Presidency of the Republic Chief of Staff Leadership for Legal Matters Law No 10.973, December 2nd, 2004. Rules on incentives to innovation and scientific and technologic research in the production environment, and specifies other provisions THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC I make it known that the National Congress decrees and I sanction the following Law: CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY DISPOSITIONS Art. 1 – This Law establishes measures of incentive to innovation and scientific and technologic research in the production environment, aimed at qualifying and reaching technologic autonomy and industrial development of the Country, according to articles 218 and 219 of the Constitution. Art. 2 – For the effects of this Law, one should consider: I – fomentation agency: department or institution of public or private nature that has among its objectives financing of actions aimed at inciting and promoting development of science, technology and innovation; II - creation: invention, utility model, industrial design, computer program, integrated circuit topography, new variety or variety essentially derived and other technological development that creates or may create a new product, process or incremental enhancement, obtained by one or more creators; III – creator: researcher who is the inventor, obtainer or author of the creation; IV – innovation: introduction of novelty or enhancement in the productive or social environment resulting in new products, processes or services; V – Scientific and Technologic Institution - ICT: department or entity of public administration having as institutional mission, among others, to execute basic or applied research activities of scientific or technologic nature; VI – nucleus of technologic innovation: nucleus or agency constituted by one or more ICTs aimed at managing its innovation policy; VII – support institution: institutions created under the support of Law # 8.958, dated December 20, 1994 aimed at supporting projects of research, education and extension and institutional, scientific and technologic development. VIII – public researcher: person occupying permanent position, military position or public employment performing basic or applied research of scientific or technologic nature; and IX – independent inventor: individual, not occupying permanent position, military position or public employment, who is the inventor, obtainer or author of creation. CHAPTER II ON INCENTIVE TO CREATION OF SPECIALIZED AND COOPERATIVE ENVIRONMENTS FOR INNOVATION Art. 3 – The Union, States, the Federal District, the Municipalities and the corresponding fomentation agencies may promote and support the constitution of strategic alliances and development of cooperation projects involving national companies, ICT and privately constituted non-profit organizations geared towards activities of research and development aimed at generating innovative products and processes. Sole Paragraph. The support described in this article may contemplate international networks and projects of technologic research, as well as actions of technologic entrepreneurship and creation of innovation environments, including incubators and technologic assets. Art. 4 – The ICTs may, in return for compensation and during specified terms, under contracts or pacts: I – share their laboratories, equipment, instruments, material and other installations with micro companies and small-size companies in activities geared towards technologic innovation, for performing activities of incubation, without prejudice to their end activity; II – allow usage of its laboratories, equipment, instruments, material and other installations existing in their own locations by national companies and privately constituted non-profit organizations geared towards research activities, as long as such allowance does not directly interfere with their end activity, nor conflicts with it. Sole paragraph. The allowance and sharing mentioned in items I and II of the heading of this article will comply with priorities, criteria and requirements approved and communicated by the superior ICT agency, observing the corresponding availabilities and ensuring equal opportunity to the interested companies and organizations. Art 5 – The Union and its entities are authorized to participate in minority in the capital of specific purpose private company aimed at developing scientific or technologic projects for obtaining innovative product or process. Sole Paragraph. The intellectual property of the results obtained will belong to the institutions that own the capital, in the proportion of their corresponding participation. CHAPTER III ON INCENTIVE TO PARTICIPATION OF ICTs IN THE INNOVATION PROCESS Art. 6 – The ICT is allowed to celebrate contracts of technology transfer and licensing for granting rights of use or exploitation of the creation it developed. § 1 – Contracting with exclusivity clause, for the purposes specified in the heading of this article, must be preceded by publication of a bid invitation. § 2 – When the recipient of technology or licensee is not granted exclusivity, the contracts specified in the heading of this article may be executed directly, for the purposes of exploitation of creation they govern, according to regulation. § 3 – The company detaining the exclusive right of exploiting the protected creation will automatically loose this right if it does not market the creation within the term and conditions defined in the contract, and ICT in that case may conduct another licensing. § 4 – Licensing for exploitation of the creation whose object is of national defense interest must observe the disposition of § 3 of art. 75 of Law # 9.279, dated May 14, 1996. § 5 – Transfer of technology and