CAP News Digest May 2014 1 May 2014 Health Education England

CAP News Digest
May 2014
1 May 2014
Health Education England mandate
Below is a link to the Health Education England Mandate for 2014-15. Section 4 on page 19 is all
about mental health and references the work the College is doing around training GPs on the issue.
There’s also sections on perinatal mental health and dementia.
The Health Minister’s foreword also states “Central to the recruitment and training of our healthcare
workforce will be ensuring parity of esteem between both the physical and mental aspects of health
and wellbeing.”
7 May 2014
Children and Young People’s Health Outcomes Forum
Series of reports that detail the Children and Young People’s Health Outcomes Forum (CYPHOF)
responses to consultations and recommendations on relevant policy areas. The responses and
recommendations cover the HEE Mandate refresh, the NHS Mandate and the Francis Inquiry Report.
The reports highlight workforce capacity and competence issues and argues that there is insufficient
training in children and young people’s physical and mental health to enable staff to undertake their
work safely and well.
28 March 2014
Council for disabled children
Council for Disabled Children publication: Using the Children and Families Act 2014 to improve
outcomes for children and young people with SEN and disability: a briefing for health services. This
briefing highlights the key reforms in the Children and Families Act 2014 and some of the key issues
professionals in the health services should be addressing as they prepare for the implementation of
the reforms.
15 May 2014
Internet Matters
Useful web resources for parents about internet safety
16 May 2014
CAMHS Benchmarking 2014 - Now Open for Data Collection
Dear Colleague
We are pleased to write with details of the NHS Benchmarking Network’s 2014 CAMHS
benchmarking project which is now open for data collection. The project is open to all providers of
CAMHS services across the NHS.
The attached data collection template details the items to be collected for the 2014 benchmarking
cycle. The data specification has been developed by our Mental Health Reference Group and
includes separate sections for benchmarking Tier 1-3 services, and Tier 4 services. The data
specification includes supporting definitions.
The 2014 specification aims to collect a comprehensive data set that will enable meaningful
comparisons of service provision and performance. New content for 2014 includes more detailed
profiling of CAMHS outcomes measures and quality systems. This supplements existing lines of
enquiry around service models, access, demand, activity, workforce and finance.
The data collection deadline is 28th July 2014. Submissions can be made by returning the completed
data specification to Stephen Day at
All participants will receive analysis reports and a local software toolkit that can be used to
undertake detailed profiling of your CAMHS service against other CAMHS providers. Findings from
the 2014 CAMHS benchmarking project will also be discussed at our mental health benchmarking
conference which will take place in London on 7th November 2014.
Stephen Watkins
NHS Benchmarking Network
Tel 0161 266 2046
CAMHS Spec 2014 FINAL Distributed 16-05-2014.xls