STUDIA UNIVERSITATIS BABEŞ-BOLYAI, PHYSICA, SPECIAL ISSUE, 2003 RESULTS OF THE APPLICATION OF STABLE ISOTOPES OF LIGHT ELEMENTS IN GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY Jovan Zoto Institute of Nuclear Physics, Tirana, Albania ABSTRACT Stable isotopes of light elements there are using for study of many problems of different fields; the extended of their application and improvement of the analytical methods there are the objections of scientists. Geology, agriculture, hydrogeology, hydrology, precipitation, geology of petroleum there are the fields of application of stable isotopes in our country. Follow there are some results of application in geology and hydrology. A - Determination of absolute geological age it is very important for geological studies. There are known some methods of determination, but, for some specific analytical problems we have used the pothasium - argon method; the formula of the determination of the geological age there is : t = 1 / x ln ( / k x 40Ar / 40K + 1 ) where : = k + ; The 40K content of the monomineral geological sample is calculated by the content of K of the sample which is determinated by the flamephotometer, but the 40Ar content is determinated by the mass spectrometer ZhH-1301. The results of our determination there are between 23.6 x 106 milion years and 446.2 x 106 years, and, generally, there are in good correlation with the geological evaluations and in good agreement with the determinations of other laboratories. B - The stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen there are used in the study of many problems of the hydrology in our country, but, more interesting there is the study of underground connection between Prespa and Ohrid lakes. Prespa and Ohrid lakes there are in the east part of Albania and the bordery between Albania - Greece - Fyr. of Makedonia. The altitude of Prespa and Ohrid lakes there are respectively 850 m. and 690 m. asl. and between lakes there are Mali i Thate and Galitcica mountains. At the lake side of Ohrid there are two big springs, Tushemishti in Albania territory and Sveti Naum in Fyr. of Makedonia territory. Refering the our data of 18O and 2H, the underground connection exist between Prespa lake and big springs at the lake side of Ohrid. Introduction The development of the science and economy it is attendanted with the using of the new methods of the studies. The method of mass spectrometry analysis it is very important in the frame of physico - chemical methods; the high JOVAN ZOTO sensitivity, the high accuracy, quick analyse and small quantity of samples for analyse there are some advantages of mass spectrometry method. A - The determination of absolute geological age, as is known, it is an important problem of the geology. The radioactivity disintegration it is a process that ocurred with the constant speed, so, it is used as unit of time. The base of radioactivity dating there is the low of radioactivity disintegration N = N o x e-t, where is the constant of the process [2]. There are some radioactivity methods of geological dating, but, for some reasons of the analytical techniques we have used the pothasium - argon method, which is based on the radioactivity transformation of the 40K to the 40Ar by the “k” capture reaction. The melt of the mineral samples and the cleaning of the argon gas from the other gases there are made in the quatz - glass vacuum system and the calculation of the argon gas there is made by the volumetric method. The isotope ratio of Argon there is made by the mass spectrometer ZhH-1301, while the K content of the samples there is made by the flamephotometer. The our experimental data of the geological ages there are in good agreement with the geological considerations. B - The isotopic compositions of elements with low atomic numbers are variable because their isotopes are fractionated in the course of certain chemical and physical processes ocurring in the nature. The most important elements in which natural variations of the isotopic composition have been observed include hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur. Isotope ratios, defined by the expression : R = abundance of rare isotope / abundance of abundant isotope, generally, there are not reported as absolute numbers [6]. Therefore, an isotope abundance is expressed as a deviation of the isotope ratio of a sample “s” relative to that of a reference or standard “r”, as below : s/r = Rs - Rr / Rr ; [8] The has a dimensionless value and their values are expressed in per mille (‰) because its are very small; the