licensing for exploitation of creation recognized, in act of the Executive Power, as being of relevant public interest can only be performed in non-exclusive mode. Art. 7 – ICT may obtain the right of use or right of exploitation of protected creation. Art. 8 – ICT may provide to public or private institutions services compatible with the objectives of this Law, in activities geared towards innovation and scientific and technologic research in the production environment. § 1 – Provision of services specified in the heading of this article will be dependent on approval by ICT's agency or highest authority. § 2 – The public servant, military or public employee involved in providing the service specified in the heading of this article may receive monetary retribution, directly from ICT or from institution with which it has executed agreement, always as variable supplement and provided it is funded solely with resources collected in the scope of the contracted activity. § 3 – The value of the variable supplement specified in § 2 of this article is subject to taxes and contributions applicable to the funds. Incorporation of it to the compensation, as well as reference to it as base of calculation for any benefit, additional or collective or personal advantage is prohibited. § 4 – The variable supplement covered in this article constitutes incidental income, for the purposes of art. 28 of Law # 8.212, dated July 24, 1991. Art. 9 – ICT may celebrate partnership agreements with public and private institutions for performing joint activities of scientific and technologic research and development of technology, product or process. § 1 The public servant, military or public employee of ICT involved in performing activities specified in the heading of this article may receive an innovation incentive grant directly from a support institution or fomentation agency. § 2 – The parties should specify, in the contract, the title of intellectual property and participation in results from exploitation of creations resulting from the partnership, ensuring to the signatories the licensing rights, observing the provisions of §§ 4 and 5 of art. 6 of this Law. § 3 – Intellectual property and participation in results referenced in § 2 of this article are ensured, as long as provided in the contract, in the proportion equivalent to the amount of knowledge aggregated value already existent in the beginning of the partnership and the human, financial and material resources allocated by the contracting parties. Art. 10 – The agreements and contracts executed between ICT, the support institutions, fomentation agencies and national non-profit entities of private law geared towards research activities, whose object is compatible with the objective of this Law, may forecast resources to cover operational and administrative expenses incurred in the execution of these agreements and contracts, observing the regulation criteria. Art. 11 – ICT may assign its rights on the creation without charges, through express and grounded manifestation, in the cases and conditions defined in the regulation, for the corresponding creator to exercise them in his own name and under its sole responsibility, in the terms of the relevant legislation. Sole Paragraph. The manifestation specified in the heading of this article must be exercised by the agency or highest authority of the institution, after hearing the technological innovation nucleus, within the term specified by regulation. Art. 12 – A Manager, creator or any public servant, military, employee or ICT service provider is prohibited from disseminating, communicating or publishing any aspect of creations of whose development he has directly participated or acquired knowledge due to his activities, without obtaining prior ICT express authorization. Art. 13– The creator is ensured a minimum 5% (five per cent) and maximum 1/3 (one third) participation in the economic gains obtained by ICT resulting from contracts of technology transfer and licensing for granting right of use or exploitation of the protected creation of which he was the inventor, obtainer or author. As applicable, the dispositions of the sole paragraph of art. 93 of Law # 9.279, from 1996 will apply. § 1 – Participation as specified in the heading of this article may be shared by ICT among the members of the research and technologic development team who have contributed to the creation. § 2 – Economic gains are construed as any kind of royalties, compensation or any financial benefits resulting from direct or third party exploitation, after deducting expenses, charges and legal obligations arising from intellectual property protection. § 3 – Participation specified in the heading of this article will comply with the dispositions of §§ 3 and 4 of art. 8. § 4 – Participation specified in the heading of this article will be paid by ICT in up to one (1) year from the receipt of income on which it is based. Art. 14. For the execution of the dispositions of this Law, the public researcher is allowed to transfer to provide collaboration to another ICT, under the terms of item II of art. 93 of Law # 8.112, dated December 11, 1990, observing the convenience of the ICT of origin. § 1 – The activities developed by the public researcher, in the destination institution, should be compatible with the nature of the permanent position, military position or public employment he exercises at the institution of origin, as specified in the regulations. § 2 – During the period of removal covered by the heading of this article, the public researcher is assured of his permanent position income, his military position pay or his public employee salary in the institution of origin, complemented by permanent monetary advantages established by law, as well