图书情报专题研究 最新学科研究热点与前沿 2011 年第 4 期 西北工业大学图书馆 2011 年 12 月 前 言 《图书情报专题研究》的宗旨是为我校师生开展学术研究提供有价值的参 考信息。此项工作由图书馆信息咨询与情报研究部承担,根据学校所购买的数字 资源,通过分析其深层次的功能,从数据库中组织整理出了与我校学科领域相关 的最新学科热点研究论文、最新研究前沿及最新国际会议信息等,以期能对我校 师生开展学术研究、项目立项、开题等学术研究活动提供帮助。 本期,我们收集整理了如下九个方面的热点文献和前沿信息: 1.快速突破研究论文(Fast Breaking Papers),由汤姆森科技公司统计的 22 个学科 1997 至 2010 年引用率最高的高被引论文列表,是由每年各领域中被引用 率最高的前 1%的文献构成,每两个月按照当前引文数据进行更新,包括新进入 前 1%的论文。这些文献描述了新近在科学研究上有价值的发现和进展,并开始 引起学术界的关注。 2.最新研究前沿(Emerging Research Fronts),由汤姆森科技公司统计的 22 个学科的最新研究领域,一个新的研究领域是由那些并没有在之前任何领域 出现过的核心论文组成,所列举出来的研究领域都是取决于其所包含的这些核心 论文的数量以及相关的引证率。 3. Elsevier Science Direct Top 25,Elsevier 数据库下载次数最多的 25 篇论 文。 4. IEL Top20,IEL 数据库下载最多的 20 篇论文。 5. ACM 最新会议。根据 ACM 主页所提供的最新会议信息整理所得,可 供研究者参考未来将要召开的会议内容等信息。 6. AIAA 最新会议,由 AIAA 主站提供的最新会议信息,以供研究者参考 所用。 7.IEEE 最新会议,由 IEEE 主站提供的最新会议信息,供相关研究者参考 使用。 8. SCI Essential Science Indicators HOT PAPERS,SCI Essential Science Indicators 提供的最近两年的热点文章,其排名根据文章的被引频次。 9. Nature Advance Online Publication,Nature 周刊预先提供浏览未出版的 最新文章。 如果您对我们的栏目设置、内容编排、出版方式等有好的意见和建议,欢 迎与我们联系,我们将积极采纳,使这份电子刊物日臻完善。 图书馆 2011 年 12 月 目 录 一、快速突破研究论文(来源:http://www.sciencewatch.com/) .......1 二、最新研究前沿(来源:http://www.sciencewatch.com/) ...............5 三、Elsevier Science Direct Top 25 (计算机科学) ...................................8 四、IEL Top20(来源:http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/) ............................18 五、ACM 最新会议(来源:http://www.acm.org/) ..........................26 六、AIAA 最新会议(来源:http://www.aiaa.org/) ..........................28 七、IEEE 最新会议(来源:http://www.ieee.org/index.html) ..........32 八、SCI Essential Science Indicators HOT PAPERS(材料科学) ...333 九、Nature Advance Online Publication .................................................38 (来源:http://www.nature.com/nature/index.html) .................................38 一、快速突破研究论文(来源:http://www.sciencewatch.com/) 1.学科领域: 生物学和生物化学(Biology & Biochemistry) 题目: The Genomes On Line Database (GOLD) in 2009: status of genomic and metagenomic projects and their associated metadata 作 者 : Liolios, K;Chen, IMA;Mavromatis, K;Tavernarakis, N;Hugenholtz, P;Markowitz, VM;Kyrpides, NC 出处: NUCL ACID RES Volume: 38, Issue: , Page: :D346-D354, Year: Suppl. 1 JAN 2010 作者单位:* DOE Joint Genome Inst, Genome Biol Program, 2800 Mitchell Dr, Walnut Creek, CA USA. * DOE Joint Genome Inst, Genome Biol Program, Walnut Creek, CA USA. * Univ Calif Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley Lab, Biol Data Management & Technol Ctr, Berkeley, 2.学科领域: 化学(Chemistry) 题目: Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells 作者: Hagfeldt, A;Boschloo, G;Sun, LC;Kloo, L;Pettersson, H 出处: CHEM REV Volume: 110, Issue: 11, Page: 6595-6663, Year: NOV 2010 作者单位:* Uppsala Univ, Dept Phys & Analyt Chem, Box 259, SE-75105 Uppsala, Sweden. * Uppsala Univ, Dept Phys & Analyt Chem, SE-75105 Uppsala, Sweden. * KTH Royal Inst Technol, Dept Chem, SE-10044 Stockholm, Sweden. 3.学科领域: 计算机科学(Computer Science) 题目: Prodigal: prokaryotic gene recognition and translation initiation site identification 作者: Hyatt, D;Chen, GL;LoCascio, PF;Land, ML;Larimer, FW;Hauser, LJ 出处: BMC BIOINFORMATICS Volume: 11, Issue: , Page: :art., Year: no.-119 MAR 8 2010 作者单位:* Oak Ridge Natl Lab, Computat Biol & Bioinformat Grp, POB 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 USA. * Oak Ridge Natl Lab, Computat Biol & Bioinformat Grp, Oak Ridge, TN 37831 USA. * Univ Tennessee, Genome Sci & Technol Grad Sch, Knoxville, TN 37996 USA. 4.学科领域: 经济和商业(Economics & Business) 题目: Extreme Governance: An Analysis of Dual-Class Firms in the United States 作者: Gompers, PA;Ishii, J;Metrick, A 出处: REV FINANC STUD Volume: 23, Issue: 3, Page: 1051-1088, Year: MAR 2010 作者单位:* Yale Univ, Yale Sch Management, 135 Prospect St, New Haven, CT 06520 USA. 1 * Yale Univ, Yale Sch Management, New Haven, CT 06520 USA. * NBER, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA. 5.学科领域: 工程( Engineering) 题目: Sodium Borohydride Hydrolysis as Hydrogen Generator: Issues, State of the Art and Applicability Upstream from a Fuel Cell 作者: Demirci, UB;Akdim, O;Andrieux, J;Hannauer, J;Chamoun, R;Miele, P 出处: FUEL CELLS Volume: 10, Issue: 3, Page: 335-350, Year: JUN 2010 作者单位:* Univ Lyon 1, CNRS, UMR 5615, Lab Multimat & Interfaces, 43 Bd 11 Novembre 1918, F-69622 Villeurbanne, France. * Univ Lyon 1, CNRS, UMR 5615, Lab Multimat & Interfaces, F-69622 Villeurbanne, France. * Univ Libanaise, Fac Sci 2, Appl Phys Lab, Jdeidet El Metn 90656, Libya. 6.学科领域: 环境生态学(Environment/Ecology) 题目: New Algorithms and Methods to Estimate Maximum-Likelihood Phylogenies: Assessing the Performance of PhyML 3.0 作者: Guindon, S;Dufayard, JF;Lefort, V;Anisimova, M;Hordijk, W;Gascuel, O 出处: SYST BIOL Volume: 59, Issue: 3, Page: 307-321, Year: MAY 2010 作者单位:* Univ Montpellier, CNRS, LIRMM, 161 Rue Ada, F-34392 Montpellier 5, France. * Univ Montpellier, CNRS, LIRMM, F-34392 Montpellier 5, France. * Univ Auckland, Dept Stat, Auckland 1142, New Zealand. 7.学科领域: 材料科学(Materials Science) 题目: Polymer-Fullerene Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells 作者: Brabec, CJ;Gowrisanker, S;Halls, JJM;Laird, D;Jia, SJ;Williams, SP 出处: ADVAN MATER Volume: 22, Issue: 34, Page: 3839-3856, Year: SEP 8 2010 作者单位:* Univ Erlangen Nurnberg, Inst Mat Elect & Energy Technol, D-91054 Erlangen, Germany. * Univ Erlangen Nurnberg, Inst Mat Elect & Energy Technol, D-91054 Erlangen, Germany. * Bavarian Ctr Appl Energy Res ZAE Bayern, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany. 8.学科领域: 数学(Mathematics) 题目: Global classical solutions of the Boltzmann equation with long-range interactions 作者: Gressman, PT;Strain, RM 出处: PROC NAT ACAD SCI USA Volume: 107, Issue: 13, Page: 5744-5749, Year: MAR 30 2010 作者单位:* Univ Penn, Dept Math, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA. * Univ Penn, Dept Math, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA. 9.学科领域: 物理学(Physics) 题目: Suppression of charged particle production at large transverse momentum in central Pb-Pb 2 collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV 作者: Aamodt, K, et al. 出处: PHYS LETT B Volume: 696, Issue: 1-2, Page: 30-39, Year: JAN 24 2011 作者单位:* Goethe Univ Frankfurt, Inst Kernphys, D-6000 Frankfurt, Germany. * Goethe Univ Frankfurt, Inst Kernphys, D-6000 Frankfurt, Germany. * Addresses have been truncated 10.学科领域: 社会科学(Social Sciences, general) 题目: Soda Taxes, Soft Drink Consumption, And Children's Body Mass Index 作者: Sturm, R;Powell, LM;Chriqui, JF;Chaloupka, FJ 出处: HEALTH AFFAIR Volume: 29, Issue: 5, Page: 1052-1058, Year: MAY-JUN 2010 作者单位:* RAND Corp, Santa Monica, CA 90406 USA. * RAND Corp, Santa Monica, CA 90406 USA. * Univ Illinois, Inst Hlth Res & Policy, Chicago, IL USA. 11. 学科领域: 生物学和生物化学(Biology & Biochemistry) 题目: GenBank 作者: Benson, DA;Karsch-Mizrachi, I;Lipman, DJ;Ostell, J;Sayers, EW 出处: NUCL ACID RES Volume: 39, Issue: , Page: :D32-D37, Year: Suppl. 1 JAN 2011 作者单位:* Natl Lib Med, Natl Ctr Biotechnol Informat, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894 USA. * Natl Lib Med, Natl Ctr Biotechnol Informat, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20894 USA. 12. 学科领域: 化学(Chemistry) 题目: Two-Dimensional Nanosheets Produced by Liquid Exfoliation of Layered Materials 作者: Coleman, JN;Lotya, M;O'Neill, A;Bergin, SD;King, PJ;Khan, U;Young, K;Gaucher, A;De, S;Smith, RJ;Shvets, IV;Arora, SK;Stanton, G;Kim, HY;Lee, K;Kim, GT;Duesberg, GS;Hallam, T;Boland, JJ;Wang, JJ;Donegan, JF;Grunlan, JC;Moriarty, G;Shmeliov, A;Nicholls, RJ;Perkins, JM;Grieveson, EM;Theuwissen, K;McComb, DW;Nellist, PD;Nicolosi, V 出处: SCIENCE Volume: 331, Issue: 6017, Page: 568-571, Year: FEB 4 2011 作者单位:* Trinity Coll Dublin, Sch Phys, Dublin D2, Ireland. * Trinity Coll Dublin, Sch Phys, Dublin D2, Ireland. * Trinity Coll Dublin, CRANN, Dublin D2, Ireland. 13. 学科领域: 计算机科学(Computer Science) 题目: RDP3: a flexible and fast computer program for analyzing recombination 作者: Martin, DP;Lemey, P;Lott, M;Moulton, V;Posada, D;Lefeuvre, P 出处: BIOINFORMATICS Volume: 26, Issue: 19, Page: 2462-2463, Year: OCT 2010 作者单位:* Univ Cape Town, Inst Infect Dis & Mol Med, Computat Biol Grp, ZA-7925 Cape Town, South Africa. 3 * Univ Cape Town, Inst Infect Dis & Mol Med, Computat Biol Grp, ZA-7925 Cape Town, South Africa. * Rosebank, Ctr High Performance Comp, Cape Town, South Africa. 14. 学科领域: 经济和商业(Economics & Business) 题目: Task Specialization, Immigration, and Wages 作者: Peri, G;Sparber, C 出处: AM ECON J-APPL ECON Volume: 1, Issue: 3, Page: 135-169, Year: JUL 2009 作者单位:* Univ Calif Davis, Dept Econ, 1 Shields Ave, Davis, CA 95616 USA. * Univ Calif Davis, Dept Econ, Davis, CA 95616 USA. * Colgate Univ, Dept Econ, Hamilton, NY 13346 USA. 15.学科领域:工程( Engineering) 题目: Diffusion LMS Strategies for Distributed Estimation 作者: Cattivelli, FS;Sayed, AH 出处: IEEE TRANS SIGNAL PROCESS Volume: 58, Issue: 3, Page: 1035-1048, Year: Part 1 MAR 2010 作者单位:* Univ Calif Los Angeles, Dept Elect Engn, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA. * Univ Calif Los Angeles, Dept Elect Engn, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA. 16.学科领域:环境生态学(Environment/Ecology) 题目: Simple means to improve the interpretability of regression coefficients 作者: Schielzeth, H 出处: METHODS ECOL EVOL Volume: 1, Issue: 2, Page: 103-113, Year: JUN 2010 作者单位:* Max Planck Inst Ornithol, Eberhard Gwinner Str 5, D-82319 Seewiesen, Germany. * Max Planck Inst Ornithol, D-82319 Seewiesen, Germany. * Uppsala Univ, Evolutionary Biol Ctr, Dept Evolutionary Biol, S-75236 Uppsala, Sweden. 17.学科领域: 材料科学(Materials Science) 题目: pi-Conjugated Polymers for Organic Electronics and Photovoltaic Cell Applications 作者: Facchetti, A 出处: CHEM MATER Volume: 23, Issue: 3, Page: 733-758, Year: FEB 8 2011 作者单位:* Polyera Corp, 8045 Lamon Ave, Skokie, IL 60077 USA. * Polyera Corp, Skokie, IL 60077 USA. * Northwestern Univ, Dept Chem, Evanston, IL 60208 USA. 18. 学科领域:数学(Mathematics) 题目: Nonlocal Cauchy problem for fractional evolution equations 作者: Zhou, Y;Jiao, F 出处: NONLINEAR ANAL-REAL WORLD APP 4 Volume: 11, Issue: 5, Page: 4465-4475, Year: OCT 2010 作者单位:* Xiangtan Univ, Dept Math, Xiangtan 411105, Hunan, Peoples R China. * Xiangtan Univ, Dept Math, Xiangtan 411105, Hunan, Peoples R China. 19. 学科领域:物理学(Physics) 题目: Heavy quarkonium: progress, puzzles, and opportunities 作者: Brambilla, N, et al. 出处: EUR PHYS J C Volume: 71, Issue: 2, Page: art., Year: no.-1534 FEB 2011 作者单位:* Tech Univ Munich, Dept Phys, James Franck Str 1, D-85748 Garching, Germany. * Tech Univ Munich, Dept Phys, D-85748 Garching, Germany. * Budker Inst Nucl Phys, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia. 20. 学科领域:社会科学(Social Sciences, general) 题目: The recognition heuristic: A decade of research 作者: Gigerenzer, G;Goldstein, DG 出处: JUDGM DECIS MAK Volume: 6, Issue: 1, Page: 100-121, Year: FEB 2011 作者单位:* Max Planck Inst Human Dev, Lentzeallee 94, D-14195 Berlin, Germany. * Max Planck Inst Human Dev, D-14195 Berlin, Germany. * London Business Sch, London, England. 二、最新研究前沿(来源:http://www.sciencewatch.com/) 1.学科领域:Biology & Biochemistry 研 究 前 沿 名 称 : CD44(+)/CD24(-) BREAST CANCER CELLS EXHIBIT ENHANCED INVASIVE PROPERTIES; PUTATIVE BREAST CANCER STEM CELL PHENOTYPE; BREAST CANCER PATIENTS; EARLY DISSEMINATED CANCER CELLS DETECTED; BASAL-LIKE BREAST TUMORS 2. 学科领域:Chemistry 研究前沿名称:CONTROLLED SYNTHESIS; SUPERPARAMAGNETIC COLLOIDS; NICHE APPLICATIONS; MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES; PROTECTION 3. 学科领域:Computer Science 研究前沿名称:VISANT; VISUALLY EXPLORING BIOLOGICAL NETWORKS; ADVANCED DATA ANALYSIS; SYSTEMS BIOLOGY; INTEGRATIVE FRAMEWORK 5 4. 学科领域:Economics & Business 研 究 前 沿 名 称 : FOREIGN EXCHANGE INTERVENTION NONLINEAR MICROSTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS; FOREIGN EXCHANGE PROFESSIONAL OBSTINATE PASSION TECHNICAL ANALYSIS; REAL EXCHANGE RATES 5. 学科前沿:Engineering 研 究 前 沿 名 称 : SINGLE SNO2 NANOWIRE; BEAKLIKE SNO2 NANORODS; SNO2 NANOWIRES; HUMIDITY MEASURES; HIGH RESPONSE 6. 学科领域:Environment/ Ecology 研 究 前 沿 名 称 : ANA ANALYTICAL METHOD; GROUND WATER TRACER; GROUNDWATER-SURFACE WATER FLUXES; FIELD-SCALE APPLICATION; QUANTIFY GROUNDWATER DISCHARGE 7. 学科领域: Materials & Science 研 究 前 沿 名 称 : DIVALENT METAL NANOPARTICLES; AMPHIPHILIC TRIBLOCK COPOLYMERS; METAL-POLYMER ANALOGUES; SELF-ASSEMBLY; RINGS 8. 学科领域:Mathematics 研 究 前 沿 名 称 : NONLINEAR STATIONARY SCHRODINGER-POISSON SYSTEM; NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER-MAXWELL EQUATIONS; NONLINEAR LOCAL TERM; SCHRODINGER-POISSON EQUATION; SCHRODINGER-POISSON PROBLEM 9. 学科领域:Microbiology 研 究 前 沿 名 称 : FRANCISELLA VIRULENCE; FRANCISELLA NOVICIDA; IN-VIVO NEGATIVE SELECTION SCREEN IDENTIFIES GENES REQUIRED; COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPOSON MUTANT LIBRARY; BIOWEAPON SURROGATE 10.学科领域:Physics 研 究 前 沿 名 称 : INN; IN-RICH GROUP III-NITRIDE ALLOYS; P-TYPE DOPING; MICROSCOPIC ORIGINS; SURFACE STATES 11.学科领域:Biology & Biochemistry 研究前沿名称:VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL GROWTH FACTOR B ENDOTHELIAL FATTY ACID UPTAKE CONTROL; VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL GROWTH FACTOR-D RECEPTOR BINDING; VASCULAR ENDOTHELIAL CELLS; GLIOBLASTOMA STEM-LIKE CELLS; HRG INHIBITS TUMOR GROWTH 12. 学科领域:Chemistry 研 究 前 沿 名 称 : FORMATTING CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC INFORMATION FILES; STRUCTURE VALIDATION; CHEMICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY; SHORT HISTORY; SHELX 6 13. 学科领域:Computer Science 研究前沿名称:PHYLOGENETIC MODEL AVERAGING; DNA POLYMORPHISM DATA; DNASP V5; COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS; JMODELTEST 14. 学科领域:Economics & Business 研究前沿名称:OLD KEYNESIAN GOVERNMENT SPENDING MULTIPLIERS; FISCAL POLICY SHOCKS; FISCAL SHOCKS; NEW KEYNESIAN; FISCAL RULES 15. 学科前沿:Engineering 研究前沿名称:AG(I) COORDINATION COMPLEXES DERIVED; POLYMERIC SILVER(I) COMPLEXES; TWO 3D-4D HETEROMETALLIC COORDINATION POLYMERS; PH-DEPENDENT AG(I) COORDINATION ARCHITECTURES CONSTRUCTED; TWO MIXED-LIGAND SILVER(I) NETWORKS 16. 学科领域:Environment/ Ecology 研究前沿名称:HABITAT FRAGMENTATION RESEARCH; HABITAT LOSS; HABITAT AREA; PLANT SPECIES RICHNESS; SPECIES RESPONSES 17. 学科领域: Materials & Science 研 究 前 沿 名 称 : HIGHLY CONDUCTIVE MULTIFUNCTIONAL GRAPHENE POLYCARBONATE NANOCOMPOSITES; GRAPHENE FILLED POLYMER NANOCOMPOSITES; FUNCTIONALIZED GRAPHENE SHEET FILLED SILICONE FOAM NANOCOMPOSITES; GRAPHENE NANOCOMPOSITES; GRAPHENE BASED POLYMER COMPOSITES 18. 学科领域:Mathematics 研 究 前 沿 名 称 : ATTRACTIVE BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATES; ATOMIC BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATES; BRIGHT MATTER-WAVE SOLITONS; DARK SOLITONS; NONAUTONOMOUS SOLITONS 19. 学科领域:Microbiology 研究前沿名称:NEW BACTERIAL TAXONOMY; NEW TOOLS; RRNA ANALYSIS; RRNA SEQUENCES; RIBOSOMAL DATABASE PROJECT 20.学科领域:Physics 研究前沿名称:HIGH-SPEED GRAPHENE TRANSISTORS; MULTILAYER GRAPHENE DEVICES; GRAPHENE FREQUENCY MULTIPLIERS; WAFER-SCALE EPITAXIAL GRAPHENE; CONTACT RESISTANCE 7 三、Elsevier Science Direct Top 25 (计算机科学) 1. 题名:Personality and motivations associated with Facebook use 出处:Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 25, Issue 2, March 2009, Pages 578-586 作者:Ross, C.; Orr, E.S.; Sisic, M.; Arseneault, J.M.; Simmering, M.G.; Orr, R.R. 