Five-Step Lesson Plan Corps Member: Kristina Youmaran MTLD: Drew Hodges Lesson Plan Date: 10/04/11 Rough? Final? FINAL FIVE-STEP LESSON PLAN OBJECTIVE. KEY POINTS. What is your objective? What knowledge and skills are embedded in the objective? SCI.7.14A SWBAT define heredity as the passage of genetic instructions from one generation to the next generation. The process of passing genetic instructions from parent to offspring is called heredity. The scientific study of heredity is called genetics. SCI.7.14C SWBAT recognize that inherited traits of individuals are governed in the genetic material found in the genes within the chromosomes in the nucleus. Student Focus: I can define heredity as the passage of genetic instructions from one generation to the next generation. VISION-SETTING Language Objective: I can gather information by reading. - Traits are an organism’s physical characteristics. Genetic materials in its cells control an organism’s traits. The genetic material is found in structures called chromosomes, which are located in the nucleus of the cell. Chromosomes control an organism’s inherited traits. Each chromosome is made up of segments called genes. Each gene governs a specific trait such as the shape of your chin and the color of your eyes. ASSESSMENT. Describe, briefly, what students will do to show you that they have mastered (or made progress toward) the objective. Attach your daily assessment, completed to include an exemplary student response that illustrates the expected level of rigor. -I will use cold calling as a means of checking for understanding. If students who are called on do not recall the answer, I will ask another student and then go back to the confused student to make sure they now understand the right answer. CONNECTION TO THE ACHIEVEMENT GOAL. How does the objective connect to the achievement goal? -If my students have a better understanding of how genetics work, they will understand why people have certain qualities and have a stronger connection to science in their immediate world. DETERMIN ING METHODS 4. OPENING (_5_ min.) How will you communicate what is about to happen? How will you communicate how it will happen? How will you communicate its importance? How will you communicate connections to previous lessons? How will you engage students and capture their interest? - -(5 min) DO NOW: MATERIALS Five-Step Lesson Plan - Think about some of your traits (hair color, skin color, eye color). Write those traits down. -Overhead -Do NOW sheets Do you parents have any of those traits? Name them! ***This will help introduce my students to the concept of genetics. By linking their traits to those of their parents will help them directly see that some traits are passed down in families. 3. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MATERIAL (_20_ min.) How will you explain/demonstrate all knowledge/skills required of the objective, so that students begin to actively internalize key points? Which potential misunderstandings do you anticipate? How will you proactively mitigate them? How will students interact with the material? How/when will you check for understanding? How will you address misunderstandings? How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations? Why will students be engaged? - -(5 min) Pass out handouts and have students glue them into their notebooks. -(15 min) Focus on key vocabulary words and explain them in detail, using examples (see paragraph on handout). -Overhead -Genetics handouts 2. GUIDED PRACTICE (_22_ min.) How will students practice all knowledge/skills required of the objective, with your support, such that they continue to internalize the key points? How will you ensure that students have multiple opportunities to practice, with exercises scaffolded from easy to hard? How/when will you monitor performance to check for understanding? How will you address misunderstandings? How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations? Why will students be engaged? - -(3 min) Go over directions for group matching activity (see handout). -(5 min) Have students work in groups to match the person to their genetic description for questions 1 and 2. -(2 min) Bring the class back together and go over answers and explain. To do this, I will call on students to ask for their answer and reasoning. -(2 min) Let students get back into groups to answer #3. -(2 min) Bring the class back together to go over answers and explain. To do this, I will call on students to ask for their answer and reasoning. -(5 min) Explain that plants (also living things) also have traits. Release students into groups to answer questions #1-4 on plant section of handout. -(3 min) Bring the class back together to go over answers and explain. To do this, I will call on students to ask for their answer and reasoning. 1. INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (_0_ min.) How will students independently practice the knowledge and skills required of the objective, such that they solidify their internalization of the key points prior to the lesson assessment? When and how would you intervene to support this practice? How will you provide opportunities for remediation and extension? How will you clearly state and model behavioral expectations? Why will students be engaged? *** This class will focus more on INM and GP. Lesson Assessment: Once students have had an opportunity to practice independently, how will they -Overhead Five-Step Lesson Plan attempt to demonstrate mastery of the knowledge/skills required of the objective? -N/A 5. CLOSING (_5_ min.) How will students summarize and state the significance of what they learned? Why will students be engaged? REINFORCE MENT -(5 min) Return notebooks, then explain how all organisms have traits because of genetics. Point out words on Word Wall and cold call to check for understanding. HOMEWORK (if appropriate). How will students practice what they learned? NONE