Type:MT Matching: Kline = Abstract Expressionism Rothko = Abstract Expressionism Pollock = Abstract Expressionism Bridget Riley = Op Art Oldenburg = Pop Art = Abstract Expressionism = Color Field Painting = Minimal art = Pop Art = Assemblage = Modern Art = Abstract Expressionism = Color Field Painting = Minimal art = Pop Art = Conceptual Art = Earth and Site Art = Superrealism = Neo-Expressionism = Assemblage = Happenings Type:MT Title: Matching: = Merz = Formalist abstraction = Primary structures = Expressionist figuration = Post Modernism = Deconstructionism = Acrylic = Automation = Complementary after-image = Complementary colors = Space-time Type: Title: Define: Superrealism Define: Abstract Expressionism Define: Color Field Painting Define: Assemblage Define: Modern Art Define: Futurism Define: International Style Define: Abstract Expressionism Define: Color Field Painting Define: Merz Define: Mies van der Rohe Define: Phillip Johnson Define: Formalist abstraction Define: Minimal art Define: Primary structures Define: Expressionist figuration Define: Pop Art Define: Art & Technology Define: Computer graphics /holography Define: Conceptual; Art Define: Post Modernism Define: Deconstructionism Define: Earth and Site Art Define: Acrylic Define: Assemblage Define: Automation Define: Complementary after-image Define: Complementary colors Define: Happenings Define: Abstract Formalism (Minimalism, Structuralism,etc. Define: Op Art Define: Kinetic Art Define: Technological art Define: Activist & feminist art Define: New Realism Type:MT Title: 1. Magdalena Abakanowicz = created large expressive pieces using fiber materials 2. Laurie Anderson = Post-modernist performance artist 3. Francis Bacon = creator of tortured expressionist figural paintings 4. Larry Bell = sculptor who worked with glass coated with various materials to create spatial illusions 5. Judy Chicago = organized The Dinner Party, which used traditional craft techniques 6. Christo = interested in the relationship between art, the environment, and political action, he created large temporary installations 7. Richard Diebenkorn = was a member of the Bay Area Figurative Painters 8. Helen Frankenthaler = artist who developed a technique called "soak-stain" 9. Jean-Luc Godard = creator of New Wave Films 10. Cement Greenberg = art critic who named "Post-Painterly Abstraction" 11. Richard Hamilton = British Pop artist 12. Allan Kaprow = famous for his "Happenings" 13. Kienholz = used found objects to create tableaus expressing empathy for ordinary people 14. Robert Motherwell = a founder of Abstract Expressionism 15. Manuel Neri = created and painted sculptures of nudes that combined classicism and expressionism 16. Louise Nevelson = sculptor who assembled wooden forms into objects forming walls 17. Frei Otto = designed the roof of the Olympic Stadium, Munich 18. I.M.Pei = designed addition to National Gallery, Washington 19. Nam June Paik = experimental video artist 20. Jackson Pollock = = a founder of Abstract Expressionism 21. Robert Rauschenberg = combined art reproductions, newspaper clippings, and Abstract Expressionist techniques in works called "combines" 22. Nicholas Schoffer = created the Spatio-dynamic Tower in Liege, Belgium 23. David Smith = sculptor who said "The equipment I use . . . duplicates as nearly as possible the production equipment used in making a locomotive" 24. Robert Smithson = created giant earth works, including Spiral Jetty 25. Andy Warhol = American Pop artist who used subjects from mass media 26 = computer artist who combined images from electronic cameras with those created by hand 27. Frank Lloyd Wright = designed Guggenheim Museum Eva Hesse=