CONSULTANT IN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY HOME INTENSIVE TREATMENT TEAM/DAY SERVICE SKYE HOUSE, STOBHILL HOSPITAL INFORMATION PACK REF: 37252D CLOSING DATE: NOON 29TH MAY 2015 As you may be aware, the new South Glasgow University Hospital and new Royal Hospital for Sick Children are due to open on the current Southern site early in 2015. With this in mind, please note that positions based within the Victoria Infirmary, Mansionhouse Unit, the Western Infirmary and the current Royal Hospital for Sick Children at Yorkhill will change location and move to the new hospitals. Gartnavel General Hospital and Glasgow Royal Infirmary will also have some services affected by moves to the new Hospitals. These changes mean your base may change after joining us and you will be informed as soon as possible prior to any change of base. SUMMARY INFORMATION RELATING TO THIS POSITION POST: CONSULTANT IN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY BASE: HOME INTENSIVE TREATMENT TEAM/DAY SERVICE – SKYE HOUSE, STOBHILL HOSPITAL Two full-time posts substantive posts based within the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Home Intensive treatment team\day service, Skye House, Stobhill Hospital. This well established team includes a nurse led home based intensive treatment team which has been running successfully for 3 years and is expanding into a full Tier 4 multi-disciplinary provision. You will be responsible for the most severe and complex patients within the home intensive treatment team but will have access to an NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde day service and to the regional adolescent inpatient unit to which they will provide inpatient care for their patients. Experience of having worked in tier 3 and 4 CAMHS is essential. The appointed Consultant will continue to manage their patients when they are admitted to inpatient care. Applicants must have full GMC registration and a Licence to Practise. Those trained in the UK should have evidence of higher specialist training leading to a CCT in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry or eligibility for specialist registration CESR (CP) in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry or be within 6 months of confirmed entry from date of interview. CONSULTANT CHILD AND ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRIST INTENSIVE TREATMENT SERVICE\PSYCHIATRIC DAY SERVICE FOR UNDER 18 YEAR OLDS STOBHILL HOSPITAL NHS GREATER GLASGOW AND CLYDE 1. JOB TITLE Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist 2. LOCATION Home Intensive Treatment Service & Psychiatric Day Service, Stobhill Hospital 1. HOURS OF DUTY 10 PAs (40 hours per week + out of hours duties) 4. GENERAL BACKGROUND This is a newly configured post based at Skye House Adolescent Psychiatry Inpatient Unit. It is a Tier 4 Post designed to work with young people with severe and complex disorders in the community and in a day service setting but with availability of beds when the clinical needs require admission. This service is in the process of exciting developments following a review of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry services in Glasgow and Clyde. This has led to the development of a number of initiatives including a nurse-led Home Based Intensive Treatment Team in order to help patients receive their treatment in the community and to shorten length of stay if admitted to hospital. This newly configured Consultant Psychiatrist post is designed to give continuity of care to the most severely unwell and complex cases so that the psychiatrist will have access to intensive community treatment, day services and inpatient beds when needed. Most of the patients requiring intensive treatment remain the responsibility of the Tier 3 community team – however it is expected that a small number of those with the more severe and complex difficulties will be taken over by the new post holder who will take on RMO responsibility for them at a Tier 4 level. This follows discussions with the community Tier 3 consultant and team. It is expected that the Consultant Psychiatrist in this post will take responsibility for patients with medical complications arising from severe low weight eating disorders, with a mix of other young people with difficult to manage psychosis with possible co-morbidities and young people with complex psychiatric presentations and social vulnerabilities. As the psychiatric input to the Intensive Treatment Team is newly funded the post holder will have the exciting task of developing this role and integrating it with inpatient care. The current Home Intensive Treatment Team consists of an experienced team of psychiatric nurses who provide intensive support to children and young people in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde with psychiatric disorders. In addition to this post, a Consultant Clinical Psychologist will also be recruited to provide formulation and psychological crisis intervention skills to children and young people who require these skills. The well-integrated multi-disciplinary inpatient team works collaboratively and flexibly to achieve a very high standard of care and regularly meets with Intensive Treatment Team staff. The overall philosophy