as career progress and benefits of the social pension plan to which he is attached. § 3 – Specific bonuses for exercising teaching positions will be ensured, in the form of § 2 of this article, if the public researcher maintains the teaching activity in scientific and technologic institution. § 4 – In the case of public researcher of a military institution, his removal will be dependent on authorization of the Commander of the Force to which the military institution he is attached to is subordinated. Art. 15. At the discretion of public administration, according to regulations, the public researcher, provided he is not going through probative period, may be granted a leave without pay for constituting company aimed at developing business activities related to the innovation. § 1 - The leave referenced in the heading of this article will have a duration of up to three (3) consecutive years, renewable for equal duration. § 2 – The disposition of item X of art. 117 of Law # 8.112, from 1990 does not apply to the public researcher who has constituted company according to this article during the term of the leave. § 3 – If the absence of the licensed public servant hinders the activities of the ICT belonging to direct administration or constituted in the form of autarchy or foundation, a temporary hiring as governed by Law # 8.745, dated December 9, 1993, may be executed, without specific authorization being required. Art. 16 – ICT should have a nucleus of technologic innovation of its own or in association with other ICTs, aimed at managing its innovation policy. Sole Paragraph. The minimum competencies of the nucleus of technologic innovation are: I – care for the maintenance of institutional policy of encouraging protection of creations, licensing, innovation and other forms of technology transfer; II – assess and classify the results arising from research activities and projects for meeting the dispositions of this Law; III – evaluate request of the independent inventor for adoption of the invention in the form of art. 22; IV – advise on the convenience and promote the protection of creations developed in the institution; V – advise on the convenience of communicating the creations developed in the institution, subject to intellectual protection; VI – monitor the processing of requests and maintenance of intellectual property titles of the institution. Art. 17. ICT, through the Ministry or agency to which it is subordinated or attached, will maintain the Ministry of Science and Technology appraised as to: I – the institution's policy on intellectual property; II – the creations developed in the scope of the institution; III – the protections requested and granted; and IV – the licensing or technology transfer contracts executed. Sole Paragraph. The information covered in this article should be provided in a consolidated manner, with annual periodicity, for the purpose of its dissemination, with the exception of confidential information. Art. 18. The ICTs, when creating and executing their budgets, will adopt the applicable measures for administering and managing their innovation policy in order to allow receipt of revenues and payment of expenses arising from application of arts. 4, 6, 8 and 9, payment of expenses for protecting intellectual property and payments due to creators and potential collaborators. Sole Paragraph. The financial resources covered in the heading of this article, received by ICTs, constitute own revenue, and should be applied solely in research, development and innovation institutional objectives. CHAPTER IV ON ENCOURAGING INNOVATION IN COMPANIES Art. 19 – The Union, ICTs and the fomentation agencies will promote and encourage development of innovative products and processes among national companies and national private law non-profit organizations geared towards research activities, through concession of financial or human resources, materials or infrastructure, to be agreed in specific covenants or contracts, aimed at supporting research and development activities for complying with the priorities of the national industrial and technologic policy. § 1 – The priorities of the national industrial and technologic policy covered by the heading of this article will be established in regulation. § 2 – The concession of financial resources, under the form of economic subsidy, financing or society participation aimed at developing innovative products or processes will be preceded by approval of the project by the conceding agency or entity. § 3 – Concession of economic subsidy specified in § 1 of this article implies mandatorily in the beneficiary company assuming counterpart obligations, as established in the specific adjustment instruments. § 4 – The Executive Power will regulate the economic subsidy covered in this article, ensuring the destination of a minimal percentage of the resources from the National Fund of Scientific and Technologic Development – FNDCT. § 5 – The resources covered in § 4 of this article will be the object of budget plan in specific category of FNDCT, and its application in the sector of origin destination is not mandatory, without prejudice to assignment of other FNDCT resources aimed at economic subsidy. Art. 20. The public administration agencies and entities, in matters of public interest, may hire a company, consortium of companies and national non-profit entities of private law geared towards research activities, of recognized technologic qualification in the sector, aimed at performing research and development activities involving technologic risk, for solving specific technical problem or obtaining innovative product or process. § 1 – An intellectual creation pertinent to the object of a contract as referenced in the heading of this article will