Speech Communication 100 – Interpersonal Communication

Human Communication 100 – Interpersonal Communication
Reaction Paper #2
Identification and Analysis of Communication Concepts
Part 1: Choose a current film that is available on video or DVD. Watch your film 2-3
times looking specifically at the communication between characteristics. You will need to
take specific notes so that you have examples to refer to in your reflection paper.
Part 2: After you have analyzed the communication in your film, transform the
information into a 2-3 page paper using specific examples (the actual dialogue from the
film and an explanation of how it relates) from the film in order to identify and analyze 3
main communication concepts that were found in the film. Use definitions from your
text in order to develop your identification of the concept. You will also need to use at
least one specific example for each concept to demonstrate how it relates to your film.
This reaction paper should be 2-3 pages in length. You do not need any outside sources
to complete this assignment. You should rely on examples from your film and use
reference material from the book as needed. Please remember that this is an academic
paper and that grammar, content and spelling will all count. This reaction paper and all
others are to be typed, double-spaced, have one-inch margins, and use no larger than 12point font (I prefer Times New Roman). I will not accept late papers.
Possible points for paper: 25
Due Date: October 28th.