摘要:Facebook is quickly becoming one of the most popular tools for social communication. However, Facebook is somewhat different from other Social Networking Sites as it demonstrates an offline-to-online trend; that is, the majority of Facebook Friends are met offline and then added later. The present research investigated how the Five-Factor Model of personality relates to Facebook use. Despite some expected trends regarding Extraversion and Openness to Experience, results indicated that personality factors were not as influential as previous literature would suggest. The results also indicated that a motivation to communicate was influential in terms of Facebook use. It is suggested that different motivations may be influential in the decision to use tools such as Facebook, especially when individual functions of Facebook are being considered. 2. 题名:Cloud computing and emerging IT platforms: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering computing as the 5th utility 出处:Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 25, Issue 6, June 2009, Pages 599-616 作者:Buyya, R.; Yeo, C.S.; Venugopal, S.; Broberg, J.; Brandic, I. 摘要:With the significant advances in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) over the last half century, there is an increasingly perceived vision that computing will one day be the 5th utility (after water, electricity, gas, and telephony). This computing utility, like all other four existing utilities, will provide the basic level of computing service that is considered essential to meet the everyday needs of the general community. To deliver this vision, a number of computing paradigms have been proposed, of which the latest one is known as Cloud computing. Hence, in this paper, we define Cloud computing and provide the architecture for creating Clouds with market-oriented resource allocation by leveraging technologies such as Virtual Machines (VMs). We also provide insights on market-based resource management strategies that encompass both customer-driven service management and computational risk management to sustain Service Level Agreement (SLA)-oriented resource allocation. In addition, we reveal our early thoughts on interconnecting Clouds for dynamically creating global Cloud exchanges and markets. Then, we present some representative Cloud platforms, especially those developed in industries, along with our current work towards realizing market-oriented resource allocation of Clouds as realized in Aneka enterprise Cloud technology. Furthermore, we highlight the difference between High Performance Computing (HPC) workload and Internet-based services workload. We also describe a meta-negotiation infrastructure to establish global Cloud exchanges and markets, and illustrate a case study of harnessing ‘Storage Clouds’ for high performance content delivery. Finally, we conclude with the need for convergence of competing IT paradigms to deliver our 21st century vision. 8 3. 题名:Cloud computing — The business perspective 出处:Decision Support Systems, Volume 51, Issue 1, April 2011, Pages 176-189 作者:Marston, S.; Li, Z.; Bandyopadhyay, S.; Zhang, J.; Ghalsasi, A. 摘要:The evolution of cloud computing over the past few years is potentially one of the major advances in the history of computing. However, if cloud computing is to achieve its potential, there needs to be a clear understanding of the various issues involved, both from the perspectives of the providers and the consumers of the technology. While a lot of research is currently taking place in the technology itself, there is an equally urgent need for understanding the business-related issues surrounding cloud computing. In this article, we identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the cloud computing industry. We then identify the various issues that will affect the different stakeholders of cloud computing. We also issue a set of recommendations for the practitioners who will provide and manage this technology. For IS researchers, we outline the different areas of research that need attention so that we are in a position to advice the industry in the years to come. Finally, we outline some of the key issues facing governmental agencies who, due to the unique nature of the technology, will have to become intimately involved in the regulation of cloud computing. 4. 题名:Wireless sensor networks: a survey 出处: Computer Networks, Volume 38, Issue 4, March 2002, Pages 393-422 作者: Akyildiz, I.F.; Su, W.; Sankarasubramaniam, Y.; Cayirci, E. 摘要: This paper describes the concept of sensor networks which has been made viable by the convergence of micro-electro-mechanical systems technology, wireless communications and digital electronics. First, the sensing tasks and the potential sensor networks applications are explored, and a review of factors influencing the design of sensor networks is provided. Then, the communication architecture for sensor networks is outlined, and the algorithms and protocols developed for each layer in the literature are explored. Open research issues for the realization of sensor networks are also discussed. 5. 题名: Facebook® and academic performance 出处: Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 26, Issue 6, November 2010, Pages 1237-1245 作者: Kirschner, P.A.; Karpinski, A.C. 摘要: There is much talk of a change in modern youth – often referred to as digital natives or Homo Zappiens – with respect to their ability to simultaneously process multiple channels of information. In other words, kids today can multitask. Unfortunately for proponents of this position, there is much empirical documentation concerning the negative effects of attempting to simultaneously process different streams of information showing that such behavior leads to both increased study time to achieve learning parity and an increase in mistakes while processing information than those who are sequentially or serially processing that same information. This article presents the preliminary results of a descriptive and exploratory survey study involving Facebook use, often carried out simultaneously with other study activities, and its relation to academic performance as measured by self-reported Grade Point Average (GPA) and hours spent studying per week. Results show that Facebook® users reported having lower GPAs and spend fewer hours per week studying than nonusers. 9 6. 题名: Social network use and personality 出处: Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 26, Issue 6, November 2010, Pages 1289-1295 作者: Amichai-Hamburger, Y.; Vinitzky, G. 摘要: Studies have shown a connection between the individual personality of the user and the way he or she behaves on line. Today many millions of people around the world are connected by being members of various Internet social networks. Ross et al., 2009 C. Ross, E.S. Orr, M. Sisic, J.M. Arseneault, M.J. Simmering and R.R. Orr, Personality and motivations associated with Facebook use. Computers in Human Behavior, 25 (2009), pp. 578–586. Article | PDF (189 K) | | View Record in Scopus | | Cited By in Scopus (35)Ross et al. (2009) studied the connection between the personality of the individual users and their behavior on a social network. They based their study on the self-reports of users of Facebook, one of the most popular social networks, and measured five personality factors using the NEO-PI-R (Costa & McCrae, 1992) questionnaire. They found that while there was a connection between the personalities of surfers and their behavior on Facebook, it was not strong. This study is based on that of Ross et al. (2009), but in our study the self-reports of subjects, were replaced by more objective criteria, measurements of the user-information upload on Facebook. A strong connection was found between personality and Facebook behavior. Implications of the results are discussed. 7. 题名: Students’ and teachers’ use of Facebook 出处: Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 27, Issue 2, March 2011, Pages 662-676 作者: Hew, K.F. 摘要: The purpose of this article is to review current published research studies focusing on the use of Facebook by students and teachers. The aim of the review is not to solely discuss Facebook in relation to teaching or learning purposes, or about its educational value per se, but also to present a detailed account of the participants’ Facebook usage profile or the extent to which users are engaged in Facebook activities. The emphasis of this review will be upon empirical findings rather than opinion- or theoretical explanations. Following the review guidelines set by Creswell (Research Design Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, 1994), I summarize the hitherto accumulated state of knowledge concerning Facebook and highlight questions or issues that research has left unresolved. This review is organized into three sections that cover the major topics of current research: (a) students’ Facebook usage profile or extent of Facebook use (e.g., time students spend on Facebook each day, students’ motives for using Facebook, as well as various factors that may affect these usage profiles), (b) the effects of Facebook use (e.g., effects of Facebook self-disclosure on teacher credibility, effects of Facebook use on student social presence and discussion, and effects of Facebook on students’ academic performance), and (c) students’ attitudes toward Facebook. The conclusions overall suggest that Facebook thus far has very little educational use, that students use Facebook mainly to keep in touch with known individuals, and that students tend to disclose more personal information about themselves on Facebook; hence attracting potential privacy risks upon themselves. arbon nanotube contents are also reviewed in an attempt to facilitate progress in this emerging area. 8. 题名: Wireless sensor network survey 出处: Computer Networks, Volume 52, Issue 12, August 2008, Pages 2292-2330 10 作者: Yick, J.; Mukherjee, B.; Ghosal, D. 摘要: A wireless sensor network (WSN) has important applications such as remote environmental monitoring and target tracking. This has been enabled by the availability, particularly in recent years, of sensors that are smaller, cheaper, and intelligent. These sensors are equipped with wireless interfaces with which they can communicate with one another to form a network. The design of a WSN depends significantly on the application, and it must consider factors such as the environment, the application’s design objectives, cost, hardware, and system constraints. The goal of our survey is to present a comprehensive review of the recent literature since the publication of [I.F. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam, E. Cayirci, A survey on sensor networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, 2002]. Following a top-down approach, we give an overview of several new applications and then review the literature on various aspects of WSNs. We classify the problems into three different categories: (1) internal platform and underlying operating system, (2) communication protocol stack, and (3) network services, provisioning, and deployment. We review the major development in these three categories and outline new challenges. 9. 题名: Identity construction on Facebook: Digital empowerment in anchored relationships • Article 出处: Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 24, Issue 5, September 2008, Pages 1816-1836 作者: Zhao, S.; Grasmuck, S.; Martin, J. 摘要: Early research on online self-presentation mostly focused on identity constructions in anonymous online environments. Such studies found that individuals tended to engage in role-play games and anti-normative behaviors in the online world. More recent studies have examined identity performance in less anonymous online settings such as Internet dating sites and reported different findings. The present study investigates identity construction on Facebook, a newly emerged nonymous online environment. Based on content analysis of 63 Facebook accounts, we find that the identities produced in this nonymous environment differ from those constructed in the anonymous online environments previously reported. Facebook users predominantly claim their identities implicitly rather than explicitly; they “show rather than tell” and stress group and consumer identities over personally narrated ones. The characteristics of such identities are described and the implications of this finding are discussed. 10. 题名: Online social networks: Why do students use facebook? 出处: Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 27, Issue 4, July 2011, Pages 1337-1343 作者: Cheung, C.M.K.; Chiu, P.Y.; Lee, M.K.O. 摘要: The growth and popularity of online social networks has created a new world of collaboration and communication. More than a billion individuals around the world are connected and networked together to create, collaborate, and contribute their knowledge and wisdom. Despite the importance of online social networks, there is relatively little theory-driven empirical research available to address this new type of communication and interaction phenomena. In this paper, we explored the factors that drive students to use online social networks (e.g., Facebook). Specifically, we conceptualized the use of online social networks as intentional social action and we examined the relative impact of social influence, social presence, and the five key values from the uses and gratification paradigm on We-Intention to use online social networks. An empirical study of Facebook users (n = 182) revealed that We-Intention to use online social networks is 11 strongly determined by social presence. Among the five values, social related factors had the most significant impact on the intention to use. Implications for research and practice are discussed. 11. 题名: Why people use social networking sites: An empirical study integrating network externalities and motivation theory 出处: Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 27, Issue 3, May 2011, Pages 1152-1161 作者: Lin, K.Y.; Lu, H.P. 摘要: Fast-developing social networking sites (SNS) have become the major media by which people develop their personal network online in recent years. To explore factors affecting user’s joining SNS, this study applies network externalities and motivation theory to explain why people continue to join SNS. This study used an online questionnaire to conduct empirical research, and collected and analyzed data of 402 samples by structural equation modeling (SEM) approach. The findings show that enjoyment is the most influential factor in people’s continued use of SNS, followed by number of peers, and usefulness. The number of peers and perceived complementarity have stronger influence than the number of members on perceived benefits (usefulness and enjoyment). This work also ran clustering analysis by gender, which found notable difference in both number of peers and number of members between men and women. The number of peers is an important factor affecting the continued intention to use for women but not for men; the number of members has no significant effect on enjoyment for men. The findings suggest that gender difference also produces different influences. The implication of research and discussions provides reference for SNS operators in marketing and operation. 