Morphological changes and covalent reactivity assessment of single-layer graphene oxides under carboxylic group-targetted chemistry Raymond L. D. Whitby,1, Alina Korobeinyk,1 Katya V. Glevatska2 1. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Group, PABS, University of Brighton, Lewes Road, Brighton, BN2 4GJ, United Kingdom 2. Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry, General Naumov Street 17, 03164 Kiev, Ukraine Single-layer graphenes possess electronic and thermal conduction properties superior to those for carbon nanotubes [1-3] and their use promises to transcend a number of fields from electronics to polymer strengthening additives to heterogeneous catalysis. Therefore, assessing their surface chemistry reactivity, in order to tune their properties, and resulting physical changes of the individual layers is of paramount importance. Numerous synthetic strategies have successfully resulted in single-layer graphenes, which often leads to extensive incorporation of oxygen containing groups, around the periphery and across the graphene surface [4], hence termed single-layer graphene oxide (SLGO). In order to release their potential, chemical modification of their surface, which allows for subsequent chemical reactions, is likely necessary to tailor (or integrate) SLGO for a specific end purpose [5]. In particular, carboxylic groups have proven useful candidates for the chemical modification of other nanocarbon systems [6] and therefore are an appropriate target chemical group in order to understand the chemical and physicochemical nature of SLGO. Herein, Boehm titration analysis [7-9] was conducted to directly assess the quantity of carboxylic groups available in the SLGO system and their chemical reactivity, which has not been reported before. SLGO was obtained from a commercial supplier (CheapTubes Inc) and chemically Corresponding author. Fax: +44 1273 642674. E-mail address: (R.L.D. Whitby) reacted according to procedures detailed in the Supplementary Information. The total number of oxygen containing groups, which includes carboxylic, lactone and phenolic environments, was 7.521 (± 0.144) meq g-1, although likely to be slightly higher for the presence of carbonyl groups that were undetected in the titrations, and the average sheet size was ca. 800 nm according to AFM analysis conducted by the supplier. This SLGO sample appears similar in nature and functionality of SLGO reported elsewhere [5]. Based on the calculation of reactive oxygen-containing groups distributed solely at the periphery of SLGO would give a value in the region of 0.1 meq g-1, which is substantially less than the value obtained and supports the notion that the extensive oxygen-containing group functionality decorates the periphery and across the surface of each sheet, in accordance with models described elsewhere [10]. Fig. 1. Pure single-layer graphene oxide suspension in methanol (a) retains its (near) planar morphology, as observed in the TEM image (b, scale bar = 1 micron). However, once treated with thionyl chloride, the chlorinated graphene oxide appears as a black powder that readily falls out of solution (c) where the planar sheets have reduced in size and overlap (arrow A) or have folded (arrow B) (d, scale bar = 5 microns). Treatment with thionyl chloride precludes analysis of the intermediate stage, as rapid hydrolysis converts the acyl chloride groups back to its carboxylic state, therefore carrying the reaction through with an amine and analysis of the final amide is warranted. Covalent bonding of n-butylamine to graphene-acyl chloride led to a 83 % reduction in the number of carboxylic groups to 0.495 (± 0.021) meq g-1. It is noted that the initial brown coloration (Fig. 1a) of the graphene oxide changes to black (Fig. 1c). TEM analysis showed that the SLGO sheets appeared typically flat yet wrinkled (Fig. 1b), but on chlorination the graphene sheet size has substantially reduced and in places appears to have folded (Fig. 1d arrow B), noted in the dark contrast frequently exhibited by overlapping layers. However, separate layers causing this overlap are often easy to differentiate from folding (Fig. 1d arrow A). A separate thionyl chloride treated SLGO sample was subsequently regenerated with hydrochloric acid and revealed that the number of carboxylic groups detected had dropped by 20 % to 2.273 (± 0.018) meq g-1. It was not possible to re-suspend the final black product in water (or solvents), despite the high number of carboxylic groups still present. It is apparent that the chlorinating agent acting on a large aromatic single layer network that incorporates a high degree of oxygen-containing group functionality leads to degradation of the structure and loss of acidic groups. Taking the 20 % loss of functionality into consideration during the thionyl chloride reflux, the reactivity of SLGO-carboxylic groups through an acyl chloride intermediate to the final nbutylamide was 78 %. SLGO-acyl chloride was also reacted with aniline causing a depletion to 0.746 (± 0.075) meq g-1 (67 % reactivity) of the number of carboxylic groups. The 11 % difference between this SLGO-phenylamide and SLGO-n-butylamide is likely to reflect the small variation of subtle steric hindrance effects of the available carboxylic group where linear aliphatic amines do react and aromatic amines do not. Refluxing SLGO in hydrazine [11] also generates a black material (similar to Fig. 1c). However, titrations showed that the SLGO only lost 0.592 (± 0.088) meq g-1 (21 %) of its carboxylic groups and is far from the desired pure form of