values are expressed with respect to SMOW. For the determination of 2H and 18O of the water samples of the Prespa - Ohrid lakes system have used the SIRA 10 mass spectrometer, the ISOPREP 18 system for the equilibration method of water with CO2 and the line preparation of the H2 by the reduction of water with Zinc. The experimental data of concerning the underground connection between Prespa and Ohrid lakes there are interesting. Material and method A - The isotop 40K there is radioactive and its radioactive transformations there are : disintegration (about 88.4 %) and k - capture (about 11.6 %). The constant of disintegrations there are known and respectively there are = 4.7 x 1010 years-1 and k = 5.8 x 10-11 years-1. The scheme of disintegration of 40K there is: 40 K 40 Ca 40 Ar THE APPLICATION OF STABLE ISOTOPES OF LIGHT ELEMENTS IN GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY The mean content of the Pothassium to the earth’s crust is evaluated at the 2.6 % and it is mixture of three isotopes 39K, 40K and 41K and with relatively content, respectively 93.08 %, 0.0119 %, 6.91 %; while, the mean content of the Argon at the air is about 0.9 - 1 % and there is mixture of stable isotopes 36Ar, 38 Ar, 40Ar and with relatively content respectively 0.337 %, 0.063 % and 99.6% [3]. Exsperimentaly there is observated the increase of the Argon at the air as a result of formation of radiogenic 40Ar and its coming out in the air. The fundamental relations of the absolute age determination by the pothassium argon method there are : d40K d40Ar = - x 40K and = k x 40K dt dt but, the formula of the age determination there is : 40 1 Ar t = x ln ( x + 1 ) 40 k K [2] The determination of the 40K of the monomineral geological sample is made by the relation of 40K and total Pothassium of the sample (40K / 39K + 40K + 41 K = 0.0122 % weight), while for the determination of the total Pothassium it is used the flamephotometer method after the treatment of the geological sample with HNO3, H2SO4, HF etc. The Pothassium content of the geological samples of our determinations there is between 2.4 % to 8 % [5]. The treatment of the monomineral geological samples for the extraction of the Argon and its cleaning from other gases of the samples is made at the quartz glass vacuum system. The geological samples there are melted at the temperature between 1100oC and 1300oC and the argon it is cleaning from the gases as CO, CO2, H2, H2O, N2, O2, Kr etc. by the different absorbents incorporated at the vacuum system such as CuO, Ti, active Carbon etc.; the temperature of the absorbents there are different (high temperature for the CuO, Ti and very low temperature for the Carbon). The quantity of the cleaning Argon it is measured by the Mak Leod mannometer incorporated at the vacuum system. The cleaning Argon of the geological samples it is analysed for the isotopic ratio using mass spectrometer ZhH-1301 and by the following formula it is calculated the radigenic 40Ar of the samples. 40 40 Arrad 36 Ar Ar = [ 1 - ( )air x ( )samp ] x Q 36 40 Ar Ar [2] where Q is the total quantity of the argon of the sample ( Q = 40Ar + Arnonrad). At the Table No.1 there are results of the geological age for some samples : JOVAN ZOTO Table 1 Results of the geological age for some samples Sample Age Kersantit 269.2 x 106 12 %; Sericit 446.2 x 106 16.5 %; Ortofir 373.1 x 106 13.6 %; Glaukonit 23.7 x 106 15 %; [5] The our results of the geological age by the pothassium - argon method, generaly, there are in good agreement with the geological considerations. We have compared the our result of the age determination with the result of foreign laboratory for the same sample; the used method of the age determination is the same (pothassium argon method ) but, the used method of the treatment of the geological sample and cleaning of the argon there is different. The taken results for the sample Biotit 0190 there are : t = (179 26 ) x 106 years of our laboratory and t1 = ( 188 6 ) x 106 years of the foreign laboratory [4]. B - The isotopic compositions of elements having low atomic numbers are variable because their isotopes are fractionated in the course of certain chemical and physical processes ocurring in nature. Isotope fractionation there is a consequence of the fact that certain thermodynamic properties of molecules depend on the masses of the atoms of which they are composed. The major changes in the isotopic composition of natural waters occur in the atmospheric part of the water cycle and in surface waters which are exposed to the atmosphere [6]. The different