design: This course meets 3 times a week in class, and once a week in lab. All class and lab
meetings are mandatory. The final course grade will have a class component and a lab component. The
class component is based on attendance, in-class quizzes, homework and written exams. The lab
component is intended to prepare students for the written exams and requires passing 8 module quizzes.
The USA Bulletin Description: Study of use of variable quantities to interpret information about
relationships that can be expressed in mathematical terms. Linear, polynomial, absolute value, rational,
exponential and logarithmic functions with emphasis on numerical, graphical and algebraic properties
and applications and use in modeling real world situations. Systems of linear equations. Credit for both
MA 112 and MA 115 not allowed. Prerequisite: C or better in DS 090 or sufficient mathematics
placement test score. Core Course.
Learning Objectives
1. Recognition of function model groups by name, equation, and general graph shape: linear,
quadratic, cubic, general polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic.
2. Vocabulary used to describe graphs: domain, range, increasing, decreasing, x-intercept, function
zero, y-intercept, maximum, minimum, asymptote,vertical, horizontal, axis, scale, coordinates.
3. Real number line and solving inequalities to describe number sets on that line.
Class Component
Text: A custom edition for the University of South
Alabama. Taken from: Precalculus: Graphs & Models,
Fourth Edition by Marvin L. Bittinger, Judith A. Beecher,
David J. Ellenbogen and Judith A. Penna (2008). ISBN13: 9780321501523.
Coverage: Chapters 1 – 5 (omitting 2.5).
Calculator: A calculator is not required, but a standard
calculator that can compute natural logarithms is useful
for this course. If you plan to go on to a higher math
course, a TI-89 is a good choice. The TI-83 plus may be
purchased on E-bay for around $40.
Class Attendance (): Regular attendance is important in this course. It is your responsibility to get
any assignments or notes missed during an absence. Roll will be taken randomly throughout the
semester with in-class quizzes. Leaving early and arriving late count as a ½ class period absence.
Missing less than 4 days over the course of the semester will result in 4% extra credit on the final
MyMathlab Online Homework (): Problems from the text will be assigned with each book section
in MyMathab. Homework is graded online and will contribute to 10% of the final grade. Problems are
scored immediately and students will be allowed to redo homework problems as many times as they
wish over the week that the homework problems are assigned. MyMathlab comes equipped with an
electronic copy of the textbook, tutorials on each topic, immediate step-by-step help with problems and
a means of sending questions to the instructor. The online homework is ideal practice for the Module
Quizzes and mastery of homework problems (80% correct) will be required before make-up module
quizzes will be allowed.
MyMathlab can be accessed at once you have registered for
the course. Instructions for registering for the course will be covered during the first lab session
and can be found on the course webpage. The CourseCompass Course ID for this MA112
section is byrne72664 and the university zip code is 36688.
In-class Quizzes (): Quizzes will be given occasionally in class and will contribute to 20% of your
final grade. Quiz questions will usually be announced ahead of time and are usually taken directly from
the homework. No make-ups will be given.
Written Exams (,): There will be a written mid-term and a comprehensive final worth 30% and
40% of your grade, respectively.
Midterm (): Chapters 1-3
Friday, October 1st, 2010
10:10 am – 11:00 am, ILB 430
Final (): Chapters 1-5
Saturday, December 11th, 2010
10:30 am – 12:30 pm, ILB 430
Make-Up Exams: A make-up exam will be available for the written exams only under exceptional and
verifiable circumstances. No make-up will be allowed for an unexcused absence. The make-up exam
will be different than the regular exam and make-ups for the mid-term must be taken no later than the
second day following the student's return to class.
Lab Component and Module Quizzes
Rationale: Module quizzes are intended to prepare students for written exams by providing a schedule
to master precalculus algebra topics and by giving immediate feedback regarding mastery of those
7 Modules: Course topics are separated into 7 distinct modules. Students will be required to
demonstrate mastery of each module by passing a module quiz.
Book Sections
Module 1: What is a function?
R.1, 1.1 – 1.2
Module 2: Linear Functions
1.3 – 1.6
Module 3: Operations with Functions
2.1 – 2.4
Module 4: Quadratic Functions
3.1 – 3.5
Module 5: Polynomial Functions
4.1 – 4.4
Module 6: Rational Functions
4.5 – 4.6
5.1 – 5.6
Module 7: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Module quizzes (): Module quizzes are based closely on home works and mastery of homework
will result in mastery on quizzes. Practice quizzes are available on MyMathlab and can be taken as
frequently as wished. During quiz weeks, quizzes are taken during lab and are proctored by a lab
Passing module quizzes (, ): A module quiz is passed if 80% of the questions are answered
correctly. If a quiz is not passed on the first attempt, a student may retake the quiz one time with
instructor permission. Under special circumstances, a module quiz may be taken a third time. All
module quizzes should be passed to complete the course. Each module quiz that is not passed will
result in a reduction in the final course grade by 8%.
Lab design: Laboratory sessions alternate between "quiz weeks" and "pre-quiz weeks".
Quiz week: During quiz weeks, students will take a module quiz proctored by the lab instructor.
Pre-quiz week: During pre-quiz weeks, students receive extra guidance from the lab instructor,
practice taking the next module quiz, and ask questions of the lab instructor.
Grading Rubric
Grading: Your final grade will be computed from your quiz score (), homework score (), mid-term
(), final (), the number of failed module quizzes () and whether you have earned extra credit
attendance points as follows:
Final Grade =
 + 2 + 3 + 4
– 8(# of failed quizzes) + 4(if extra credit for attendance is earned).
The 10-point grading scale will be used. A letter grade is assigned to a course average as follows:
A(90-100) B(80-89) C(70-79) D(60-69) F(0-59)
Grade release: It is my policy not to release grade information over the phone or via e-mail and I do
not post grades. Final grades will be available from PAWS. Please do not call the department
secretaries for grade information, as they are not authorized to release such information.
Tutoring lab: The department offers a tutoring lab in ILB 456 to all student taking mathematics and
statistics classes. There is no lab fee. Please check the bulletin board outside ILB 325 for details.
JagSuccess: JagSuccess is a program intended to help students be successful in all 100-200 level
courses. The purpose of the program is to provide early feedback to students having academic
difficulties. If you are not doing well in MA112, you will receive an email in week 8 instructing you to
see your professor. The e-mail will include instructions to access an online tutorial intended to help
with common problems affecting academic performance.
Disabilities: If you have a specific disability that qualifies you for academic accommodations, please
notify me and provide certification from the Office of Special Student Services located in the Student
Center, Room 270, Phone 460-7212.
Note: The last drop day for the course is October 29th. If you get to the point where you are considering
dropping the course, please speak with me, the department chair (Dr. Carter) or the assistant to the chair
(Dr. S. Brick) before dropping.
The requirements and policies above may be modified as circumstances dictate. Such changes
will be provided to the students in class and in writing. You will often first be notified of changes
by e-mail, so please check your jaguar1 e-mail accounts regularly.