Subject Group: ERE-2 Mineral Resources Engineering

Subject Group ERE-2: Mineral Resources Engineering
ERE2203 Resources Geology
Winter semester
Description and rationale: This course covers basis for geological modeling regarding environment and
resources. Surficial environment and natural resources are outlined first, and then the earth crust system, material
circulation and geological process are shown. After that mineralogy and geochemistry of materials and processes
of the earth are studied. Modeling of geological processes relating environment and resources is shown at the
Keywords: earth resources, natural systems of earth crust, geochemical modelling, ore deposit
Pre-requisite: none
Expected students: master and doctoral
Instructor: Prof Tetsuro YONEDA
Course outline:
(1) Introduction
Outline of earth environment and resources
(2) Natural system of the earth
Natural systems of earth crust, material circulation, and geological process
(3) Basis of mineralogy and geochemistry
Clay mineralogy, mineral stability, chemical equilibrium, water-rock interaction
(4) Modeling of geological processes
Macro- and micro-scale modelling relating the environment and resources
Grading: grading is based on results of reports giving during the course and final examination.
Textbooks and references: handout is distributed and references are indicated during the course.
2nd revision: 04/2003