ST. EDWARD THE CONFESSOR, BARNSLEY 20 / 09 / 09 15 th. Sunday after Trinity Welcome to St Edward’s Church. Readings….. Year B. Priest-in-charge….Rev. Mark Poskitt If you are new or visiting, please make yourself known. A loop system is in operation for those using hearing aids. TODAY’S SERVICE Organist..................Zoe Glossop 9.15am PARISH EUCHARIST Appleford with Gloria Pre-Service Prelude Voluntary in G Methven Castle Highland Rose Tuba Tune Albrechtsberger Heron Tambling Tambling Lang Streets to be prayed for-Park Road, Blenheim Road, Blenheim Grove, Locke Avenue, Longcar Lane, Hawthorne Street, Park Grove, and Marleborough Terrace. Please let any friends you know of, living in these Streets, that they are being prayed for this week. Bible Study classes – Sept. 28th. (not on 21st). We meet in the Vestry on Mondays from 1.00pm – to - 2.00pm. Rev.Jean. Parish News: the Autumn edition of Parish News will be available from TODAY ! Many thanks,…… Margaret Gostelow Donations of prizes for the GRAND DRAW would be gratefully receivedAS SOON AS POSSIBLE,Please ! Many thanks…….Gordon National Pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. Edward the Confessor Saturday 17th October. If you would be interested in joining a group to this event at Westminster Abbey please sign the sheet on the notice board. For details see Fred Thompson Parish News – The autumn edition of the Parish News is now available at the back of Church. Communion Dismissal Quiz Night – This coming Friday (25th September) at 7pm in the vestry. Tickets (£2) available from Brenda Darren after the service. HYMNS……. 426(1) 346 174 Harvest Lunch – Tickets for the Harvest Lunch (Pie & Peas plus Fruit Salad and Choir practice…. Thursday 24th..Sept. at 7.oopm Coffee) on Monday 5th October at 12 noon -priced £4-50 are now available from John Gostelow. A tape recording of this morning’s service can be obtained from John Thompson. Tel. 288419 Autumn Carnival Concert - Tickets for this concert on Wednesday 14th October organised by Pauline Lindley and featuring the Grimethorpe & District Brass Band Your prayers are asked for: Vernon Austin, Susan Backhouse, Ros Bower, Doris and the Dodworth Male Voice Choir are now on sale at £7 from… John Gostelow. Brown, Audrey Darlow, Louise Delves, Bridie Donnelly, Harold Fletcher, Nova Haigh, Brian Hammerton, Pat Hammerton, Sophie Charlton Homer, Ronald Hurd, John Idle, Eric Littlewood, Paula Makepeace, Mary Mellor, Lisa Monks, Jayne Nolson, Mary Parker, Sue Pentland, Laura Quinn, Don Walton, Iris Watkiss, Andrea Whitehouse, Baptism Today in communion service …William Stephen Peter Holt Please pray for this child, his parents and God parents. Gloria Whitfield, Doris Borowiak, Fred Thompson (senior), Arthur Darren and Grace Pacey WEEKLY PEWSHEET All contributions for this Pew Sheet to Lorraine by phone (244504) or email If you know of anyone who is sick, or anyone who is unable to attend Church and would like to receive Communion at home, please let or in person, by 5.00pm Rev.Mark Poskitt know……………….…..Tel: 207140 Thursday tea–time,please! Rest in Peace …… all the dear departed ‘Rest Eternal grant unto them , O Lord, -And let Light Perpetual shine upon them’ Floodlight the Church…to commemorate your loved family member -£10.00 per evening….. switched on from 7.00pm to 11.00pm. Please contact Church Warden for available dates…….Gordon Fletcher Tel:-203986 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Readers Today : 1st. Miss.M.Brailsford 2nd. Mr.F.Thompson Intercessions: Ms.L.Taylor Kent Sidespersons: Mr.A.Bower Mrs.M.Godridge Coffee Rota Miss.J.Jagger Mrs.L.Mace This week’s Diary SEPTEMBER Mon. 21st. Tues 22nd. Wed. 23rd. 10.00am Communion Service Thurs. 24th. Fri. 25th. 7.00pm. QUIZ NIGHT-Vestry Sat 26th. Sun. 27th. 9.15 am. Holy Communion Healing in Lady Chapel after Service. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Refreshments after Service in the Vestry All WELCOME. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~