12. 题名: The Internet of Things: A survey 出处: Computer Networks, Volume 54, Issue 15, October 2010, Pages 2787-2805 作者: Atzori, L.; Iera, A.; Morabito, G. 摘要: This paper addresses the Internet of Things. Main enabling factor of this promising paradigm is the integration of several technologies and communications solutions. Identification and tracking technologies, wired and wireless sensor and actuator networks, enhanced communication protocols (shared with the Next Generation Internet), and distributed intelligence for smart objects are just the most relevant. As one can easily imagine, any serious contribution to the advance of the Internet of Things must necessarily be the result of synergetic activities conducted in different fields of knowledge, such as telecommunications, informatics, electronics and social science. In such a complex scenario, this survey is directed to those who want to approach this complex discipline and contribute to its development. Different visions of this Internet of Things paradigm are reported and enabling technologies reviewed. What emerges is that still major issues shall be faced by the research community. The most relevant among them are addressed in details. 13. 题名: Internet social network communities: Risk taking, trust, and privacy concerns 出处: Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 25, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 153-160 作者: Fogel, J.; Nehmad, E. 摘 要 : Individuals communicate and form relationships through Internet social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace. We study risk taking, trust, and privacy concerns with regard to social networking websites among 205 college students using both reliable scales and 12 behavior. Individuals with profiles on social networking websites have greater risk taking attitudes than those who do not; greater risk taking attitudes exist among men than women. Facebook has a greater sense of trust than MySpace. General privacy concerns and identity information disclosure concerns are of greater concern to women than men. Greater percentages of men than women display their phone numbers and home addresses on social networking websites. Social networking websites should inform potential users that risk taking and privacy concerns are potentially relevant and important concerns before individuals sign-up and create social networking websites. 14. 题名: A survey on security issues in service delivery models of cloud computing 出处: Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 34, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 1-11 作者: Subashini, S.; Kavitha, V. 摘要: Cloud computing is a way to increase the capacity or add capabilities dynamically without investing in new infrastructure, training new personnel, or licensing new software. It extends Information Technology’s (IT) existing capabilities. In the last few years, cloud computing has grown from being a promising business concept to one of the fast growing segments of the IT industry. But as more and more information on individuals and companies are placed in the cloud, concerns are beginning to grow about just how safe an environment it is. Despite of all the hype surrounding the cloud, enterprise customers are still reluctant to deploy their business in the cloud. Security is one of the major issues which reduces the growth of cloud computing and complications with data privacy and data protection continue to plague the market. The advent of an advanced model should not negotiate with the required functionalities and capabilities present in the current model. A new model targeting at improving features of an existing model must not risk or threaten other important features of the current model. The architecture of cloud poses such a threat to the security of the existing technologies when deployed in a cloud environment. Cloud service users need to be vigilant in understanding the risks of data breaches in this new environment. In this paper, a survey of the different security risks that pose a threat to the cloud is presented. This paper is a survey more specific to the different security issues that has emanated due to the nature of the service delivery models of a cloud computing system. 15. 题名: Who interacts on the Web?: The intersection of users’ personality and social media use 出处: Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 26, Issue 2, March 2010, Pages 247-253 作者: Correa, T.; Hinsley, A.W.; de Zuniga, H.G. 摘要: In the increasingly user-generated Web, users’ personality traits may be crucial factors leading them to engage in this participatory media. The literature suggests factors such as extraversion, emotional stability and openness to experience are related to uses of social applications on the Internet. Using a national sample of US adults, this study investigated the relationship between these three dimensions of the Big-Five model and social media use (defined as use of social networking sites and instant messages). It also examined whether gender and age played a role in that dynamic. Results revealed that while extraversion and openness to experiences were positively related to social media use, emotional stability was a negative predictor, controlling for socio-demographics and life satisfaction. These findings differed by gender and age. While extraverted men and women were both likely to be more frequent users of 13 social media tools, only the men with greater degrees of emotional instability were more regular users. The relationship between extraversion and social media use was particularly important among the young adult cohort. Conversely, being open to new experiences emerged as an important personality predictor of social media use for the more mature segment of the sample. 16. 题名: All about me: Disclosure in online social networking profiles: The case of FACEBOOK 出处: Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 26, Issue 3, May 2010, Pages 406-418 作者: Nosko, A.; Wood, E.; Molema, S. 摘要: The present research examined disclosure in online social networking profiles (i.e., FACEBOOK™). Three studies were conducted. First, a scoring tool was developed in order to comprehensively assess the content of the personal profiles. Second, grouping categories (default/standard information, sensitive personal information, and potentially stigmatizing information) were developed to examine information pertinent to identity threat, personal and group threat. Third, a grouping strategy was developed to include all information present in FACEBOOK™, but to organize it in a meaningful way as a function of the content that was presented. Overall, approximately 25% of all possible information that could potentially be disclosed by users was disclosed. Presenting personal information such as gender and age was related to disclosure of other sensitive and highly personal information. Age and relationship status were important factors in determining disclosure. As age increased, the amount of personal information in profiles decreased. Those seeking a relationship were at greatest risk of threat, and disclosed the greatest amount of highly sensitive and potentially stigmatizing information. These implications of these findings with respect to social and legal threats, and potential means for identifying users placing themselves at greatest risk, are discussed. 17. 题名: Social anxiety and technology: Face-to-face communication versus technological communication among teens 出处: Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 25, Issue 6, November 2009, Pages 1367-1372 作者: Pierce, T. 摘要: This study examined teens’ use of socially interactive technologies (SITs), such as online social sites, cell phones/text messaging, and instant messaging (IM), and the role that social anxiety plays on how teens communicate with others (technologically or face-to-face). Participants included 280 high school students from a large western city. On average, 35–40% of teens reported using cell phones/text messaging and online social sites between 1 and 4 h daily, 24% reported using IMs 1–4 h daily and only 8% reported using email between 1 and 4 h daily. Females tended to use cell phones/text messaging and online social sites more so than did males. In assessing social anxiety, analyses revealed a positive relationship between social anxiety (not comfortable talking with others face-to-face) and (1) talking with others online and (2) talking with others via text messaging. In contrast, there was a positive relationship between the lack of social anxiety (feeling “comfortable” talking with others) and making friends online. Assessing gender differences and social anxiety also revealed significant differences. Results revealed females reported more social anxiety (not comfortable talking with others in person) than did males. In addition, females, more than males, reported feeling more comfortable using SITs (text messaging and online social sites only) rather than talking with others face-to-face. 14 18. 题名: A survey on clustering algorithms for wireless sensor networks 出处: Computer Communications, Volume 30, Issue 14-15, October 2007, Pages 2826-2841 作者: Abbasi, A.A.; Younis, M. 摘要: The past few years have witnessed increased interest in the potential use of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in applications such as disaster management, combat field reconnaissance, border protection and security surveillance. Sensors in these applications are expected to be remotely deployed in large numbers and to operate autonomously in unattended environments. To support scalability, nodes are often grouped into disjoint and mostly non-overlapping clusters. In this paper, we present a taxonomy and general classification of published clustering schemes. We survey different clustering algorithms for WSNs; highlighting their objectives, features, complexity, etc. We also compare of these clustering algorithms based on metrics such as convergence rate, cluster stability, cluster overlapping, location-awareness and support for node mobility. 19. 题名: Complete swept volume generation — Part II: NC simulation of self-penetration via comprehensive analysis of envelope profiles 出处: Computer-Aided Design, Volume 43, Issue 4, April 2011, Pages 442-456 作者: Lee, S.W.; Nestler, A. 摘要: In this paper the swept volume with self-penetration (or self-intersection) of the cutter is presented. The complete swept volume (SV), which describes the side and bottom shape of a milling cutter undergoing self-penetration, is generated by using the Gauss map method proposed in the authors’ previous paper [Lee SW, Nestler A. Complete swept volume generation—part I: swept volume of a piecewise C1-continuous cutter at five-axis milling via Gauss map. Computer-Aided Design 2011; 43(4): 427–41]. Based on the Gauss map method, the comprehensive analysis of envelope profiles of the tool is accomplished. Through the analysis the necessary condition of the self-penetration of the cutter at five-axis movement is identified. After having classified movement types of the milling cutter in an in-depth manner, the topologically consistent boundary of SV is generated by trimming the invalid facets interior to the SV. To demonstrate the validity of the proposed method, a cutting simulation kernel for five-axis machining has been implemented and applied to cavity machining examples such as intake ports of automobile engines and so forth where the self-penetration occurs. The proposed method is proved to be robust and amenable for the practical purpose of the NC simulation. 20. 题名: Multi-criteria decision making approaches for supplier evaluation and selection: A literature review 出处: European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 202, Issue 1, April 2010, Pages 16-24 作者: Ho, W.; Xu, X.; Dey, P.K. 摘要: Supplier evaluation and selection problem has been studied extensively. Various decision making approaches have been proposed to tackle the problem. In contemporary supply chain management, the performance of potential suppliers is evaluated against multiple criteria rather than considering a single factor-cost. This paper reviews the literature of the multi-criteria decision making approaches for supplier evaluation and selection. Related articles appearing in the international journals from 2000 to 2008 are gathered and analyzed so that the following three questions can be answered: (i) Which approaches were prevalently applied? (ii) Which evaluating 15 criteria were paid more attention to? (iii) Is there any inadequacy of the approaches? Based on the inadequacy, if any, some improvements and possible future work are recommended. This research not only provides evidence that the multi-criteria decision making approaches are better than the traditional cost-based approach, but also aids the researchers and decision makers in applying the approaches effectively. 21. 题名: Enterprise resource planning: Implementation procedures and critical success factors 出处: European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 146, Issue 2, April 2003, Pages 241-257 作者: Umble, E.J.; Haft, R.R.; Umble, M.M. 摘要: Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are highly complex information systems. The implementation of these systems is a difficult and high cost proposition that places tremendous demands on corporate time and resources. Many ERP implementations have been classified as failures because they did not achieve predetermined corporate goals. This article identifies success factors, software selection steps, and implementation procedures critical to a successful implementation. A case study of a largely successful ERP implementation is presented and discussed in terms of these key factors. 22. 题名: Who uses Facebook? An investigation into the relationship between the Big Five, shyness, narcissism, loneliness, and Facebook usage 出处: Computers in Human Behavior 作者: Ryan, T.; Xenos, S. 