TBCBSPA General Meeting April 3, 2011 Joyce called the meeting to order at 2:06. The Pledge of Allegiance was conducted. There were 2 new members in attendance. Robert and Lois McGill introduced themselves. Joyce thanked everyone who brought items for the bake sale and those who are purchasing them. The minutes of March 6, 2011 were approved after one correction. The March treasurer’s report was read by Joyce in Bob’s absence and was approved as read. Covered bridge reports from members: Clyde Scheib saw Rapps Dam Bridge (PA-15-14) today. The bridge is jacked up while they replace the rusted steel girders. Bill Eyrich reported that the Pleasantville Bridge (PA-06-01) is open again after being closed for about a week because someone hit the headache bar again. Olive Jones posted on the bulletin board a newspaper clipping of a photo of Sachs Bridge (PA-01-01) taken by a local resident. Pat Cook saw a romantic shelter in Maryland, the Gettysburg Cyclorama, and Ken Gouldon, who is in his 90’s and still looks good. Connie Francis reported that the Ashland Bridge in Delaware was only closed for one day and is fine now. Tom Walczak visited 5 bridges since the last meeting. Jackson’s Mill (PA-05-25) is in good condition. Felten’s Mill (PA-05-03), which is privately owned, is looking very worn and overgrown, as not much work has been done over the years. The Witherspoon Bridge (PA-28-02) looks very good. Martin’s Mill (PA-28-01) is showing its age and has some holes in the portal. The Bells Mills Bridge (PA-65-01) is very heavily travelled. Katie Helm drove past a covered bridge on route 70 in Ohio and it looked beautiful. Officers reports: President – Joyce Soroka Attended the Bedford County Commissioners meeting on March 1 and presented them with a $1500 check for the repairs to Bowser/Osterburg Bridge (PA-05-22). We received a thankyou letter from them, which is on the bulletin board, which reads in part, “In these times of economic stress this gift was a God Send.” Attended the Volunteer Recognition event at Poole Forge on March 26. Jerry and Betty Martin were honored by the Historic Poole Forge. First VP – Michael Chorazy He and Joyce represented the Society at Historic Poole Forge’s (PA-36-01) Volunteer and Member event on Saturday, 26 March 2011. Michael spoke as part of the program to honor Betty and Jerry Martin for their service to HPF. While in the neighborhood, visited Lancaster County’s Weaver’s Mill Bridge (PA-36-02), where he met a Virginia couple who were touring the county’s bridges. Gave them a tour of Weaver’s Mill, then Poole Forge. Both bridges survived the harsh winter well, and are in good condition. Audit Committee – no report Second VP -- Greg Williams Bridge Watch Committee – Now that the weather is getting nicer, get out and see the bridges. Third VP -- George Conn Has seen all the Bucks County bridges in the last three weeks and there are no changes. Joyce added that the Pine Valley Bridge will have a detour because of the road work being done. The 2012 calendar will be finalized in the next few days. Membership Committee – no report Fourth VP – Gloria Smedley Publicity Committee Our Facebook page continues to thrive with 99 followers. The Publicity Committee members received the SPCBW poster and are helping to distribute it to newspapers, businesses, etc. The flyer is also posted as our Facebook profile picture and on several other covered bridge pages on Facebook. Gloria has contacted several newspaper editors for help publicizing SPCBW. The Dispatch in Blairsville would like to interview our local member, Ed Patterson, and write an article. Ed is also going to advertise the event on the Indiana County Parks and Recreation website and Facebook page and at the Indiana County Tourist Bureau. Member Ray Finkelstein is working to advertise the event at some historical societies, the community newsletter, local community center, and a senior citizen club. Recording Secretary – Heather Watkins – no report Corresponding Secretary and Program Chair – Pam Heisey She posted on the bulletin board an article about budget cuts for the National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Program. 2 Treasurer – Bob Kuether – not present, no report Historian – Fred Moll – not present, no report Newsletter co-editors – Jim & Gloria Smedley The Jericho Bridge (MD-03-02, MD-12-01) has received a grant for $1.7 million from the National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Fund from 2009 and 2010. The rehabilitation work will begin Summer of 2013 and will include roof, siding, floor, exterior paint, interior fire retardant paint, and any necessary repairs to the trusses, abutments, and wingwalls. They are also considering a surveillance system that would be monitored full time by a park ranger. The next newsletter deadline is June 5, the last day of our safari. Sharing sessions Today’s sharing session was scheduled to be done by Judy Kuether and Ed Myers on covered bridge fabrics. Since they could not be here, Joyce brought her covered bridge checkers set. There will be no sharing sessions for the next few months due to special meeting locations and events. The next sharing session will be done by Doris Taylor in September on her display at the Sellersville Museum. Reports of illness or death of members June Evans had right hip surgery on March 29. She came home last night. The surgery went well and rehab is going very well. Her address is on the bulletin board if anyone wants to send a card. Tom Walczak posted on the bulletin board the obituary for David Fischetti, a former society member from NC who did timber framing work on several covered bridges. Old business Joyce has the Bed & Breakfast raffle tickets, which will raise $1500 for covered bridge restoration projects like the one at Bowser / Osterburg (PA-05-22) that we just funded. Each member who sells 25 tickets gets a free ticket for themselves. New business The Society will write a letter to the US senators regarding the budget cuts for the National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Program. The next newsletter will contain a sample letter for members to send to their local representatives. Other covered bridge events See Pennsylvania’s Covered Bridges Week is May 7-15. The NYSCBS will hold their safari in Bucks County, PA on May 14-15, 2011. The BCCBS will sell lunch to the group on Saturday at Ralph Stover State Park. 3 There will be a Civil War Reenactment event at the Philippi Bridge in WV on June 5 at 2 pm, which is during our safari. This means we may have to leave the motel extra early and we will not be able to take pictures of this bridge without people in them. All safari participants will receive a printed photo of the bridge taken last fall. There will be plenty of parking available and people can be dropped off close to the bridge. Safari participants can choose whether to continue on to the last safari bridge, Barrackville, or stay at Philippi for the festivities. Car pooling is encouraged; share the gas expense and the driving. Saturday, July 2 is the grand opening of the Theodore Burr Covered Bridge Resource Center at the Oxford Memorial Library in Oxford, NY. Bob will have the country store there. Joyce is unable to attend due to a family vacation, but Michael will give the remarks for our Society. The next meeting is the 52nd Anniversary Dinner on Saturday, May 7 at noon at the Bird-in-Hand Restaurant. The meeting was adjourned at 2:53. 4