isotopes of the Hydrogen and Oxygen and their isotopic compositions in the water molecules we have used for the study of underground communication between Prespa and Ohrid lakes. The Prespa and Ohrid lakes there are in the east part of Albania and in the border between Greece and Fyr. of Makedonia. The altitude of Ohrid lake there is 695 m. asl., while the altitude of Prespa lakes (Big Prespa and Small Prespa) there is about 850 m. asl. The three lakes constitute a common hydraulic system. A natural surface communication exists between two Prespa lakes and water flows from Small to Big Prespa lake. Between Prespa and Ohrid lakes there are situated Mali i Thate mountain in Albania territory and Galichitsa mountain in the Fyr. of Makedonia territory. The mountains there are composed of carbonate karstic rocks. At the western part of Mali i Thate and Galichitsa mountains there are some big springs (Tushemishti and Saint Naum, the average discharge, respectively, is about 2.5 m3 /s-1 and 5.58 m3 /s-1) and some small springs at the lakeside of Ohrid lake [9]. The sampling net of the water of the lakes, springs and rivers there was created; every two months was the frequency of the sampling process for a period of two years. The determination of 2H and 18O of the water samples it is realised using mass spectrometer SIRA 10, which in principle is derived from the Nier’s THE APPLICATION OF STABLE ISOTOPES OF LIGHT ELEMENTS IN GEOLOGY AND HYDROLOGY mass spectrometer [1]. The mass spectrometer, essentialy, consists of a tube in which high vacuum is maintained, with an ion source placed at one end and ion collectors at the other end. The middle part of the tube is curved and immersed in a magnetic field normal to the curvature plane. The vacuum in the mass spectrometer SIRA 10, is in order (1 - 2) E-09 torr; it is realised by two rotary pumps and two diffussion pumps and it is measured by two Pirani gauges and by means of ionization gauge. The determination of 18O in the water samples it is made using CO2 gas in the isotopic equilibrium with the water samples; the ISOPREP 18 system of the isotopic equilibration of the water and gas CO2 is used and it is based to the Roether method. The 5 ml. of water is introduced in a glass container, which is then coupled to a stopcock and connected to the line by means of ground joints; the air is pumping through a capillary tube and the pressure drops to a few tens of torrs for a short time; the water loss is too small. After eliminating the air, the carbon dioxide is introduced in the samples containers which are in the thermostatic bath at the temperature 25oC. The isotopic equilibrium it is reaches after 5 hours shaking the samples; the isotopic exchange reaction is : C16O2 + H218O C16O18O + H216O [8] The ISOPREP 18 is connected online with mass spectrometer. For the determination of the 2H of the water samples it is used the hydrogen gas getting by the reduction of water samples with granulated Zinc at the high temperature and vacuum conditions. The reaction which occur is : H2O + Zn ZnO + H2 [6] The preparation of the H2 gas samples it is made in the separated line from the mass spectrometer. The 2H and 18O are normalized with respect to SMOW. Refering the exsperimental data of 2H and 18O for the sampling points at the region of Prespa - Ohrid lakes, the respective correlation function of the precipitation there is : 2H = 8 x 18O + 13.8 [9] For the sampling points at the Prespa lakes and big springs Tushemishti and Saint Naum the slope of the correlation there is 5.2 that is attributed to waters with a significant rate of evaporation relative to input. The isotopic composition of the above springs is constituted by mixing in different proportions of precipitations and Prespa lake waters. JOVAN ZOTO References [1] - Mass Spectrometry, Edited by C. A. McDowell, 1963; [2] - I . E. Star ik : Jadernaja geohronologija, 1961; [3] - O. Schaefer , I . Zahr inger : Potassium Argon dating, 1966; [4] - B io tite Alb anese , Pisa - Italy, 1985, personal communication; [5] - J . Zo to , E. Millo na : Disa rezultate te moshes absolute gjeologjike te marra me metoda te ndryshme, Punime te Institutit te Fizikes Berthamore, Nr. 5, 1987; [6] - Stable Isotope Hydrology, IAEA, Technical Reports No. 210, 1981; [7] - G. Faur e : Oxygen and Hydrogen in the hydrosphere and the atmosphere (Principles of Isotope Geology), 1977; [8] - J . R. Gat : Variability of the isotopic composition of precipitation, IAEA, 1987; [9] - R. Eftimi, J . Zo to : Isotope study of the connection of Ohrid and Prespa lakes, PPNEA, 1997.