摘要: The unprecedented popularity of the social networking site Facebook raises a number of important questions regarding the impact it has on sociality. However, as Facebook is a very recent social phenomenon, there is a distinct lack of psychological theory relating to its use. While research has begun to identify the types of people who use Facebook, this line of investigation has been limited to student populations. The current study aimed to investigate how personality influences usage or non-usage of Facebook. The sample consisted of 1324 self-selected Australian Internet users (1158 Facebook users and 166 Facebook nonusers), between the ages of 18 and 44. Participants were required to complete an online questionnaire package comprising the Big Five Inventory (BFI), the Narcissistic Personality Inventory – 29-item version (NPI-29), the Revised Cheek and Buss Shyness Scale (RCBS), and the Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale for Adults – Short version (SELSA-S). Facebook users also completed a Facebook usage questionnaire. The results showed that Facebook users tend to be more extraverted and narcissistic, but less conscientious and socially lonely, than nonusers. Furthermore, frequency of Facebook use and preferences for specific features were also shown to vary as a result of certain characteristics, such as neuroticism, loneliness, shyness and narcissism. It is hoped that research in this area continues, and leads to the development of theory regarding the implications and gratifications of Facebook use. 23. 题名: The critical success factors for ERP implementation: an organizational fit perspective 出处: Information & Management, Volume 40, Issue 1, October 2002, Pages 25-40 作者: Hong, K.-K.; Kim, Y.-G. 摘要: Since early 1990s, many firms around the world have shifted their information technology (IT) strategy from developing information systems in-house to purchasing application software 16 such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. IT managers responsible for managing their organization’s ERP implementation view their ERP systems as their organizations’ most strategic computing platform. However, despite such strategic importance, ERP projects report an unusually high failure rate, sometimes jeopardizing the core operations of the implementing organization. This study explores the root of such high failure rate from an “organizational fit of ERP” perspective. Based on the relevant literature, we define the concept of organizational fit of ERP and examine its impact on ERP implementation, together with ERP implementation contingencies. The results from our field survey of 34 organizations show that ERP implementation success significantly depends on the organizational fit of ERP and certain implementation contingencies. 24. 题名: Addressing cloud computing security issues 出处: Future Generation Computer Systems 作者: Zissis, D.; Lekkas, D. 摘要: The recent emergence of cloud computing has drastically altered everyone’s perception of infrastructure architectures, software delivery and development models. Projecting as an evolutionary step, following the transition from mainframe computers to client/server deployment models, cloud computing encompasses elements from grid computing, utility computing and autonomic computing, into an innovative deployment architecture. This rapid transition towards the clouds, has fuelled concerns on a critical issue for the success of information systems, communication and information security. From a security perspective, a number of unchartered risks and challenges have been introduced from this relocation to the clouds, deteriorating much of the effectiveness of traditional protection mechanisms. As a result the aim of this paper is twofold; firstly to evaluate cloud security by identifying unique security requirements and secondly to attempt to present a viable solution that eliminates these potential threats. This paper proposes introducing a Trusted Third Party, tasked with assuring specific security characteristics within a cloud environment. The proposed solution calls upon cryptography, specifically Public Key Infrastructure operating in concert with SSO and LDAP, to ensure the authentication, integrity and confidentiality of involved data and communications. The solution, presents a horizontal level of service, available to all implicated entities, that realizes a security mesh, within which essential trust is maintained. 25. 题名: Application of data mining techniques in customer relationship management: A literature review and classification 出处: Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 36, Issue 2, March 2009, Pages 2592-2602 作者: Ngai, E.W.T.; Xiu, L.; Chau, D.C.K. 摘要: Despite the importance of data mining techniques to customer relationship management (CRM), there is a lack of a comprehensive literature review and a classification scheme for it. This is the first identifiable academic literature review of the application of data mining techniques to CRM. It provides an academic database of literature between the period of 2000–2006 covering 24 journals and proposes a classification scheme to classify the articles. Nine hundred articles were identified and reviewed for their direct relevance to applying data mining techniques to CRM. Eighty-seven articles were subsequently selected, reviewed and classified. Each of the 87 selected papers was categorized on four CRM dimensions (Customer Identification, Customer Attraction, 17 Customer Retention and Customer Development) and seven data mining functions (Association, Classification, Clustering, Forecasting, Regression, Sequence Discovery and Visualization). Papers were further classified into nine sub-categories of CRM elements under different data mining techniques based on the major focus of each paper. The review and classification process was independently verified. Findings of this paper indicate that the research area of customer retention received most research attention. Of these, most are related to one-to-one marketing and loyalty programs respectively. On the other hand, classification and association models are the two commonly used models for data mining in CRM. Our analysis provides a roadmap to guide future research and facilitate knowledge accumulation and creation concerning the application of data mining techniques in CRM. 四、IEL Top20(来源:http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/) 1. 题目:Particle swarm optimization 作者:Kennedy, J. Eberhart, R. 出处:Neural Networks, 1995. Proceedings., IEEE International Conference on Volume: 4 Page(s):1942 - 1948 vol.4 摘要:A concept for the optimization of nonlinear functions using particle swarm methodology is introduced. The evolution of several paradigms is outlined, and an implementation of one of the paradigms is discussed. Benchmark testing of the paradigm is described, and applications, including nonlinear function optimization and neural network training, are proposed. The relationships between particle swarm optimization and both artificial life and genetic algorithms are described 2. 题目:IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications 出处:IEEE Std 830-1998 Page(s):i 摘要:The content and qualities of a good software requirements specification (SRS) are described, and several sample SRS outlines are presented. This recommended practice is aimed at specifying the requirements of software to be developed, but can also be applied to assist in the selection of in-house and commercial software products. Guidelines for compliance with IEEE/EIA Std 12207.1-1997 are also provided. 3. 题目:Understanding Cloud Computing Vulnerabilities 作者:Grobauer, B. Walloschek, T. Stocker, E. 出处:Security & Privacy, IEEE Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Date: March-April 2011 Page(s):50 - 57 摘要:The current discourse about cloud computing security issues makes a well-founded assessment of cloud computing's security impact difficult for two primary reasons. First, as is true 18 for many discussions about risk, basic vocabulary such as "risk," "threat," and "vulnerability" are often used as if they were interchangeable, without regard to their respective definitions. Second, not every issue that's raised is really specific to cloud computing. We can achieve an accurate understanding of the security issue "delta" that cloud computing really adds by analyzing how cloud computing influences each risk factor. One important factor concerns vulnerabilities: cloud computing makes certain well-understood vulnerabilities more significant and adds new vulnerabilities. Here, the authors define four indicators of cloud-specific vulnerabilities, introduce a security-specific cloud reference architecture, and provide examples of cloud-specific vulnerabilities for each architectural 4. 题目:Cloud computing security threats and responses 作者:Sabahi, F. 出处:Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN), 2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Page(s):245 - 249 摘要:Cloud computing is one of today's most exciting technologies due to its ability to reduce costs associated with computing while increasing flexibility and scalability for computer processes. During the past few years, cloud computing has grown from being a promising business idea to one of the fastest growing parts of the IT industry. IT organizations have expresses concern about critical issues (such as security) that exist with the widespread implementation of cloud computing. These types of concerns originate from the fact that data is stored remotely from the customer's location; in fact, it can be stored at any location. Security, in particular, is one of the most argued-about issues in the cloud computing field; several enterprises look at cloud computing warily due to projected security risks. The risks of compromised security and privacy may be lower overall, however, with cloud computing than they would be if the data were to be stored on individual machines instead of in a so - called "cloud" (the network of computers used for remote storage and maintenance). Comparison of the benefits and risks of cloud computing with those of the status quo are necessary for a full evaluation of the viability of cloud computing. Consequently, some issues arise that clients need to consider as they contemplate moving to cloud computing for their businesses. In this paper I summarize reliability, availability, and security issues for cloud computing (RAS issues), and propose feasible and available solutions for some of them. 5. 题目:Collaboration-Based Cloud Computing Security Management Framework 作者:Almorsy, M. Grundy, J. Ibrahim, A.S. 出处:Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2011 IEEE International Conference on Page(s):364 - 371 摘要:Although the cloud computing model is considered to be a very promising internet-based computing platform, it results in a loss of security control over the cloud-hosted assets. This is due to the outsourcing of enterprise IT assets hosted on third-party cloud computing platforms. Moreover, the lack of security constraints in the Service Level Agreements between the cloud providers and consumers results in a loss of trust as well. Obtaining a security certificate such as ISO 27000 or NIST-FISMA would help cloud providers improve consumers trust in their cloud platforms' security. However, such standards are still far from covering the full complexity of the cloud computing model. We introduce a new cloud security management framework based on 19 aligning the FISMA standard to fit with the cloud computing model, enabling cloud providers and consumers to be security certified. Our framework is based on improving collaboration between cloud providers, service providers and service consumers in managing the security of the cloud platform and the hosted services. It is built on top of a number of security standards that assist in automating the security management process. We have developed a proof of concept of our framework using. NET and deployed it on a test bed cloud platform. We evaluated the framework by managing the security of a multi-tenant SaaS application exemplar. 6. 题目:Sub-Nyquist Sampling 作者:Mishali, M. Eldar, Y.C. 出处:Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE Volume: 28 Issue: 6 Date: Nov. 2011 Page(s):98 - 124 摘要:In this article, we review sampling strategies that target reduction of the ADC rate below Nyquist. Our survey covers classic works from the early 1950s through recent publications from the past several years. The prime focus is bridging theory and practice, that is, to pinpoint the potential of sub-Nyquist strategies to emerge from the math to the hardware. In this spirit, we integrate contemporary theoretical viewpoints, which study signal modeling in a union of subspaces, together with a taste of practical aspects, more specifically how the avant-garde modalities boil down to concrete signal processing systems. Our hope is that this presentation style will attract the interest of both researchers and engineers with the aim of promoting the sub-Nyquist premise into practical applications while encouraging further research into this exciting new frontier. 7. 题目:Textural Features for Image Classification 作者:Haralick, Robert M. Shanmugam, K. Dinstein, Its'Hak 出处:Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 3 Issue: 6 Date: Nov. 1973 Page(s):610 - 621 摘要:Texture is one of the important characteristics used in identifying objects or regions of interest in an image, whether the image be a photomicrograph, an aerial photograph, or a satellite image. This paper describes some easily computable textural features based on gray-tone spatial dependancies, and illustrates their application in category-identification tasks of three different kinds of image data: photomicrographs of five kinds of sandstones, 1:20 000 panchromatic aerial photographs of eight land-use categories, and Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS) multispecial imagery containing seven land-use categories. We use two kinds of decision rules: one for which the decision regions are convex polyhedra (a piecewise linear decision rule), and one for which the decision regions are rectangular parallelpipeds (a min-max decision rule). In each experiment the data set was divided into two parts, a training set and a test set. Test set identification accuracy is 89 percent for the photomicrographs, 82 percent for the aerial photographic imagery, and 83 percent for the satellite imagery. These results indicate that the easily computable textural features probably have a general applicability for a wide variety of image-classification applications. 8. 题目:Compressed sensing 作者:Donoho, D.L. 20 出处:Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 52 Issue: 4 Date: April 2006 Page(s):1289 - 1306 摘要:Suppose x is an unknown vector in Ropfm (a digital image or signal); we plan to measure n general linear functionals of x and then reconstruct. If x is known to be compressible by transform coding with a known transform, and we reconstruct via the nonlinear procedure defined here, the number of measurements n can be dramatically smaller than the size m. Thus, certain natural classes of images with m pixels need only n=O(m1/4log5/2(m)) nonadaptive nonpixel samples for faithful recovery, as opposed to the usual m pixel samples. More specifically, suppose x has a sparse representation in some orthonormal basis (e.g., wavelet, Fourier) or tight frame (e.g., curvelet, Gabor)-so the coefficients belong to an lscrp ball for 0<ples1. The N most important coefficients in that expansion allow reconstruction with lscr2 error O(N1/2-1p/). It is possible to design n=O(Nlog(m)) nonadaptive measurements allowing reconstruction with accuracy comparable to that attainable with direct knowledge of the N most important coefficients. Moreover, a good approximation to those N important coefficients is extracted from the n measurements by solving a linear program-Basis Pursuit in signal processing. The nonadaptive measurements have the character of "random" linear combinations of basis/frame elements. Our results use the notions of optimal recovery, of n-widths, and information-based complexity. We estimate the Gel'fand n-widths of lscrp balls in high-dimensional Euclidean space in the case 0<ples1, and give a criterion identifying near- optimal subspaces for Gel'fand n-widths. We show that "most" subspaces are near-optimal, and show that convex optimization (Basis Pursuit) is a near-optimal way to extract information derived from these near-optimal subspaces 9. 