of care is to provide for the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of young people who have severe and complex mental health difficulties using evidence-based practice in the context of the young people’s personal development, family life and continuing education with the aim of preventing chronic illness whenever possible. The clinicians aim to provide the highest standard of care possible by keeping up to date with developments within the field of child and adolescent psychiatry. Although the inpatient unit is a Regional Specialist Tertiary referral service - this post will provide care for Greater Glasgow and Clyde patients only with full access to beds and the multi-disciplinary team if required. The staff aim to provide high quality mental health care for adolescents, meeting the requirements outlined in the following documents:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Patient’s Charter The Children in Hospital Charter The Children ( Scotland ) Act 1995 The Age of Legal Capacity (Scotland) Act 1991 The Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 Other legislation or policy documents as necessary. The inpatient unit aims to be responsive to the needs of young people presenting with a wide range of mental health disorders, and operates using the admission criteria listed below. Referral Criteria Severe psychiatric disorders such as psychoses, major affective disorders, severe eating disorders, complex psychosomatic disorders, and neuropsychiatric disorders, etc Where the Community or other Tier 3 service is struggling with a complex, diagnostic problem, and intensive assessment and intervention would seem appropriate Supporting the admission of other cases as deemed appropriate especially where there is a severe risk of self-harm and/or harm to others secondary to mental health disorders The following would make admission to inpatient care unlikely Young people whose sole or major difficulty is a conduct disorder. There is considerable clinical evidence that the needs of such young people are not best met within the setting of a unit whose primary function is to care for young people suffering from mental illness. The unit is also unable routinely to meet the needs of young people with severe learning disabilities although young people with moderate learning disabilities may be considered on a case by case basis. The unit does not provide specific treatment for young people whose main problem is drug or alcohol abuse. The unit does however provide care for young people with a history of substance misuse and concurrent psychiatric disorder e.g. drug misuse associated with a psychotic illness. Young people who require an admission to a Forensic Adolescent Unit. The unit is an open unit (i.e. non-secure setting) and as such, cannot cater for seriously ill adolescents who continue to pose a major risk to adolescents and/or staff. The day service\inpatient team are able to offer a wide range of treatments including various group and individual therapies and family therapy. The Intensive Treatment Team works alongside colleagues in Tier 3 and Tier 4 community mental health services with skills in management of learning disability and mental health disorder, forensic mental health, eating disorders and service interventions for looked after and accommodated children and young people. The inpatient psychiatry service has excellent links with paediatric services including neurology and is able to access a full range of investigative facilities. There are also close links with the University Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. There is an active academic programme and good academic links with other centres. 5. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE TEAM CAMHS Home based Intensive Treatment Team (HITT) The Home Intensive Treatment Team has an establishment of 13.5 nursing posts and a .5 Consultant Psychologist post. The HITT Service provides a rapid response (within 48 hours) to children and young people who have acute mental health disorders requiring intensive support in the community. Where clinically appropriate the service is offered as an alternative to hospital admission, but also to facilitate early discharge and support back into the community where an acute admission has occurred. By providing treatment in the home the service aims to establish a positive culture and approach by supporting individuals’ coping strategies in a less restrictive environment. Referral Criteria: Aged 0-17 inclusive Young people residing within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde catchment area Young people living at home, NHS inpatients or living in Specialist Residential Units Suffering from moderate to severe mental health problem Currently know to locality\Tier 3 teams Requiring Intensive Home Treatment The HITT Service’s current staffing is managed by the Lead Nurse for CAMHS and comprises of Team Leader, community mental health nurses and clinical support. West of Scotland Adolescent Inpatient Psychiatry Service The inpatient team is Consultant led and comprises 2 wte consultant psychiatrists, Dr Anne-Marie Discombe and Dr Jane Fuller, with Alex Fleming as Service Manager and Jacqueline Hardie as Senior Charge Nurse. The Unit