be considered developed under the effect of that contract when its protection is requested by the contracted company up to two (2) years after its termination. § 2 – If the contract expires without meeting in full, or meeting partially the desired objective, the contracting agency or entity, at its sole discretion, may, after technical and financial audit, extend its term or create final report considering it terminated. § 3 – Payment derived from the contracting specified in the heading of this article will be made proportionally to the result obtained in the agreed research and development activities. Art. 21. The fomentation agencies should promote, through specific programs, actions for encouraging innovation in micro and small companies, including the use of technologic extension performed by ICTs. CHAPTER V ON INCENTIVE TO THE INDEPENDENT INVENTOR Art. 22. The independent inventor who proves he entered with an application for a patent is allowed to request the adoption of his creation by ICT, which will freely decide on the convenience and opportunity of the request, aiming at developing a project geared towards its evaluation for future development, incubation, use and industrialization by the production sector. § 1 The ICT technological innovation nucleus will evaluate the invention, its affinity with the corresponding area of operation and the interest in its development. § 2 The nucleus will inform the independent inventor, within up to six (6) months, its decision regarding the adoption referenced in the heading of this article. § 3 - If an ICT adopts the invention, the independent inventor will pledge by contract to share the economic gains obtained from the industrial exploitation of the protected invention. CHAPTER VI ON INVESTMENT FUNDS Art. 23 - It is hereby authorized the creation of mutual investment funds in companies whose main activity is innovation, characterized by sharing resources collected through the system of securities and exchange distribution, as described in Law # 6.385, dated September 7, 1976, aimed at investing on a diversified portfolio of titles issued by such companies. Sole paragraph. The Securities and Exchange Commission will issue complementary rules on the creation, operation and administration of the funds, within ninety (90) days of the date of publication of this Law. CHAPTER VII FINAL DISPOSITIONS Art. 24. The Law # 8.745, dated November 9, 1993, is henceforth in effect with the following modifications: "Art. 2o ................................................................... ................................................................... VII – hiring of substitute professor, researcher and technology practitioner to provide for the absence of professor, researcher or technology practitioner occupying a permanent position, said absence due to leave for exercising business activity related to the innovation. ..................................................................." (NR) "Art. 4o ................................................................... ................................................................... IV – Three (3) years, in the cases of clauses VI, item “h”, and VII of art. 2; ................................................................... Sole paragraph. ................................................................... ................................................................... V – in the case of clause VII of art. 2, as long as the total term does not exceed six (6) years.” (NR) Art. 25. Art. 24 of Law #8.666, dated July 21st, 1993 is henceforth in effect with the addition of the following item: "Art. 24. ................................................................... ................................................................... XXV – in hiring performed by the Scientific and Technological Institution – ICT or by fomentation agency for transfer of technology and licensing of the right to use or exploit the protected creation. ..................................................................." (NR) Art. 26. The ICTs that include teaching among their main activities must mandatorily associate the application of the disposition of this Law to human resource development activities under their responsibility. Art. 27. In the execution of the disposition of this Law, the following guidelines will be followed: I – prioritize, in the less developed regions of the country and in the Amazon area, actions aimed at providing better human resources and technological qualification to research and the regional production system; II – tend to programs and projects that promote innovation in the industry of national defense and that expand the exploitation and development of the Exclusive Economic Zone (ZEE) and the Continental Platform; III – ensure privileged treatment to small-size companies; and IV – offer in the acquisition of goods and services by the Public Administration preferred treatment to companies that invest in research and technological development in the country. Art. 28. The Union will foster innovation in the company through concession of tax incentives aimed at the attainment of the objectives established in this Law. Sole paragraph. The Executive Power, within up to hundred and twenty (120) days counted from the publication of this Law, will send to the National Congress a legislative bill to provide for the specification of the heading of this article. Art. 29 – This Law is effective on its publication date. Brasília, December 2nd, 2004; 183rd of Independence and 116th of the Republic. LUIZ INÁCIO LULA DA SILVA Antonio Palocci Filho Luiz Fernando Furlan Eduardo Campos José Dirceu de Oliveira e Silva This text does not replace the one published in the Federal journal (D.O.U) of 12.3.2004 ***