题目:A tutorial on particle filters for online nonlinear/non-Gaussian Bayesian tracking 作者:Arulampalam, M.S. Maskell, S. Gordon, N. Clapp, T. 出处:Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 50 Issue: 2 Date: Feb 2002 Page(s):174 - 188 摘要:Increasingly, for many application areas, it is becoming important to include elements of nonlinearity and non-Gaussianity in order to model accurately the underlying dynamics of a physical system. Moreover, it is typically crucial to process data on-line as it arrives, both from the point of view of storage costs as well as for rapid adaptation to changing signal characteristics. In this paper, we review both optimal and suboptimal Bayesian algorithms for nonlinear/non-Gaussian tracking problems, with a focus on particle filters. Particle filters are sequential Monte Carlo methods based on point mass (or "particle") representations of probability densities, which can be applied to any state-space model and which generalize the traditional Kalman filtering methods. Several variants of the particle filter such as SIR, ASIR, and RPF are introduced within a generic framework of the sequential importance sampling (SIS) algorithm. These are discussed and compared with the standard EKF through an illustrative example. 10. 题目:24 hours at Fukushima 作者:Strickland, E. 出处:Spectrum, IEEE Volume: 48 Issue: 11 Date: November 2011 Page(s):35 - 42 摘要:Sometimes it takes a disaster before we humans really figure out how to design something. In fact, sometimes it takes more than one. Millions of people had to die on highways, for example, 21 before governments forced auto companies to get serious about safety in the 1980s. But with nuclear power, learning by disaster has never really been an option. Or so it seemed, until officials found themselves grappling with the world's third major accident at a nuclear plant. On 11 March, a tidal wave set in motion a sequence of events that led to meltdowns in three reactors at the Fukushima Dai-ichi power station, 250 kilometers northeast of Tokyo. 11. 题目:Green Cloud Computing: Balancing Energy in Processing, Storage, and Transport 作者:Baliga, J. Ayre, R.W.A. Hinton, K. Tucker, R.S. 出处:Proceedings of the IEEE Volume: 99 Issue: 1 Date: Jan. 2011 Page(s):149 - 167 摘要:Network-based cloud computing is rapidly expanding as an alternative to conventional office-based computing. As cloud computing becomes more widespread, the energy consumption of the network and computing resources that underpin the cloud will grow. This is happening at a time when there is increasing attention being paid to the need to manage energy consumption across the entire information and communications technology (ICT) sector. While data center energy use has received much attention recently, there has been less attention paid to the energy consumption of the transmission and switching networks that are key to connecting users to the cloud. In this paper, we present an analysis of energy consumption in cloud computing. The analysis considers both public and private clouds, and includes energy consumption in switching and transmission as well as data processing and data storage. We show that energy consumption in transport and switching can be a significant percentage of total energy consumption in cloud computing. Cloud computing can enable more energy-efficient use of computing power, especially when the computing tasks are of low intensity or infrequent. However, under some circumstances cloud computing can consume more energy than conventional computing where each user performs all computing on their own personal computer (PC). 12. 题目:LTE-advanced: next-generation wireless broadband technology [Invited Paper] 作者:Ghosh, A. Ratasuk, R. Mondal, B. Mangalvedhe, N. Thomas, T. 出处:Wireless Communications, IEEE Volume: 17 Issue: 3 Date: June 2010 Page(s):10 - 22 摘要:LTE Release 8 is one of the primary broadband technologies based on OFDM, which is currently being commercialized. LTE Release 8, which is mainly deployed in a macro/microcell layout, provides improved system capacity and coverage, high peak data rates, low latency, reduced operating costs, multi-antenna support, flexible bandwidth operation and seamless integration with existing systems. LTE-Advanced (also known as LTE Release 10) significantly enhances the existing LTE Release 8 and supports much higher peak rates, higher throughput and coverage, and lower latencies, resulting in a better user experience. Additionally, LTE Release 10 will support heterogeneous deployments where low-power nodes comprising picocells, femtocells, relays, remote radio heads, and so on are placed in a macrocell layout. The LTE-Advanced features enable one to meet or exceed IMT-Advanced requirements. It may also be noted that LTE Release 9 provides some minor enhancement to LTE Release 8 with respect to the air interface, and includes features like dual-layer beamforming and time-difference- of-arrival-based location techniques. In this article an overview of the techniques being considered for LTE Release 10 (aka LTEAdvanced) is discussed. This includes bandwidth extension via carrier aggregation to support 22 deployment bandwidths up to 100 MHz, downlink spatial multiplexing including single-cell multi-user multiple-input multiple-output transmission and coordinated multi point transmission, uplink spatial multiplexing including extension to four-layer MIMO, and heterogeneous networks with emphasis on Type 1 and Type 2 relays. Finally, the performance of LTEAdvanced using IMT-A scenarios is presented and compared against IMT-A targets for full buffer and bursty traffic model. 13. 题目:An Introduction To Compressive Sampling 作者:Candes, E.J. Wakin, M.B. 出处:Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE Volume: 25 Issue: 2 Date: March 2008 Page(s):21 - 30 摘要:Conventional approaches to sampling signals or images follow Shannon's theorem: the sampling rate must be at least twice the maximum frequency present in the signal (Nyquist rate). In the field of data conversion, standard analog-to-digital converter (ADC) technology implements the usual quantized Shannon representation - the signal is uniformly sampled at or above the Nyquist rate. This article surveys the theory of compressive sampling, also known as compressed sensing or CS, a novel sensing/sampling paradigm that goes against the common wisdom in data acquisition. CS theory asserts that one can recover certain signals and images from far fewer samples or measurements than traditional methods use. 14. 题目:The issues of cloud computing security in high-speed railway 作者:Xiang Tan Bo Ai 出处:Electronic and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (EMEIT), 2011 International Conference on Volume: 8 Page(s):4358 - 4363 摘要:Cloud computing has brought new changes and opportunities to IT industry. It is the result of the evolution of a variety of techniques. And the railway department will use the cloud computing technology to achieve the sharing of the railway information resources and to improve the capacity of information processing. But with the development of the cloud computing, it also faced with many difficulties, cloud computing security has become the leading cause of impeding its development. Cloud computing security has become a hot topic in industry and academic research. This paper will explore the status of the development of cloud computing security, analyze the data privacy, security auditing, data monitoring and other challenges that the cloud computing security faced with. We will describe the solutions which the industry and academia proposed for some key issues of cloud computing security, such as virtualization security and traffic monitoring between virtual machines and so on. And we analyzed the security of cloud computing in railway environment. We proposed a cloud computing security reference framework. The purpose of this paper is attempted to bring greater clarity landscape about cloud computing security. 15. 题目:A fast and elitist multiobjective genetic algorithm: NSGA-II 作者:Deb, K. Pratap, A. Agarwal, S. Meyarivan, T. 出处:Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Date: Apr 2002 Page(s):182 - 197 23 摘要:Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) that use non-dominated sorting and sharing have been criticized mainly for: (1) their O(MN3) computational complexity (where M is the number of objectives and N is the population size); (2) their non-elitism approach; and (3) the need to specify a sharing parameter. In this paper, we suggest a non-dominated sorting-based MOEA, called NSGA-II (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II), which alleviates all of the above three difficulties. Specifically, a fast non-dominated sorting approach with O(MN2) computational complexity is presented. Also, a selection operator is presented that creates a mating pool by combining the parent and offspring populations and selecting the best N solutions (with respect to fitness and spread). Simulation results on difficult test problems show that NSGA-II is able, for most problems, to find a much better spread of solutions and better convergence near the true Pareto-optimal front compared to the Pareto-archived evolution strategy and the strength-Pareto evolutionary algorithm - two other elitist MOEAs that pay special attention to creating a diverse Pareto-optimal front. Moreover, we modify the definition of dominance in order to solve constrained multi-objective problems efficiently. Simulation results of the constrained NSGA-II on a number of test problems, including a five-objective, seven-constraint nonlinear problem, are compared with another constrained multi-objective optimizer, and the much better performance of NSGA-II is observed 16. 题目:Multilevel inverters: a survey of topologies, controls, and applications 作者:Rodriguez, J. Jih-Sheng Lai Fang Zheng Peng 出处:Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Volume: 49 Issue: 4 Date: Aug 2002 Page(s): 724 - 738 摘要:Multilevel inverter technology has emerged recently as a very important alternative in the area of high-power medium-voltage energy control. This paper presents the most important topologies like diode-clamped inverter (neutral-point clamped), capacitor-clamped (flying capacitor), and cascaded multicell with separate DC sources. Emerging topologies like asymmetric hybrid cells and soft-switched multilevel inverters are also discussed. This paper also presents the most relevant control and modulation methods developed for this family of converters: multilevel sinusoidal pulsewidth modulation, multilevel selective harmonic elimination, and space-vector modulation. Special attention is dedicated to the latest and more relevant applications of these converters such as laminators, conveyor belts, and unified power-flow controllers. The need of an active front end at the input side for those inverters supplying regenerative loads is also discussed, and the circuit topology options are also presented. Finally, the peripherally developing areas such as high-voltage high-power devices and optical sensors and other opportunities for future development are addressed. 17. 题目:A survey on sensor networks 作者:Akyildiz, I.F. Weilian Su Sankarasubramaniam, Y. Cayirci, E. 出处:Communications Magazine, IEEE Volume: 40 Issue: 8 Date: Aug 2002 Page(s): 102 - 114 摘要:The advancement in wireless communications and electronics has enabled the development of low-cost sensor networks. The sensor networks can be used for various application areas (e.g., health, military, home). For different application areas, there are different technical issues that researchers are currently resolving. The current state of the art of sensor networks is captured in 24 this article, where solutions are discussed under their related protocol stack layer sections. This article also points out the open research issues and intends to spark new interests and developments in this field. 18. 题目:IEEE Recommended Practices and Requirements for Harmonic Control in Electrical Power Systems 出处:IEEE Std 519-1992 Page(s):0_1 摘要:This guide applies to all types of static power converters used in industrial and commercial power systems. The problems involved in the harmonic control and reactive power compensation of such converters are addressed, and an application guide is provided. Limits of disturbances to the AC power distribution system that affect other equipment and communications are recommended. 19. 题目:A Computational Approach to Edge Detection 作者:Canny, John 出处:Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on Volume: PAMI-8 Issue: 6 Date: Nov. 1986 Page(s):679 - 698 摘要:This paper describes a computational approach to edge detection. The success of the approach depends on the definition of a comprehensive set of goals for the computation of edge points. These goals must be precise enough to delimit the desired behavior of the detector while making minimal assumptions about the form of the solution. We define detection and localization criteria for a class of edges, and present mathematical forms for these criteria as functionals on the operator impulse response. A third criterion is then added to ensure that the detector has only one response to a single edge. We use the criteria in numerical optimization to derive detectors for several common image features, including step edges. On specializing the analysis to step edges, we find that there is a natural uncertainty principle between detection and localization performance, which are the two main goals. With this principle we derive a single operator shape which is optimal at any scale. The optimal detector has a simple approximate implementation in which edges are marked at maxima in gradient magnitude of a Gaussian-smoothed image. We extend this simple detector using operators of several widths to cope with different signal-to-noise ratios in the image. We present a general method, called feature synthesis, for the fine-to-coarse integration of information from operators at different scales. Finally we show that step edge detector performance improves considerably as the operator point spread function is extended along the edge. 20. 