staffing also includes middle grade doctors and the disciplines of nursing, occupational therapy, clinical psychology, dietetics, speech and language therapy, family therapy and sessional input from other professionals is available on an inpatient and day-patient basis. The inpatient unit is approved for placement for doctors in training: ST4-6s in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and CT1-3 in Psychiatry. The post holder would be welcome to apply to the West of Scotland Deanery for approval as an educational supervisor. There is a well-staffed school providing comprehensive educational opportunities and liaison with community schools. A part time social worker completes the team. Medical Staff in the Adolescent Unit Consultant Psychiatrist 1 wte Consultant Psychiatrist 1 wte Associate Specialist 0.6 wte Speciality Doctor 0.55 wte Speciality Doctor 0.6wte Speciality Doctor 1 wte Usually one or two ST 4-6 CAMHS trainees will also be placed in the Unit and attached to the Consultant Psychiatrists in the Unit who are Educational Supervisors. 6. NHSGGC CAMHS NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde was created in 2006 by the amalgamation of the whole of NHS Greater Glasgow (GG) and part of NHS Argyll and Clyde. As a result of significant investment and expansion a number of health board-wide services were developed in response to identified needs of several groups of children and young people who were not well served by the existing arrangements. These services were focused on children and young people with mental health problems – 1. who also had a learning disability (LD-CAMHS); 2. who were also involved in serious offending (Forensic or F-CAMHS); 3. who were also looked after and accommodated (LAACMH team); 4. who required intensive home treatment. 5. who required support from the Self Harm Team. Consultant Psychiatrists within NHSGGC CAMHS Community Teams: No of Consultants Location (headcount) 3 East Glasgow CHP (Bridgeton) 3 South Glasgow CHP (Gorbals) 2 North Glasgow CHP (Gorbals) 2 West Glasgow CHP (West Centre) 2 Renfrewshire CHCP 1 East Renfrewshire CHCP 1 Inverclyde CHP 1 West Dunbartonshire CHP Total WTE 2.3 2.1 1.3 1.4 1.44 1 1 0.8 City/Board/Area/Country Wide Teams: No of Consultants Locations Total WTE (headcount) 1 LD-CAMHS (Ferguson Smith Building, RHSC) 1 1 LAAC CAMHS (Ferguson Smith Building,RHSC) 0.5 1 Forensic CAMHS (Ferguson Smith Building, RHSC) 0.5 2 Paediatric Liaison Team (RHSC) 1.4 2 Child Inpatient Team (Caledonia House, RHSC) 1.35 3 Adolescent Inpatient Team (Skye House, Stobhill) 2.5 2 Academic Team (Caledonia House, RHSC) Services within NHS GGC CAMHS: Service East Glasgow CAMHS West Glasgow CAMHS South Glasgow North Glasgow CAMHS Renfrewshire CAMHS East Renfrewshire CAMHS Inverclyde CAMHS West Dunbartonshire CAMHS Location Kerr St, Bridgeton West Centre, Kinfauns Road, Drumchapel Southbank and Twomax, Gorbals Possilpark Health Centre Aranthrue Centre, Renfrew Barrhead Health Centre, Barrhead Larkfield Centre, Greenock Acorn Centre, Vale of Leven Hospital Tier 4 CAMHS Paediatric Liaison Team National Children’s Psychiatric Unit Scottish Centre for Autism West of Scotland Regional Adolescent Inpatient Unit University of Glasgow Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Team Eating Disorder Service (CONNECT ED) Multi-Dimensional Treatment Foster Care HITT Intensive Treatment Service 7. Ferguson Smith Building, RHSC Ward 5b, RHSC Caledonia House, RHSC Caledonia House, RHSC Skye House, Stobhill Hospital Caledonia House, RHSC Templeton Business Centre, Bridgeton Templeton Business Centre, Bridgeton Skye House Stobhill Hospital LINE MANAGEMENT Specialist Children’s Services (SCS) are managed by the North East Glasgow Sector of Glasgow CHP, whose current Director is Mr Mark Feinmann. The Head of Specialist Children’s Services (SCS) (currently Mr Stephen McLeod) has the lead in planning, developing and managing CAMHS services across NHSGGC. He is supported by service managers including Mr Alex Fleming for the Home Intensive Treatment Team and Skye House. Management accountability is via the Service Manager through Lead Consultants to the Clinical Director for CAMHS. The Clinical Director for CAMHS in NHSGGC is Julie Metcalfe. She is supported by two Lead Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists. One of the two Lead Consultants will provide support and management in relation to job planning to the post holder. Dr Michael Smith is the Lead Associate Medical Director for Mental Health in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Clinical governance arrangements are channelled, via a clinical governance executive group, to the NHSGGC CAMHS Clinical Director on behalf of the Director of North East Glasgow CHP sector. The post holder will be a member of the Greater Glasgow and Clyde Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry which offers professional advice to managers across the organisation. Annual leave and study leave will be covered by Consultant colleagues in CAMHS Tier 3 and Tier 4. Organisational Chart North East Sector Director Mark Feinmann Head of Specialist Children’s Services Stephen McLeod Clinical Director – CAMHS Julie Metcalfe Specialist Children’s Services Community Services Specialist