single-layer graphene. Moreover, the partly reduced graphene sheet is not solubilised in aqueous solution, so it appears that the surface charge is likely to have changed where inter-sheet repulsion can no longer maintain a stable aqueous suspension of the graphene system [12]. Further treatment of these reduced graphenes with thionyl chloride and regenerating in hydrochloric acid removed an additional 1.322 (± 0.076) meq g-1 (59 %) of carboxylic groups implying that the reduction process had actually structurally weakened the graphene sheet, thus leading to a significant loss of functionality through the subsequent chlorination step. Generation of the acyl chloride and conversion to the final nbutylamide lowered the number of carboxylic groups to 0.217 (± 0.043) meq g-1, giving an overall reactivity of 76 %. The incomplete conversion of all carboxylic groups during chlorination and amidation could be due to a number of reasons. Two carboxylic (or acyl chloride) groups on the periphery could be in close proximity generating steric hindrance; a small number of carboxylic groups detected were actually part of peripheral acid anhydride groups that would lead to two COOH groups detected, but the formation of only a single amide; carboxylic groups could be located within a lattice defect that again generates steric hindrance for amine molecules, but not the titrant ions. Fig. 2. Pure single-layer graphene oxide is stably suspended in water (a) where it retains (near) planar morphology (b, scale bar = 200 nm). However, once EDAC was added graphene oxide immediately agglomerated out of solution (c). It was observed under TEM that individual graphene oxide sheets condensed into star-like clusters (d, scale bar = 100 nm). Given the hydrophilic nature of graphene oxide, carbodiimide chemistry is an obvious avenue of exploration, plus its room temperature conditions should maintain the structural integrity of graphene. On addition of 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDAC), graphene oxide (Fig. 2a) separates rapidly from solution (Fig. 2c) and remains in an agglomerated state on stirring with N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS). Once purified, the intermediate SLGO-NHS exhibited 0.788 (± 0.173) meq g-1 loss of carboxylic groups, representing a 37 % conversion. As the intermediate can react with monoamine molecules in a one-to-one ratio, the effectiveness of using n-butylamine to monitor the reaction progress is negated as it would be difficult to distinguish the intermediate from the end product using Boehm titration, a problem reported before [13]. Therefore, glutamic acid was used as it contains two carboxylic groups; herein it is assumed that all intermediate groups that have formed will also be capable of participating in further reactions. The increase in number of carboxylic groups was measured at 0.087 (± 0.087) meq g-1 above the intermediate compound giving only a 4 % reactivity of the intermediate, which is much lower than that of the graphene-acyl chloride compound. Moreover, this value falls inside the error limits, potentially indicating that no reactivity has occurred. However, through an aqueous chemistry route the final compound retains its brown coloration (Fig. 2c) indicating that the structural integrity of the graphene sheets was maintained, although the low degree of reactivity with glutamic acid does not provide sufficient acidic groups for resolubilisation. TEM reveals that the initially planar graphene sheets (Fig. 2b) have condensed into star-like clusters (Fig. 2d), which may imply intrasheet coupling. However, similar morphological changes of SLGO were also induced through simple pH changes of its aqueous suspension. Therefore, an alternative explanation may be due to the addition of the EDAC group, which incorporates tertiary amino groups and could induce van der Waals attractive forces to operate within the sheet resulting in a collapsed morphology that provides an energetic minimum [14], thus reducing the number of available carboxylic sites for amine coupling. Ultimately, the presence of a large number of peripheral and intra-sheet oxygen-containing functional groups leads to weakening and reduction in the size of the SLGO structure through chemical modification with thionyl chloride and hydrazine. This may have been overcome by exploiting room-temperature carbodiimide chemistry, however, the graphene sheet was observed to condense into itself, thus lowering the number of available reactive carboxylic groups and preventing further reactions with amines. Therefore, traditional chemical treatment for functionalisation of SLGO-carboxylic groups leads to potentially undesirable changes in sheet morphology, which also affects its overall reactivity, and may restrict the usability of SLGO and its reduced forms. Acknowledgements We thank the RCUK Academic Fellowship scheme and CheapTubes Inc. for useful discussions. Supplementary Information Experimental details References [1] Novoselov KS, Geim AK, Morozov SV, Jiang D, Zhang Y, Dubonos SV, et al. Electric field effect in atomically thin carbon films. Science 2004; 306(5296):666-669. [2] Soldano C, Mahmood A, Dujardin E. Production, properties and potential of graphene. Carbon 2010; 48(8):2127-2150. [3] Subrahmanyam KS, Vivekchand SRC, Govindaraj A, Rao CNR. A study of graphenes prepared by different methods: characterization, properties and solubilization . J. Mater. Chem. 2008; 18(13):1517-1523. [4] Singh VK, Patra MK, Manoth M, Gowd GS, Vadera SR, Kumar N. 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