题目:Cloud Computing Research and Development Trend 作者:Shuai Zhang Shufen Zhang Xuebin Chen Xiuzhen Huo 出处:Future Networks, 2010. ICFN '10. Second International Conference on Page(s):93 - 97 摘要:With the development of parallel computing, distributed computing, grid computing, a new computing model appeared. The concept of computing comes from grid, public computing and SaaS. It is a new method that shares basic framework. The basic principles of cloud computing is to make the computing be assigned in a great number of distributed computers, rather then local 25 computer or remoter server. The running of the enterprise's data center is just like Internet. This makes the enterprise use the resource in the application that is needed, and access computer and storage system according to the requirement. This article introduces the background and principle of cloud computing, the character, style and actuality. This article also introduces the application field the merit of cloud computing, such as, it do not need user's high level equipment, so it reduces the user's cost. It provides secure and dependable data storage center, so user needn't do the awful things such storing data and killing virus, this kind of task can be done by professionals. It can realize data share through different equipments. It analyses some questions and hidden troubles, and puts forward some solutions, and discusses the future of cloud computing. Cloud computing is a computing style that provide power referenced with IT as a service. Users can enjoy the service even he knows nothing about the technology of cloud computing and the professional knowledge in this field and the power to control it. 五、ACM 最新会议(来源:http://www.acm.org/) 1.会议名称:Co-NEXT '11 会议时间:December 06 - December 09 2011 会议地点:Tokyo Japan 会 议 简 介 : The 7th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT) will be held December 6th to December 9th on the campus of the University of Tokyo in Japan. CoNEXT 2011 will be a major forum for presentations and discussions of novel networking technologies that will shape the future of Internetworking. The conference is single track and features a high-quality technical program with significant opportunities for individual and small-group technical and social interactions among a diverse set of participants. The CoNEXT conferences focus on stimulating exchanges between various international research communities. 2. 会议名称:ACM/IFIP/USENIX 12th International Middleware Conference 会议时间:December 12 - December 16 2011 会议地点:Lisbon Portugal 会议简介:The Middleware conference is a forum for the discussion of important innovations and recent advances in the design, construction and uses of middleware. Middleware is a distributed-system software that resides between applications and underlying platforms (operating systems; databases; hardware), and/or ties together distributed applications, databases or devices. Its primary role is to coordinate and enable communication between different layers or components while isolating much of the complexity of distribution into a single, well tested and well understood system abstraction. 26 Following the success of the past conferences in this series in Lake District, UK (1998), in Palisades, NY (2000), in Heidelberg, Germany (2001), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2003), in Toronto, Canada (2004), in Grenoble, France (2005) , in Melbourne, Australia (2006), in Long Beach, California (2007), in Leuven, Belgium (2008), in Urbana Champaign, USA (2009), in Bengaluru, India (2010), the 12th International Middleware Conference will be the premier event for middleware research and technology in 2011. The scope of the conference is the design, implementation, deployment, and evaluation of distributed system platforms and architectures for future computing and communication environments. Highlights of the conference will include a high quality technical program, invited speakers, an industrial track, poster and demo presentations, a doctoral symposium, and workshops. 3. 会议名称:4th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2011) 会议时间:December 05 - December 08 2011 会议地点:Melbourne Australia 会议简介:Cloud computing has emerged as a dominant paradigm that has been widely adopted by enterprises. Clouds provide on-demand access to computing utilities, an abstraction of unlimited computing resources, and support for on-demand scale up, scale down and scale out. Clouds are also rapidly joining high-performance computing system, clusters and Grids as viable platforms for scientific exploration and discovery. As a result, understanding application formulations and usage modes that are meaningful in such a hybrid infrastructure, and how application workflows can effectively utilize it, is critical. In this talk, I will l explore the role of clouds in science and engineering. 4.会议名称:ACM SIGGRAPH VRCAI'2011:The 10th International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry 会议时间:December 11 - December 12 2011 会议地点:Hong Kong China 会议简介:The City University of Hong Kong and Institute of Automation, CAS proudly host the 10th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (VRCAI 2011), on 11-12 December 2011. As a SIGGRAPH ASIA 2011 joint conference, VRCAI 2011 will take place with one day overlap between ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2011 and VRCAI 2011. VRCAI 2011 solicits papers and posters from both academia and industry in the world - a hotbed of innovation - where fundamental methods, state-of-the-art technologies and applications in the Virtual Reality Continuum (VRC) will be explored and presented. Virtual Reality Continuum (VRC) emphasizes the consistence of virtual world and the real world. Spanning across next-generation info-communication environments like Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Virtuality (AV), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR), VRC is key in the way we define and interact, with and within, our virtual worlds. To advance research in the VRC fields, VRCAI2011 seeks to provide a forum for scientists, researchers, developers, users and industry leaders in the international VRC community to come together to share experiences, exchange ideas and spur one another in the knowledge of this fast-growing field. 27 VRCAI 2011 will still focus on the following main themes: VRC Fundamentals, Systems, Interactions, and Industry and various Applications of the VRC. 5. 会议名称:The Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) 会议时间:December 11 - December 14 2011 会议地点:Phoenix AZ USA 会议简介:The Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) is the premier international forum for disseminating recent advances in the field of system simulation. In addition to a technical program of unsurpassed scope and quality, WSC provides the central meeting place for simulation practitioners, researchers, and vendors working in all disciplines in industry, service, government, military, and academic sectors. The theme for WSC 2011 is “Simulation for a Sustainable World.” 六、AIAA 最新会议(来源:http://www.aiaa.org/) 1. 会议名称:50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 会议时间:9 - 12 Jan 2012 会议地点:Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center Nashville, Tennessee 会议简介:No matter where you go at ASM, there is always something happening. From plenary sessions addressing critical topics for the future of the industry to presentations on current state-of-the-art technologies. From student paper competitions to panel sessions that foster discussion and debate among stakeholders. From hallway conversations with colleagues to meeting new contacts at receptions. From lectures by renowned speakers addressing topics of general interest to special presentations on the exhibit hall stage. From a luncheon that addresses a timely policy issue to an off-site social event that provides a fun and informal way to interact with other attendees. The broad spectrum of the aerospace community meets at ASM. From senior leaders sharing their perspectives about the industry to students sharing their research projects. From exhibitors displaying their products and programs to engineers learning how to teach and inspire kids about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. From the AIAA Board of Directors discussing the health and future of the Institute to continuing education instructors sharing their expertise in areas to help further your career. From awardees being honored for their achievements and contributions to the industry to technical committee members who meet to advance their projects and activities. 2. 会议名称:Engineers as Educators 会议时间:11 Jan 2012 会议地点:Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center 28 Nashville, Tennessee 会议简介:Sharing your passion for aerospace with K-12 students is important and you never get another chance to make a first impression. This workshop will give you insights into how to approach a classroom talk, a mentoring situation or informal interaction with after-school or scouting groups. You will get practical tips for interacting with students and teachers, how to make your presentations grade level appropriate with some real zing, and low-cost easy activities that can be done with any age students. Taught by AIAA master teachers, you will gain insights into how the classroom works and how to be successful. Each workshop is limited to 50 people, so register early. Please Note: After registering for the Engineers as Educators Workshop, which will be held at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Spa on Wednesday, 11 January 2012 from 7:00 – 10:00 PM, an e-mail with the room assignment will be sent separately. We are looking forward to meeting you at the workshop. Dessert and coffee will be provided. 3. 会议名称:AIAA Strategic and Tactical Missile Systems Conference (SECRET/U.S. ONLY) 会议时间:24 - 26 Jan 2012 会议地点:Monterey, California Venue: Naval Postgraduate School 会议简介:Two classified AIAA conferences—the AIAA Strategic and Tactical Missile Systems Conference and AIAA Missile Sciences Conference—will combine in January 2012 to provide one major event for the missiles systems community. The AIAA Strategic and Tactical Missile Systems Conference and the AIAA Missile Sciences Conference are long-standing AIAA conferences serving the weapons community. These conferences will be co-located as a single event for the first time in 2012 providing a forum for the exchange of information on a larger scale than was possible at separate events. The combined event will feature both programmatic and technical information while fostering a beneficial networking opportunity. Material presented and attendance allowed at the event will be at the SECRET/U.S. ONLY clearance level. All attendees and speakers must have a SECRET clearance in order to participate. The AIAA Strategic and Tactical Missile Systems Conference offers an excellent opportunity to hear senior Department of Defense officials and other noted authorities from the strategic and tactical missiles community speak about the issues and challenges that face the United States. Past program topics have included national defense strategy, defense acquisition, missile programs, homeland security, missile defense, research and development, and the industrial base. The AIAA Missile Sciences Conference provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of classified and unclassified technical material related to missile system and subsystem technologies. The program addresses an array of topics including Air Force and Navy strategic missiles, tactical air-to-surface, surface-to-surface, anti-air missile systems, missile defense systems, targets and countermeasures, cruise missile defense, interceptors, weapon system effectiveness, hardware-in-the-loop testing of smart weapons, mission planning, mission assurance, system safety and insensitive munitions, and innovative technologies and concepts. 4. 会议名称:AIAA Missile Sciences Conference (SECRET/U.S. ONLY) 会议时间:24 - 26 Jan 2012 29 会议地点: Monterey, California Venue: Naval Postgraduate School 会议简介:Two classified AIAA conferences—the AIAA Strategic and Tactical Missile Systems Conference and AIAA Missile Sciences Conference—will combine in January 2012 to provide one major event for the missiles systems community. The AIAA Strategic and Tactical Missile Systems Conference and the AIAA Missile Sciences Conference are long-standing AIAA conferences serving the weapons community. These conferences will be co-located as a single event for the first time in 2012 providing a forum for the exchange of information on a larger scale than was possible at separate events. The combined event will feature both programmatic and technical information while fostering a beneficial networking opportunity. Material presented and attendance allowed at the event will be at the SECRET/U.S. ONLY clearance level. All attendees and speakers must have a SECRET clearance in order to participate. The AIAA Strategic and Tactical Missile Systems Conference offers an excellent opportunity to hear senior Department of Defense officials and other noted authorities from the strategic and tactical missiles community speak about the issues and challenges that face the United States. Past program topics have included national defense strategy, defense acquisition, missile programs, homeland security, missile defense, research and development, and the industrial base. The AIAA Missile Sciences Conference provides a forum for the presentation and discussion of classified and unclassified technical material related to missile system and subsystem technologies. The program addresses an array of topics including Air Force and Navy strategic missiles, tactical air-to-surface, surface-to-surface, anti-air missile systems, missile defense systems, targets and countermeasures, cruise missile defense, interceptors, weapon system effectiveness, hardware-in-the-loop testing of smart weapons, mission planning, mission assurance, system safety and insensitive munitions, and innovative technologies and concepts. 5. 会议名称:15th Annual FAA Commercial Space Transportation Conference 会议时间:15 - 16 Feb 2012 会议地点:Washington, DC Venue: Walter E. Washington Convention Center 会议简介:This annual two-day event brings together, entrepreneurs, engineers, small businesses, academics, aerospace industry executives, government regulators, and legislators to share their insights about the exciting growth of the U.S. commercial space industry. This year’s theme is “Commercial: The New Future of Space” – and that future is very bright, as big government space programs like the space shuttle make way for commercial launch service companies and entrepreneurs who are making their vision of lower-cost access to space a reality. The conference features dynamic high-level speakers, interactive panels on timely commercial space topics, and ample opportunities for informal networking. 6. 