Children’s Services Hosted Services Inpatient Service Manager, Alex Fleming National Child Inpatient Unit WoS Adolescent Inpatient Unit Scottish Centre for Autism Academic CAMHS Clinical Lead CAMHS Nurse, Lauren MacFarlane HITT YADS ASH Hosted Service Manager, Dougie Fraser LAAC LAAC MHT Paediatric Liaison Acute Clinical Psychology Acute OT & SLT PEACH Unit Forensic CAMHS Community Children’s Nursing Team Special Education Needs Nurses iCARE Clinical Lead for MDTFC, Irene Cronin Multi – Dimensional Treatment Foster Care North East Sector Gillian Wilson , Service Manager Community Paediatrics CAMHS South Sector Lee Urquhart, Service Manager Community Paediatrics CAMHS SLT Clinical Lead for ED, Charlotte Oakley Eating Disorders Team Clinical Lead for LD CAMHS, Jacqui Howison LD CAMHS Community Paediatric Nursing Manager, Donna Hunter Clinical Director – Community Paediatrics Dr Alison Rennie North West Sector Cathy Holden, Service Manager Community Paediatrics CAMHS SLT (NE & NW) Renfrewshire CHP Liz Daniels, Service Manager Community Paediatrics CAMHS SLT East Renfrewshire CHP Kirsty Gilbert, Service Manager CAMHS West Dun CHCP Shelia Downie, Service Manager Community Paediatrics CAMHS SLT Inverclyde CHCP Fiona Houlihan, Project Manager Community Paediatrics CAMHS SLT 8. Clinical duties of the Post The post is full-time 10 Programmed Activities per week (It is planned that the post will be configured as 9 PAs of Direct Clinical care and 1PA for Supporting Professional Activities) based at Skye House Adolescent Unit. This post carries clinical responsibility (RMO) for the delivery of intensive community, day patient and as required in-patient services to adolescents and their families referred by Tier 3 Teams from across Greater Glasgow and Clyde. This includes liaising with referrers, prioritising referrals\admissions, leading the care of patients and working with the Tier 4 teams including deciding with community colleagues which patients remain as Tier 3 and which require to have RMO transfer to Tier 4. There will be liaison with other agencies involved with the mental health needs of patients. The Consultant Psychiatrist will provide medical leadership within the teams with regard to delivering the service required and using the teams’ resources in an effective and efficient manner. The new Consultant will participate in operational management, clinical governance and any strategy groups that address the administrative running and forward planning of the Service. 9. General Consultant Duties regarding the entire post Medical Legal Responsibilities The post holder will be an Approved Medical Practitioner according to the terms of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act (2003) and will be expected to be familiar with and practice according to all legislation pertaining to Children and Adolescents. The Post Holder will be expected to respond to requests for psychiatric assessments from the Courts and Reporters to the Children’s Hearing and from Solicitors requesting reports on the Clinician’s open case-load. Education and Training Consultants contribute to Undergraduate and Postgraduate medical student education within the University and the Post-holder will be eligible to apply for Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer status with the University of Glasgow. Consultants are also expected to contribute to the training of other professional trainees and the in-service training of all service staff. There is no separate study leave budget and all applications for study leave are to the General Manager, subject to clinical approval by a Lead Psychiatrist Research and Audit This service engages in regular academic activities – this includes subscription to QNIC-rom and the use of CORC to ensure that outcomes are appropriately audited. The team engages in a number of other audit activities and have a strong affiliation with the University department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry - where Professor Chris Gillberg specialises in Neurodevelopmental disorders research and the Senior Lecturer, Professor Helen Minnis is a recognised authority in attachment disorders. Medical committees The post holder will become a member of the Greater Glasgow Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and will also be invited to participate in various committees that contribute to the running of child and adolescent psychiatry and the wider service. 10. On-Call Responsibilities Day-time Emergency service Each clinical team has the responsibility to be available to respond to within office hours emergency referrals. All consultants provide cover for colleagues who are not available because of duties else where and for annual leave or part-time status. You will be included in one of the daytime on call rotas for CAMHS. Out-of- Hours On-Call Through the week and at weekends the Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists in Glasgow and Clyde share an out of hours on-call rota, as second or third on call. At present the on call rota involves approximately a 1 in 14 commitment. 11. Domiciliary Visits Domiciliary consultations may be required in line with Health Board policy. 