
Investigation of the synergistic effect of porphyrin photosensitizer on graphene-TiO2
nanocomposite for visible light photoactivity improvement
Rahmatollah Rahimi*1, Solmaz Zargari1, Ali Ghaffarinejad1, Ali Morsali2
Department of Chemistry, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran 16846-13114,
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran 14115-175,
Corresponding author
E-mail address: rahimi_rah@iust.ac.ir
Tel: 02177240290, Fax: +98-021-77491204
The photocurrent responses of the prepared samples are illustrated in S-figure 1.
According to the overlap of ST-G and TG (1%) curves, the curve of the ST-G
nanocomposite has not been shown in Fig. 9 of the Article. The photocurrent
response of the ST-G nanocomposite was approximately as same as the TG (1%)
nanocomposite. Therefore, TG (3%) nanocomposite was used for photocatalytic
S-Figure 1. Photocurrent responses of composites in 0.5 M Na2SO4 solution during
the repeated on-off cycles under visible light irradiation; a) pure TiO2, b) TG (1%),
c) S-TG (3%), d) TG (3%), e) TG (5%), and f) TGP.
AFM images confirm that evaporated dispersions of graphene oxide are comprised
of isolated graphitic sheets (S-Figure 2). The graphene oxide nanosheets have very
uniform thickness less than 1 nm, which is characteristic of a fully exfoliated
graphene oxide sheet [1, 2].
S-Figure 2. AFM images of graphene oxide sheets on freshly cleaved mica, the
height difference between two arrows is approximately 0.7 nm, indicating a single
graphene oxide sheet.
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