Title of Unit: Healthy Living – Bunch of 5! Year 8 Term Duration 7 hours Unit Description: Prior learning Phase A Construct bar charts Understanding information on healthy living Phase B Phase C Analyse how healthy four characters (Alfie, Samantha, Manjit and Lucy) are and make recommendations to make them more healthy Key Process Objectives Content & Range Objectives Identify the mathematical features of a context Use percentage to compare proportions Use logical argument to interpret the maths in a given context Use the order of operations, including brackets, with more complex calculations Use a calculator to carry out more difficult calculations effectively and efficiently. Use formulae from other subjects; substitute integers into simple formulae Know rough metric equivalents of imperial measures in common use Construct simple scatter graphs on paper Interpret tables, graphs and diagrams for discrete and continuous data, relating findings to the questions being explored 16/02/2016 Present recommendations Resources: Interpret percentage as the operator ‘so many hundredths of’ and express one given number as a percentage of another Interpret the calculator display in different contexts. Connecting to…… Misconceptions: Order of operations in numbers and algebra Difference between dp and sf Drawing accurate scale on graphs Key Vocabulary Body Mass Index Calories Scatter graph Energy Basal Metabolic Rate Activity factor Line of best fit Significant figures Percentage 1 Powerpoint Data for scattergraphs Large paper and pens, glue, squared paper Can we eat what we like? Worksheet Calculators healthy eating project clipart Height weight chart Height weight table imperial Height weight table metric Task sheet 2 in Healthy Eating Project BMR Sample menu 1 with cal. Sample menu 1 without cal Cal content (Calorie tables) Suggested Assessment Criteria Construct and modify scatter diagrams (L6) Interpret graphs and diagrams and draw conclusions (L5) Construct, express in symbolic form, and use simple formulae involving one or two operations (L5) Begin to use simple formulae expressed in words (L4) Use known facts, place value, knowledge of operations and brackets to calculate including using all four operations with decimals to two places (L5) Use a wider range of measures including non-standard units and standard metric units of mass in a range of contexts (L3) Construct bar charts (L3) Bexley LA Title of unit Healthy Living – Bunch of 5! 8 Year Term Notes How will the pupils learn? e.g. tasks/activities, starters, plenaries etc Phase A Students introduced to the unit /scenario through a powerpoint.: In small groups, students brainstorm “What maths is there in healthy eating? Students produce a mindmap. Each group feeds back one idea explaining the maths involved.to whole class which are collected on board. Take any other ideas not covered. Use powerpoint to highlight areas not covered. Use powerpoint to introduce the big picture of the unit.. In small groups students brainstorm to complete worksheet “can we eat what we like?” to introduce the effects of different kinds of foods. Class discussion on results. In small groups, put the six foods in order of estimated sugar, salt and fat content. Groups check their estimates by using the table of values. As a whole class, discuss the sugar, salt and fat fact cards. Each student should identify their own daily recommended guidelines and record in their books. Discuss how to find the percentage each food provides of their daily requirement and each student completes for all five foods. Class discussion: Is there a link between Fat, Sugar ,Salt and Calories? How can we investigate this link.? Introduce the term scatter graph. In groups of three, each student plots either Salt, Fat, or sugar against Calories. Class discussion: what do the graphs show? 16/02/2016 How will the learning emerge? e.g key questions, assessment points, assessment criteria Student discussion and mindmap Draw simple conclusions of their own and give an explanation of their reasoning Interpret graphs and diagrams and draw conclusions How will this be adjusted? e.g. practical resources, ICT, homework … Support Extension May need prompts such as calories, vitamins ,ideal weight, activity levels, energy requirements, getting info from graphs etc Large paper and pens Powerpoint Draw out : Get fat, Tooth decay, Diabetes, High blood cholesterol, High blood pressure,Poorly heart Can we eat what we like? Worksheet &powerpoint See powerpoint See powerpoint Use percentages to compare proportions Discussion and work completed Construct scatter graphs How do you choose a scale for your axes> How do you decide which axis to put which variable on? Give a table with “average” daily requirements. Students can choose 1 or 2 foods or leave this out Provide students with ready drawn 2 Round answers to 2s.f Sugar, salt and fat fact cards on powerpoint Calculators Reduce amount of teacher input Powerpoint Data for scattergraphs Bexley LA Discuss correlation and what this means. (Mention that calories will come from a combination of fat and sugars within a food) 16/02/2016 axes Include line of best fit 3 Bexley LA B Use powerpoint to introduce the four characters Introduce students to the meaning and formula (in letters) for BMI using powerpoint Individually, students work out the BMI for the four characters, checking results with their partner. Students decide whether characters are under or over weight using table on powerpoint Present students with other ways of finding this information from charts. Students check to see whether they give the same information In small groups students produce a poster giving the advantages/disadvantages of each method. Use formulae How else could we write this formula so that it was still correct? Use formula in words or use table What information do you need in order to use the formula? Use formula with a weight and height in imperial measurements Give students some examples of BMI s and associated weights and ask them to work out the heights Interpret graphs and diagrams and draw conclusions Powerpoint and healthy eating project clipart Height weight chart Height weight table imperial Height weight table metric Class discussion: What actions do these characters need to take? Students are shown the sample menus for the four characters. Class Discussion: Are these appropriate for each character? How can we find out? Students are introduced to BMR and “activity factor” formulae via powerpoint in order to work out daily calorie requirement. Working in small groups, students work out the requirement for each character then use calorie tables to work out calories in each menu. Class discussion: What needs to be changed? In groups, students devise a revised menu and activity plan to make each character more healthy. 16/02/2016 Work completed Use formulae in words or in table format How else could we write this formula so that it was still correct? Powerpoint Task sheet 2 in Healthy Eating Project BMR Sample menu 1 with cal. Sample menu 1 without cal Cal content (Calorie tables) What information do you need in order to use the formula? 4 Bexley LA C In small groups, students present their recommendations for each character on a poster using at least one chart or graph in each case Large poster paper, pens, glue,paper, squared paper Posters to be judged by a member of SLT with a prize for the winning group 16/02/2016 5 Bexley LA