会议名称:Congressional Visits Day 会议时间:20 - 21 Mar 2012 会议地点: Washington, DC Venue: Capitol Hill 会议简介:Each year, AIAA members including scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, and 30 technology executives, come to Washington, D.C. to take part in our Congressional Visits Day (CVD) program. They meet with national decision makers to discuss critical issues in civil aeronautics, civil astronautics, and defense. What’s our Goal? Through face-to-face meetings with members of Congress, congressional staffers, key Administration officials, and other decision makers, Congressional Visits Day raises awareness of the long-term value that science, engineering, and technology bring to America. Make sure, regardless if you are a student member, young professional member, or professional member of AIAA, that you do not miss this vital opportunity to have your congressional representative hear your voice – register for CVD today! 7. 会议名称:10th U.S. Missile Defense Conference and Exhibit 会议时间:26 - 28 Mar 2012 会议地点:Washington, DC Venue: Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center 会议简介:The 10th Annual U.S. Missile Defense Conference—hosted by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), in cooperation with The Boeing Company, and supported by the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA)— aims to provide a world-class, secure environment for the U.S. missile defense community to meet and discuss the future of homeland and regional missile defense. The national missile defense community includes senior executive leaders, program managers, scientists, and staff in government, defense, and industry, as well as members of active duty, Reserve, and National Guard forces. The conference provides delegates access to the current state of the worldwide Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS) including a review of national policies, service priorities, technical advances, and the implementation of the Phased Adaptive Approach in support of regional missile threats. Plenary sessions will provide views on: the evolutionary development of layered, integrated missile defense capabilities; the integration and testing of key elements; the Services and BMDS; and the future threat environment. Conference organizers will develop a balanced and informative three-day program that includes unclassified plenary sessions, technical presentations, panel discussions, and a classified war game. Topics submitted for presentation should relate to current and future issues such as conventional and asymmetric threats, modeling and simulation, command and control, and test design considerations. Conference participation is restricted to delegates from the U.S. government and industry who have demonstrated a valid need to know and who have a SECRET or higher security clearance. Delegates may NOT represent the interests of non-U.S. entities. (Separate disclosure review will be required for the discussion of detailed manufacturing or production information, intelligence, service or component originated information, or information developed under or protected by agreements with other nations.) 8. 会议名称:53rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference 20th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference 14th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference 13th AIAA Gossamer Systems Forum 8th AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference 会议时间:23 - 26 Apr 2012 会议地点:Honolulu, Hawaii 31 Venue: Sheraton Waikiki 会议简介:The 53rd Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference (SDM) is sponsored by AIAA, ASME, ASCE, AHS, and ASC. This established annual conference is a widely acknowledged event that provides a unique forum dedicated to the latest developments in the collective disciplines of structures, structural dynamics, materials, design engineering, and survivability. The 53rd Conference will also host the 20th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference, the 14th AIAA Non-Deterministic Approaches Conference, the 13th AIAA Gossamer Systems Forum, and the 8th AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference. Plenary presentations, given by recognized, forward-thinking invited speakers, will be a special feature of the conference. This year’s presentations will address strategies and techniques for shortening the time required to bring new aircraft and spacecraft structures and materials technologies to flight readiness. 七、IEEE 最新会议(来源:http://www.ieee.org/index.html) 1. 会 议 名 称 : 2011 IEEE 12th Annual Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON) 会议时间:18 Apr - 19 Apr 2011 会议地点:Clearwater Beach, FL, USA 会 议 简 介 : Includes presentations, workshops, and tutorials that will address up-to-date multidisciplinary research and interdisciplinary aspects of wireless and RF technology. 2. 会议名称:2012 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 会议时间:19 Feb - 23 Feb 2012 会议地点:San Francisco, CA, USA 会议简介:Offers an opportunity to network with leading experts in the field of solid-state circuits and systems-on-a-chip. 3. 会议名称:2012 IEEE 9th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2012) 会议时间:02 May - 05 May 2012 会议地点:Barcelona, Spain 会 议 简 介 : Serves biological, biomedical, bioengineering, bioimaging, and other technical communities through a quality program of presentations and papers on the foundation, application, development, and use of biomedical imaging. 4. 会议名称:2011 IEEE Technology Time Machine (TTM) 会议时间:1 Jun - 3 Jun 2011 32 会议地点:Hong Kong, China 会议简介:Covered a selected set of potentially high-impact emerging technologies, their current state of maturity, and scenarios for the future. 5. 会议名称:2011 International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED) 会议时间:1 Aug - 3 Aug 2011 会议地点:Fukuoka, Japan 会议简介:Forum for low power design and technologies, ranging from process and circuit technologies, simulation and synthesis tools, and system level design and optimization. 6. 会议名称:2011 14th International Symposium on Electrets (ISE 14) 会议时间:27 Aug - 31 Aug 2011 会议地点:|Montpellier, France 会议简介:Gathers scientists working in the fields of electrical engineering, materials science, and condensed matter physics and chemistry. 八、SCI Essential Science Indicators HOT PAPERS(材料科学) 1.被引用次数: 284 题名: FOR THE BRIGHT FUTURE-BULK HETEROJUNCTION POLYMER SOLAR CELLS WITH POWER CONVERSION EFFICIENCY OF 7.4% 作者:LIANG YY; XU Z; XIA JB; TSAI ST; WU Y; LI G; RAY C; YU LP 出处: ADVAN MATER 22 (20): E135-+ MAY 25 2010 地址: Univ Chicago, Dept Chem, 5735 S Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637 USA. Univ Chicago, Dept Chem, Chicago, IL 60637 USA. Solarmer Energy Inc, El Monte, CA 91731 USA. 2.被引用次数: 226 题名: PLASMONICS FOR IMPROVED PHOTOVOLTAIC DEVICES 作者: ATWATER HA; POLMAN A 出处:NAT MATER 9 (3): 205-213 MAR 2010 地址: CALTECH, Ctr Sustainable Energy Res, Pasadena, CA 91125 USA. CALTECH, Thomas J Watson Labs Appl Phys, Pasadena, CA 91125 USA. FOM Inst AMOLF, Ctr Nanophoton, NL-1098 XG Amsterdam, Netherlands. 3.被引用次数: 203 题 名 : ROLL-TO-ROLL PRODUCTION OF 30-INCH GRAPHENE FILMS FOR TRANSPARENT ELECTRODES 作者: BAE S; KIM H; LEE Y; XU XF; PARK JS; ZHENG Y; BALAKRISHNAN J; LEI 33 T; KIM HR; SONG YI; KIM YJ; KIM KS; OZYILMAZ B; AHN JH; HONG BH; IIJIMA S 出处: NAT NANOTECHNOL 5 (8): 574-578 AUG 2010 地址: Sungkyunkwan Univ, SKKU Adv Inst Nanotechnol SAINT, Suwon 440746, South Korea. Sungkyunkwan Univ, Ctr Human Interface Nano Technol HINT, Suwon 440746, South Korea. Sungkyunkwan Univ, Dept Chem, Suwon 440746, South Korea. Sungkyunkwan Univ, Sch Mech Engn, Suwon 440746, South Korea. Sungkyunkwan Univ, Sch Adv Mat Sci & Engn, Suwon 440746, South Korea. Natl Univ Singapore, NanoCore & Dept Phys, Singapore 117576, Singapore. Natl Univ Singapore, NanoCore & Dept Phys, Singapore 117542, Singapore. Samsung Techwin, Digital & IT Solut Div, Songnam 462807, South Korea. Pohang Univ Sci & Technol, Dept Chem, Ctr Superfunct Mat, Pohang 790784, South Korea. Natl Inst Adv Ind Sci & Technol, Nanotube Res Ctr, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 3058565, Japan. Meijo Univ, Fac Sci & Engn, Nagoya, Aichi 4688502, Japan. 4. 被引用次数: 171 题名: EMERGING APPLICATIONS OF STIMULI-RESPONSIVE POLYMER MATERIALS 作者:STUART MAC; HUCK WTS; GENZER J; MULLER M; OBER C; STAMM M; SUKHORUKOV GB; SZLEIFER I; TSUKRUK VV; URBAN M; WINNIK F; ZAUSCHER S; LUZINOV I; MINKO S 出处:NAT MATER 9 (2): 101-113 FEB 2010 地址: Wageningen Univ, Lab Phys Chem & Colloid Sci, Dreijenpl 6, NL-6703 HB Wageningen, Netherlands. Wageningen Univ, Lab Phys Chem & Colloid Sci, NL-6703 HB Wageningen, Netherlands. Univ Cambridge, Dept Chem, Melville Lab Polymer Synth, Cambridge CB2 1EW, England. N Carolina State Univ, Dept Chem & Biomol Engn, Raleigh, NC 27695 USA. Univ Gottingen, Inst Theoret Phys, D-37077 Gottingen, Germany. Cornell Univ, Dept Mat Sci & Engn, Ithaca, NY 14853 USA. Leibniz Inst Polymerforsch Dresden eV, D-01069 Dresden, Germany. Queen Mary Univ London, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, London E1 4NS, England. Northwestern Univ, Dept Biomed Engn, Evanston, IL USA. Georgia Inst Technol, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA. Univ So Mississippi, Sch Polymers & High Performance Mat, Hattiesburg, MS 39406 USA. Univ Montreal, Dept Chem, Ville Montreal, PQ H3C 3J7, Canada. Univ Montreal, Fac Pharm, Ville Montreal, PQ H3C 3J7, Canada. Duke Univ, Dept Mech Engn & Mat Sci, Durham, NC 27708 USA. Clemson Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Clemson, SC 29634 USA. Clarkson Univ, Dept Chem & Biomol Sci, Potsdam, NY 13699 USA. 5. 被引用次数: 135 题名: PLASMONICS FOR EXTREME LIGHT CONCENTRATION AND MANIPULATION 作者:SCHULLER JA; BARNARD ES; CAI WS; JUN YC; WHITE JS; BRONGERSMA ML 出处:NAT MATER 9 (3): 193-204 MAR 2010 地址: Geballe Lab Adv Mat, Stanford, CA 94305 USA. 34 6. 被引用次数: 126 题 名 : PLASMONIC ANALOGUE OF ELECTROMAGNETICALLY INDUCED TRANSPARENCY AT THE DRUDE DAMPING LIMIT 作者:LIU N; LANGGUTH L; WEISS T; KASTEL J; FLEISCHHAUER M; PFAU T; GIESSEN H 出处: NAT MATER 8 (9): 758-762 SEP 2009 地址: Univ Stuttgart, Inst Phys 4, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany. Tech Univ Kaiserslautern, Fachbereich Phys, D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany. Tech Univ Kaiserslautern, Res Ctr OPTIMAS, D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany. Univ Stuttgart, Inst Phys 5, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany. 7. 被引用次数: 121 题名: ATOMIC STRUCTURE OF CONDUCTING NANOFILAMENTS IN TIO2 RESISTIVE SWITCHING MEMORY 作者:KWON DH; KIM KM; JANG JH; JEON JM; LEE MH; KIM GH; LI XS; PARK GS; LEE B; HAN S; KIM M; HWANG CS 出处:NAT NANOTECHNOL 5 (2): 148-153 FEB 2010 地址: Seoul Natl Univ, Dept Mat Sci & Engn, Seoul 151744, South Korea. Seoul Natl Univ, Interuniv Semicond Res Ctr, Seoul 151744, South Korea. Samsung Adv Inst Technol, Analyt Res Lab, Suwon 440600, South Korea. Ewha Womans Univ, Dept Chem, Seoul 120750, South Korea. 8. 被引用次数: 120 题名: ENHANCED ABSORPTION AND CARRIER COLLECTION IN SI WIRE ARRAYS FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC APPLICATIONS 作者:KELZENBERG MD; BOETTCHER SW; PETYKIEWICZ JA; TURNER-EVANS DB; PUTNAM MC; WARREN EL; SPURGEON JM; BRIGGS RM; LEWIS NS; ATWATER HA 出处:NAT MATER 9 (3): 239-244 MAR 2010 地址: CALTECH, 1200 E Calif Blvd,MC 129-95, Pasadena, CA 91125 USA. CALTECH, Pasadena, CA 91125 USA. 9. 被引用次数: 114 题名: GRAPHENE TRANSISTORS 作者: SCHWIERZ F 出处:NAT NANOTECHNOL 5 (7): 487-496 JUL 2010 地址: Tech Univ Ilmenau, Postfach 100565, D-98694 Ilmenau, Germany. Tech Univ Ilmenau, D-98694 Ilmenau, Germany. 10. 被引用次数: 105 题名: CHALLENGES FOR RECHARGEABLE LI BATTERIES 作者:GOODENOUGH JB; KIM Y 出处:CHEM MATER 22 (3): 587-603 FEB 9 2010 地址: Univ Texas Austin, Texas Mat Inst, Austin, TX 78712 USA. 35 11. 被引用次数: 105 题名 e: NANOSCALE PHASE SEPARATION AND HIGH PHOTOVOLTAIC EFFICIENCY IN SOLUTION-PROCESSED, SMALL-MOLECULE BULK HETEROJUNCTION SOLAR CELLS 作 者 :WALKER B; TOMAYO AB; DANG XD; ZALAR P; SEO JH; GARCIA A; TANTIWIWAT M; NGUYEN TQ 出处:ADV FUNCT MATER 19 (19): 3063-3069 OCT 9 2009 地址: Univ Calif Santa Barbara, Dept Chem & Biochem, Ctr Polymers & Organ Solids, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA. Univ Calif Santa Barbara, Dept Phys, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA. 12. 被引用次数: 95 题 名 : A GRAPHENE NANOPROBE FOR RAPID, SENSITIVE, AND MULTICOLOR FLUORESCENT DNA ANALYSIS 作者:HE SJ; SONG B; LI D; ZHU CF; QI WP; WEN YQ; WANG LH; SONG SP; FANG HP; FAN CH 出处:ADV FUNCT MATER 20 (3): 453-459 FEB 8 2010 地址: Chinese Acad Sci, Shanghai Inst Appl Phys, Phys Biol Lab, Shanghai 201800, Peoples R China. 13. 被引用次数: 93 题名: EFFECT OF SURFACE PROPERTIES ON NANOPARTICLE-CELL INTERACTIONS 作者:VERMA A; STELLACCI F 出处:SMALL 6 (1): 12-21 JAN 4 2010 地址: MIT, Dept Mat Sci & Engn, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA. MIT, Dept Mat Sci & Engn, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA. 14. 被引用次数: 93 题名: ZNO NANOSTRUCTURES FOR DYE-SENSITIZED SOLAR CELLS 作者:ZHANG QF; DANDENEAU CS; ZHOU XY; CAO GZ 出处: ADVAN MATER 21 (41): 4087-4108 NOV 6 2009 地址: Univ Washington, Dept Mat Sci & Engn, Seattle, WA 98195 USA. 15. 被引用次数: 88 题名: HYDROGELS IN REGENERATIVE MEDICINE 作者:SLAUGHTER BV; KHURSHID SS; FISHER OZ; KHADEMHOSSEINI A; PEPPAS NA 出处: ADVAN MATER 21 (32-33): 3307-3329 Sp. Iss. SI SEP 4 2009 地址: Univ Texas Austin, Dept Chem Engn, Biomat Drug Delivery Bionanotechnol & Mol Recogni, C0400, Austin, TX 78712 USA. Univ Texas Austin, Dept Chem Engn, Biomat Drug Delivery Bionanotechnol & Mol Recogni, Austin, TX 78712 USA. Univ Texas Austin, Dept Pharmaceut, Austin, TX 78712 USA. Univ Texas Austin, Dept Biomed Engn, Austin, TX 78712 USA. 36 Harvard Univ, MIT,Sch Med,Ctr Biomed Engn, Harvard MIT Div Hlth Sci & Technol, Brigham & Womens Hosp,Dept Med, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA. 16. 被引用次数: 86 题名: EVOLUTION OF ELECTRICAL, CHEMICAL, AND STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF TRANSPARENT AND CONDUCTING CHEMICALLY DERIVED GRAPHENE THIN FILMS 作 者 :MATTEVI C; EDA G; AGNOLI S; MILLER S; MKHOYAN KA; CELIK O; MOSTROGIOVANNI D; GRANOZZI G; GARFUNKEL E; CHHOWALLA M 出处: ADV FUNCT MATER 19 (16): 2577-2583 AUG 24 2009 地址: Rutgers State Univ, Dept Chem & Chem Biol, 607 Taylor Rd, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA. Rutgers State Univ, Dept Chem & Chem Biol, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA. Univ Padua, Dept Chem Sci, I-35131 Padua, Italy. Univ Minnesota, Dept Chem Engn & Mat Sci, Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA. 17. 被引用次数: 83 题 名 : GRAPHENE AND GRAPHENE OXIDE: SYNTHESIS, PROPERTIES, AND APPLICATIONS 作者:ZHU YW; MURALI S; CAI WW; LI XS; SUK JW; POTTS JR; RUOFF RS 出处: ADVAN MATER 22 (35): 3906-3924 SEP 15 2010 地址: Univ Texas Austin, Dept Mech Engn, 1 Univ Stn C2200, Austin, TX 78712 USA. Univ Texas Austin, Dept Mech Engn, Austin, TX 78712 USA. Univ Texas Austin, Texas Mat Inst, Austin, TX 78712 USA. 18. 被引用次数: 82 题名: ADVANCED MATERIALS FOR ENERGY STORAGE 作者: LIU C; LI F; MA LP; CHENG HM 出处:ADVAN MATER 22 (8): E28-+ FEB 23 2010 地址: Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Met Res, Shenyang Natl Lab Mat Sci, 72 Wenhua Rd, Shenyang 110016, Peoples R China. Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Met Res, Shenyang Natl Lab Mat Sci, Shenyang 110016, Peoples R China. 19. 被引用次数: 82 题名: PRODUCT INTEGRATION OF COMPACT ROLL-TO-ROLL PROCESSED POLYMER SOLAR CELL MODULES: METHODS AND MANUFACTURE USING FLEXOGRAPHIC PRINTING, SLOT-DIE COATING AND ROTARY SCREEN PRINTING 作者:KREBS FC; FYENBO J; JORGENSEN M 出处:J MATER CHEM 20 (41): 8994-9001 2010 地址: ech Univ Denmark, Riso Natl Lab Sustainable Energy, Frederiksborgvej 399, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark. Tech Univ Denmark, Riso Natl Lab Sustainable Energy, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark. Mekoprint Elect AS, DK-9530 Stovring, Denmark. 20. 被引用次数: 78 37 题 名 :THE FANO RESONANCE IN PLASMONIC NANOSTRUCTURES AND METAMATERIALS 作者: LUK'YANCHUK B; ZHELUDEV NI; MAIER SA; HALAS NJ; NORDLANDER P; GIESSEN H; CHONG CT 出处:NAT MATER 9 (9): 707-715 SEP 2010 地址: Data Storage Inst, Agcy Sci Technol & Res, DSI Bldg,5 Engn Dr 1, Singapore 117608, Singapore. Data Storage Inst, Agcy Sci Technol & Res, Singapore 117608, Singapore. Univ Southampton, Optoelect Res Ctr, Southampton SO17 1BJ, Hants, England. Univ London Imperial Coll Sci Technol & Med, Dept Phys, London SW7 2AZ, England. Rice Univ, Dept Elect & Comp Engn, Houston, TX 77005 USA. Rice Univ, Dept Phys & Astron, Houston, TX 77005 USA. Univ Stuttgart, Inst Phys 4, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany. Natl Univ Singapore, Dept Elect & Comp Engn, Singapore 117576, Singapore. 九、Nature Advance Online Publication (来源:http://www.nature.com/nature/index.html) 1.题名:Observation of kinks and antikinks in colloidal monolayers driven across ordered surfaces 作者:Thomas Bohlein, Jules Mikhael & Clemens Bechinger 出版时间:Published online: 18 December 2011 | doi:10.1038/nmat3204 摘要:The frictional properties of a two-dimensional colloidal crystal reveal that excitations known as kinks and antikinks form when the crystal is dragged along a solid surface. This phenomenon, which was predicted previously but never observed, demonstrates the potential of using colloidal crystals to study frictional properties that are otherwise difficult to characterize. First Paragraph - Observation of kinks and antikinks in colloidal monolayers driven across ordered surfaces | Full Text - Observation of kinks and antikinks in colloidal monolayers driven across ordered surfaces | PDF (1,386 KB) - Observation of kinks and antikinks in colloidal monolayers driven across ordered surfaces | Supplementary information 2. 题名:Magnon-drag thermopile 作者:Marius V. Costache, German Bridoux, Ingmar Neumann & Sergio O. Valenzuela 出版时间:Published online: 18 December 2011 | doi:10.1038/nmat3201 摘要:Magnons are quanta of spin-wave excitations and are likely to play a major role in the physical mechanisms of combining spin and heat transport. Now, a new device that enables the properties of magnons to be measured independently of the thermoelectric contribution of electrons and phonons is shown, providing crucial information for understanding the physics of electron–magnon interactions, magnon dynamics and thermal spin transport. 38 First Paragraph - Magnon-drag thermopile | Full Text - Magnon-drag thermopile | PDF (592 KB) Magnon-drag thermopile | Supplementary information 3. 题名:Physical ageing of the contact line on colloidal particles at liquid interfaces 作者:David M. Kaz, Ryan McGorty, Madhav Mani, Michael P. Brenner & Vinothan N. Manoharan 出版时间:Published online: 04 December 2011 | doi:10.1038/nmat3190 摘要:Colloidal particles adsorbed at liquid interfaces are commonly assumed to be at equilibrium, but holographic microscopy experiments now reveal that microspheres bound to a water/oil interface may take months to equilibrate. The observed ageing dynamics agree with a model of thermally activated hopping of the particle/interface contact line over nanoscale surface defects, and have implications for understanding the interactions between adsorbed colloidal particles. First Paragraph - Physical ageing of the contact line on colloidal particles at liquid interfaces | Full Text - Physical ageing of the contact line on colloidal particles at liquid interfaces | PDF (1,776 KB) - Physical ageing of the contact line on colloidal particles at liquid interfaces | Supplementary information 4. 题名:Second-harmonic generation in silicon waveguides strained by silicon nitride 作者:M. Cazzanelli, F. Bianco, E. Borga, G. Pucker, M. Ghulinyan, E. Degoli, E. Luppi, V. Véniard, S. Ossicini, D. Modotto, S. Wabnitz, R. Pierobon & L. Pavesi 出版时间:Published online: 04 December 2011 | doi:10.1038/nmat3200 摘要:Photonic devices on silicon offer the benefit of combining advanced electronic functionality with the high bandwidth of silicon photonics. Now, efficient second-order nonlinear activity in silicon waveguides strained by a silicon nitride top layer considerably advances the potential of all-optical data management on a silicon platform. Abstract - Second-harmonic generation in silicon waveguides strained by silicon nitride | Full Text - Second-harmonic generation in silicon waveguides strained by silicon nitride | PDF (676 KB) Second-harmonic generation in silicon waveguides strained by silicon nitride | Supplementary information 5. 题名:High electrochemical activity of the oxide phase in model ceria–Pt and ceria–Ni composite anodes 作者:William C. Chueh, Yong Hao, WooChul Jung & Sossina M. Haile 出版时间:Published online: 04 December 2011 | doi:10.1038/nmat3184 摘要:A key step in fuel-cell energy-conversion processes is electro-oxidation of the fuel at the anode, but ways to improve electrocatalytic activity remain unclear. Using ceria–metal structures, H2-oxidation reactions are shown to be dominated by electrocatalysis at the oxide/gas interface with minimal contributions from the oxide/metal/gas triple-phase boundaries. Abstract - High electrochemical activity of the oxide phase in model ceria–Pt and ceria–Ni composite anodes | Full Text - High electrochemical activity of the oxide phase in model ceria–Pt and ceria–Ni composite anodes | PDF (637 KB) - High electrochemical activity of the oxide phase in model ceria–Pt and ceria–Ni composite anodes | Supplementary information 6.题名:Morphological instability leading to formation of porous anodic oxide films 39 作者:Kurt R. Hebert, Sergiu P. Albu, Indhumati Paramasivam & Patrik Schmuki 出版时间:Published online: 04 December 2011 | doi:10.1038/nmat3185 摘 要 : Electrochemical oxidation of metals produces anodic oxides with highly regular arrangements of pores; however, the mechanisms of pore initiation and self-ordering are not well understood. Now, a quantitative analysis method is proposed that examines the roles of oxide dissolution and ionic conduction in the morphological stability of anodic oxide films. Abstract - Morphological instability leading to formation of porous anodic oxide films | Full Text Morphological instability leading to formation of porous anodic oxide films | PDF (341 KB) Morphological instability leading to formation of porous anodic oxide films | Supplementary information 7. 题名:Electron spin coherence exceeding seconds in high-purity silicon 作者:Alexei M. Tyryshkin, Shinichi Tojo, John J. L. Morton, Helge Riemann, Nikolai V. Abrosimov, Peter Becker, Hans-Joachim Pohl, Thomas Schenkel, Michael L. W. Thewalt, Kohei M. Itoh & S. A. Lyon 出版时间:Published online: 04 December 2011 | doi:10.1038/nmat3182 摘要:The coherence lifetime of a material system to be used in quantum information protocols has to be long enough for several quantum operations to occur before the system loses its quantum coherence. The spins of impurities in silicon have been shown to have coherence lifetimes up to tens of milliseconds, but now all records are beaten with those in high-purity silicon reaching a few seconds. Abstract - Electron spin coherence exceeding seconds in high-purity silicon | Full Text - Electron spin coherence exceeding seconds in high-purity silicon | PDF (973 KB) - Electron spin coherence exceeding seconds in high-purity silicon | Supplementary information 8. 题名: H-atom relay reactions in real space 作者:T. Kumagai, A. Shiotari, H. Okuyama, S. Hatta, T. Aruga, I. Hamada, T. Frederiksen & H. Ueba 出版时间:Published online: 27 November 2011 | doi:10.1038/nmat3176 摘要:The relay mechanism in which hydrogen atom transfer occurs along hydrogen bonds plays a crucial role in many functional compounds. Using a scanning tunnelling microscope, the transfer of hydrogen atoms along hydrogen-bonded chains assembled on a Cu(110) surface is shown to be controllable and reversible. Abstract - H-atom relay reactions in real space | Full Text - H-atom relay reactions in real space | PDF (964 KB) - H-atom relay reactions in real space | Supplementary information 9. 题名:Self-assembly of uniform polyhedral silver nanocrystals into densest packings and exotic superlattices 作者: Joel Henzie, Michael Grünwald, Asaph Widmer-Cooper, Phillip L. Geissler & Peidong Yang 出版时间:Published online: 20 November 2011 | doi:10.1038/nmat3178 摘要:Highly monodisperse silver polyhedral nanocrystals passivated with polymers are shown to behave as quasi-hard particles that self-assemble by sedimentation into millimetre-sized 40 supercrystals, which correspond to the particles' three-dimensional densest packings. Monte Carlo simulations confirm the observed self-assembled structures, including an exotic structure for octahedra that is stabilized by depletion forces induced by an excess of polymer in solution. First Paragraph - Self-assembly of uniform polyhedral silver nanocrystals into densest packings and exotic superlattices | Full Text - Self-assembly of uniform polyhedral silver nanocrystals into densest packings and exotic superlattices | PDF (3,336 KB) - Self-assembly of uniform polyhedral silver nanocrystals into densest packings and exotic superlattices | Supplementary information 10. 题名:Atomic-scale transport in epitaxial graphene 作者:Shuai-Hua Ji, J. B. Hannon, R. M. Tromp, V. Perebeinos, J. Tersoff & F. M. Ross 出版时间:Published online: 20 November 2011 | doi:10.1038/nmat3170 摘要:A local atom probe has been used to study the transport properties of graphene, revealing the different effects of surface steps and changes in layer thickness on substrates. Understanding the details of the defect-induced degradation of transport properties is essential for improving the efficiency of devices. First Paragraph - Atomic-scale transport in epitaxial graphene | Full Text - Atomic-scale transport in epitaxial graphene | PDF (1,212 KB) - Atomic-scale transport in epitaxial graphene | Supplementary information 11. 题名:Synthesis of monolithic graphene–graphite integrated electronics 作者:Jang-Ung Park, SungWoo Nam, Mi-Sun Lee & Charles M. Lieber 出版时间:Published online: 20 November 2011 | doi:10.1038/nmat3169 摘要:One of the interesting features of graphene is that its properties change with the number of layers. A procedure to create monolithic devices with elements made out of different numbers of graphene layers is now shown, and a practical demonstration of this method is given by realizing transistor arrays with chemical-sensing functionalities. 12. 题名:Performance comparison of whole-genome sequencing platforms 作者:Hugo Y K Lam, Michael J Clark, Rui Chen, Rong Chen, Georges Natsoulis, Maeve O'Huallachain, Frederick E Dewey, Lukas Habegger, Euan A Ashley, Mark B Gerstein, Atul J Butte, Hanlee P Ji & Michael Snyder 出版时间:Published online: 18 December 2011 | doi:10.1038/nbt.2065 摘要:Over 90% of human whole-genome sequencing has been performed using instruments from two companies, Illumina and Complete Genomics. Lam et al. sequence the same DNA samples with both instruments and compare their performance for calling insertions, deletions and single-nucleotide variants. Abstract - | Full Text - Performance comparison of whole-genome sequencing platforms | PDF (1,050 KB) - Performance comparison of whole-genome sequencing platforms | Supplementary information 13. 题名:Optimized filtering reduces the error rate in detecting genomic variants by short-read sequencing 作者:Joke Reumers, Peter De Rijk, Hui Zhao, Anthony Liekens, Dominiek Smeets, John Cleary, 41 Peter Van Loo, Maarten Van Den Bossche, Kirsten Catthoor, Bernard Sabbe, Evelyn Despierre, Ignace Vergote, Brian Hilbush, Diether Lambrechts & Jurgen Del-Favero 出版时间:Published online: 18 December 2011 | doi:10.1038/nbt.2053 Data filters separate true genetic variants in sequencing data from sequencing errors, but their effectiveness is difficult to assess. Reumers et al. use the genome sequences of monozygotic twins to evaluate the performance of filters individually and in combination, leading to a 290-fold reduction in error rate in calling single-nucleotide variants. Abstract - | Full Text - Optimized filtering reduces the error rate in detecting genomic variants by short-read sequencing | PDF (1,014 KB) - Optimized filtering reduces the error rate in detecting genomic variants by short-read sequencing | Supplementary information 14. 题名:Draft genome sequence of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan), an orphan legume crop of resource-poor farmers 作者:Rajeev K Varshney, Wenbin Chen, Yupeng Li, Arvind K Bharti, Rachit K Saxena, Jessica A Schlueter, Mark T A Donoghue, Sarwar Azam, Guangyi Fan, Adam M Whaley, Andrew D Farmer, Jaime Sheridan, Aiko Iwata, Reetu Tuteja, R Varma Penmetsa, Wei Wu, Hari D Upadhyaya, Shiaw-Pyng Yang, Trushar Shah, K B Saxena, Todd Michael, W Richard McCombie, Bicheng Yang, Gengyun Zhang, Huanming Yang, Jun Wang, Charles Spillane, Douglas R Cook, Gregory D May, Xun Xu & Scott A Jackson 出版时间:Published online: 06 November 2011 | doi:10.1038/nbt.2022 摘要:Pigeonpea is an important protein source in many developing countries, but limited genetic resources have constrained its improvement. The draft genome sequence of pigeonpea, the first for a nonindustrial crop and for a grain legume, should facilitate molecular breeding efforts to improve yields for subsistence farmers. Abstract - | Full Text - Draft genome sequence of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan), an orphan legume crop of resource-poor farmers | PDF (1,162 KB) - Draft genome sequence of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan), an orphan legume crop of resource-poor farmers | Supplementary information 15. 题名:Targeted RNA sequencing reveals the deep complexity of the human transcriptome 作者:Tim R Mercer, Daniel J Gerhardt, Marcel E Dinger, Joanna Crawford, Cole Trapnell, Jeffrey A Jeddeloh, John S Mattick & John L Rinn 出版时间:Published online: 13 November 2011 | doi:10.1038/nbt.2024 摘要:Rare transcripts remain enigmatic in part because they are difficult to detect robustly on a large scale. Mercer et al. show that targeted RNA sequencing after array capture can reach saturating depth at the targeted loci and reveal unprecedented levels of rare noncoding transcripts and previously unrecognized spliced variants from important loci such as p53 and HOX. 承 办:西北工业大学图书馆信息咨询与情报研究部 审 稿:刘秋让 电 话:(029)88492928 编 辑:燕 辉 罗星华 E-mail: gyj@nwpu.edu.cn 责任编辑:郭永建 42