12. Additional Duties In addition to the duties mentioned above, there may be duties at other hospitals and clinics administered by the Trust that will be necessary. 13. Continuing Professional Development There is an active CPD programme for Child and Adolescent Consultants which meets on a monthly basis. In addition there are opportunities for multidisciplinary continuing professional development. There is also a Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology Interest Group which meets regularly every two months. 14. Job Plan The post holder will be expected to work to a Job Plan. The expectation in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is that job plans will work on the basis of 9 direct clinical care sessions and 1 supporting professional activity but this balance of direct clinical care and SPA time can be negotiated if required. The Job Plan will initially be discussed with one of the Lead Psychiatrists before being submitted for approval to the Clinical Director and Associate Medical Director for the Mental Health Partnership, who provides senior medical professional advice. There is a well established peer review and appraisal process in which the Post Holder will be expected to participate prior to his/her annual job planning review. This will be part of the revalidation process. The clinical commitments of the post will be contained within the following indicative time-table. The SPA time will include time for appraisal and revalidation and other non-clinical management activities. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Weekend Other Duties AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM AM PM LOCATION Skye House WORK DONE Clinical and Supporting professional activities Consultant CPD / SPA Skye House Skye House Skye House Skye House Skye House Skye House Skye House Skye House Patient review\HITT team meeting Clinical work Ward and community clinical work / Case review meetings Ward and community clinical work / supervision Pharmacy meeting Parent meetings Mental Health Tribunals, multiagency meetings The following Person Specification applies to candidates for the post Attributes Essential Desirable Qualifications MRC Psych or equivalent. Full Registration with the GMC and a licence to practice Completion of Higher Training in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and inclusion on the GMC Specialist Registrar or within six months of CCT or CESR (child and Adolescent Psychiatry) at interview Additional Higher Degree Training Research Clinical Governance Publications Experience Knowledge and Skills Disposition Section 22 of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) Scotland Act 2003 approval or a necessity to gain approval following appointment Achieved Royal College of Psychiatrists Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Curricular Competencies in Research Experience of audit and relevant clinical governance activity Experience of working in a Tier 3 and Tier 4 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry service Excellent knowledge and understanding of Adolescent Psychopharmacology and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Knowledge of the law as it applies to children. Specific therapeutic skills. Demonstrable skill in multi disciplinary team working. Calm and confident individual able to support team colleagues with a commitment to high quality patient care, team working and service development and improvement. Capacity to work calmly under pressure and ability to prioritise work with good decision making during crisis. Excellent timekeeping. Reflective approach to clinical work. Flexibility Other Excellent communicator Full driving licence Current participation in research Current participation in clinical audit In peer review journals Experience in Paediatrics, General Practice or other medical specialty, Learning Disability or Forensic Psychiatry experience Expertise in one therapeutic modality. Expertise in Family Therapy. Knowledge of court and tribunal work with children and adolescents. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE The conditions of service are those laid down and amended from time to time by the Hospital and Medical & Dental Whitley Council. TYPE OF CONTRACT Permanent GRADE AND SALARY Consultant £ 76,761 to £ 103,490 per annum (pro rata) New Entrants to the NHS will normally commence on the minimum point of the salary scale, (dependent on qualifications and experience). Salary is paid monthly by Bank Credit Transfer. HOURS OF DUTY Full Time 40.00 SUPERANNUATION New entrants to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde who are aged sixteen but under seventy five will be enrolled automatically into membership of the NHS Pension Scheme. Should you choose to "opt out" arrangements can be made to do this via: REMOVAL EXPENSES Assistance with removal and associated expenses may be given and would be discussed and agreed prior to appointment. EXPENSES OF CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT Candidates who are requested to attend an interview will be given assistance with appropriate travelling expenses. Re-imbursement shall not normally be made to employees who withdraw their application or refuse an offer of appointment. TOBACCO POLICY NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operate a No Smoking Policy in all premises and grounds. DISCLOSURE SCOTLAND CONFIRMATION OF ELIGIBILITY TO WORK IN THE UK This post is considered to be in the category of “Regulated Work” and therefore requires a Disclosure Scotland Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme (PVG) Membership. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) has a legal obligation to ensure that it’s employees, both EEA and non EEA nationals, are legally entitled to work in the United Kingdom. Before any person can commence employment within NHS GGC they will need to provide documentation to prove that they are eligible to work in the UK. Non EEA nationals will be required to show evidence that either Entry Clearance or Leave to Remain in the UK has been granted for the work which they are applying to do. Where an individual is subject to immigration control under no circumstances will they be allowed to commence until the right to work in the UK has been verified. ALL applicants regardless of nationality must complete and return the Confirmation of Eligibility to Work in the UK Statement with their completed application form. You will be required provide appropriate documentation prior to any appointment being made. REHABILITATION OF OFFENDERS ACT 1974 The rehabilitation of Offenders act 1974 allows people who have been convicted of certain criminal offences to regard their convictions as “spent” after the lapse of a period of years. However, due to the nature of work for which you are applying this post is exempt from the provisions of Section 4 of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 by virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions Orders 1975 and 1986). Therefore, applicants are required to disclose information about convictions which for other purposes are “spent” under the provision of the act in the event of employment, failure to disclose such convictions could result in dismissal or disciplinary action by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Any information given will be completely confidential. DISABLED APPLICANTS A disability or health problems does not preclude full consideration for the job and applications from people with disabilities are welcome. All information will be treated as confidential. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde guarantees to interview all applicants with disabilities who meet the minimum criteria for the post. You will note on our application form that we ask for relevant information with regard to your disability. This is simply to ensure that we can assist you, if you are called for interview, to have every opportunity to present your application in full. We may call you to discuss your needs in more detail if you are selected for interview. GENERAL NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operates flexible staffing arrangements whereby all appointments are to a grade within a department. The duties of an officer may be varied from an initial set of duties to any other set, which are commensurate with the grade of the officer. The enhanced experience resulting from this is considered to be in the best interest of both NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and the individual. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES The postholder will undertake their duties in strict accordance with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Equal Opportunities Policy. NOTICE The employment is subject to three months’ notice on either side, subject to appeal against dismissal. MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE In terms of NHS Circular 1989 (PCS) 32 dealing with Medical Negligence the Health Board does not require you to subscribe to a Medical Defence Organisation. Health Board indemnity will cover only Health Board responsibilities. It may, however, be in your interest to subscribe to a defence organisation in order to ensure you are covered for any work, which does not fall within the scope of the indemnity scheme. FURTHER INFORMATION For further information on NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, please visit our website on View all our vacancies at: Register for Job Alerts at: Applicants wishing further information about the post are invited to contact Dr Michelle Thrower on 0141 232 6425 or Julie Metcalfe on 0141 277 7475 with whom visiting arrangements can also be made. HOW TO APPLY To apply for these posts please include your CV and names and addresses of 3 Referees, along with the following documents; (click on the hyperlinks to open) Medical and Dental Application and Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form Declaration Form Regarding Fitness to Practice Immigration Questionnaire Alternatively please visit and click on the “How to Apply” tab to access application for and CV submission information. RETURN OF APPLICATIONS Please return your application by email to or to the recruitment address below; Medical and Dental Recruitment Team NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Recruitment Services, 1st Floor Modular Building, Gartnavel Royal Hospital 1055 Great Western Road GLASGOW G12 0XH CLOSING DATE The closing Date will be 29 May 2015 INTERVIEW DATE The interview date will be 15th June 2015